
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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stormydaze_02 I ask myself, how did i arrive here?
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, My name is Jenny. I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. 6 months ago I would have laughed at anybody who predicted I may end up with this. I've always been the strong person and have never really spoken about my fee... View more

Hi everyone, My name is Jenny. I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. 6 months ago I would have laughed at anybody who predicted I may end up with this. I've always been the strong person and have never really spoken about my feelings to anybody - just shrugged off everything in the past and pretty much put anything negative out of my mind. I'm lucky in that I have found an understanding GP and I am seeing a psychologist. I'm not coping at work at all (fairly new job with quite a bit of responsibility) and now that I look back at it - I haven't really been coping for quite some time, but I've had some wonderful people to work with and they've kept me afloat. Not that I'm a bludger by any means, but I've had some good support. Now I'm in a job where I'm it and I am feeling overwhelmed and questioning my skills. I was becoming anxious every Sunday and crying every Sunday night in anticipation of going to work on Monday. I really didn't think much of it at the time. However, then it became almost every night, and thought of work just completely invaded my social life (which was decreasing at a rapid rate!). I haven't been sleeping much. The only nights I sleep more than an hour is when I take medication which I don't like doing, but I need to function as I am in no financial position to take time off work. I've always been a bit of a loner, but have had a fair few friends. Last year, my circle of friends also was split, resulting in a lack of support from friend also. My family are all interstate, so I think I've been lonely too. I have always been such a happy go lucky, positive person, but now I find that it's hard to find anything to look forward to or even to crack a smile - I'm working on it, and working on trying to have time to myself and not thinking/worrying about work 24/7 Anyway, I don't want to sound too much of a pain. I work a lot, but I hope to read many of your stories and I hope that we can help each other and learn from each others' experiences.

TheTimeOfMyNeed Introducing myself...
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Hi all. Just thought I'd introduce myself around here. Mine is mostly a tale of depression and anxiety, primarily social anxiety. It began around age 14, though I had no understanding of it then. I only realise it looking back now. Academically I was... View more

Hi all. Just thought I'd introduce myself around here. Mine is mostly a tale of depression and anxiety, primarily social anxiety. It began around age 14, though I had no understanding of it then. I only realise it looking back now. Academically I was quite ok through school up til year 10, though, quite privately, I was emotionally a mess, and I always found socialising inexplicably difficult while everyone else seemed to get along fine. What I can remember most about my teens are distinct feelings of complete emptiness and meaninglessness, sadness, loneliness, and little desire to get out bed. This really took a toll in the HSC years. Given that I was struggling to find a decent answer to any sense of meaning in my very existence, I was not able to find any meaning in applying myself in study. So my results were poor. Thankfully I scraped into uni nevertheless, presumably because there was so little interest in the maths degree that I applied for. That gave me something to do, and I managed to push through to end up with degrees in maths and computer science. Personally, however, my issues only deepened. Without the imposed sociality of the school playground, I withdrew even further, with my social anxiety, and depression, ever deepening. Through those years I was essentially a loner. The freak who sat at the back of the lecture theatre and never said a word to anyone. It was only at around the end of this period of study that I began to learn more about depression and anxiety disorders, and so I can now look back with a greater understanding of what was occurring than what I had at the time. I had just kept trying to push through it, as everything I was experiencing was normality to me, I knew no different. I had begun to see a psychiatrist/counsellor (which took me a little over a year to find the courage to do so), who eventually put me on an anti-depressant after counselling type therapy proved ineffective. I ended up deciding that I needed time off to recover and try to get well, even though I had just received a scholarship to begin a masters degree. The feelings of mental strain that I was experiencing were so intense it was beginning to feel like a physical sensation in my brain, beyond even an all-consuming emotion. It felt like it was killing me, so I just stopped everything. I could no longer keep going on like this. But I had finally come to see the truth about myself. I was in a deep depression with severe anxiety. A few years down the track and I'm just about to turn 30. I'm essentially unemployed and still living at home. Thankfully the combination of medication and rest over the last 5 years or so has resulted ultimately in a significant reduction of symptoms, though it has certainly taken some time. I've also more recently invested much time in reading several helpful books, and applying the lessons learnt, which has also been helpful. I am now at a stage where I would like to get back into life, as it were, which I have been doing a little of late, but progress is slow. I still find that I seem to have mental blockages when it comes to exposing myself to new social situations that make it difficult still. Particularly, I think I would be better able to progress if I could speak more so about my struggles. Thankfully I have 1 good friend that I am able to share with, but there are others I would also like to tell. Yet I am finding it impenetrably difficult. That is mainly why I decided to share here. Things can only be overcome one step at a time, and perhaps sharing with the relative anonymity of this forum may make it easier to share face to face. If anyone has any advice to share for someone in my situation, that would certainly be appreciated. I am considering volunteer work as a start, but am finding it difficult to begin. It's easy to think about intellectually, but the prospect of actually doing it only causes fear. It might help if I could do it with one of the few people I know, but for that to happen I really need to tell the people I know. And, finally, please be kind...

