Hi everyoneCan't wait for 12 noon when I see my psych. It's been 10 days
since my last session but it feels like forever. So much has happened in
the past week that it's doing my head in. I thought that me seeing my
parents would help me feel a lot h...
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Hi everyoneCan't wait for 12 noon when I see my psych. It's been 10 days
since my last session but it feels like forever. So much has happened in
the past week that it's doing my head in. I thought that me seeing my
parents would help me feel a lot happier. But I'm not and I now know
that it's the depression, the chemical imbalance that is affecting me.
So what do I do? Keep taking my meds, keep seeing my psych and GP,
exercising, doing stuff that I can do. Maybe in my head I thought I
would be "fixed" "cured" when I saw my parents. But that's not the case.
Not at all. In fact part of me feels like I am heading downhill again.
Is it the emotions. It has to be - the roller coaster of emotions I've
had this week. I've had to deal with so much this week that I really
don't know how I coped - well I'm not that's the point.You know, I
craved for my parents for three years, I cried every day for them; and
then it turned to my dad. I wanted to see him but couldn't, i wanted a
hug from him but couldn't. And then last week I got the hug I so much
wanted.I have a feeling this is going to take a long time for me to be
happy again, thing is will I ever be happy again? I try, i really do try
to be the best wife, mum, daughter, sister, friend. I really do but
sometimes I don't know. I doubt myself so much, I have high expectations
of myself, i can't make mistake, i can't fail. And I have - because I
have depression, I have a mental illness.So where to from here - I don't
have a clue. All I know is that my parents are speaking to me, I lost my
last grandparent the other day; i struggle to work, i struggle to be
happy. I don't know anymore.I hope by being on here I can gain some
strength to keep going, because some days it's not easy; some days it's
hard. I know I have a lot of friends on here now that we support each
other; and i hope that one day, if anyway possible, we could all meet up
- i would just love to hug everyone and say thanks. Thanks for keeping
me alive, thanks for keeping me strong and thanks for picking me up when
I'm down. (wiping me eyes with tissue). I really and truly believe that
BB is a fantastic and safe site to use; we all understand each other and
know what we're going through. I think I'm rambling on now, so I will
go. Let you all know how my session goes today - though I'm thinking it
won't be great, I'll need tissues.Jo xx