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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

CatMum55 TPD
  • replies: 2

Hi, I am a long term sufferer of mental illness. My current job is high pressure and I am suffering more and more as time goes on. I have taken a lot of leave and am now feeling like it is harder for me to continue on with work. I would like to make ... View more

Hi, I am a long term sufferer of mental illness. My current job is high pressure and I am suffering more and more as time goes on. I have taken a lot of leave and am now feeling like it is harder for me to continue on with work. I would like to make a claim on my income protection but am scared about the process. Is there anyone who has made a successful claim for Temporary Disability or permanent disability? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Guest_41856421 Stepchildren
  • replies: 2

So i have 2 adult stepchildren in my house and a stepdaughter and my biological son and it is hard i cop alot of disrespect from the adult stepchildren and I'm sick of it but my partner won't see it and help me and now I'm lost their also very cruel ... View more

So i have 2 adult stepchildren in my house and a stepdaughter and my biological son and it is hard i cop alot of disrespect from the adult stepchildren and I'm sick of it but my partner won't see it and help me and now I'm lost their also very cruel to my child and it is impossible to treat them all the same there is a 18 year age gap between my son and his eldest i am lost and lonely and so unsure of my life right now

Kendrick Depression and worthless
  • replies: 9

Hi there , just wanting to share my experience feeling on depression and my mental health and if anyone out there has any similar thoughts, it’s almost like I’m alone and trapped in my own head and I don’t know what is wrong with me I feel disconnect... View more

Hi there , just wanting to share my experience feeling on depression and my mental health and if anyone out there has any similar thoughts, it’s almost like I’m alone and trapped in my own head and I don’t know what is wrong with me I feel disconnected and alone and when I’m down it’s horrible feeling but the good day I’m ok it’s just on and off like this and the sad days I really hate myself and worthless I’m up and down feeling I go through are hard to deal with

Keats Heart-wracking Loss / Shadowlands
  • replies: 1

Greetings to fellow anonymous web-dwellers,I am a 35-y.o. who has suffered from Social Anxiety, Depression, and OCD since adolescence. I lost all my friends around 20 due to shame, embarrassment and stigma, as I withdrew from the world. I thought tha... View more

Greetings to fellow anonymous web-dwellers,I am a 35-y.o. who has suffered from Social Anxiety, Depression, and OCD since adolescence. I lost all my friends around 20 due to shame, embarrassment and stigma, as I withdrew from the world. I thought that they would be better off without me - I didn't want to be a burden. However, looking back my friends were never very supportive, nor very emotionally dependable - it was never the deep and meaningful friendship I have yearned for all my life.Years of fruitless therapy later, I dropped out of my final semester of university, even though my marks were excellent, due to overwhelming anxiety and depression. I was brave, and I tried my best to make friends, but my university experience was lonely and alienating. Again, I withdrew from society. I soothed myself by watching television compulsively - the vicarious illusion of company which helped the empty years drift by. Isolated, my heart became numb, insensate to either profound depths or exalted highs - I suffered, I was alone, but I did not feel the intense pain, the pain that is so excruciating one thinks only sleep or death can offer relief, that afflicts me now. I have not had a single friend since I was 20, loneliness being my constant and ever-present companion.However, in very awkward and unfortunate circumstances, I recently met someone who I thought became my friend - a true friend. I proceeded very slowly at first, and with caution, ever having to overcome my anxiety to speak with her little by little. We didn't see eachother very often at first. Later, unique circumstances caused us to spend a lot of time together, talking and getting to know eachother. Early on, she cried in front of me, and I attempted to console her. Of course, I hid my mental illness from her - I wore my dissembling mask. It seemed we were kindred spirits with a lot surprisingly in common: both interests and personality traits - both perfectionists and people-pleasers - with similar struggles and adversities. We had both suffered in life. However, she was not at all shy - just an anxious person. If ever I found a perfect friend, it was her. One day she confided in me a very deep, and sad trauma which she still continues to struggle with - resulting in suicidal ideation and profound sorrow. At that moment I began to love and care for her deeply. We grew closer and closer, and I tried to help her with her struggles as best I could, and with my experience. I was often rebuffed for trying to help her - she placed boundaries which I respected.As we grew close, I began to feel the pain and sorrow I described above. The thought of never seeing her again tore at my soul. I couldn't imagine life without her in it. I summoned the courage and asked her cautiously, 'Are we friends?' 'Yes, of course', she replied. Prior to that I often asked her whether she actually liked me, out of insecurity. She affirmed she did. The pain throbbed in my chest - it was unbearable. I decided to disclose to her my sad story, and emphasised that after hearing it she was not obliged to remain my friend. 'I am your friend', she replied, 'We are friends'. A week passed, and the reason for I cannot say, but she betrayed me. She renounced our friendship, and my world reeled. I was angry and upset at her deception - her callous cruelty. I could no longer bear to see her; we have parted, and we will never see eachother again.I am in a world of hurt. I cannot stop my tears from flowing. Life is empty and meaningless without her. The thought that I will never hear her voice again, see her face, her smile, her bright eyes is unbearable. I do not know how to cope; everything reminds me of her. I loved her as a friend with all my heart, but as best as I can I cannot remove the memory of her from my mind - dislodge the place I made for her in my heart. I don't know how to deal with the heart-wracking pain of her loss. I am in despair; I am all alone, again!Sincere gratitude to anyone who reads this - apologies for the literary quality (I studied literature at uni!).Yours sincerely.

