Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

All discussions

Tomo1 Miscarriage Support
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Hi, My wife and I have recently found out she has had a miscarriage, she was still very early on in pregnancy but it was planned. This was our first attempt but she never had a doubt that anything like this would happen. She doesn’t want to tell anyo... View more

Hi, My wife and I have recently found out she has had a miscarriage, she was still very early on in pregnancy but it was planned. This was our first attempt but she never had a doubt that anything like this would happen. She doesn’t want to tell anyone and barely talks about it with me, but has spent the last week swinging from saying she doesn’t care and she’s ok to non-stop crying and not speaking at all. She has also said she never wants to try again as she never wants to go through this again. At this point it hasn’t affected me, I felt a slight sense of loss but I think I was a lot more aware that complications might occur so I haven’t taken it badly. I feel guilty for not feeling worse in a way and am unsure of how to help my wife deal with her feelings. Has anyone else been in this situation and has any advice? Thanks

Confused_mum_of_3 No income of my own or access to my husband’s money... what are my options if I leave him, we have 3 kids
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My husband and I are at breaking point.. we have 3 kids ages 6,4 and 1. There are so many things that I don’t even know where to start... but what led me to here was looking at my options. I am a full time uni student, the only payments I receive are... View more

My husband and I are at breaking point.. we have 3 kids ages 6,4 and 1. There are so many things that I don’t even know where to start... but what led me to here was looking at my options. I am a full time uni student, the only payments I receive are the family tax benefit of $233 per fortnight.. my husband transfers $350 a week to me. I am responsible for all our groceries, childcare fees, Foxtel account, my phone bill, my car/fuel/expenses and other miscellaneous things.. I struggle week to week to make ends meet. I have hoped for many years that we could work through our issues, but now the kids are getting older and impacted by his behaviour and the breakdown of our relationship. For a long time I have thought once I graduate and am working again I can save up and leave. But now I am becoming really worried about our kids.. more days now now than not I need to just leave.. what I am wondering is what services are available to help me financially? I want to try and keep things as amicable as possible, money has always been a tense issue, and I could see him getting very nasty. I know legally I would be entitled to him to financially support us, but he won’t make it easy and I don’t want to make him angrier and for him to hold it against me and ultimately for the kids to be affected. He has been verbally abusive and aggressive, he has never physically “hit” me but has pushed me, slammed doors on me, thrown things at me, held me down by my chest, I am just over 5ft tall he is around 6ft towers over hurling abuse at me, often raising his fist.. this has gone on for our entire 13 year relationship.. it is particularly bad when he is stressed and of course when he drinks. Which is often.. I feel so incredibly selfish having these 3 beautiful kids to him when I knew what he was like.. he has made steps to change over the years but nothing ever really sticks.. I’m so conflicted about what to do. He does it now with the kids to a lesser extent but it breaks my heart.. but I feel like at least while we are here I can protect the kids from him whereas if we are apart and the kids come here I can’t be there to moderate and “fix” the things he says and does..there are so many more things, he is abusive to our dogs, and I worry if I leave that I can’t take them too.. he has recently started taking medication and I truly hoped it would help to moderate his feelings, but he has been drinking way too much to have benefited from them..Thanks for listening xx

Joey28 Desperation mother with 14yr old daughter!
  • replies: 4

My 14yr daughter is sexual active. She had a scare that she might be pregnant but she wasn't. She still trying her hardest to be with this boy who by the sound of it trying to offer her the world but they are both young. It's been the last 6mths or m... View more

My 14yr daughter is sexual active. She had a scare that she might be pregnant but she wasn't. She still trying her hardest to be with this boy who by the sound of it trying to offer her the world but they are both young. It's been the last 6mths or more that she has been showing signs or withdrawal and being absent. She starts crying for no reason and often is having panic attacks. Her mood can turn from being happy one minute to rather depressed the other. She gone to lying and making up stories that are far from the truth. I don't want to give up on my girl I love her very much but I just don't know what else to do.

