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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Tgirll What helps with automatic intrusive negative thoughts?
  • replies: 11

Hi all I have trouble with automatic thoughts constantly flooding my brain and they're usually hard to deal with and get me down. Sometimes I don't let them get me down but I'm going through a patch where it's hard to do that. My psychologist asked m... View more

Hi all I have trouble with automatic thoughts constantly flooding my brain and they're usually hard to deal with and get me down. Sometimes I don't let them get me down but I'm going through a patch where it's hard to do that. My psychologist asked me to think of ways that help me with those thoughts and what makes them better. But I can't think of much. Can you please share some ideas? Thank you

bigstar Initial bipolar symptoms?
  • replies: 1

So after a protracted battle with mental illness, at the age of 30 I got on anti depressants (about 6 weeks ago). I've been feeling actually really like my old self and have been so excited to not be depressed that I've been taking on a lot of missio... View more

So after a protracted battle with mental illness, at the age of 30 I got on anti depressants (about 6 weeks ago). I've been feeling actually really like my old self and have been so excited to not be depressed that I've been taking on a lot of missions--I'm back working again and I'm in two bands who have been recording and keeping very busy because I thought my life was very near over a few months ago. The way I explained it to my psychologist was like being told that you were going to die in a few days and then by some miracle you survive and all of a sudden you have this life ahead of you. The depression convinced me that there was no hope and I believed it. But I recovered and I thought it was a miracle. So I hit the ground running and started to make the most of everyday. And this is how I felt when the medication started working--I was so sick for so long that I started making up for lost time and just making the most of my life. The depression was there but it was in the background and no longer controlling me. Yesterday though, after a tough week with what I'll call 'real-world' issues, I noticed I was feeling a bit on the manic side again and slightly anxious about it. My sleep was very weird the past few nights too, where my body was kind of sleeping but my mind was racing and thinking random things constantly. Pretty peculiar. This morning I was sufficiently fatigued to warrant me not going into work and I've spent the entire day watching netflix and doing nothing. Prior to this my sleep has been fantastic and I've been prescribed medication which I've been taking every night to help me get to bed. Anyways, last night I saw my psychologist who suggested that I might be developing, or I might have bipolar but its still early days yet. He suggested this because of the way I described my sleep, my elated mood the past few weeks and how I was telling him I was starting to feel mildly manic. This really worried me as it made me feel like the past 2 or 3 weeks of happiness and motivation was a delusion as a result of an organic illness rather than the result of me making some life changes and doing positive things such as getting on medication and the like. Anyways, so he has made me pretty anxious by suggesting that. I have made mania before a major depressive episode which was a few months ago, but not sure what to make of it all right now and I'm kind of worried about the future. How are things like bipolar diagnosed anyway?

Not_happy New date.... Same thinking and life....
  • replies: 3

Hi, I am new to this. I dont know if this is right but it's one of the last thinking spaces I seem to find some clarity, some peace and some affiliation. It's a places feel people understand what I think and feel in reading other posted but while get... View more

Hi, I am new to this. I dont know if this is right but it's one of the last thinking spaces I seem to find some clarity, some peace and some affiliation. It's a places feel people understand what I think and feel in reading other posted but while getting some comfort in that (no offender to others feeling as I do intended), it doesn't change how I feel. I am older well not old but getting up in years now. I had a great life's decade ago, out, friends and life at a fast pace. Move forward, divorce and job changes, bills and life just so hard. I find myself beyond stuck. I don't go out and don't do anything. None of my 'friends' call ordo anything g and I hear from nobody. My family, well only one of them touched base in any meaningful say monthly time period. I have bills and things out of the whazoo format son and what my ex left after a life of spending everything plus, a lonely and nothing existence it seems to me. I can't just get out and meet people, it's not me anymore. I can't afford it anyway. I can't afford a psych irthe subsidised psych as I have bills and commitments to everything everywhere that I can't keep up. I wake up every day with dread, well that is when I sleep. If I do sleep I don't want to get out of bed. I am lazy and I hated who I am and everything about who I am now. I don't know kw what to do anymore. I have thought lots of Anthony's and searched a lot how to do things. I don't even have the guts to do anything which is more of why I feel shit. I can't even do feeling rubbish and doing something a bout it right. I am lost and so alone. I have tried to reach out to services but I can't afford the cost of getting help. I only get - here's a service, call and go see someone. If it where that easy I wouldn't be here. I can't afford so that. I have a son in private school, crippling divorce and past bills from my ex. I am lost and can't go on line this any more. Does anyone have any advice. Please don't tell me to just go talk to a psych,if I could have I would have. I want to but I literally can't afford that and I need help, I want help. I can't live like this any more.

