
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Sunflower151 Guilt and anxiety
  • replies: 3

How do you get over extreme anxiety from guilt? Recently I'll just suddenly remember something that I regret doing and I'll get incredibly anxious about it because I feel like a bad person and I'll always just make mistakes or have bad intentions or ... View more

How do you get over extreme anxiety from guilt? Recently I'll just suddenly remember something that I regret doing and I'll get incredibly anxious about it because I feel like a bad person and I'll always just make mistakes or have bad intentions or something. I try to do my best and I have a strict moral compass so when I do something either by mistake or knowing that it is wrong then I get so so so anxious about it. Everything I am anxious about can't be fixed now, but I know I can change who I am going forward. Some things were genuine mistakes, others I knew it was wrong, some were due to peer pressure l, some would have had big consequences, some little. I just feel like if I don't get extremely anxious about it and punish myself and let it eat me up then I don't get what I deserve and I feel like it's just me normalising doing wrong things and experiencing no negative consequences. I don't know how to move past this. Nothing I've done is illegal (not to say that people who have done illegal things can't forgive themselves) but I just let it eat me up so much and the anxiety from the guilt is extremely immobilising. It makes me think I'm a bad person and I don't care if there would be no consequences or that there haven't been consequences because I'll know in my heart that I did something wrong. I am also obsessed with wondering if I have done something wrong. I will think about it for so long if I think I have made a mistake and think I am a bad person and it's so difficult. Even if I haven't done anything wrong I'll suddenly have a thought and go back to check if I did make a mistake or not depending on what it is. Either real or imagined wrongs just consume my thoughts and make me feel so bad about myself Please help this feeling is awful and I hate myself so much because of it

Chad199992 Hair giving me anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hey all, I've been struggling with body dysmorphia with my hair for a long time. Lately, I get really anxious if my hair doesn't look perfect in the mirror and I keep combing it multiple times until it looks perfect and see check how it looks in the ... View more

Hey all, I've been struggling with body dysmorphia with my hair for a long time. Lately, I get really anxious if my hair doesn't look perfect in the mirror and I keep combing it multiple times until it looks perfect and see check how it looks in the mirror multiple times before I leave the house.I comb my hair to look a certain way and sometimes the wind blows it out of place when I'm outside and it falls down and I get a sudden urge to look in the mirror. When i see its out of place and not the way I combed it, I get really bad anxiety.Any advice would be greatly appreciated

xx00 Anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hi all,Im new to this but for the past few nights I have been reading discussions on anxiety and knowing I’m not alone on how I feel within myself. Anxiety is probably one of the cruelest things for a person to go through and I’m here today to discus... View more

Hi all,Im new to this but for the past few nights I have been reading discussions on anxiety and knowing I’m not alone on how I feel within myself. Anxiety is probably one of the cruelest things for a person to go through and I’m here today to discuss some things that I feel with anxiety. I found out I was pregnant and I’m only 6 weeks in, unfortunately due to circumstances I won’t be continuing as a personal choice. I have been black mailed already to get an abortion by this person and to be fair it is cruel but I already knew I wasn’t going to continue. since this pregnancy, I have felt more anxious then ever. I do suffer from anxiety but not this bad, it’s to the point I’m not eating. usually I can pull myself into line quick smart when I feel an anxiety or panic attack coming but unfortunately at this moment I can’t seem to do that. I overthink the worst scenarios in my head that I know personally aren’t there. Lately I’ve been turned off food, and every time I eat I get the sensation as if I’m having an allergy attack and I’m talking to everything I eat which is insane. I usually get the sensation of a lump in my throat that feels like food is jammed there and there’s nothing it’s my mind playing tricks on me. Im not sure if it’s because I have increased hormones or I think about it to the point my mind says something is there or something is wrong. At night time when I want to go too sleep my throat becomes incredibly dry, feels like I can’t really breathe and I shake my leg to calm me down to know I’m here I’m safe everything’s fine. does anyone else feel this way? If so, how do you cope with it?

zackcohen1 Anxiety nausea
  • replies: 2

How do you cope with constant anxiety nausea almost every day? Is there a way to help minimise this physical symptom of anxiety?

How do you cope with constant anxiety nausea almost every day? Is there a way to help minimise this physical symptom of anxiety?

Nakka imagining untrue situations?
  • replies: 9

Heres a question for all you amazing people on this site. Do you find yourselves coming up with crazy ideas in your head? Coming up with situations that couldn't possibly be true but convincing yourself otherwise, cooking up crazy and untrue thoughts... View more

Heres a question for all you amazing people on this site. Do you find yourselves coming up with crazy ideas in your head? Coming up with situations that couldn't possibly be true but convincing yourself otherwise, cooking up crazy and untrue thoughts. I find myself doing this alot. And it can stem from 1 (ex:a friends in a bad mood its my fault and they hate me) to 5(ex: hotel shampoo in drawer, your cheating) then to 10 (ex: my partner has killed and theirs a body in my back yard) After awhile (days..weeks..etc) I will end realizing how crazy I am and laughing.. but at the time it seems so real and believable.. I concoct situations in my head, but why? Because im only hurting myself in the process? The smallest thing can set me off on some sort of rampage. . I wanted to write some recent detailed examples but after writting I erased as iits just too hard to explain, so lets just stick with my most recent was i was seriously convinced my partner killed, even looking in my backyard convinced ill find something. I had no reason to think any of these things as true as my partner is in no way like that.. it just stemmed from being anxious and escalated I realized after awhile its all in my head but im sick of this ongoing cycle of crazyness.. I dont just think these things though you see, I will mmake anything and everything proof of this (in my head) and be completely convinced. Usally when I get in these "states" no matter where I am or who iI'm with ill run away such as moving house, towns, jobs etc...untill next time Oh these "states" can also be convincing myself of good things too Aaaaaanyway- just looking for some in site and or others experiences. Regards, Nakka Ps.. good side being when I come to my sences I am always able to have a good laugh at my stupidity.

