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Strange symptoms. Told it's anxiety but am terrified!

Community Member
Hello, and thankyou all for reading. This is my first post here. I'm at the point of desperate to be reaching out like this. I keep being told by my GP its anxiety but my problem right now is health anxiety so being told to just relax doesn't help. It started a few months ago when I felt a cold spot on my cheek near my ear every day and it freaked me out. It lasted a month and has now been a few weeks since it's gone but in its place I have something worse. The top of my head has cold sensations like someone has put an ice pack on it. The last few days it has also turned to burning and that one can actually hurt a bit. I feel it more when I sit down and if I stand or have a shower or cry like a baby it goes away until I stop again. It really distresses me and only fuels my fear of a tumor or MS. My GP won't send me for a scan as they think nothing is wrong. But something is very wrong when you don't go to work anymore out of fear over what's happening. My GP did prescribe me anxiety medication and I was afraid to take one but I did and 4 hours later I started to feel disconnected, smelled a bushfire but nothing was burning and saw two people walk into my backyard (which I'm not sure happened or not as yet as we do have gardeners that come). But it was odd it all happened at the same time and this sent me into a panic attack and I ended up at the ER. I stopped taking it as anymore physical symptoms, even if normal to the medication, will give me attacks. Right now I am feeling the burning on my head but it's a bit to the right side tonight and along with it I've started feeling the tightness, the tension headache thing. I am terrified that it's a tumor or MS. I might stop doing that for now too. Anyway, am wondering if anyone has experienced these head sensations with anxiety? I find it hard to believe it is anxiety, but I will be the first to admit the last two years for me have been hell emotionally. I also feel like I'm starting to lose my mind, not knowing what's real or not anymore. I read that's common for anxiety but really??? Can someone actually 'lose' it? Like lose your awareness and intellect? That's what it feels like sometimes and now I just break down crying like a baby. It doesn't help that I am totally alone. No family and no friends as such that I can call at a moments notice or stay with me. I only have work acquaintances, so am battling this by myself and I feel it's only getting worse...
33 Replies 33

Hi opuses,

Thanks for your post.

I'm glad to hear that you'll be continuing to see the psychologist after the 10 sessions are up. They can get quite pricey so it's good to know that's affordable for you.

You said you've suffered from the brain tumour for a while now; do you mean 'the idea of a brain tumour'? I assume that's what you meant but I just wanted to double check as so far it sounds like with your health the only thing you've been diagnosed with is anxiety and labyrinthitis.

I'm interested to hear whether or not you find the St Johns Wort helpful. I've heard a lot about it (mostly for use with depression) but have never had the chance to try it because it interacts with all my other medication.

I love the idea of thinking about our thoughts as passing traffic. Sounds like your psychologist is trying to help you use mindfulness as a tool for anxiety. Do you find that metaphor works for you? There are lots of other ones that people can use like imagining the thoughts as clouds in the sky or a little kid yelling at you in the car. The kid one is my favourite because it's such a great way for me to visualise this little kid who pretends they know all the facts and wants your attention.

Haha, not sure if the kid thing is something I want to visualise, that will send me straight to the hospital! Yes the brain tumor thing is my thinking. I knew a few ppl during my teenage yrs that died from brain related things, tumors, anuerysms etc and they've stayed with me all my life. A friend of mine died at 22 from an aneurysm and they never found it even with scans until she died, so it's killed my belief in GP's, especially now when they just look at you and presume to know you have nothing in your head. Even with proof they get it wrong. But because I am feeling these 'head' sensations I am scared. If they went away I'd be fine, but they don't. They do change spots though over a week or so, hang in that spot, then change again, even in feeling, like now they seem to be like proding. I still get the cold sensation but oddly if I place my hand on the very top of my head, it's hot, hotter than the rest of my head. And that's where all the sensations tend to be. I'm reluctant to believe all that is produced by anxiety. The St Johns Wort I've only been taking 2 days so not sure if it'll do anything. I'm certainly not feeling any effects of any kind so we'll see. I do feel calmer though, this is more due to the fact that I'm starting to relent because it seems there's nothing I can do. Not even the GP's seem to care so, what else can I do? Also the more time with nothing else happening like getting sick or worse helps. But it's funny how the head sensations only start as evening comes along or whenever I talk about them. When I wake in the morning they are totally gone until evening comes along again. Someone said it could be my neck and the muscles, which explains being ok in the morning and also because these feelings seem to be on my scalp not inside my head etc etc.....i just don't know anymore. I feel a little lost and cast aside cause everyone seems to think it's nothing......I can deal with anxiety, I can't deal with feeling things on my head that aren't pleasant.

