Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Jane3434 Lost
  • replies: 3

I have been with my partner for around a year now. He was amazing and thoughtful and the start of our relationship, however for the last 5months i must have done something to turn him off. I have suffered depression for a while now and i have discuss... View more

I have been with my partner for around a year now. He was amazing and thoughtful and the start of our relationship, however for the last 5months i must have done something to turn him off. I have suffered depression for a while now and i have discussed this with him. When I really need him and im having a breakdown he is never there, he will apologise after when I have explained that I needed him. If I ask him to come around because I am sad he doesn't come. If I explain my feelings and thoughts to him about him not being there for me, I end up apologising for my feelings because I dont want him to be annoyed with me or upset. I have spoken to him numerous times about how I just need more support and he always agrees to but never comes through. If it was his mates he would be there, but he just isnt for his partner. I ask to see him and he tells me he needs his space and time to relax in his own, which is fine but i haven't seen him in about 4 days prior to asking. Im just wondering what i have done, i love him. But him constantly not giving me support hurts so much when I need it. But I also feel like I dont deserve better and I should be more understanding of his feelings not so selfish of mine. I feel alone and abandoned but I also feel selfish for feeling this way. I end up having panic attacks and crying my self to sleep. If I leave him I would be just as alone and I know that I am not good enough for anyone else to date, so I feel I should just stay. But I am so sad. i just feel like a disappointment

Ahjlees I’m so torn, my heart is in pieces
  • replies: 5

I’m so torn, my heart is in pieces and I don’t know what to do. My boyfriend and I just celebrated our one year anniversary and despite the fact that we’d already bought each other a gift (the month prior) neither of us thought to buy each other card... View more

I’m so torn, my heart is in pieces and I don’t know what to do. My boyfriend and I just celebrated our one year anniversary and despite the fact that we’d already bought each other a gift (the month prior) neither of us thought to buy each other cards until the day of and he only did it because he saw that I had. We have struggled with things in the past and this is just another in a long line of issues we have had. Some of our issues have involved his exes. I struggle with the fact that he has had so many and he’s my first. His most recent ex was a long term relationship and he helped to raise her child. The child’s name is on ornament that his mother has permanently on display. I’d asked about the ornament before and he claimed he didn’t know and then when I asked again more recently, he opened up to me about who the child was. I offered him a draw and he returned the favour because he ‘figured (he) should’. I have invited him to all our family gatherings from early on and he still doesn’t really invite me. I wasn’t invited to his nephews birthday, nor really his birthday and most recently to their Fathers Day celebrations. I got injured a few weeks ago and was essentially immobile as a result, two days after the injury I was having a horrible day and was really struggling and his version of support was to tell me he was hanging with the boys. He lives 2 hours away and so we are basically long distance and it’s been mostly ok until recently. He is becoming drained and exhausted from having to juggle; work, friends, his parents, himself and me, in addition to personal issues. I’m becoming exhausted from things outside our relationship, my health, the long distance and issues between my boyfriend and my best friend. They had words the other day and were upset with each other. My best friend talked to me about it later that night and my boyfriend the next day. I asked them to speak to each other and they essentially both refused. I eventually suggested a group chat and when they both agreed, I set one up. They ignored it. In the beginning, he loved that I was passionate and a bit outspoken and now I just annoy him all the time. I’m SO in love with him and am really, really struggling with our relationship at the moment. I’m also overly emotional and super sensitive so don’t even know if I have a right to be upset about any of this or if I’m over reacting. I feel like I’m constantly upset or frustrated and I hate it so much. Please help!

Phoebe_1 Family seperation
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Hi everyone, I have not been diagnosed with anxiety or depression however and going through a huge change in my life. In August we lost my dad to bowel cancer after a 3 year completely horrific fight. Previously to that I have been emotionally abused... View more

Hi everyone, I have not been diagnosed with anxiety or depression however and going through a huge change in my life. In August we lost my dad to bowel cancer after a 3 year completely horrific fight. Previously to that I have been emotionally abused by my mother from a young age and I have started to stick up for myself.and not put up with her behaviour. After dad died I was told I no longer have a room there anymore. Our mother left us over our first father's Day without our dad and then sat us down with the help of her sister to tell us what horrible people we are. I refused to continue to listen to it. Packed up everything I owned and drove to my partner's parents house where they are supportive and caring and have welcomed me into their home with the option of staying as long as I need to. I have made the decision to no longer have contact with my mother unless she seeks help. Today is my first birthday since dad passed away and the first birthday of many that I will have parentless. I guess I'm asking if anyone else has been through this? Is there anyone who can offer advise or piece of mind?

