I'll start by saying I've been on various medications since '96, seen
several psychologists & haven't made much headway in the grand scheme of
things. Life's been a battle most of the time, however this is a new low
I wouldn't wish on anyone. Two wee...
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I'll start by saying I've been on various medications since '96, seen
several psychologists & haven't made much headway in the grand scheme of
things. Life's been a battle most of the time, however this is a new low
I wouldn't wish on anyone. Two weeks ago my girlfriend of five years
informed me the relationship was over. This came completely out of the
blue. Sure, we'd had a bit of a hard time lately, like most couples but
I had no idea things were this bad. Personally I think the reason given
for ending it is bullshit but there's no point in pushing for a truth,
as it won't happen. Not the first long term relationship I've been
through, married & divorced twice so I know the drill. Now have to deal
with finding a place to live which is always fun. Thing is, I don't have
a friend in the world to lean on, never have! Goes back to the way I was
raised, the Oldman always said "Trust no one, keep your thoughts &
feelings to yourself, they'll only be used against you!" Of course I
discovered after his death 25yrs ago he didn't practice what he
preached! Yeah, great advice I know now but in my formative years this
is what I believed. Mum's still alive but at 85, I don't like bothering
her with all this crap. Sure we talk about what's happening but not the
details of how it's affecting me really. At the moment I'm feeling so
alone & wondering what's next to go belly up! Job loss, won't find a
place to live that accepts pets -have three cats- these are the things
that have manifested themselves into huge issues. Employed as a casual
for ten months on a 38hr week, I feel the hammer is poised above me,
about to drop. There's no real reason for this, just how my mind is
spinning at present. It's at a point where I'm not sleeping, eating, I'm
feeling sick & dry reaching, crying, just a shitful mess & honestly, I
hate myself. Not sure what I hope to achieve from posting? Ideas on how
to deal with things, sympathetic ear, scorn, I really don't know? I'd
head off to another psych but I'm not sure how things are going to pan
out financially in a place on my own, so trying to keep a little aside &
of the four I've seen previously, only one was of any help I feel. That
was twelve years ago & I have no idea if he's still practicing. So, laid
bare for all the world to see. To talk about, laugh at, poke fun at, as
it's always been.