Hi opuses,

Thanks for your post.

Sorry about the late reply over the Christmas and holiday season - how have you been since then?

Reading what you've gone through I can see that there is really a strong belief that these sensations in your head are caused by a brain tumour of some sort. I can only imagine how hard it would be to lose someone so suddenly; especially in the shock that nothing could be found.

I know you've said too that the GP's don't care but I have to disagree. I think your GP has been really thorough in ordering different tests and scans like an MRI. If you thought your GP did truly care - what is it they would do? What tests would they need to order or what treatment would they to do?

I also wonder if you are still seeing your psychologist and if you're finding that they're helping or if you've discussed this with them.

Hi, yes Im still seeing the psych and it's not really helping beyond the talking side of things because as I don't truly believe it's anxiety, talking isn't going to help. As far as the GP, he gave me the MRI referral at my insistance very reluctantly. I think it's something he should've suggested knowing that it's what could help prove nothing is wrong. Anyway, I had the MRI yesterday and will know next week. If it comes clear then yes I'll have to accept anxiety or at the very least something not serious. I've had massages and seen a chiro for the first time in my life the last 2 weeks at a friend's insistance as she's starting to believe its tension in my neck from the stress Ive been under. The day after the chiro I was totally symptom free. Since then the cold/crawling has come back slightly and only been restricted to one patch of my head, still going away when I move about. The last days though Ive had no cold, only crawling in that spot and only slightly at night. Today both have come on and are a little strong. I also had a bit of an anxiety moment because the cold thing really scares me. Im ok with the crawling as I can feel it moving and put it down to muscle. The cold one though stumps me. Thats where Im at now, so overall I have to say it seems like its becoming less intense but not going away totally. Ive also noticed in the last week or so a tingling in my left cheek but a few days back I realised that I hold my left side in a bit of a puckered expression, like Ive seen something I dont like. So as soon as I relax that part of my face, the tingling goes......still the cold has me stumped.....and frightened....

Community Member

Hi Opuses I don't know if it helps but to alleviate your worry about MS, I know a couple of people who have MS and it was diagnosed by an optician, through a regular eye test.

That might help to take away your worry. I know myself that I always want to check things out before I can let it go completely.

I hope all is well with the MRI and you get some peace. I had convinced myself I had cancer and had a terrible pain in my chest for months and months. I went and had a chest X-ray and it came back clear, and from that very day I have never had the pain again. It just amazes me how powerful our minds are that they can create physical symptoms.

Take care of yourself and sending lots of wishes to you for good health to resume.

Regards Clare B

Community Member

Hi Clare, glad you were ok. I've had the eye test and things were fine then. Am still waiting for the MRI results and Im wondering, if the radiologist had seen something on his screen, would he have told me straight up seeing I wasn't referred by a neuro and they said the results don't ever get sent back to a GP, rather they call you when they're ready to pick up? Would they consider a tumor or MS 'serious' enough to mention at the time?

Today hasn't been great. Woke up and almost instantly after getting out of bed and lounging around got the head crawly thing and tightness around my head. I have a day off today so lots of time to do nothing. I have many people now telling me maybe it's not anxiety, but also not serious as again the strange thing about it is how it goes away when I stand or move my head around. They reckon it's my neck and after the chiro I had nothing for a day and I went to get a massage and felt better after. Now that Im home again and sitting on my bed, Ii can feel the crawling coming on. It's mainly always at the top of my head maybe a little to the right. Ive also had mild burning of my forearms which could be stress and remembering days gone by, Ive periodically had very sensitive skin on my thumb area running along the top of my hand to the wrist sometimes, what feels like if I lightly touch the skin it kills! Only last a few hours but it's something I'm remembering having. Im sorry but I cant believe its anxiety given its pattern. Sit...on. Stand or move head...goes away. And standing isnt a distraction, its simply standing. I noticed last night I was watching tv on my bed with my neck crooked on the bed head and whenever I do that the next day I have tight muscle tension around my shoulders and back, some pain too. This has only been happening in the last 3 months also, so Im trying not to do that........neck perhaps?

Hi opuses,

Thanks for your post. I'm glad to see you're still on the forums after the holiday break.

From your post it looks like you've recently had the MRI done so hopefully the results will come back sooner rather than later and you won't have to wait too long!

I can see that there's a lot of expectation that the MRI will show something that explains what you're feeling; have you thought about what will happen or what your plan of action will be if it doesn't?

