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Strange symptoms. Told it's anxiety but am terrified!

Community Member
Hello, and thankyou all for reading. This is my first post here. I'm at the point of desperate to be reaching out like this. I keep being told by my GP its anxiety but my problem right now is health anxiety so being told to just relax doesn't help. It started a few months ago when I felt a cold spot on my cheek near my ear every day and it freaked me out. It lasted a month and has now been a few weeks since it's gone but in its place I have something worse. The top of my head has cold sensations like someone has put an ice pack on it. The last few days it has also turned to burning and that one can actually hurt a bit. I feel it more when I sit down and if I stand or have a shower or cry like a baby it goes away until I stop again. It really distresses me and only fuels my fear of a tumor or MS. My GP won't send me for a scan as they think nothing is wrong. But something is very wrong when you don't go to work anymore out of fear over what's happening. My GP did prescribe me anxiety medication and I was afraid to take one but I did and 4 hours later I started to feel disconnected, smelled a bushfire but nothing was burning and saw two people walk into my backyard (which I'm not sure happened or not as yet as we do have gardeners that come). But it was odd it all happened at the same time and this sent me into a panic attack and I ended up at the ER. I stopped taking it as anymore physical symptoms, even if normal to the medication, will give me attacks. Right now I am feeling the burning on my head but it's a bit to the right side tonight and along with it I've started feeling the tightness, the tension headache thing. I am terrified that it's a tumor or MS. I might stop doing that for now too. Anyway, am wondering if anyone has experienced these head sensations with anxiety? I find it hard to believe it is anxiety, but I will be the first to admit the last two years for me have been hell emotionally. I also feel like I'm starting to lose my mind, not knowing what's real or not anymore. I read that's common for anxiety but really??? Can someone actually 'lose' it? Like lose your awareness and intellect? That's what it feels like sometimes and now I just break down crying like a baby. It doesn't help that I am totally alone. No family and no friends as such that I can call at a moments notice or stay with me. I only have work acquaintances, so am battling this by myself and I feel it's only getting worse...
33 Replies 33

Hi opuses,

Thanks for your reply.

It's great that you're trying to notice what brings it on; does it happen during the day as well? Does anything make it worse like heat/coolness?

If you can, try to be aware of the conclusions that you jump to whenever you experience something new or a different symptom/sensation. Crawling sensation can be due to MS but it is also part of anxiety. Remember that anxiety is never a one-size fits all and there are so many different things that occurs in anxiety just like it does in more serious conditions like MS or a tumour.

I highly recommend staying away from Internet articles and things about MS/Fibromyalgia or tumours. I know that it's very easy to see things like that in the media and to be concerned about your body but it's also not helping you now.

It's also worth noting that things like MS have a lot of symptoms but the presentation of MS isn't just one symptom; and the severity of it is often intense (i.e. lasting all day). The symptoms may also come and go in MS but they don't change. If there's a burning sensation, it's a burning sensation and it doesn't switch. Often with MS it can start with numbness in one legs, tremors, incredible fatigue and problems with vision. This is good news - because it means that what you're experiencing is more than likely anxiety as it's changing.

You also mentioned about seeing the psych; I hope that that is going well and that he or she is able to alleviate your worries a little bit.

Hope this helps

Hi all, yes I understand about MS and the symptoms staying put, I try to tell myself it isn't because of exactly what you said. No it's not there during the day and when I wake up, it's not there ever, lie all I want in bed...nothing. not till later in the evening when I'm on my way home or going to bed. The last few days I've been doing well and coming around to the anxiety theory when last night I noticed my left jaw area getting the cold sensation, it happened 3 or 4 times before I fell asleep and it happens real quick, like less than a second but enough for me to notice it. I had a cold sensation in that area during all of October for the whole month, everyday but it went away. It was also higher up, more like next to my ear, now it seems like it's back but lower in the jaw area. Great. It also gives me a sense of adrenaline rush when it does it. Hopefully this one won't last long...it's morning now as I type this and I've felt the cold jaw thing twice already.