Ilovemycathaha medication - depression.
  • replies: 3

Hi there, i just joined this website and was hoping I could talk to others that may be experiencing what I am experiencing. Due to me starting a new job I've becomed stressed. Therefore my skin has had a lot more acne than normal. Cystic acne however... View more

Hi there, i just joined this website and was hoping I could talk to others that may be experiencing what I am experiencing. Due to me starting a new job I've becomed stressed. Therefore my skin has had a lot more acne than normal. Cystic acne however that just won't die down. i decided to see a specialist and they put me on medication. I was excited at first. I understand the side effects, such as blood noses, possible depression, sore joints, skin getting worse etc etc 1.5 months in and my skin has gotten worse- yes I expected it, but it's just so red. It's so much worse than when I started the medication. Also, I've felt very 'down' lately. Ive never really been depressed so this is a shock to me. I just feel terrible...all the time? i need to go off this medication. i want to smile, even if I do look bad I need to smile. Can anyone give me any advice on depression and what's it like? I'm scared I don't like this.

FallenFreaK Struggling with life and motivation
  • replies: 4

First time posting. I have depression and anxiety. I am studying nursing at tafe. I live with my real dad who isn’t able to work atm due to rain. But any money he gets he seems to spend on smokes and random things. I have put in place a budget which ... View more

First time posting. I have depression and anxiety. I am studying nursing at tafe. I live with my real dad who isn’t able to work atm due to rain. But any money he gets he seems to spend on smokes and random things. I have put in place a budget which isn’t working. I have to buy groceries, care for 5 animals, clean, wash clothes, do stuff for tafe, etc. I don’t take my meds regularly because I forgot or I’m busy. I see a psychology’s every few weeks which isn’t enough but I can’t affoes anymore. I can’t get anywhere unless my dad drives me because I only have my learners. No one is able to give me lessons so I can get my hours up and I don’t have the time. I have my bf and my grandfather. But that’s about it. My bf is great but is also studying but at uni doing law. And he has his own family to deal with. The only friends I have are the ones at tafe. I don’t have much support, money or food atm. I can’t just pause anything or work. I dunno what to do.

Jdavid Bipolar 11
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Hello I have been diagnosed as bipolar 11 due to induced hypomania from ssris has anyone else had a diagnoses like this ? I don’t think I am bipolar Going to see another physiatrist

Hello I have been diagnosed as bipolar 11 due to induced hypomania from ssris has anyone else had a diagnoses like this ? I don’t think I am bipolar Going to see another physiatrist

Tgirll Not sure what to do?
  • replies: 4

Everyday is a struggle. It has been for maybe close to a year now. It's like I don't enjoy the day and I can't wait for it to all pass so it can be night time and I can just go to sleep. I feel like and haven't for a while, like I don't enjoy anythin... View more

Everyday is a struggle. It has been for maybe close to a year now. It's like I don't enjoy the day and I can't wait for it to all pass so it can be night time and I can just go to sleep. I feel like and haven't for a while, like I don't enjoy anything. Things make my anxiety a little bit better i think but I don't often feel many positive emotions. Or maybe I do but just very very minutely? I feel I can't just relax and just be in the moment. I feel like I'm just waiting for night to come so I can just be in bed and don't have to force myself to do anything. I know I have depression and will be having my fourth psych session this Tuesday. I have never had depression before (maybe mildly but never enough to really impact me or last long enough). I was diagnosed with GAD four years ago (OCD as a child and have always had anxiety) so am familiar with bad mind numbing anxiety and almost constant panic attacks but not so much these negative feelings. I had a real bad anxiety period over a year ago and i think thats where this depression stememd from if that makes sense. Despite having anxiety, I have always loved talking to people and doing different things and exploring the world. Now it's just like I want to sit still and do nothing. Everything I do I feel like I'm just passing time so that I can go to sleep and hope that I'll wake up a bit better tomorrow. it frustrates me because everything is pretty good in life. I have such an amazing partner, I have friends (I use to be so social now I strugggle), I work but shorter hours now since this newish job, my family is super awesome... I just don't feel much of these positive feelings anymore. I just don't want to engage and this makes me feel bad because I know I'm not this sort of person. I have always been quite positive and could make almost any situation positive. I also get upset that maybe I'm not making any progress and that this is the new me and I'll always be stuck like this. Some days I have the strength to laugh a bit and engage in conversation a bit more and act better and do more things even if I don't fully feel it. Is that some progress or am I just like this forever now? I used to love joking around and making people laugh and making them feel good now it's like I just don't care and I hate that. Thanks a bunch for reading! Sorry there is so much to read lol

