
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Rachel_25 Knowing when to ask for support
  • replies: 2

I’ve recently titrated off my anxiety medications at the advice of my GP. Now I’m two weeks into the 2025 working year realise my anxiety cloud is returning (IBS type anxiety symptoms, feeling very teary and emotional, a sense of impending doom, a st... View more

I’ve recently titrated off my anxiety medications at the advice of my GP. Now I’m two weeks into the 2025 working year realise my anxiety cloud is returning (IBS type anxiety symptoms, feeling very teary and emotional, a sense of impending doom, a strong sense of listlessness and feeling untethered). Knowing that I need to deal with this before it becomes worse, I’ve booked myself to see my GP and will discuss resuming a lower dose of medication. I’m glad to have a greater awareness to seek help before it gets even worse and wanted to share. I’m not ashamed to ask for help or share my anxiety journey anymore.

bigaloo Anxiety + Comparing oneself
  • replies: 4

Hi all, I just wanted another person's opinion on how exactly do I overcome my issue of comparing myself with others? I know the harm of it, and I can very much feel the pain that it gives me but I just can't stop. For instance, I either feel like I'... View more

Hi all, I just wanted another person's opinion on how exactly do I overcome my issue of comparing myself with others? I know the harm of it, and I can very much feel the pain that it gives me but I just can't stop. For instance, I either feel like I'm never doing enough / never achieving enough / my life isn't where I expect it to be etc. It's really messing with my head and has led to quite bad anxiety and I'm not too sure what to do. Open to any input and advice.

Guest_52249044 Just need someone to talk to
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Hi, sorry i just need someone to talk to/get this off my chest. Just had a really bad argument with my partner in which he was telling me that I need therapy and all that and I asked to stop the discussion lots of time but they just kept going on. Th... View more

Hi, sorry i just need someone to talk to/get this off my chest. Just had a really bad argument with my partner in which he was telling me that I need therapy and all that and I asked to stop the discussion lots of time but they just kept going on. The things they said weren’t necessarily wrong I just didn’t need to hear them then and there, and already felt bad enough about the situation. I also could’ve heard those things in a nicer way (not the point I guess). Anyways I may have taken it a bit far by saying like well we both deal with our issues a different way and they could probably use therapy too to cope healthier, in which they took it as I was comparing our issues of their sick father and my anxiety. Obviously that’s not the case and I feel so terrible that it came across that way and I just don’t know what to do.

321 Anxiety feelings
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I have had so much trouble with my adult son over the years.In and out of prison and rehab. This last 2 months have been so upsetting and took a lot out of me. So much emotional and so anxious. I am 73 this year and this time really taken it out of m... View more

I have had so much trouble with my adult son over the years.In and out of prison and rehab. This last 2 months have been so upsetting and took a lot out of me. So much emotional and so anxious. I am 73 this year and this time really taken it out of me. The feelings in my stomach so full of nerves, not sleeping from it.Feeling sickly all the time I just don't know how to cope with it. My partner of 40 years been so supportive he us 78 this year. My son 54 this year went to rehab yet again 2 days ago, it is so sad the life he's lived through alcohol and drugs. We did not leave on very nice terms when we dropped off at the rehab. Which is now preying on my mind.I do love him but not who he is just now. I would appreciate any feedback and recommendations on how I can overcome this anxious nervous feeling.

aimemari Going overseas for the first time but alone
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This is a huge thing for me, as someone who has always been so enclosed, introverted and dependent on others and I'm 21. I made the decision to travel to the USA to meet my boyfriend and I have to go alone. I leave in 7 days and I am just dreading it... View more

This is a huge thing for me, as someone who has always been so enclosed, introverted and dependent on others and I'm 21. I made the decision to travel to the USA to meet my boyfriend and I have to go alone. I leave in 7 days and I am just dreading it because I'm afraid of crowds and also the ear pressure in planes. I bought those pressure regulator earbuds meant for flights so I am hoping it'll work but I am scared of navigating the Los Angeles airport on my own. This is going to be like exposure therapy for me as I will have to hop out of my comfort zone to ask for help from anyone around me but it's super anxiety inducing as it is... What are some tips you'd recommend for my first time flying alone?

Losttwentysomething_ Going on my first trip overseas, and also on my own. HELP ME!!
  • replies: 6

As the title says I am going on my first trip on my own and it will be overseas. I have never been overseas before so I am quite frankly shitting myself. I have so much to think about before I go such as getting myself familiar with my flights, what ... View more

As the title says I am going on my first trip on my own and it will be overseas. I have never been overseas before so I am quite frankly shitting myself. I have so much to think about before I go such as getting myself familiar with my flights, what to pack, what i cant take, what bag/s to buy, etc. I will be going on a tour so activities and making friends will be done through this tour group. Has anyone else been overseas on their own and how did you cope? I could use people advice and tips and how they managed to prepared for their trip. There are so many websites out there that I don't know where to start I also feel pressure to travel as I am in my late twenties and that it will be harder to do when older

RemRikka Just need some advice
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Hello, this is my first time using something like this so forgive me if I've done something wrong.I need some advice on my problems socialising with others. I just recently finished highschool as of 2024 and I will be attending university this year. ... View more