Kate_O Partner lacks affection after starting meds, also triggering me
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hi everyone, hopefully you can help for some perspective! I've been diagnosed with depression but have been off mediation for several years thanks to some fairly intense work on coping mechanisms on my part to remove the need for it. I still do strug... View more

hi everyone, hopefully you can help for some perspective! I've been diagnosed with depression but have been off mediation for several years thanks to some fairly intense work on coping mechanisms on my part to remove the need for it. I still do struggle with self image and eating issues, and depressive spirals every so often, all of which are tied back into anything I feel isolated or unwanted from a close partner/relationship. My partner and I have been together for almost 3 years and until a month ago it was amazing. He reached out for a mental health check with his gp and was put on anti depressants, which he has said has evened out his emotions but made everything sad, rather than ups and downs. Throughout the whole process I've been as supportive as I can possibly be, talking openly with him and listening, making changes to help where needed, and so on - I'm so proud of him for seeking help, and I know something of the feelings around starting medication etc to sympathise. My issue is, since he started the medication he's completely stopped showing affection, within a week of starting. I was reaching out to him and he'd reciprocate (e.g. he says he loves me too), but he has offered affection via a hug only once, and otherwise I've been feeling reluctant to hug him because it feels like I'm imposing on him. As a result, over the past fortnight it's become difficult to know if he actually does want me around, or what to do, or how to feel - which has in turn triggered my own issues because of the emotional isolation I've entered into. I've tried my best to not burden him with my issues and continue to be there for him, and I know that its almost certainly the medication rather than any other problems in the relationship, but i need some perspective/reassurance I think, that what's happening is common, and any suggestions on how to make things better.

Mum44 I’m new here
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Hi I’m a mum of 2. I have a teenage daughter who is not currently attending school for mental health reasons but she is starting up again next year. I have had mental health issues going on 4 years now and they are getting worse. I opened up to my jo... View more

Hi I’m a mum of 2. I have a teenage daughter who is not currently attending school for mental health reasons but she is starting up again next year. I have had mental health issues going on 4 years now and they are getting worse. I opened up to my job about it and no longer have a job. I’ve asked dr’s for help to no avail. I was talking to a psychologist but felt it wasn’t helping. I’m at my wits end now and I’m due to start a new job soon. I’m really worried as I feel so unpredictable day by day. I’m either angry, crying, calm or really happy(getting rare). I now don’t want to see dr’s because I’ve had many bad experiences talking to some of those. And iso is not helping

Oceantreasure Three generational household
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I am a 58 year old woman very reluctantly living with my daughter and her two children. She had been living with the children’s father and split and also with another partner later who has anger and violent tendencies. My daughter had split from the ... View more

I am a 58 year old woman very reluctantly living with my daughter and her two children. She had been living with the children’s father and split and also with another partner later who has anger and violent tendencies. My daughter had split from the latter who is in jail. She still talks to him and loves him despite his abuse. I let her and the children come and live with me for her safety. I stated though that he is not welcome at my home. Before he went to jail he broke into my home by taking tiles off the roof and getting into the roof space. I find it very hard to live with young children and feel Very angry and resentful that I have to have all this trouble. I just want to have my own life now and be in peace. My daughter is aware of this and tries to respect my needs and tries to contribute but I just don’t want to live with them. I’ve become introverted and burnt out and numb. I hate the mess, disorder, waste and noise. I’ve been there done that. My daughter is a student nurse about to graduate so it’s hard at this time financially. When she graduates and is working she will get their own place. Any tips from people that live as a 3 generational family and staying sane please.

al_stuck “You Treat The Relationship as a Chore.”
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We have been in the a relationship for nearly four years. Recently we got into a fight - with him ending the conversation with “you treat this relationship as a chore.” Now, I work full time, I own my own house (he doesn’t live with me) - I am busy t... View more

We have been in the a relationship for nearly four years. Recently we got into a fight - with him ending the conversation with “you treat this relationship as a chore.” Now, I work full time, I own my own house (he doesn’t live with me) - I am busy trying to build my life to be the best it can be. It’s his choice not to live with me so we only see each other a few times a week, which is how he wants it to be. We talk during the week only if I initiate the conversations, he tries his hardest not to come to my house and suggests that I go to his however due to me owning the house I have to maintain and clean it so I push back on that. We didn’t speak for a week - I suggested that we try and talk about why he said what he said however he didn’t think there was anything else to say. I told him that what he said hurt me however he didn’t even acknowledge this. We have a lot of differences however I’m scared that if I lose him - that I will completing isolate myself as I don’t really have many other friends (not close that I speak to everyday). I’m struggling with what to do - I don’t want to continue to try and fix something if the only reason I am staying is so I’m not isolated. I just need maybe some advice on what to do from an outside prospective.

