The title says it all, I'm at a crossroad in life or some might also say
a quarter life crisis. Up until about 4 years ago I was a very happy
person. I had a great social life, girlfriend, travelled a lot and was
essentially completely different. I t...
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The title says it all, I'm at a crossroad in life or some might also say
a quarter life crisis. Up until about 4 years ago I was a very happy
person. I had a great social life, girlfriend, travelled a lot and was
essentially completely different. I travelled around the world for 12
months and moved to the big city when I returned. Since then I was lucky
enough to land a high paying job as a truck driver. After discovering
personal finance and self development I made it a goal to try and build
wealth, that hasn't worked out how I thought it would. 3.5 years later
of saving 80%+ of my earnings, I've reached a point where my anxiety to
spend money is drastic. My connections with friends and family have
diminished due to being too frugal and my last girlfriend ended up
leaving me. Alongside this, I also decided to get into shape. I've
achieved what some might say is a decent physique but that's not all. I
thought this would make me confident but it's done the opposite. My
insecurities are through the roof and my self esteem is at an all time
low as I'm never happy with how I look. This has been going on for years
now. I haven't had even as much as a verbal connection with a girl for
6+ months, my job isn't gratifying (I receive abuse from drivers all day
for delivering them food, go figure) and the thought of knowing that
this could be the rest of my life scares me. With all these combined
I've found myself at a crossroad where I'm asking myself if this is
really all worth it. I don't find joy or pleasure in anything anymore
and I feel like all of the advice society gives (get in shape, get
financially secure, succeed etc) just isn't for me. Surely there has to
be another way to live than spending 6 days/70 hours a week working,
saving everything I earn and torturing my body with exercise I don't
even enjoy and eating bland food I don't enjoy just to have a physique
that brings a tonne of insecurities? To end this I guess my question is,
have you been here before and gotten out of it? Any advice I receive
(i.e work hard, set goals, save money, be disciplined etc) hasn't worked
as it's what has gotten me here in the first place. Thanks for