Ollie_l Lost and don’t know what to do.. marriage
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My husband and I have been together 7 years, married 5. It has mostly been turbulent because when I met him he was a very heavy drinker, buried all his problems and lied about everything. Some VERY big lies. I helped him through all this, he got coun... View more

My husband and I have been together 7 years, married 5. It has mostly been turbulent because when I met him he was a very heavy drinker, buried all his problems and lied about everything. Some VERY big lies. I helped him through all this, he got counseling and after years of arguments he got his life together. He now has the job of his dreams, volunteers and is well respected in that area. We had a daughter 18 months ago after 2 years of IVF and 3 misscarriages. He was very supportive as he can be very sweet and has a big heart. the problem is, I have a big personality and I find him boring at times. He's also stopped sleeping in the same bed encase our daughter wakes up and he has to move to the back bedroom, so she can come into bed with me. He thinks that's ok. I find it hurtful. We already were not having sex. We'll go 2 weeks of not arguing and then we'll have a horrible argument because we can both loose our tempers. I just get so frustrated by his lack of effort. I've always been the one to take the lead in our marriage. I don't have the respect for him that I should have, because of how he was when we met. I was 38 and worried I'd never marry and have kids and I think no that I just settled for him. I do love him but not with any great passion. He's a very loving Dad to our girl but he'll complain a lot about being tired and busy. It's like our marriage comes last in his priorities. We went to m counseling and they suggested we do something together for fun so he said he'd organise salsa classes. He sent them an email and they didnt respond so he hasn't bothered to call up, when I confronted him about that he said he was busy !! im at my wits end and live on the other side of the world from my family and loved ones. I'm now stuck here because of my daughter and I just want to go home.

Clo94 Young mum - struggling with anxiety and worrying thoughts
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I’ve always had a bit of anxiety for as long as I could remember, but after becoming a mum it’s a whole new ball game, I cannot stop worrying about his safety, his health, my health, if I’m feeding him enough, if I’m doing the right thing. I constant... View more

I’ve always had a bit of anxiety for as long as I could remember, but after becoming a mum it’s a whole new ball game, I cannot stop worrying about his safety, his health, my health, if I’m feeding him enough, if I’m doing the right thing. I constantly obsess over the smallest things. I can’t enjoy fun times as a family as I am constantly worrying that things will turn bad. I need to get better for my family

annnonymouss What To Do?
  • replies: 3

My ex and I recently split after a really rough patch. I am okay after the breakup as I think it was necessary as the relationship was becoming toxic. He is a very impulsive person and also vulnerable. He keeps bursting out with comments about commit... View more

My ex and I recently split after a really rough patch. I am okay after the breakup as I think it was necessary as the relationship was becoming toxic. He is a very impulsive person and also vulnerable. He keeps bursting out with comments about committing suicide. He also drinks a lot, does casual drugs and then will drive saying that 'he doesn't care anymore'. I hate this, as I care deeply for him still. He says that us getting back together will help him be happy, but I don't want to go back as he sometimes didn't treat me as I wanted to be treated, and he hasn't been loyal. We are also both moving to different locations several hours apart for 4+ months soon and we agreed to break up in that time anyway. I feel as if he's threatening to do all these behaviours if i don't get back/sleep with him, like drink driving, drugs, even going as far as vaguely mentioning suicide and how he's got a (licensed) gun at home and referencing someone he knows who has committed suicide. I also suffer from anxiety and he's really really scaring me as I still love and care for him. We are both still young, and I have called his mother and urged her to keep an eye on him and take him to a dr. She and him don't have a very close relationship so I feel like I'm responsible for him because he keeps turning to me and brushing his families efforts aside. Throughout the relationship I pushed him to get professional help because he experiences intense mood swings and sometimes becomes very vulnerable. I'm so stressed and worried about him, he keeps asking me to go to him and I hate saying no but I'm busy doing work/study and also don't want him to rely on me for his happiness which he seems to be doing. What can I do? I wish I could get him admitted into a psych ward because I'm so worried but I dont even know if thats possible. thank you

Lost_in_Auz Wife separating over anxiety disorder
  • replies: 8

My wife has been battling with generalised anxiety disorder for quite a while. It's been a tough point in our relationship but I always thought we could manage. We have been together for nearly 12 years and have a 5 year old. She has told me now she ... View more

