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Anxiety and children

Community Member


This is the first time I have posted and I feel like it shouldn't be a big issue but I just am not dealing with my children being left out of things. I live in a farming area (which I did not grow up in so am already not in the COOL club). I'm for most of the time ok being an outsider, even though I rely heavily on friendships (which I basically have none here) but now my children are beinging left out of things such as parties and play dates. I know I, as well as my children are good people we just didn't grow up here and aren't cool enough. The only way I can move is by leaving my husband and at the moment I feel like that might be the only way so my children don't feel as lonely as myself. There isn't much I can change about the situation I just feel like talking to someone

8 Replies 8

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kate17 and a very warm welcome to the forums!

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been going through that. I can tell that you love your children very much and that it can hurt when they're not invited to things or left out. My heart really goes out to you. May I ask when did you move there? Has this been happening for a while? Sometimes it can take people to get used to new people as unfortunately they can get used to their groups.

Sometimes it just takes one friendly person to be warm to you and you can feel better. When I moved from Canada I found it very isolating at first. It can be hard to make new friends as people tend to make friends from work or school but it is totally possible!

I'm here for you!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kate17

We understand it can be frustrating when there isn't much you can change about a problem- especially when it involves loved ones! This forum is actually a great place to make social connections and can help you boost your connections in real life. Your children may benefit from positive online social spaces also- or council ran events if they are available as well. We are more than happy to brainstorm some solutions with you- we are here to help!


Hi Kate17,

I just wanted to check in and see how you were going.

I hope you've been doing well, please reach out to us for support if needed!

Community Member


Not sure if this is the kind of thing you can help with, or maybe someone else on the platform can, but I am looking to some counseling. As there is none available in town and I would have to drive 1 1/2 hours for the closest biggish town, is there any online counselors. Someone to does sessions over zoom or something?

I know there is American website Better Health but I think an Australia counselor would suit better.


Hi Kate,

Thanks for reaching out here. If you would like some help finding mental health support, we would recommend that you get in contact with the Beyond Blue Support Service. They are available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport  One of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you and can offer support, advice and referrals.

Our "Find a Professional" page might also be of some assistance - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/find-a-professional

Thanks again.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Katie17

Just thought I'd check in and see how you were going- you aren't alone in trying to seek out accessible mental health care. Feel free to check out Sophie_M's advice, and keep us updated on your mental health journey if you like.


Hi Kate17!

Sophie_M mentioned some great resources.

The good thing is that with everything happening a lot more psychologists have been doing Telehealth sessions which also helps when there is no one in your town.

It might be a good idea to see your GP to speak to them, they will be able to create a mental health plan and give you a referral. They may also know of a psychologist (Telehealth) to recommend.

Please keep us updated how you go!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kate17

Just thought I'd check-in and see how you were doing? Has being on the forums for a little while helped at all? Let us know if you'd like any guidance or more of a listening ear- we are keen to chat if you like 🙂