Frantic1 Really struggling
  • replies: 8

Hi everyone, i am really struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment. I have seen my GP who has started me on some new medication but I am just so sad all the time. I feel totally worthless and am struggling to get through each day. I keep c... View more

Hi everyone, i am really struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment. I have seen my GP who has started me on some new medication but I am just so sad all the time. I feel totally worthless and am struggling to get through each day. I keep crying and feel like I can’t do anything right. I feel so alone and that nobody cares. I have no confidence in my abilities and that I don’t know what I’m doing at work. I am studying as well and really have no belief that I can do the work. I just feel like giving up

SilverRB Post holiday blues or....?
  • replies: 8

Hello, this is my first time posting on this site but wanted to get other peoples opinions on my situation. The start of march my girlfriend and myself went on a 3 week holiday overseas...which was great for both of no issues there. But ever ... View more

Hello, this is my first time posting on this site but wanted to get other peoples opinions on my situation. The start of march my girlfriend and myself went on a 3 week holiday overseas...which was great for both of no issues there. But ever since I've returned I've felt like I've been in this never ending slump. Before I went away I was a frequent gym goer and always (for the most part) happy. But ever since I've returned I haven't enjoyed the gym and i actually can't stand to go anymore. I now drink almost every night now which I never did previously. Can't understand or pinpoint what the issue could be...we've been back from holidays well over a month now

jman26 Lost and confused.
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The title says it all, I'm at a crossroad in life or some might also say a quarter life crisis. Up until about 4 years ago I was a very happy person. I had a great social life, girlfriend, travelled a lot and was essentially completely different. I t... View more

The title says it all, I'm at a crossroad in life or some might also say a quarter life crisis. Up until about 4 years ago I was a very happy person. I had a great social life, girlfriend, travelled a lot and was essentially completely different. I travelled around the world for 12 months and moved to the big city when I returned. Since then I was lucky enough to land a high paying job as a truck driver. After discovering personal finance and self development I made it a goal to try and build wealth, that hasn't worked out how I thought it would. 3.5 years later of saving 80%+ of my earnings, I've reached a point where my anxiety to spend money is drastic. My connections with friends and family have diminished due to being too frugal and my last girlfriend ended up leaving me. Alongside this, I also decided to get into shape. I've achieved what some might say is a decent physique but that's not all. I thought this would make me confident but it's done the opposite. My insecurities are through the roof and my self esteem is at an all time low as I'm never happy with how I look. This has been going on for years now. I haven't had even as much as a verbal connection with a girl for 6+ months, my job isn't gratifying (I receive abuse from drivers all day for delivering them food, go figure) and the thought of knowing that this could be the rest of my life scares me. With all these combined I've found myself at a crossroad where I'm asking myself if this is really all worth it. I don't find joy or pleasure in anything anymore and I feel like all of the advice society gives (get in shape, get financially secure, succeed etc) just isn't for me. Surely there has to be another way to live than spending 6 days/70 hours a week working, saving everything I earn and torturing my body with exercise I don't even enjoy and eating bland food I don't enjoy just to have a physique that brings a tonne of insecurities? To end this I guess my question is, have you been here before and gotten out of it? Any advice I receive (i.e work hard, set goals, save money, be disciplined etc) hasn't worked as it's what has gotten me here in the first place. Thanks for listening.