Hi, I've been living in a deep depression for the last 8 years. I've
struggled with self harm and attempted suicide numerous times, and I
can't remember the last time I actually felt anything other than anger
or sadness. I'm only 18, and the first ti...
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Hi, I've been living in a deep depression for the last 8 years. I've
struggled with self harm and attempted suicide numerous times, and I
can't remember the last time I actually felt anything other than anger
or sadness. I'm only 18, and the first time I attempted to take my life,
I was 11. I'm on here because I want to know things that have helped
others break out of their slump. I've tried therapy years ago, but
quickly stopped when my parents yelled at me because my mental health
was costing them, and they weren't seeing fast enough results. I've
tried so many different things to break out of my slump, but genuinely
cannot find the motivation to seek new ideas or keep them up. I'm
unmotivated in life, I have zero interest in the things that used to
make me feel like me, and even though I pretend I'm doing better, I'm
getting worse. Nobody in my family listens or asks me questions. The
only time anything was brought up was when my mum, out of the blue,
asked if I was over harming myself. Every time I try to bring up how I'm
feeling I'm told it's just hormones and 'we were dramatic teenagers once
too'. I'm pushed away, ignored and left to try and change in a home
environment that isn't doing anything to change either. My feelings are
invalidated to the point where I feel shit for crying or not pretending
to be the 'happy, grateful' daughter I should be in a family that treats
me like I'm a burden and a disappointment. If I'm not angry or sad I
genuinely feel nothing. It feels like my chest and brain are hollow and
I'm a mannequin forced to watch everyone else live their lives. I have
felt this way for so long, 8 god damn years and I fear it will never
change. I'm scared if something doesn't change, ie.my mindset or habits,
or even just the way I look at the meaning of life, I'll resort back to
self harm, something I was told by parents was a selfish habit. How do I
re-find myself? And how can I work up the courage to stand up to my
family and seek out help?