WillB Seeking advice regarding Anxiety about Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi all, I am a 22-year-old and had never experienced any mental health worries until about 4 months ago when I had a panic/anxiety attack on the way to work. Since then I sometimes find it hard to get on public transport and trips in cars without fee... View more

Hi all, I am a 22-year-old and had never experienced any mental health worries until about 4 months ago when I had a panic/anxiety attack on the way to work. Since then I sometimes find it hard to get on public transport and trips in cars without feeling super anxious. I was wondering if anyone had advice on how to reduce the anxiety about anxiety. Additionally is there any advice to reduce the impact of anxiety whether that is meditation, yoga etc? One of my main questions as well is when early symptoms of anxiety appear such as nausea, and shortness of breath is it best to push forward or return to a safe space ASAP? Thank you all for your help!

Bonisnothappy BAD DECISION: First time trying to post on tiktok when finally feel better with my social anxiety
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Just wanna tell my story a little bit.Recently I finally feel like I am better with my social anxiety then I decided to make some posts about me and my cats because I have no friends in real life. I then posted a short video of me playing with my cat... View more

Just wanna tell my story a little bit.Recently I finally feel like I am better with my social anxiety then I decided to make some posts about me and my cats because I have no friends in real life. I then posted a short video of me playing with my cat in our own way which was me rubbing my cat's belly but maybe she didn't act pleased. Then I got bashed by people accusing me of animal abuse.....I've been with my cat since she was 2 months old now she is nearly 8. We do have our own way to play and she loves me I love her too. But the comments I got on tiktok just give me huge anxiety. I dont think I deserve those kinds of comments and I don't think having her for almost 8 years sleeping together every day I would need someone to tell me how to treat my cat but somehow I started to self-doubt maybe I am not treating her well enough...I know I might be a little sensitive but I do care about my cat so much and this experience really hurts my feelings. But I can't say they are bad people because they seemed to care about animals I dont know

bellze Realtionship stress and dealing with Axiety feeling alone!!
  • replies: 3

Personally for myself it has been a struggle. Please do not judge this beacuse this is my first time reaching out to beyond blue. My name is Bella and i am 15 years of age.I live with my 2 sisters and single mum who is also struggling with depression... View more

Personally for myself it has been a struggle. Please do not judge this beacuse this is my first time reaching out to beyond blue. My name is Bella and i am 15 years of age.I live with my 2 sisters and single mum who is also struggling with depression. For myself it is hard at home and in school. I feel the need to not participate in anything or put myself out there. I feel that theres no need in trying or carinf about anything because nothing changes. Its a long process in life but my anxiety has taken over me for too long.

Olivesbranch Can I trust myself?
  • replies: 6

Hi Everyone, I have GAD and OCD. I see a psychiatrist and psychologist and 7 months ago I started taking medication (much to my dismay) but it has helped take the edge off a bit. Lately I have been suffering from, what I now think is derealisation. H... View more

Hi Everyone, I have GAD and OCD. I see a psychiatrist and psychologist and 7 months ago I started taking medication (much to my dismay) but it has helped take the edge off a bit. Lately I have been suffering from, what I now think is derealisation. Has anyone else have any experience with it? For the longest time I have thought I was going to have a psychotic break. I did not know what was real and what wasn't and the most frightening thing was I could not describe it to anyone!! Nobody understood what I was trying to say. How do you say to someone that you don't know what is reality anymore? I would beg my boyfriend to take me to the hospital because I was sure I had a brain tumour or was about to have a breakdown, but he never believed me. It happens in moments when I am extremely stressed, have extreme anxiety or a panic attack. Conversations don't make sense, the way people look doesn't seem right and I cannot centre myself or comprehend what is going on around me. It is just... nothing seems real! Then I came across derealisation. It sounds like what happens to me and is described as a natural coping mechanism for moments of high stress and anxiety. It is so scary and makes me not even trust my own mind anymore. I don't know what I think or what I feel and if it is right or not. I am so confused all the time. Does this happen to anybody else? Thank You!!

Cymbeline Stuck in an endless cycle and afraid I'll never learn how to drive
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I have been trying to learn how to drive for years, but I'm too anxious to learn. For years I have been in a cycle of doing lessons with an instructor or relative for a few months, and eventually having a panic attack behind the wheel. I stop for a l... View more

I have been trying to learn how to drive for years, but I'm too anxious to learn. For years I have been in a cycle of doing lessons with an instructor or relative for a few months, and eventually having a panic attack behind the wheel. I stop for a long time, and then try again with a new instructor, only for the same thing to happen. I have tried many different strategies and I feel like my psychologist has done everything she can to help me. I have contacted all the mental health services in my area and am certain there is no local driving course or instructor that specialises in anxiety. I want to stop trying to learn to drive, but it's necessary for the career I want and the area I currently live in. Everyone in my life keeps telling me that if I persist, I'll get there, but my most recent instructor told me that I'm nowhere near ready to go for the test, even after all the time, money and effort I've put into it.