Mfxd Help please with anxiety (I think)
  • replies: 5

Good day I believe I have suffered from anxiety throughout my life in its entirety but within the last 2.5 years it has spiraled out of control and I feel at a completely loss, I feel like I am going insane and that there is nothing to help me. I wor... View more

Good day I believe I have suffered from anxiety throughout my life in its entirety but within the last 2.5 years it has spiraled out of control and I feel at a completely loss, I feel like I am going insane and that there is nothing to help me. I worry. A lot. And I don't have much to worry about really, as I am a stay at home Dad with a wonderful wife and young son. When my wife became pregnant (planned) I spiraled in to anxiety and developed all kinds of physical pain that gave me a means I now realize to escape from participating in situations I did not enjoy. This has developed (despite seeing a psychologist on and off under mental health plan). Last year we had a cockroach infestation in our apartment that came when my wife went back to work, so coupled together both situations sent me in to a panic and months after they were gone I was spending at least half an hour every day for the last year checking for roaches. It was and absolute obsession. I could not enjoy playing with my son, nor could I sleep well or enjoy cooking etc. we built a beautiful house over the last year in an amazing suburb and I just cannot enjoy it. Money is tight with the loan etc. but the thing is that bugs come with a house, ants are getting in to the kitchen and I'm focussing my obsession on to these new bugs & am losing the ability to focus on the good things. The amazing house, the new 60" tv, my son (now don't panic, I don't neglect him at all I just sometimes feel like my interactions have become that of a robot performing functions than the loving parent I am). I am fighting with my wife, and not because she doesn't understand or at least try to, but I don't have many if any friends and she is overwhelmed trying to manage everything including her mildly nutty husband. I have rational thought, I know what is going on and that my behaviors are out of control but I can't seem to reign them in to normality. I live in in metro Melbourne, and I'm desperate to find a psychologist that can might help. I'm contacting ADAVIC tomorrow & plan to attend one of their support groups next week. If anybody cn even provide words that let me know I'm not going loco & that help is out there I'd be grateful. i called beyondblue earlier today but other than a few basic resources found that sadly the person I was speaking to seemed to lack any empathy or seemed to understand how I was feeling. I hope I can get a better response here, cheers MFXD

sweatypalms Embarrassing problem relates to anxiety
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I am not exactly sure what is wrong with me. I know that it somehow relates to anxiety. It has really taken its toll on me.It all started around March last year. I was fairly stable, living a normal life. I enjoyed going out and especially attending ... View more

I am not exactly sure what is wrong with me. I know that it somehow relates to anxiety. It has really taken its toll on me.It all started around March last year. I was fairly stable, living a normal life. I enjoyed going out and especially attending rave/music festivals. I would always do drugs when attending these events. It would be a mixture. I started hallucinating, it was something I have never experienced before. I would lose my sense of distance and time and enjoyment. I started getting really anxious around everyone and anyone. I felt really confused. This is when it really starts though; On the way home, while walking to the tram stop, I had this urge to urinate and there were no toilets around. I was hallucinating to the extent that I thought I would wet my pants. It actually felt like it was dripping down my legs. So I ran off, I ran off on all my friends. And when I got away from the others, I checked myself and there was nothing. I wasn't even wet. I tried to pee and I couldn't even do it, I didn't even need to go. But I had the urge to, It actually felt like it was constantly dripping down my legs and that I could actually hear it dripping on to the floor. It was scary. It was all in my head. I got home and I calmed down, and I figured it was all in my head. But since that day, I always get anxious when I have the urge to pee. Its like the symptoms come back, I feel it like If I don't go, I will piss myself, I can feel the drip, I get really nervous. So I have to set my day around a schedule, I have to be near a toilet or else ill be anxious, I hate road trips, I don't go out as much as I use to, I am scared. It has ruined me. I have never actually wet myself, maybe when I was a kid, so it just feels like a irrational fear. I feel like i have completely changed to how I use to be. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. I take the safe route for everything.