I am glad you are still seeing the psychologist even if you don't think it's helping much or even though you don't believe it's anxiety. My reason for suggesting that is hopefully he/she can at least understand how you're feeling or even provide some support while you navigate through all these tests. MRI's are not an easy test to do and are quite anxiety-provoking in some people. Another thing the psychologist could do (if you were open to it of course) would be to help try to explain how the body reacts with chronic anxiety; and why it is that you're having odd feelings at odd times. Especially with chronic anxiety as it doesn't look or feel typical (i.e. racing heart, sweats etc); so it can be hard to understand the timing of it all when you can feel perfectly rested and calm.

I'm also really glad the chiropractor helped; alternative medicine can be a great way to go and also very non-invasive!

Hi, thanks for your reply and yes my results are in and yes I had thought of what then...if it's clear, and it was! Like everyone told me. All it showed was my left anterior sphenoid sinus had slight mucosal thickening which I suspected for years but I don't think it is the cause. I would have thought a clear diagnosis would be the end of it, but two days later and tonight the cold sensation came on quite strong 😞 Of course I'm happy to know there's nothing in my head and with that knowledge I sleep easier but I'm now at..well what is it then? My chiro says it's in my neck but after seeing her yesterday, and having symptoms today I'm not sure anymore and she wants to see me twice a week so Im starting to wonder if she's ripping me off by telling me what I want to hear. She also mentioned I have slight scoliosis which I can't see for the life of me.....not sure what I'm going to do with that, maybe see a different one to see if the diagnosis is the same. So Im not sure what to think now re; the symptoms. I am however interested in the chronic anxiety theory because my symptoms are definetely not the typical symptoms which is all I hear ppl go on about. I told my psych that and he agreed that's why I don't believe it is anxiety but took it no further. I must've had anxiety for ages because I did have two panic attacks early last year so it's been going on since back then and now it's possibly presenting itself physically. Its so hard to believe though because as you said, I don't feel anxious otherwise until these strange symptoms happen. The other thing that occured to me is that when these cold things started, I had just shaved my head on the left side and under the back side. I immediately regretted it and ever since, I've been paranoid about ppl noticing the growing tufts which are awful as I have curly hair and aren't long enough to pin back with the rest of my hair yet. I wondered at first if the shaved side somehow made my head feel colder but at the time I only had a cold sensation on my left cheek. A month later is when the head one's started but, I wonder if my mind produced this as a way of punishing me if you will for having shaved my head in the first place, if that makes sense. I hate my hair on good days as it's so unmanageable and awful, so to ave done this on top of it....silly

Community Member

I know this is an old post but I am curious as to how you are doing now. Do you still have these symptoms?

I have had anxiety for most of my life and have experienced a wide range of related symptoms. My neck muscles have taken more and more strain over time from my inability to relax. I have long been used to my neck being sore and stiff at the end of the day and my neck twitching when in a stressful situation.

Recently I have begun to get the symptoms you described. It feels like my scalp is crawling, little prickles, or tickles, almost like ants crawling over my head.

I have been through enough anxiety-related weird feelings to be able to accept that it is that in this case too but there is always that feeling that it might be something more serious. I have had my legs feeling exactly like this before, more than 5 years ago. It just went away after a while.

Last weekend my head and neck were very bad but I made an effort to sleep more and it was a pretty good week, until tonight. I think I need to sleep more again. My anxiety has a tendency to keep me awake at night, which doesn’t help.

I hope these symptoms are a thing of the past for you now but, if not, know that you are not the only one. You can look up Paresethesia Anxiety. It describes this sort of thing as one of the symptoms.

hi, I know this was over a year ago but I'm having some real trouble with similar symptoms and I don't know what to do...

about 8 weeks ago I woke up early hours to the left side of my face going completely numb I felt like I was having a stroke its spread to my arm and left leg I was having tingling sensations in my head and burning sensations I do suffer with a anxiety disorder but have never experienced anything like this, my ct scan came back normal so my brain is okay but I have never felt right since. My gp has also put it down to anxiety and has refused to send me for any more tests (even though I was referred to a neurologist and they have recommended an MRI for my neck and spine they believe it could be a disc that's slightly out of place or a trapped nerve) my cheek feels numb and tingly and I'm always getting pins and needles and burning sensations. One nurse suggested it could be a hemiplegic migraine which can cause temporary paralysis on one side of the face, but I have no headaches and the numbness comes and goes. I don't know what else to do and feel like I'm going crazy can anxiety really cause all of this? if so what can help ease it I only know how to deal with the mental side I have never experienced physical before 😞