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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

NotThisKid Truely alone in life
  • replies: 1

Does anyone else truely care about anyone other than themselves for longer than a minute or two? When all the questions end up having no answers, what can anyone do for someone other than themselves? I know everyone will just say, you have to be acco... View more

Does anyone else truely care about anyone other than themselves for longer than a minute or two? When all the questions end up having no answers, what can anyone do for someone other than themselves? I know everyone will just say, you have to be accountable, take responsibility, only you can change your life. But there is nothing that can be changed, yes, it can be altered but to the detriment of something else either in life or in one’s self, or mind. Everyone expects someone can do or change something they have no real understanding of, in the form of likeness or experience, so it seems the right thing to say or expect. But here I am, reaching out for the hand that isn’t there. Some might extend their arm out, for a moment, but in the end, they will always fall short and move in another direction. Existence, is being alone. Others drift in and out of others existence, but it’s not their existence, they have their own. No one shares exsistance, mine feels very dark, cold, and unfashionable to my own mind. A dense weight crushing forcefully, I don’t want to exist like this is this is what existing is.

Mummaof2girls Postpartum depression
  • replies: 3

I have 2 daughters oldest is 5 in June and youngest just turned 1 in January. After having my youngest I have suffered with postpartum depression, I find myself crying every day, not feeling good enough and feel like a terrible mum. My oldest is full... View more

I have 2 daughters oldest is 5 in June and youngest just turned 1 in January. After having my youngest I have suffered with postpartum depression, I find myself crying every day, not feeling good enough and feel like a terrible mum. My oldest is full of attitude and never listens and I always find myself yelling at her and then feeling horrible about it later on. There are times throughout my day where I just want to walk out the door and not turn back. I miss having anytime to myself, I can’t shower or go to the toilet without having my kids beside me. I’ve changed for the better after having my girls, I was 22 when I had my first and was a bit of a party girl. So my children made me grow up in a better way. But now I’m 28 and just miss being able to do things for myself sometimes. I love my girls with everything I got, I’m just really struggling mentally at the moment and wanting to get some help but I’m too scared to ask for help and don’t know what to do.

JLee Crippling insecurity
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I have been trying to explain my feeling to my few family and friends but it seems they have grown annoyed and uninterested with my concerns but I am desperate. I need to know if what I am feeling is normal or unfair to my partner. My partner in my e... View more

I have been trying to explain my feeling to my few family and friends but it seems they have grown annoyed and uninterested with my concerns but I am desperate. I need to know if what I am feeling is normal or unfair to my partner. My partner in my eyes is amazing in every way possible, I adore the man but because I have put him on such a high pedestal I now feel inadequate and unworthy of him. I feel cripplingly insecure. Lately he has been distant with me, less affectionate and less attentive. I fear he is losing interest and so now I am tearing myself apart trying to figure out what is wrong with me. Did I push him away? Annoy him? Turn him off? Am I unattractive in his eye? Was he ever into me in the first place or was it all just convenient? God knows. His exes were all skinny girls and shorter than I am. He even said I am the first bigger girl he has dated. He has gone through a break up with his long term girlfriend months prior to me and was seeing others whilst talking to me. I fear I may even be a rebound. I do not know, this speculation is hurting my heart and head and I want someone to tell me the truth. He has been telling me a-lot of stories of him and his exes as well as the women he was “seeing” whilst talking to me. The stories have been making me feel sick to my core, I genuinely felt like I could vomit just from hearing him talk about it. It had made me feel disgusted by him. I may just be immature and insecure but if that is the case I just want to be told. Hearing it will definitely give me some closure and assure that I can find away to work around it.

Moving forward happy Struggling with life
  • replies: 2

I’ve always tried to be a positive person but recently I can’t shake the overwhelming depression I am feeling which leaves me sitting here feeling almost paralysed and not able to do anything at all. Each month my rent is behind (it’s been raised 4 t... View more

I’ve always tried to be a positive person but recently I can’t shake the overwhelming depression I am feeling which leaves me sitting here feeling almost paralysed and not able to do anything at all. Each month my rent is behind (it’s been raised 4 times in the last two years) to which I recieve email after email threatening eviction, that alone causes me so much stress and anxiety, having the roof over my head and my sons threatened each month. Keeping up with bills and even food shopping these days is rediculous, I’ve had issues with my car being impounded and can’t get it back cause of the price it costs, I’m almost finished my studies in community service but I have 200 hours of placement left which means I can’t get a job right now, I’ve come too far with my diploma just to give up now. I’m over having to fight for everything. I miss the world and how it used to be, everything these days is just so cold and everyone seems to just look after themselves, life never used to be so hard, is it just me or does anyone feel this way? I just need a break, I just want to be able to live my life instead of fighting so hard just to keep my head above water. Everything revolves around money, or lack of, even taking the kids anywhere costs so much now, adding to my guilt and depression when I can’t afford to do what every one else seems to be doing.

