I am numb - so numb when i want to cry I can't. I feel like I'm floating
far in the ocean and no land in sight and it's really hard to put into
words what my mind is seeing in pictures (especially out to the world).
I will be 40 in july, expatriated ...
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I am numb - so numb when i want to cry I can't. I feel like I'm floating
far in the ocean and no land in sight and it's really hard to put into
words what my mind is seeing in pictures (especially out to the world).
I will be 40 in july, expatriated from the U.S. and I love australia but
it's not been good to me. I know that I have PTSD, wasn't diagnosed
until I moved here in 2013 from my time in Iraq 5 years earlier. I'm
pretty sure I actually have cPTSD. I've always been amazing at masking
my issues or locking them away until covid19 - honestly, things have
been crumbling apart a bit before christmastime this year, but really
fell open when I was locked in my house. Mind you, covid19 doesn't
'scare' me, I am just doing my part to stay safe and those around me.
It's being trapped inside that's the issue. Trapped inside with just my
brain and it's thinking about all the things that have been traumatic in
life, including things I'd had locked away or chose to forget. I feel
like a fake though, almost, i had great parents that adopted me when I
was 5 weeks old. i had friends, good family, all the good stuff. Then i
remember the torture that school was, the physical, emotional and sexual
abuse by fellow students. Inheriting abandoment issues from being
adopted due to those around me making me feel that. Being physically
abused and raped by a partner...losing my father at 22... joining the
army and seeing war...the constant fear women have being
women...constant sexual misbehavior by men in public... being constantly
guilted and manipulated by a mother that can't let go at all. There is
so much more, things i haven't told people, things that I have. during
this covid time, my mother had a bad fall - she's 81- didn't break
anything, but the guilt thrown at me made the last nerve I had break.
now i'm lost. I cannot stop dwelling, wishing i had an emotion to
release. CBT makes everything worse, I don't want to talk to my GP
she'll try to send me back to the woman that wants to be my friend with
CBT. Nurse at uni has me trying ACT but it's making it all worse. I take
antidepressants for my fibromyalgia and beta blockers for my essential
tremour and migraines. Maybe I need more medical intervention, I don't
think I should feel this way on that medication. Maybe it's time to
check in a hospital, but then I'll feel more fake because I sure don't
have it that bad? I'm at a loss, my friends say do what will make me
happy. that isn't helpful.