Beebee Bullying
  • replies: 12

Hi everyone, I wanted to reach out Into this forum in the hope of meeting other people that might have been through similar to me or who might actually understand what I’ve been through. I was bullied at school (a girls school) which led to anxiety a... View more

Hi everyone, I wanted to reach out Into this forum in the hope of meeting other people that might have been through similar to me or who might actually understand what I’ve been through. I was bullied at school (a girls school) which led to anxiety and depression from my teens where I would dread going to school and feel like I didn’t want to live. I had a group of friends that would witness my bullying and would never stand up for me they would always say they wanted to be friends with the people who I felt like tortured me on a daily basis. I then left school and had a partner cheat on me and those same friends told me they all wanted to stay friends with him. That group of friends began to shut me out invite me to parties and not speak to me. Also a video was posted on Facebook of them calling me horrible names. Then at my second year of university one main girl created a Facebook group stating how she wanted us all to be friends and move forward and as soon as I replied they all blanked me! I became really depressed but didn’t realise I was depressed, drinking a lot until I blacked out but just acting as if it was normal because I was young and it was what everyone does. I then moved away to university and I suffered at the hands of girls again, dismissing me or being horrible for no apparent reason and I continued in my depression. During my second year at university those friends that I went travelling and began to move forward also with recent help from a counsellor. Then I met my current partner but he was fully attached to the same group of friends from school that were never there for me more so the boys. Last year two of my partners friends were getting married in which I felt like I had no choice to go to the weddings with him. My partner didn’t take seriously what I have previously been through and I felt like I had no choice. The girl that made the Facebook group whilst at uni was going to be there. The fear in me was real I felt like attending those weddings was causing me PTSD. I was travelling before both and I spent a lot of the time talking about the weddings in which I now realise was complete fear that I was not able to understand or explain. The final wedding was horrific, that girl had basically created a gang of grown adult women against me and I felt completely traumatised leaving on my own. This second experience of bullying as an adult has completely broken me. Has anyone had similar or can understand or relate to my experience?

frankoceanisbae Am i real?
  • replies: 13

i hate the feeling of not feeling in year 11 and next year will be my last year of school and honeslty it terrifies me. i have no idea what i want to do or achieve when im "older" like why am i here? what is my purpose? and i feel like i cant... View more

i hate the feeling of not feeling in year 11 and next year will be my last year of school and honeslty it terrifies me. i have no idea what i want to do or achieve when im "older" like why am i here? what is my purpose? and i feel like i cant be sad becuase i have so many things to be greatful for, but deep down i'm not happy. its so hard to explain this feeling like its not numbness but im not happy. i think its the mood swings from being happy when im with friends then sad and upset when im in my room and alone.I dont want to ask my bestfriend for help becuase i know her life was so much tougher than mine and i dont want anyone feeling bad for me and saying sorry. my sister was diagnosed with depresssion ages ago and now is fine, so i feel like i cant ask for help becuase i dont want to end up like how my sister was.i get these random episodes of dissassociation quite frequently and when i snap out of it i feel so fake, its like gettting deja vu, it freaks me out and really makes me think like wtf just happened and then i get this wave of dissassosiation and it repeats. a never ending cycle.i just want to be happy and 'normal'

AliExpat I think Moving to Australia was a Bad Move for Me
  • replies: 3

I moved to Australia from the UK a year ago with my partner of 4 years. Before coming out here I was on the fence about the relationship. Now I find myself questioning it daily, I am suffering from depression big time and most of my days are filled w... View more