My wife has been battling with generalised anxiety disorder for quite a while. It's been a tough point in our relationship but I always thought we could manage. We have been together for nearly 12 years and have a 5 year old. She has told me now she wants to seperate because she is happier alone. During the separation I've given her space and moved out to another accommodation (not sure if this was the mistake). Our plan was we would converse more about this while she had time to reflect. But recently she has put a wall and told me she is happier by herself and nothing will change the situation. She tells me now it's because I wasn't emotionally supportive and she was unhappy because she never felt she lived up to my expectations. I feel like her living alone for her gives her relief but only because she no longer has to face her anxiety issues. I worry that they could get worse. She has been doing professional therapy and medication. Her anxiety got to the point where she wouldn't even go out to the store, gave up on driving, lost her job over it. Through all this I was happy to keep supporting the family. I don't think I was lazy and I took care of our son and did a lot of chores. I was never abusive or a cheater and did a lot around the house on top of my job. I tried my best supporting her but it was tough juggling a job, chores and a kid and I admit I wan't always there for her. So we are seeking some professional help but I feel she has put a wall against me. Saying no to any chance to talk through these issues. I deeply care for her and it hurts me a lot that our son has to go through this. I willing to make a huge life change to help her but I don't think I am the central cause of her need to seperate. How can I just talk to her? I feel everyday that passes she grows further away. We only really talk about issues once a week because that is what we agreed on. I feel like I need to draw a line for myself as she keeps controlling every aspect of this separation.

alwaysupanddown partner struggling and closed off
  • replies: 7

hi every1, i was hoping for some advice from anybody who has been in my shoes (or the shoes of my SO) they have spoken more and more of their anxiety and depression. i ask how I can help and recommend getting help, which they have been. Each time the... View more

hi every1, i was hoping for some advice from anybody who has been in my shoes (or the shoes of my SO) they have spoken more and more of their anxiety and depression. i ask how I can help and recommend getting help, which they have been. Each time they mention their feelings or give an example, I get significant frustration from them if i offer help, general support or to listen etc. its like they want to tell me things but not hear anything back? i get told that its not fair to drag me into this, or they dont deserve me and they are shutting me out of all emotional topics... but they bring it up, i just really have nothing i can say or do that seems right any advice???? or good types of thngs to say to sum1 who is really shut off and doesnt want to open up?

Janus20 Troubled Marriage and feeling of never getting it back
  • replies: 27

Hi there, W and I met when at school, got married young and so have lived our whole adult life as “us”. We have 2 children 13 & 10. We have been married for 20 years, I realised last year that we had drifted apart and just became 2 house mates and pa... View more

Hi there, W and I met when at school, got married young and so have lived our whole adult life as “us”. We have 2 children 13 & 10. We have been married for 20 years, I realised last year that we had drifted apart and just became 2 house mates and parents to our kids. I know I have been a major part of our marriage dwindling due to my lack of communication (I know I had always been very lacking in the ability to communicate, no good at small talk or being able to engage in great conversation). I believe that W had some form of post natal depression after our second child, however she would never share what she was going through with me and Looking back, I didn’t really offer much support. We have had some Major family issues arise through the last 7-8 years, W’s sister going through a divorce (H cheated) Which W support her and took a toll, later we had the biggest shockwave of a close family member being charged with abuse of other young family members, this has being going through the. Courts on and off for 5 years with multiple court appearances which we have been dragged into

DamienD Hello and Welcome to my Nightmare
  • replies: 7

Hi. im a very seriously disturbed dysfunctional person. On the outside I appear normal but Im not. I have an extreme love addiction and sex addiction. I have anxiety, my doctor says depression too but I dont feel depressed. He says I have suicidal id... View more

Hi. im a very seriously disturbed dysfunctional person. On the outside I appear normal but Im not. I have an extreme love addiction and sex addiction. I have anxiety, my doctor says depression too but I dont feel depressed. He says I have suicidal ideation but I think thats just me trying to find a way, any way, out of my mind. The thoughts do pop up but my mind is constantly in an automatic revolving pattern of seeking solutions, analysing them and dismissing them so Im not suicidal just desperate. i pretty much crave intimacy with females, not necessarily love, faux love will do, physical intimacy works too but only if it might lead to the above. Right now Im in hell, I have no family anymore, zero friends because I only have female friends for obvious reasons and I have either slept with them and ruined it or they got married / boyfriends, I dont even have a frenemy anymore. I literally have not spoken to anyone outside of work for months except random shop assistants and the guy at my local 7/11. I dont want to be addicted to women anymore. I want to not care about them and grow vegies or something.