Lulu123 I've just been diagnosed with anxiety
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I'd had enough. Today I felt like I was going to shatter into a million pieces and remain broken on the floor. My latest panic attack was worse than any I've ever had before - I couldn't breathe properly, I was sweating profusely in an air conditione... View more

I'd had enough. Today I felt like I was going to shatter into a million pieces and remain broken on the floor. My latest panic attack was worse than any I've ever had before - I couldn't breathe properly, I was sweating profusely in an air conditioned room , my clothes felt too right across my chest, I felt hot... Too hot, black spots blurred the edges of my vision and I felt like I was going to pass out or my heart would stop.. I could no longer cope with the panic attacks and the constant feeling of being anxious by myself. I am currently studying a health degree and had been aware for quite some time that I had the signs and symptoms that are directly related to an anxiety disorder. I couldn't admit to myself or anybody I care about that I am struggling and in denial of my anxiety disorder. Even now as I type this I'm in tears. What does this mean for my future? Will it ever stop or can it only be managed.... Why me? Denial is the silent killer of all mental health related illnesses. . . So why am I unable to reach out to my partner, friends and family for some support.... I'm too anxious to tell them.. Too anxious of feeling judged .... Thinking about it is making me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack... I've been given a prescription and awaiting to hear from a psychologist for an appointment schedule...I'm already thinking what is my excuse to my partner for coming home from work late one day a week to attend appointments... II don't know why I'm typing this just venting how I'm feeling... I'm lost and lonely and not feeling ready to anybody yet.. Can anyone give any advice on how they told the significant people in their life?

Bushpuppet Anxiety? Stress? Something else? Scared and hopeless...
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Hi everyone I’m completely new to this site and was referred to this by my doctor yesterday to seek some advice and knowledge about stress management. Long story short, I went there for a few things and talking about feeling how I have been was one o... View more

Hi everyone I’m completely new to this site and was referred to this by my doctor yesterday to seek some advice and knowledge about stress management. Long story short, I went there for a few things and talking about feeling how I have been was one of them. But as soon as she started asking questions, I felt very scared and played it down completely. She did say that if my feelings get to a point where they start to get on top of me, I should go back and see her. What I failed to tell her was that they are getting on top of me, and I feel I can’t cope much longer without treatment or answers sometime soon. I felt too scared, and now I will share what’s been going on in hope it will help me feel better until I can brave up and make another appointment to go back and see her Out of nowhere my heart will start beating really fast and it feels like I can hear my heart beat through the pulsing in my ears, as though I am hearing a beat through headphones – it is that clear. I start to feel some sort of déjà vu sensation like I’ve already experienced/done whatever it is I am doing in that very moment. This causes me to feel extremely overwhelmed and I find I start to sweat and suffer from dizziness. The sensation lasts for about a minute on average. This happens randomly. Some examples are: I will look at a street sign while walking down the street, playing a game on my phone, mid conversation with people and just sitting and working at my desk. It makes me feel a bit of panic and it takes me a lot of effort to focus on breathing and keeping calm so surrounding people don’t notice something is wrong. Sometimes the end result may leave me with a minor headache for about 10-15 minutes I feel constantly nervous and nauseous when I am at work, I find this incredibly difficult to switch off and it has gotten progressively worse over the last 3 months especially. I’ve found that I have had 2 people in particular within my workplace criticise and nit-pick at things. I feel that I have had 2 managers who have me under performance management. Lots of little annoying tasks are added to my workload. It is not the workload that is bothering me, it is the constant things added which is mainly double checking everything. If I miss/forget any of these things, I’mconfronted about it immediately, yet I have a team member who is known to waste time by reading eBooks online as well as on her iPhone – nothing is ever done about this, despite bringing it to my manager’s attention. I feel like I am constantly watched and being checked up on, I believe this behaviour is what has triggered my nervousness, nausea and minor paranoia. One of these people was an acting manager while someone was on maternity leave, they made it clear they do not like that person and had involved my manager in bitch sessions about her. I was constantly hearing negative stories and thoughts about this person, who I have had no problems with in the workplace. She returned to work in April and it has been very uncomfortable to be around because the other 2 are constantly bickering and trying to find ways to trip her up in her work or nit-pick at things she does and wears. One of them tried to tell me that she thinks this person is having an affair with the office manager, and there is a particular skirt she wears that is bright and short in length, an obvious sign she is trying to be flirtatious. I found both of these suggestions outrageous and completely disturbing and untrue. That was when I retracted and now sit at my desk with my headphones in. I avoid interaction with these people as much as I can. I sneak out to my lunch break to avoid being followed as I was finding my manager would tag along with me and bitch about this person the whole time. I would listen but not contribute anything negative. I also believe that because my feedback was not in line with her thoughts, I get treated differently I feel that due to all these politics, it has having a severe effect on my health and wellbeing. I have stopped eating well, when I do bother to eat at all. I am crying a lot either in the bathroom at work or when I get home. I have never experienced anything like this before so this is all very new and strange for me. I even chickened out of telling my doctor yesterday how severely unwell I feel when I asked for suggestions on how to cope with this, I made it sound like it’s not such a big deal. I’m currently seeking employment elsewhere as I don’t believe these issues can possibly be resolved given that the people involved are all heavily involved with how the business functions, one of the culprits in particular is very friendly with upper management so I think it’s just best that I cut my losses and move on ASAP. I am just hoping something comes up that can get me to escape very soon as I am not sure how much longer I can cope at the moment. I am still very hesitant to let HR know about these issues also. Scared it will make everything worse. If you’re still reading this, thanks for taking the time! I have no idea if this is what anxiety actually is, but whatever it is – I hate it and I hope by finding a job elsewhere, it will go away completely – my life outside of work is absolutely fantastic, I think that’s the only thing keeping me going right now!