I moved to Australia from the UK a year ago with my partner of 4 years. Before coming out here I was on the fence about the relationship. Now I find myself questioning it daily, I am suffering from depression big time and most of my days are filled with the dread of where my life has gone wrong. I was dissatisfied by life in London and my career was uninteresting to me. Yet I find myself in Brisbane, living a copy and paste existence; and now after being unemployed for several months, I am considering going back into my old career. I want to work and build back my savings, but I don’t know if staying here and staying in this relationship is healthy for me? I want to explore more of Australia as I have been so depressed I have missed opportunities to see the country, but I don’t think this move hasn't been the change of lifestyle that I wanted. like I said earlier, being here is the same as in London in my mind. I still don't get to see the outdoors much, the daily routine is the same and I'm not interested just going to bars and cafes, and walking around city parks. Three months ago I signed a lease with my partner for 12 months, I felt a bit pressured into it. Since then I have been unsettled by the commitment. I am filled with total anxiety over the whole thing. I miss my friends and family; I feel stuck in the relationship, and I no longer find joy in the things I used to enjoy at all. I want to get better, but I find myself sucked down by negativity that I am just following the wrong path, one that is not my own. I also feel that I spend so much time stressed out by the relationship and having to find work that I can't work on getting better. On top of this it bears heavily on my mind that I will have to stay at this potential job for at least a year as the past two years I have travelled and done brief stints of work here or there. As a 30yo man I feel like life is changing and my career is a train wreck and I am just now leading myself down the path which I think is wrong, but is what I beleive others to see as being right.I have no idea what to do, I want control back in my life.

JayR Hashimoto’s Single Parent
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I am a single mum to two teens. My youngest has struggled with School Can’t for the last few years, is very likely Autistic and we are going through the very slow process of diagnosis. I have had to homeschool her, while also working, for the last tw... View more

I am a single mum to two teens. My youngest has struggled with School Can’t for the last few years, is very likely Autistic and we are going through the very slow process of diagnosis. I have had to homeschool her, while also working, for the last two years. My girls’ dad calls them every few weeks and sees them maybe once every couple of months. Financial assistance from him just doesn’t happen so I do my best to make sure they have what they need. These days there is just so little to spare so it’s been a very long time since we had any kind of break from the constant drone. I have had Hashimoto’s disease for about 6 years now. It’s exhausting, and most of the time I have pain. Exercising hurts, even gentle walking, though I used to walk every day. Common foods cause flare ups but I’m so tired most of the time that I just don’t have the energy to do better planning. By the time I get home each day I have to push myself through all the things that need doing but I feel like I’m letting my girls down so much. Every day is just putting on a happy face for the world and my kids and reminding myself that we have food and a roof over our heads and we are safe. I don’t have family support and I’ve really struggled to connect with therapists. I really just don’t know how long I can keep going and keep up the front. The future is looking even harder than the present. Keeping on going was really all I had to rely on but my health is just getting worse and the only thing that keeps me pushing on is my girls. I don’t want to let them down. I don’t want them to be hurting.

Elham What is depression
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Don’t know where to start Hi people, i am 34 yo male living in Australia i came to study my Masters after completing bachelors overseas and i did one year job after my bachelors in IT and my father asked me to apply for australia as it is good countr... View more

Don’t know where to start Hi people, i am 34 yo male living in Australia i came to study my Masters after completing bachelors overseas and i did one year job after my bachelors in IT and my father asked me to apply for australia as it is good country etc so i did and its been 9 years i struggled alot and after Masters or even during my studies i was introduced to gamnling world by my friend who insists to go to casino several times and somehow i hooked to it and not blaming anyone i was weak minded and used to spend all my hard earned money on gambling whether it was to recover the losses and 3-4 years went by and then obviously i lost my mind in that time and couldn’t focus on really really important stuff then i think went to depression and bit of homosexuality too out of self hate. Finally got married as i always was straight acting but never had any gf due to culture norms overseas. Due to my bad financial planning and stuff wife left me and compared me with my other friends who are so called settled now have office jobs and its been few months i can’t cope up with it and still working like 7 days but don’t know where i am heading and no plans and age is passing by idea of working like this in casual jobs for more years kills me. Most hurting part is i am heartbroken due to divorce. How to pit my life together anyone in the same situation i have never seen a doctor but think i need help coz of headache and feeling lazy all the time. Cheers

frankoceanisbae i need advice...
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I only have 4 months of school left and i have quite a big friendship group at school which would be amazing right?... wrong! the thing i can admit is that ill always be alone. I've never had a close friend that's NOT been one-sided, because i know I... View more

I only have 4 months of school left and i have quite a big friendship group at school which would be amazing right?... wrong! the thing i can admit is that ill always be alone. I've never had a close friend that's NOT been one-sided, because i know I'm not theirs and i hate using the term "bff" its so cliche, but its so humbling when you say "your my best friend" and they wont say it back. this is so aimed at one person but like idgaf this person will forever choose their "popular friends" over me and that truly breaks my it the way i look? the way i speak? like why cant i get equally returned love???I just want someone to love me. its always me starting convos or organizing plans with them, like if i stopped talking to them overall, they would even ask if i was okay. they would just let us drift.i cant friendship break up with them, its not an option and i cant talk to them about it so it just feels like I'm digging myself a whole that goes deeper and deeper and deeper i know ill always get chosen last and that really makes me upset. i wish being a human was easy.After school i know ill barely have anyone left, so what does it feel like to be totally alone?