Scoota Feeling lost
  • replies: 5

Hi first time posting in this forum. I have suffered from major depression for over 20 years. At times feel like I'm a complete waste of being alive. I am on my 3rd marriage. Was abused by my first husband and second husband cheated on me. I feel the... View more

Hi first time posting in this forum. I have suffered from major depression for over 20 years. At times feel like I'm a complete waste of being alive. I am on my 3rd marriage. Was abused by my first husband and second husband cheated on me. I feel the need to have to have a man in my life so I married for the 3rd time. While I have had lots of down days and spent a whole year not leaving my bedroom I have considered suicide. I have managed to battle with my depression as I'm almost 60 I'm rethinking life. I don't want to work anymore I actually hate working as I have worked since I was 16 years old. Feel my mental health would benefit from daily work life stresses. I'm wanting to enjoy the rest of my life by not having the pressure of work. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same? I'm exhausted everyday and battle just to get ready for work.

dubrovnik Fed up, angry & unsupported
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Hello i have written previously to this forum & had a lot of supportive and caring messages from people who really seemed to understand my situation.Thank you all for responding. My mother is suffering from vascular dementia, a nurse comes to care fo... View more

Hello i have written previously to this forum & had a lot of supportive and caring messages from people who really seemed to understand my situation.Thank you all for responding. My mother is suffering from vascular dementia, a nurse comes to care for her3 days a week, I work part time now & care for my mother on my days off.I took my mother to her doctor for her regular checkup mum has had problems standing up & getting up, she uses a walker & walking stick. I spoke to her doctor and told him that’s what has been happening, he referred her to get some tests done at a local clinic, ji have also organised a physiotherapist to come to my parents home twice a week to help them with their mobility.i told my sister that I took mum to visit her doctor, she had the audacity to call the doctor & ask him did I tell him about her problems with standing, mums doctor spoke to her and told her that that I told him everything.I asked her why she did that, she said that she didn’t believe that I told himabout mums current situation. she doubted me which made me very upset and angry, we got into an argument which left me really distraught.I am a very articulate & courteous woman who is very good at communicating but this makes me doubt myself I am feeling very down & don’t know what to do.

TheKingOfHearts What should I do?
  • replies: 1

Hey guys. I'm back again. and I’m now trialing more antidepressants not sure if I’ve mentioned it but I’ve tried a few medications that ended up giving me really bad anxiety and the other one extreme tiredness. so now I’m waiting to see the doctor to... View more

Hey guys. I'm back again. and I’m now trialing more antidepressants not sure if I’ve mentioned it but I’ve tried a few medications that ended up giving me really bad anxiety and the other one extreme tiredness. so now I’m waiting to see the doctor to change antidepressants. i also suffer from autism and schizophrenia because one mental disorder isn’t enough for one person apparently. and I’m really struggling with the problem of things never going to be okay or perfect. I find the idea of having a life less than what I want it to be extremely hard to deal with and it causes me a great deal of suffering. i see my cousin having this beautiful lavish life filled with three houses, cars for the entire family, three two week long vacations and expensive purses along with the trifecta of health, good looks and love and I am very jealous and envious of her. I want that, I want to experience the good life, a life of wealth and health. happiness in a word is wealthy to me. sure wealth doesn’t buy you happiness but it makes life a thousand times better. and the thing about me is I’m poor, I’m in poverty along with my mother, I hate having this broken down stuff, the fridge, the slow and weak, thin water etc i wish for a better life and it’s not just the wealth, it’s the health, her and all her kids have great health. buy I don’t, I’ve got mental and physical conditions. I’m sad all the time especially because of my lack of energy, the fact I cannot even get out of bed, shower, cook, clean, work etc I’m on the pension. i have no friends and no family besides my mother and those on Facebook. i have no lover and no past relationships, I’ve never had a boyfriend. And I’m over it all, I also especially hate my side effects the dry mouth, the hunger, the weight gain, the inability to enjoy a night out because I can’t drink. its terrible so I’ve come back seeking more advice. what should I do? I have asked for various advice before but all about bits and pieces now here is the whole story. what would you do in my situation? when things will never be perfect, when I will always be unhealthy and poor and chained to my meds like a slave to the medical community?

