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Treatment for depression and possible ADHD

Community Member

I'm 38 years old and have been receiving treatment for depression for the last 9 months. I saw a psychiatrist due to overwhelming feelings of sadness I'd been having recently. This was coupled with uncontrollable anger and frustration I'd been having for some time dealing with my children.

In the last 5-6 months, I've been investigating the possibility that I have ADHD. I raised it with my psychiatrist who said he could screen me for it but that we would need to resolve my depression first before treating me for ADHD. I no longer feel "depressed" as such but quite flat and still have trouble controlling my anger and mood. The screening test I took says that there are traits strongly aligned with ADHD.

What are other peoples' experiences? Have you been medicated for both ADHD and depression at the same time or only had your ADHD treated once the depression was resolved?

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Sad_Dad and welcome to the forums.

Your story I relate to very strongly. I'm 33 a Mum of two (3 and 4 years old). Have been diagnosed with major depression and medicated for about a year with some success. But recently my psychiatrist suggested he suspects ADHD also. My symptoms are similar to yours. Unexpected anger is a huge problem for me.

I start medication in a few days once my new meds arrive. The psych wants to keep me on my meds for depression and I'm taking a medication for ADHD at the same time. He thinks that if the ADHD is managed it may reduce some of the depressive symptoms.

I know this is all about me I'm sorry. I just want you to know you're not alone. I will let you know if there is any progress. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to discuss medications on the forums but yes it is possible to treat both at the same time.

I hope your doctor is willing to discuss this option with you.


Community Member

Hi Quercus, thanks very much for replying.

I may speak to my Psych again about potentially treating both at the same time. While I know it would never be the same for everyone I've read many positive stories about people doing well once their ADHD was identified.

I spoke to a Clinic today at the suggestion of my psych. When I last saw him I came away with the impression that they would be able to formally diagnose me. Supposedly they don't though they can do a full 2 days of psychometric testing for what it's worth. They also run a weekly group therapy for Adult ADHD (once diagnosed of course) so might be worth a look for anyone in the greater Sydney area.

Community Member

Hi Sad_Dad,

Sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment.

I was diagnosed with ADHD in January at 24. I am medicated for it. I don't have depression but I know depression has to be considered when prescribing ADHD meds and as I understand can be a contraindication. The meds can have some pretty significant effects on mood.

The info you're looking at so far is great. Other options you could consider instead of medication include an ADHD coach or psychologist and behavioural therapies.

It can be a frustrating process so hang in there! If you want any information about my diagnostic process, treatment or how I'm feeling 6 months on let me know.

All the best!
