
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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David35 emotionally burnt out
  • replies: 5

I'm 46, on a DSP and live with my mum, who's 76, and had cancer for the last 18 months. She's in remission now and was lucky they got it early. During her care (biopsies, chemo, appointments) I was fine and emotionally strong for her. Last Dec she go... View more

I'm 46, on a DSP and live with my mum, who's 76, and had cancer for the last 18 months. She's in remission now and was lucky they got it early. During her care (biopsies, chemo, appointments) I was fine and emotionally strong for her. Last Dec she got the all clear again. But now I'm a mess.Each day I struggle with anxiety, on edge all the time, with sudden noises startling me easily. I argue a lot with her. There have been bouts of depression too. My elder brother, stopped talking to us for a long time. In fact, it was the first time in over a year that he actually asked how I was. Before that he mocked me for struggling to cope at times. Other friends of mum have distanced themselves from her. It seems that we have both been treated as problems, not people.I'm seeing a psychologist to help me focus again on me. I have a woodworking hobby building wooden kids furniture and other items, which I gave up a long time ago due to a bad back and lack of demand. But a year ago I found myself needing some hobby to help my anxiety, even if I do run at a loss. I almost feel like I have a form of PTSD not only from mum's cancer treatment, but from being anbandoned by my own brother during a time of need, in which I could have done with his support.Has anyone else had any experience with this? Falling apart at the seams after a lot of stress? Nowadays, I struggle to watch the news, let alone brave my soul on the roads... Now that mum is fine, it seems that I've fallen apart at the seams...

whose_da_man88 Brain Scans
  • replies: 19

Hi, The psychologist that I am starting to see again sent me this link about brain scans. A lot of my physical symptoms feels like it is because there is something wrong with my head. It feels like my brain snaps/has a cr... View more

Hi, The psychologist that I am starting to see again sent me this link about brain scans. A lot of my physical symptoms feels like it is because there is something wrong with my head. It feels like my brain snaps/has a cramp and then I spend yonks recovering from all the physical symptoms thereafter which is why I want to see what my brain is actually doing. Does anyone know what kind of brain scan this is and how I am able to get one? The only scan I've heard is an MRI. He sent me another link about neurofeedback and I'm keen to see what my brain looks like in a scan and then have my psychologist implement the right neurofeedback strategy. Thanks.

VivRic HEALTH ANXIETY - constant muscle twitches.
  • replies: 3

Hey, I have suffered from severe health anxiety for the last 15 years. I have had so many tests - Constant blood tests, MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, EMG, nerve studies, you name it I’ve probably had it at some point. I get one part of my body checked out,... View more

Hey, I have suffered from severe health anxiety for the last 15 years. I have had so many tests - Constant blood tests, MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, EMG, nerve studies, you name it I’ve probably had it at some point. I get one part of my body checked out, feel good for about a week after the results come back clear and then it’s almost like the anxiety shifts into a different part of my body and new and equally scary symptoms will appear causing me to go down another rabbit hole searching for the problem. I know why I have this condition. Both my mother and father’s cancers were misdiagnosed for many years and sadly resulted in my mother’s death. I have a massive mistrust in the medical system and often feel that I’m not being heard. Both of my parents were told their symptoms were ‘just anxiety’. Which is what I always get told and is probably true for the most part. However I feel like my adrenals and nervous system are finally shutting down due to the decades of stress and trauma. I suffer from chronic muscle twitches, weakness in my arms, numbness, burning, tingling in back of head, dizziness and vertigo, weird sounds in my ear, blurred vision and other strange eye sensations, muscle stiffness, chronic digestive issues, shaking, dry mouth, dry eyes insomnia and many many more things. But lately it’s the muscle twitches and weakness that are new and really really frightening me. I have daily adrenaline rushes and I don’t sleep well at night. But I’m so very scared I have ALS. I have seen a neurologist who doesn’t think I present with typical symptoms but obviously if I’m in early stages this is hard for her to be 100% sure of. The fear about this is so debilitating. I’m working with a great shrink and mindfulness coach and I do have some good days but sadly more bad days where I see no future. The loneliness... Just wondering if anyone else out there gets muscle twitches and weakness? And some positive stories about when that turned out not to be ALS would be so helpful. Thanks

chociloni What to do - ongoing situation
  • replies: 3

I am originally from Perth, and back in November I fled my apartment block due to a scary DV situation. (Not in my flat but close by). Overall I didn't like living there, and there were other intrusive creepy tenants in the block. I came to stay temp... View more