Hello, this is my first time using something like this so forgive me if I've done something wrong.I need some advice on my problems socialising with others. I just recently finished highschool as of 2024 and I will be attending university this year. Whenever I find myself in social situations it's as if I physically won't allow myself to speak. I struggle to form sentences or create conversation, unless its something that I know I have to ask about. For example, questions on an assignment or asking where a particular item I need is. Most of the time however, im sat quietly in the corner on my phone or distracting myself with other things and avoiding any and all social interactions. Even when I do manage to spurt out simple sentences they usually come out all mumbly or quiet and are full of stutters or 'um'. I also struggle to maintain eye contact for more than two or three seconds at best as my eyes begin watering, in some cases, my fingers can begin to shake or quiver too. This problem also occurs around family members too, especially my parents. The only cases where im not subjected to this problem is with a small group of friends whom I've known since primary school or very early highschool. I have had this problem for a long time now but figured I needed to do something before I started uni, if I had to estimate, I started this 'silent' phase mid way through highschool. Im not exactly sure what to do about this problem or who to speak to about this and would love to hear some advice from more experienced people on what I should be doing to start resolving this issue. Thanks

Sammy New relationship anxiety
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Dear AllJust need a connection to feel the support.thanks for taking the time to read.After many years of marriage with an untreated bipolar and alcohol misuse partner , now I was living alone without much drama in my life. Kids grown up and felt alo... View more

Dear AllJust need a connection to feel the support.thanks for taking the time to read.After many years of marriage with an untreated bipolar and alcohol misuse partner , now I was living alone without much drama in my life. Kids grown up and felt alone.Was looking for a partner who can be supportive and I am going to start a new chapter.we have been talking on phone for 5 months and now decided to stay at each other’s houses for a month and see. I like him after dating apps for 6 years with no my alarm bells are ringing all the time and I am annoying him. I think I am not used to drama with a man for 10 years so brain is in state of freaking out mode. I like his calm mind , kind , good connection, attracted to him, we can talk for hours without getting bored. He is financially ok and emotionally ok. We both are looking towards a togetherness and lifelong relationship.I want it to work as I have seen the pool soo longI worry about small things and big things like his snoring making me sleepless, 8 years age gap between us so looking after his health but he is fine now, I am fun loving and he is not much but happy to try, stingy , he had grown up with narcissistic mum , he is not a giver to others but cared for his dying wife and buried her, no friends or family for him, 57 years old and I am 49 years. He can’t help but talk about his late wife which I don’t mind but triggered me yesterday. We had a good chat. Overall ok but I don’t why I am nervous about getting into something. I know I can get a bit sharp if stressed . I totally want to as I didn’t enjoy living alone as I like to talk a lot. Otherwise I have friends family and full life. I think I worry about stirring my peace with a man who can be adding to minor annoyances and some times too stingy and taking more which might put me off etc. I understand 2 people living together has its plus and minus. There is lot of positives but I am put off by his tight fist but I am myself guilty of that so trying to be generous. Prayers, walks and journal is what I am doing. Maybe therapy is way forward. Feeling of it’s all coming soon and the past traumatic experience 10 years back is clouding me. Thanks for listening guys. Sorry to be a moaner but I felt soo good last time when I shared my thoughts and to read such lovely messages which was such a boost

user10234 My story
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Hi all, For context I lost my dad when I was a child, which was ten tears ago. It was really hard but I pushed through and then two years ago at the prime of my life I needed life saving surgery. I thought I was coping well but I found out about two ... View more

Hi all, For context I lost my dad when I was a child, which was ten tears ago. It was really hard but I pushed through and then two years ago at the prime of my life I needed life saving surgery. I thought I was coping well but I found out about two other health problems that will need some kind of surgical intervention, still I never worried. Then about a month ago I had a panic attack when I was trying to sleep, it was so strong I threw up and had body shakes. Since this episode I have had many more panic attacks and most days I am worried, worried about the future and just life itself. I want to know is panic after trauma normal? Is it treatable? I am so scared I am forever broken?

Merkles Feel like I'm losing my mind
  • replies: 11

Hey guys, First post here, I am a 26 year old Male who suffers from anxiety. I've always been an overthinker and a constant worrier, however lately I feel like I am getting worse, however I am not sure if that's the case, or if it's just the anxiety ... View more

Hey guys, First post here, I am a 26 year old Male who suffers from anxiety. I've always been an overthinker and a constant worrier, however lately I feel like I am getting worse, however I am not sure if that's the case, or if it's just the anxiety making me think it. For maybe the past 2 years or so I've been suffering with bad brain fog, I feel like my thoughts aren't clear and that my memory isn't as good as it used to be. This brain fog is scaring me as I think this is the beginning of me losing my mind and not being myself anymore. The best way to describe it is that I feel like I am zoned out 24/7, and that I always feel tired even though I get plenty of sleep each night. Not sure if it's my imagination or not, but I feel much more zoned out when I am surrounded by bright lights? A part of me is thinking that maybe there is something wrong with my brain physically, another part of me thinks it's all anxiety and that I need to find a way to cope with it. I am very anxious to visit my doctor again as I see him all the time for various different things (Health anxiety) He probably thinks I'm a lunatic.. Could this be depression? as I don't feel like I have anything to be overly depressed about, I don't feel sad, I don't really feel anything, I feel like I just float through life, I feel like I'm going crazy The only thing that seems to take the edge off is alcohol and benzos, however I don't want to end up dependent on those. Not really sure what I am looking for by posting here, I guess I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else suffers the same, or has hopefully found a way to deal with similar issues. I just want to get back to my old self who enjoyed each day and could think clearly, each day feels like it gets harder and harder. Thanks for reading.