
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

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Guest_97782543 Depressed
  • replies: 3

I’ve been diagnosed with depression and I would like to talk to someone because I’m just feeling very down right now and a mental health worker at my school said if I ever feel the need to self harm I could talk to someone for Beyond blue or minds he... View more

I’ve been diagnosed with depression and I would like to talk to someone because I’m just feeling very down right now and a mental health worker at my school said if I ever feel the need to self harm I could talk to someone for Beyond blue or minds helpline and other sights like that

roman1613 Do i need meds?
  • replies: 2

Hi all,i cant believe im here, so difficult... guess ill explain the best i can. I have always been a bit of a loner, never had a relationship but have always been contented with that, i just figured i was asexual and left it at that. i dont really m... View more

Hi all,i cant believe im here, so difficult... guess ill explain the best i can. I have always been a bit of a loner, never had a relationship but have always been contented with that, i just figured i was asexual and left it at that. i dont really mentally understand intimacy? but a year ago i made friends with this amazing girl from the US who was on a working visa for a year and we became best friends. We both care about each other a great deal, it didnt get romantic but honestly neither brought it up or cared we just hung out heaps and enjoyed life, it was the happiest period of my life by a gigantic margin. well her visa expired and she moved back to the states. I have cried every day for a month now, and while we text daily its just not helping to remove the pain at all... i need her in my life. i feel hollow like a peice of me is missing and i cant get her out of my head at all, im obsessed with seeing her again. is that love? ive never felt it before.Am i depressed if im crying every day? I dont know if i should tell her how much she means to me now that we are so far apart but at this point im just really scared and just need another person to give me an opinion on what to do. i dont have any scary thoughts, but the sadness i live with at every moment is unbearable. thank you so much for listening,Roman.

Guest_9965 Help I am 90% sure I have depression but I don't know how to tell my parents
  • replies: 8

I am 14 years old I have really bad anxiety, ADHD, sensory issues, OCD, POTS syndrome (not a mental disorder but I used to be able to run 12 km and now I cant even walk 3) I always feel empty and sad like inside me is just a black hole of empty nothi... View more

I am 14 years old I have really bad anxiety, ADHD, sensory issues, OCD, POTS syndrome (not a mental disorder but I used to be able to run 12 km and now I cant even walk 3) I always feel empty and sad like inside me is just a black hole of empty nothingness and I am not good enough. on the outside though I am able to put on a smile for most of the day but this takes too much energy and I end up crying myself to sleep most days or not sleeping at all. If anyone has any advice I would love to know. (I haven't hurt myself or had suicidal thoughts before)

Guest_10458609 Pregnancy
  • replies: 1

Hi there,I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant and have been feeling a lot of doubt about if I will be a good mother. On top of that I’m constantly anxious if my baby is okay which gets draining for me and my husband also who is always getting my thoughts ... View more

Hi there,I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant and have been feeling a lot of doubt about if I will be a good mother. On top of that I’m constantly anxious if my baby is okay which gets draining for me and my husband also who is always getting my thoughts out loud. I’m worried I’m not a good person and my baby will be like me. I feel like I’m constantly upsetting everyone around me and not nice. I have a history of depression and anxiety pre pregnancy. I love being pregnant but I feel so alone. I feel like no one cares when I know they do. I tried to talk to my husband but he just brushes it off and doesn’t realise how much my mind is being affected by my thoughts. I also feel so guilty for complaining as I’m lucky to be in this positionhow do I go from here

Guest_73391460 Depression
  • replies: 2

What am I able to do if I am depressed because of my parents and they are really making my life very difficult and I am slowly coming to the stage of thinking about suicide. What am I supposed to do if I have no one to talk to.

What am I able to do if I am depressed because of my parents and they are really making my life very difficult and I am slowly coming to the stage of thinking about suicide. What am I supposed to do if I have no one to talk to.

Firestorm86 How do I keep doing the little things….
  • replies: 1

It sounds gross, but I can barely get out of bed to take a shower any more. I’m quite often going to work without showering because 10 minutes of lying in bed is better. I’ve tried to set an alarm or force myself to get up out of bed… but it’s too ha... View more

It sounds gross, but I can barely get out of bed to take a shower any more. I’m quite often going to work without showering because 10 minutes of lying in bed is better. I’ve tried to set an alarm or force myself to get up out of bed… but it’s too hard. Also, in the past eight weeks, apart from going to work, or to the supermarket I have left my home once… and with meal delivery services I’m worried I’m becoming agoraphobic.