I am originally from Perth, and back in November I fled my apartment block due to a scary DV situation. (Not in my flat but close by). Overall I didn't like living there, and there were other intrusive creepy tenants in the block. I came to stay temporarily with my parents who live in a coastal town about a 5 hour drive south of Perth. It was nice at first, so much nature and I felt recharged. I had a remote job which I was able to take to this new town with me. The job was fairly stressful, to be honest I didn't like it, and in January I was fired as 'I wasn't picking things up fast enough.' I fell into a terrible depression, and I'm still dealing with this now. I had a psychologist here who I really liked who until recently has cancelled all of her appointments until further notice as she has had a death in the family. So I'm on the look out for another one...but it seems the options here in this town (about 45000 people) aren't as big as they are in Perth. This worries me a bit, there's still a fair amount...but in Perth accessing this kind of support is quite easy. I'm feeling at a stage now where I need to make decisions. To be honest I feel like going back to Perth, however there's nowhere or no one I can stay with long term, which is what I would need and there is the housing crisis, so it's not advisable. But I miss all the services there that would be available to me, and certain friends. This coastal town is relaxing for me, I do like it here but I don't want to stay forever. My plan was to stay here until the end of the year, get treatment for my depression and anxiety, then reassess then move back to Perth at end of year. I have a job here, which I've had for 2 weeks working 1 day per week. I'm going to have to get more work. Getting more work freaks me out as it says to me I'm 'now living in the country.' I feel bad taking work then quitting and getting more work next year? I feel that's a fine thing for someone to do in their 20's, but I'm 45. I'm also living rent free with my parents, I haven't lived with my parents for 20 yrs! It's fine living with my Mum but I don't get along with my Father, he is ok sometimes but he is argumentative. I live in the bottom section of the house though, with my own bathroom and kitchen. I don't think moving from my parents home to another home here is a good idea. I feel like I'm sabotaging my life! I don't know what I'm I making the right decisions?

Anxie I can’t keep a job
  • replies: 3

I have social anxiety and I find it really hard to keep a job. I get panic attacks which make me freeze, I’m nervous and come out as weird to people. I have concentration problem’s and I’ve realised I forget about details so quick maybe because being... View more

I have social anxiety and I find it really hard to keep a job. I get panic attacks which make me freeze, I’m nervous and come out as weird to people. I have concentration problem’s and I’ve realised I forget about details so quick maybe because being nervous makes it hard to process information. I’ve just really lately started to feel like I can’t succeed in this world. Does anyone have similar feelings or experiences? I’m starting to feel like giving up. I haven’t been able to keep any job for long or fit in anywhere in my whole life.

Kylie87 Health anxiety
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Hi, this is my first post, I’m sure I am suffering from health anxiety and it’s crippling! it all started about 8 years ago when I had a health scare and I have never gotten over it. I’m at the point now where I’ll do anything to avoid the doctors I’... View more

Hi, this is my first post, I’m sure I am suffering from health anxiety and it’s crippling! it all started about 8 years ago when I had a health scare and I have never gotten over it. I’m at the point now where I’ll do anything to avoid the doctors I’m absolutely terrified that they will find something wrong with me…any kind of tests also triggers anxiety and it’s all I can think about. If I build up enough courage to book a doctors appointment 9 time out of 10 I will cancel it…it’s awful I really don’t know how to get past it

confirmed08 feeling stressed and frustrated due to built up emotion
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've posted on here but I'm unfortunately back. I've always had issues expressing my emotions to others to try and get support, I hate burdening family and friends, even those I'm incredibly close to, as they have... View more

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've posted on here but I'm unfortunately back. I've always had issues expressing my emotions to others to try and get support, I hate burdening family and friends, even those I'm incredibly close to, as they have other stresses and worries in their lives, let alone taking in mine. Since the mutual decision to stop seeing my therapist, I've not expressed any of my stresses and anxiety with anyone, and am making sure I do not cry to show too many negative emotions both around people and even alone so to 'train' myself I suppose to not express these. But this is causing my temper to be incredibly shortened and the smallest things are becoming incredibly frustrating. I know bottling these emotions up is incredibly detrimental, and I'm also encouraging friends not to, but I just can't bare sadden my family and after a bad experience with my ex partner betraying my trust, I don't want to reveal these things to my friends.I don't want to burden them and I don't want to show weakness, but it's really hurting me.