Community Member

Opuses? You need to do something. Instead of analysing yourself a the time.try hobbies that focus on other things.get yourself into a gym. Take up a sporting activity Because the sensations your experiencing i believe are invented. By your mind.most are amplified by anxiety.anxiety will get worse if your always waiting for it. With exercise.lots of chemical reactions will give you new sensations which should nullify those hot and cold ones.like PAIN...STIFFNESS. STRENGTH. NATURAL HIGH. etc. TIREDNESS. and i dont believe one can have a full on anxiety attack DURING a workout. ..try it. MAX.

Hi, I have taken up yoga lately which is fun. I understand what you're saying, it's just that it seems to hit me when I am home and I can't be out all the time. But yes, I am trying to put myself together slowly. I hope it's all made up, I would love nothing more. It's believing it without proof as such that is difficult. But I am trying

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi opuses sorry I haven't seen this post till today.

Although dr google can help for some concerns I want to let you know it should never replace professional advice Note this story coming up is slightly off topic but it does tie back in. In 2014 I had odd signs and symptoms. I had a sore neck for a few days then it stopped. Then I noticed I couldn't wink my left eye. I couldn't feel my left eyebrow. Thought it was weird but I was studying for my last mid year exam so left it for a few hours (note I wasn't stressed for this exam as I had done a similar one a year ago). I then looked in the mirror and my left half of my mouth wasn't moving well, i couldn't smile properly. I called mum and she thought it could be a migraine. I then called my dad who is a dr. He then told me to see my uncle who is an ED dr the next day because he thought it was bells palsy. I asked dr google in the mean time. It told me I had MS, migraine (never had one before and rare to get them for the first time in mid twenties), cancer, epilepsy and anxiety along with some other odd possibilities. I went to see my uncle in hospital the next day and I had bells palsy. This is an inflammation of the 7th nerve behind the neck. It causes one (rarely both) sides of the face to go semi/completely paralysed. It is a temporary condition. It was an inflamation so I was given medication and just had to wait for it to go down. I can now fully move my left side of my face.

The moral of that story is that dr google can be wrong. Not one of the diagnose me websites said bells palsy. Even though once I read up on it I had every sign and symptom. I also find when I'm anxious I lose sensation of my left side of my face but can still move it (with bells I couldn't move it at all and my nerve was inflamed and the nerves allow movement). Anxiety can cause the body to feel weird sensations sometimes. It is normal and I do understand how scary it is because it makes me worried too.

Hope this helps

Community Member
Hi, yes I totally understand that. And Im sorry to hear that happened to you. What happened for me more so is not that google scared me according to my symptoms, I scared myself initially thinking I had HIV or a brain tumor as I had strange symptoms due to my low iron (which hadn't been diagnosed at the time). After my low iron diagnoses, I started taking supps and most symptoms disappeared. Unfortunately, the damage of me thinking I had something else remained and even after I had my HIV test come back neg, it continued to grow now about the brain tumor. In googling about brain tumors, that's when I came across MS too. So most of my worry was made up in my head initially without google. In any case, Ive exhausted every possible google page out there relating to all those things. I am quite happy to think I don't have MS now, but the brain tumor one remains. It doesn't help also that I have known 3 or 4 people who have passed from head tumors, aneurysms and strokes. The aneurysm girl was never diagnosed with it and instead the docs kept telling her she needed glasses. They never found it on time so I think my lack of belief in docs comes from that. Anyway, today I was reading on neck muscles as I do have some neck issues, lots of cracking, popping etc. I read that the huge muscle that runs along side the neck can cause symptoms similar to what I'm feeling and not only that but that the way it happens can be due to things I do too. For example, when I sit or lie in bed, I will always lean to my left almost like my spine is curved to the left, I will also tilt my head slightly to the left. Even when I lie straight in bed I will kink to the left. Maybe that has caused tension on the left neck muscle. It said it can cause problems in your cheeks. It's a theory for now but I will go see a physio about it and see what they say. Tonight however I can say I've had no cold/burning sensations on my head, only slight cold sensation on my left cheek.