ReeCar123 Partner's Ex, how to move forward?
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Dear All, I have been in a long-winded on/off relationship with a person that has had attachment challenges stemming from his childhood and his very toxic marriage with an aggressive alcoholic wife. He separated from her 20 months ago but it was a re... View more

Dear All, I have been in a long-winded on/off relationship with a person that has had attachment challenges stemming from his childhood and his very toxic marriage with an aggressive alcoholic wife. He separated from her 20 months ago but it was a really drawn out process until he finally kind of let go. He had a breakthrough a few months ago when he finally could get rid of a lot of guilt. He is finally ready to move forward and commit more to me and us but still needs to go through the financial separation of property etc. with his ex. She has regularly manipulated him, guilt-tripped him and become very irate or distraught. Every time she reaches out, she becomes emotional and my partner feels drawn back down into sadness again. Not because he misses her but sadness because his childhood attachment is triggered. He is fully aware of it and ok at getting himself out of the slump again. I am also trying to be a positive counterweight and to be understanding. When we are together, it is wonderful but over the 20 months of the constant on and off with him, I have developed quite a high degree of anxiety. I am working through that with a psychologist. But the difficulty I experience at the moment is that my partner sent his suggestions for a financial separation and consent order to her a few weeks ago. Initially, she became emotional, then angry and said she would arrange a meeting with her lawyers. Now, for the last two weeks, she has constantly postponed the meeting with the lawyers. When he asks, she becomes irate and claims he is pressuring her. I suggested he start meetings with his lawyers and then they can talk to hers but he wants her to have the first pick and move. I feel he is still letting her run his life and she may forever postpone and manipulate. I want him to do his own thing because it is his matter but I am feeling very powerless and my anxiety is high as long as she is around. Every time she reaches out to him, he may end up down in the dumps. I don’t know how to deal with this. We are trying to build a future for ourselves but I feel there is a constant potential for everything to fall apart again in case this draws out forever. In the past, she had so much power over him that he often felt not ready, hence why we broke it off a few times. I don’t want this to happen again but how do I cope with this situation until he can finally make the next move and hopefully soon get to a level of no contact after the consent order is done?

Kchris06 Separated man hoping to reconcile
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Hi Married 22 years She’s 44 I’m 51. Two teenage sons. She ended the relationship last month as she didn’t love me anymore and loved another married man. They’d been in a sexual relationship. She has Clearly said she doesn’t want to reconcile. I move... View more

Hi Married 22 years She’s 44 I’m 51. Two teenage sons. She ended the relationship last month as she didn’t love me anymore and loved another married man. They’d been in a sexual relationship. She has Clearly said she doesn’t want to reconcile. I moved out to a nearby suburb where I’m quite happy. But I’m miss her and want to reconcile. I Initially suggested coming Back for late night cuddles but she rejected that. I respect her rights but I want to create the best impression I can to change her stance on her+me =NO! Recently I was around there and she’d said she’d told other guy to go away but She didn’t want to elaborate and I don’t if they’ve Fixed it up but I could tell she was hurting. A few days later I helped out with picking up the kids and I was there and she wasn’t and I left her flowers. She texted me thanking me and then said, it was a lovely surprise. Since then I have put her on a ‘dont contact’ so I haven’t texted her at all. She’s initiated the last texts but it’s neutral stuff about bills and her weekend plans but at least it’s something. If I keep leaving flowers it will lose its impact. Does anyone have any ideas about how I should behave or respond to get her Positive attention back, Regarding starting Over? Many thanks

Over_thinker Broken heart 💔
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I discovered my husband open a tinder account a month ago. He says he did it as a friend at work told him how funny some of the bios and comments were. (Hubby favourite show is first dates) When I first discover the tinder account and approached him,... View more

I discovered my husband open a tinder account a month ago. He says he did it as a friend at work told him how funny some of the bios and comments were. (Hubby favourite show is first dates) When I first discover the tinder account and approached him, he said he only had it for a day and that he only looked at it for 5mins. But I knew that wasn’t true. He did eventually admit that he had it for longer but he still insists that he wasn’t on there to find anyone or communicate it was just to look at peoples funny bios. How do I move from this and do I believe what he is telling me? so confused