needsupport stressed out
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Hi I am a single parent, i have struggled with PTSD since experiencing Domestic Violence 13 years ago. My son has regular contact with his father and is now being treated for GAD. I am struggling because his behavior reminds me of his father and henc... View more

Hi I am a single parent, i have struggled with PTSD since experiencing Domestic Violence 13 years ago. My son has regular contact with his father and is now being treated for GAD. I am struggling because his behavior reminds me of his father and hence triggers my PTSD. My family are inter-state.My son is sleeping in my room and is afraid to be left home alone ( he is almost 15). What support is there for me??i am doing my best to support him but at times, I really need a break. I am hoping when school goes back he will improve.

KatieG Anxiety has turned my life upside down.
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I recently found out that I have anxiety and I have a very low understanding of the nature of it so forgive me if I say something incorrect. About 4 and a half months ago I got badly concussed on football tournament and from that somehow I developed ... View more

I recently found out that I have anxiety and I have a very low understanding of the nature of it so forgive me if I say something incorrect. About 4 and a half months ago I got badly concussed on football tournament and from that somehow I developed anxiety. I think it was always lurking in me somewhere but it has become a very serious issue for me now. Before the concussion (which is my third) I was confident, I loved being around people and has no problems speaking to anyone. Now the only people I can speak to are my parents and even that is hard for me. The thought of having to go to the shop, let alone interact with someone is so frightening for me and I hate it! I am so self conscious I can not be around people, I don't know I just think that they are judging me all the time. I have lost all but one of my friends and along with that because of my concussion I most likely will never be able to play football again because of my concussion which will completely ruin me. Football has been my life for a very long time and not being able to play will destroy me. I don't know where to turn, I'm so self conscious I can't even tell my psychologist everything that's going on so this is kinda my last resort if you think you can help me in anyway or just want to share something with me please, please do it really would help me a lot! Good luck to you all

staystrongsoldieron physical anxiety symptoms
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I was diagnosed a year ago with GAD ocd and panic disorder, all severe. I am on medication to help with these conditions which has definitely helped with the GAD symptoms like agoraphobia, paranoia etc. But I still get thephysical symptoms. For the l... View more

I was diagnosed a year ago with GAD ocd and panic disorder, all severe. I am on medication to help with these conditions which has definitely helped with the GAD symptoms like agoraphobia, paranoia etc. But I still get thephysical symptoms. For the last week I have had bouts of nausea, constant dizziness/vertigo, headaches etc. I thought I was pregnant but that's been ruled out. I feel uneasy, lethargic, weak and tired. So then my health anxiety kicks in. I have had my ears checked? Nothing. pregnancy test negative. My BP was low day before yesterday but was ok when it was checked again yesterday. Becausee my meds have helped with my symptoms I have sort of forgotten how it felt when I was really bad and health anxiety takes over. Ive googled brain tumors, everything. Does anyone else have extreme dizziness for days on end, eyes sore, poor concentration and occasional nausea ? Thank u x

Pixie15 Do I let the Uni know about anxiety?
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Hi, I am soon returning to Uni. I suffer some generalized anxiety but do not have a diagnosis. I do not match the clinical criteria. When I completed the enrollment I did not tick the box for mental health issues. I have completed a degree previously... View more

Hi, I am soon returning to Uni. I suffer some generalized anxiety but do not have a diagnosis. I do not match the clinical criteria. When I completed the enrollment I did not tick the box for mental health issues. I have completed a degree previously but did struggle with the stress of it and dropped out during the Honors year. Now I am wondering if I should have ticked the box to indicate I may need support but I am afraid of incurring unnecessary stigma. If anyone knows how the university may handle it. I would be pleased to hear. Thanks, Daisy101.