Hi opuses,

Thanks for your post.

I'm glad that you are starting to believe less that you have MS although I imagine it's still frustrating believing that you have a brain tumour. Have you looked at more information as to brain tumours and how they present in people? Even though everyone's experience is different brain tumours often start with severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, difficulties with balance, etc; none of which you've mentioned you struggle with. I believe that knowledge is power so educating yourself around the possibilities, symptoms and presentation can help you understand that what you're feeling is normal.

You mentioned that you saw the psych; did you want to tell us how that was going? Are you feeling comfortable in talking to him/her in what's going on for you?

I'm also really happy to hear that you've been doing yoga as this is such a great way to encourage you to be fully present in your mind and body. Mindfulness can be a great skill to learn in allowing our thoughts to appear but not judging them or questioning them further. I hope that you'll continue with this as it's a really good skill to have.

Hope this helps

Hello again, yes I want to continue with yoga but it's end of year and they shut on Monday 😕 Yes I know all about tumor symptoms, I actually know a lot about many diseases and you're right, I haven't experienced any of the ones common to it. The only thing I have had head related was 10 yrs ago I went totally deaf in my left ear along with severe vertigo and have had ringing ever since. Was told it was labyrinthitis but I thought it was an acoustic neuroma and I think maybe thats where my initial tumor theory began. I still have mild ringing to this day and some fullness every now and then but most of my hearing returned. It does help to know I haven't got the common symptoms but of course with anxiety, I am waiting for them to appear an I live daily waiting to collapse out of nowhere. I keep thinking that maybe I am that odd one out that doesn't present symptoms 😕 The psych was great. I've been to some before who were awful but I instantly felt comfy with this one. I am a huge believer in talking and if anything I find it frustrating that there's not enough time in the sessions. I will continue to go to him indefinetely at this point as they only charge $80 an hour which is so cheap. I'll see how I go today. Have just woken up so.....feeling ok atm just tired due to late/bad sleeping as per normal

Hi opuses,

Thanks for your post.

I'm glad to hear that you've been seeing the psychologist and so happy to hear you felt comfortable with this one. It can be really hard to 'click' with a psychologist so that's a big win. What is he/she asking you to do? Have they given you any suggestions or techniques to help? Also I assume that that's 80$ with the Medicare plan from the GP?

It sounds like the idea of having a tumour or something wrong (like MS) has been bothering you for a really long time. I can imagine that it must be exhausting. Is there anything that takes your mind away from this; are there ever times that you forget about what 'could be'? Yoga is such a great path but maybe there's something else as well.

Another thing you may want to consider is looking at YouTube videos. There are many that are done by professional yoga therapists and this can be a great way to try and keep going with the poses you've already learned while the yoga place is shut down. Of course, you could also just use music and a mat if you know the poses.

Hi, thanks for replying. Medicare cover 10 sessions free per year but I did ask the psych how much it would be if I wanted to continue sessions after my 10 are over and he said they only ever charge the medicare rate which is $80. So I'll be going long after my 10 sessions are done as it is very cheap.

Yes I've suffered with this brain tumour for a while now. I actually had this about 10 yrs ago and did an MRI and that was that, I don't remember it being so bad though and I had no symptoms back then, just thoughts. This time I've developed the strange symptoms on my head which is what has scared me more. I saw my mother today who is somewhat estranged to me, and she told me it's just nerves just like I've always had in the past. It's comforting hearing your mother say it. I have also tonight started taking St John's Wort as I am very scared of taking the SSRI's given they bring on side effects which in turn scare me more. I'm feeling ok tonight and calmer which is good. I can't imagine anything can help other than the strange symptoms going away. When they come on is when I start getting really scared, when they go I can reason with the anxiety theory. So really, I need them to go. Hopefully the St John's Wort will ease me a little there. The psych told me to start detaching my mind from 'thinking' about the strange symptoms when they come on and to start seeing my thoughts as passing traffic just going about their business and to try and just be in the moment without thinking about them. I can only try 🙂