Ranga-1 At a crossroads
  • replies: 14

Hi, I'm in my fifties and for the past few years my husband has been chronically ill. For the past few years, it's been one thing after the other, insofar as his health is concerned. I work and study (hopefully complete my online degree this year or ... View more

Hi, I'm in my fifties and for the past few years my husband has been chronically ill. For the past few years, it's been one thing after the other, insofar as his health is concerned. I work and study (hopefully complete my online degree this year or early next year). I see a psychologist and am encouraging my husband to do the same. He cannot work and this depresses him, along with the health issues. I feel like we are heading in different directions (maybe because I"m busy and on a new career path). I find myself constantly resentful and irritated with him. I'm wondering if this is normal when dealing with spouse who is not firing on all cylinders. I have checked in with our two young adult sons and they tell me they're coping okay with their dad's issues, which makes me feel a bit better. I wonder about moving away from this area when I finish my degree because I think I would prefer a different working environment than what's on offer here. I could possibly get a rental and have our son move in - it would do him good to get away from this area because there's nothing here for him that he's interested in. He's studying at the moment two days a week, so it's good he's occupied. Any thoughts or support from this wonderful community would be appreciated.

Sparkle Any help is appreciated
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I (19F) am diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I'm not really sure when it started but I remember getting suicidal thoughts in year 7 and realising something was wrong. I have high functioning depression so my parents never really noticed. My depr... View more

I (19F) am diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I'm not really sure when it started but I remember getting suicidal thoughts in year 7 and realising something was wrong. I have high functioning depression so my parents never really noticed. My depression got really bad two years ago and I remember multiple times actively planning suicide attempts. When I was younger, I remember my household was a mess where everyone was arguing every day. Currently, I'm doing a lot better as I only want to passively die instead of actively pursuing it. I know it's not that bad compared to some of the conditions that some people have but I have really bad chronic nausea and chronic stomach pain. All of these things combined with my parent's way of educating me (hitting me when I was younger - Asian household) has left me heavily scarred. My parents recently learned of my diagnoses in the last year and they've been trying to be supportive. I feel so incompetent because as a uni student, I get stressed a lot and am so scared of my depression getting worse again. My parent's ingrained in me when I was younger to never let anyone know you had a mental health problem because it would leave a black mark on your record. Last year, I followed the feedback of my parents and got a diagnosis of depression and anxiety from my GP and decided to meet a psychologist but I felt so uncomfortable the whole time. I've stopped going to those psychologist appointments since and have been self managing but I'm always so scared of my depression getting worse. I don't know what to do but I hate living my life this because I feel like I'm slowly falling apart. My mum always tells me that I should stop using my depression as an excuse for not being able to do things while my dad literally doesn't understand and always claims to be depressed. I don't feel like there's anyone I can talk to about my feelings in this household. I also feel like an asshole for this but I really don't like my dad touching me at all, which is really unfair to him since I let my mum hug me. I know it's not his fault but I'm scared of him since he was the one who did most of the hitting when I was younger. Every single time he touches me, I feel really uncomfortable. Both my mum and I have told him about my feelings and he says he will "try and not touch me as much as possible" but then still comes into my room at night to kiss me or randomly touch me or try and hug me (not in a sexual manner or anything).

Allanroycamm I am Australian but no one believes
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Thus is a thing from childhood. All y family and grand and great parents ozzies. I have never felt that. Was the outside one. So I travel a lot and always back home my home Australia town. I get depress every time .Not that they ask where I am from. ... View more

Thus is a thing from childhood. All y family and grand and great parents ozzies. I have never felt that. Was the outside one. So I travel a lot and always back home my home Australia town. I get depress every time .Not that they ask where I am from. But they never believe me .Yes i born and mother and father both grandparents and exxx... Australia my home. But I feel better.out of it and no depression