Sunflower23 Sister conflict
  • replies: 2

Recently I've been struggling with my sister and our relationship. Since her wedding at the start of the year, she has brought up issues with me. These issues came like an avalanche, without warning, and have derived from issues which I had believed,... View more

Recently I've been struggling with my sister and our relationship. Since her wedding at the start of the year, she has brought up issues with me. These issues came like an avalanche, without warning, and have derived from issues which I had believed, were already solved. She has recently given me an ultimatum, that I need to act according to her wishes, or I will miss out on some of her events in the future. I feel as though my sister doesn't want to understand me, or listen to what I have to say, or even being open minded. It feels like a helpless situation. We live in different states and a lot of our previous communication has occurred via text or phone calls. I don't want to communicate via text anymore because what I'm trying to say always ends up getting misinterpreted. We are in gridlock at the moment.These past few months, I've been trying to not think about it too much but underneath it all, I'm mourning the loss of our previously close relationship. My sister is not in my inner circle and I'm not in hers and this makes me feel sad. This conflict has also impacted my other siblings and I feel guilty about this, as I never wanted this conflict in the first place, or for it to impact anyone else. At this stage, I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm hurting.

Never-Give-Up Depressed
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Hi, I’m a 57 year old male. I came from an abusive step family relationship and ran away from home at 15. I ended up being homeless and drifted from shelter to shelter, state to state and couldn’t keep a job or make friends. This lasted about 8 years... View more

Hi, I’m a 57 year old male. I came from an abusive step family relationship and ran away from home at 15. I ended up being homeless and drifted from shelter to shelter, state to state and couldn’t keep a job or make friends. This lasted about 8 years. Fast forward 30 plus years and I have a beautiful Wife, a lovely home,a good job and plenty of money. So many trigger points remind me of my past and it depresses me severely. As I get older it seems to get worse. I see homeless people on the streets and it breaks my heart as I have been there. I try to ignore the trigger points but they are so raw and overwhelming. I should be happy for the fortunate position I’m in now, but my past is a huge roadblock. Sometimes I wonder if going back to my past ways would ease the pain.

LJK74 Feeling Lost
  • replies: 2

I have been with my husband for 34 years and recently he has told myself and our kids that he has had depression for the past 4 years, brought on by a childhood trauma. The reason it came out was because he felt bad about telling me a lie, which he t... View more

I have been with my husband for 34 years and recently he has told myself and our kids that he has had depression for the past 4 years, brought on by a childhood trauma. The reason it came out was because he felt bad about telling me a lie, which he then told me the truth and what he's been going through. He has been speaking with a counsellor over the phone through work, but he said he feels they are talking from a card. He has seen his GP and is now waiting on an appt with a local Psychologist who I found that deals with Trauma/PTSD.For the past few years I have felt a shift or a difference in his and our relationship but thought I was causing it all because my Peri Menopause has coincided with his past 4 years of depression.He has moved out of our bedroom as he needs his own space and he gets up and down a lot in the night due to nightmares and permanent nightshift worker at the mines.I feel I no longer know how to be around him or even just chat with him, because it seems he doesn't want anything to do with me. And I'm worried I will upset him.He said he can't talk to me about how's he feeling, and I think he knows that it might upset me.I have gone from phonecalls or texts every day to absolutely nothing and don't know if I should be contacting him just to check-in or what.The only time he seems to talk to me is when he talks about going to Thailand next year for 2 months by himself. As he thinks he needs to step out of his comfort zone and go somewhere to be by himself where no-one knows him. I am just completely lost and don't know where I am with him anymore. I keep reminding myself it's not me it's what's going on in his head but it's hard not to take things personally and I'm sick of getting upset all the time.xx

D-80 Depression forced me to cease work
  • replies: 3

I was working full time enjoying life until workplace bullying led to major depressive disorder and anxiety. I had tried to do some work but the impact on my mental health was significant. After even a 1 hour consult with a client, I’d be in bed, una... View more

I was working full time enjoying life until workplace bullying led to major depressive disorder and anxiety. I had tried to do some work but the impact on my mental health was significant. After even a 1 hour consult with a client, I’d be in bed, unable to face the world just wanting to sleep sometimes for days. Keeping up my role as father and husband has been severely affected. I’ve now ceased all work and this did provide an improvement in my mental health but it was short lived. I am now in a low mood, doing only the necessities of life and spending my time in bed. I feel paralysed. I can’t seem to move forward. The only thing I look forward to is bed time, and that is a challenge given my struggles trying to sleep. On the nights I have a sleeping tablet it’s great. The noise and self hatred stops until I wake up. I don’t know what more to do.