Dazza73 Post relationship blues
  • replies: 8

Hi. I’m 49 and I met a woman online who was the same age.She friended me on Facebook and we started talking every day. She lives a 2 hour drive from me. 5 weeks later, we met in person and we hit it off. We even slept together that weekend. We contin... View more

Hi. I’m 49 and I met a woman online who was the same age.She friended me on Facebook and we started talking every day. She lives a 2 hour drive from me. 5 weeks later, we met in person and we hit it off. We even slept together that weekend. We continued talking (mostly online) and we met every weekend for 4 weeks. I had a planned trip interstate, so went on that. Upon my return, she either pulled away or was referring to herself as her girlfriend. She kept referring to herself as my girlfriend. However when I asked her, she immediately says things are not working between us. I feel like I’ve been led on a bit. She ended the relationship and now I’m finding it difficult not talking to her. 4 weeks after we broke up, I’m starting to get angry as all I think about is being led on. I’m constantly thinking of her. I’m struggling to let her go. When I see a picture of her on various social media, my heart beats faster and I feel anxious and sad. I do have thoughts of ending myself, but I know this is counterproductive. As of yesterday, I have unfollowed her on all social media formats. So I won’t see any photos online. I’m getting sick and tired of her consuming my thoughts. This is driving me insane. Trouble is, I live in a rural town and I have no one to turn to for a chat or support. Why does she consume my every day thoughts?I’ve joined 3 different dating sites and have sent 30 different women a message. Only 1 has briefly chatted. The rest do not want to talk to me. Right now, I’m sad, lonely, rejected while missing a certain woman. Can anyone help me or give me some direction? thanks…

loopsy generalised anxiety disorder in 10 year old
  • replies: 4

hi, I'm looking for any advice for GAD in children. My son was misdiagnosed with ADHD and given lots of different types over a 3 month period as nothing was improving his poor behaviour at school. the medication turbo charged his undiagnosed anxiety.... View more

hi, I'm looking for any advice for GAD in children. My son was misdiagnosed with ADHD and given lots of different types over a 3 month period as nothing was improving his poor behaviour at school. the medication turbo charged his undiagnosed anxiety. he had a semi psychosis at Christmas, tried to kill me and hit me multiple times, 2 x trips to Children's hospital but no help provided. 4 months later and he is seeing a psychiatrist and is off ADHD medication but he's aggressive, verbally abusive and fearful, and can't go to school as his anxiety is so bad. He's on computer games all day long as we have to work, hard to insist on working from home full time, but one of us can be here, however he is really hard work and its slowly killing our family life. I feel so trapped and helpless. all his friends are very distant now too which is disappointing. Does it get better? what can help? thanks for reading.

Whatsitallabout Anxious about teaching jobs and sleep problem
  • replies: 3

I’ve been a primary teacher for about 10 years (in different locations) and I’ve got to the point now where I feel too anxious to take another teaching job. I was always anxious about teaching and all the observations and judgement from everyone- par... View more

I’ve been a primary teacher for about 10 years (in different locations) and I’ve got to the point now where I feel too anxious to take another teaching job. I was always anxious about teaching and all the observations and judgement from everyone- parents, other teachers, principals etc. I used to work long hours and tried my best to prepare good activities etc and then over time I started to get anxiety and sleep problems. Then I keep going to work without sleeping Which eventually makes you ill and then you need time off quite regularly. In the end I would resign for the end of the school year and sometimes I’d only last a term in some schools. Now I’m at the stage where I know my anxiety and sleep problem is so bad that I can’t take another teaching job. I know it’s a big responsibility looking after kids and I don’t want to let them down in their education. Now I’ve been without work for almost a year. I feel guilty, anxious and stressed about not working. I’ve even applied for teaching jobs and been offered them but then I’ve turned them down because of anxiety. I feel such a failure and I beat myself up because I can’t get up in the morning - because I can’t sleep often till about 4am. My family discuss with each other how unsuccessful I am. My husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year (he’s not been working since the start of the VIC lockdown) and that’s only added to the anxiety. I must work and I can’t afford counselling. I really don’t know what to do.