
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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Substituder Stuck in a perpetuating cycle
  • replies: 6

Hello, This is about finding love and not being able to hold on to a good thing because of anxiety. Just so I don't waste your time if you are not interested. I am trying to come to terms with my past. My dad suffers from undiagnosed bipolar (or some... View more

Hello, This is about finding love and not being able to hold on to a good thing because of anxiety. Just so I don't waste your time if you are not interested. I am trying to come to terms with my past. My dad suffers from undiagnosed bipolar (or something severe, he refuses to seek treatment) and my parents are separated. He was abusive mostly to my mum, but sometimes to me as well. So my childhood memories are mostly sad and dark. When my mother left for another country to find a better life, he used to lock me up to go see his mistress, and I would be home alone for days on end. My grandma found out and took me from his care. I think I was about 5, but I don't have good recollections of that period. I came to Australia a few years later, but found myself struggling with life - parents are constantly arguing, theirs is violent and explosive. Sometimes when things go out of control, there is physical violence. I found it hard to make friends, concentrate on school etc. I thought there was something wrong with me. I could feel it then. I felt everything. Then one day (many years later - I was in my mid 20's) something inside me just snapped. He had assaulted mum again and we were fearful of our lives. I tried to calmly talk to him, but he made no sense and tried to convince me what he did was ok. A few days later I called the police and an AVO was enforced. A few months later we moved out, and he moved out of the country. I have seen him twice since then, we speak rarely but are civilised when we do. I don't hate him, I feel sorry for him actually because I know he can't control himself - and I can only imagine a person away from their children must be painful - but I don't want him in my life, he is reckless and I need to live my life and not be responsible for his consequences anymore. I thought afterwards, 'well, now I'm free to live my life!'. I found passion in life and was the happiest I had ever been. A few years ago I met a lovely guy. We started seeing each other, I promised myself to go slow with this one (as a previous r'ship didn't go so well) and after 6 months of dating, we decided to give it a serious try. Except, I didn't feel he was 'in it'. He also said then that 'he wasn't good in r'ships' ... I didn't know what that meant. About 8 months after I met him, he invited a female friend to a show we were going to. Just the 3 of us. He didn't introduce us - they just went into a private convo about things I didn't know. I tried my best to get involved. And it was ok. But it left a bitter taste in my mouth. I tried to brush it aside. Then the week following, this happened: A last minute text to him, to say if it's ok if I come over for the night. He said yes but the same female friend will also be there. Alarm bells rang loudly but I still went. It turned out to be a night that would dictate everything up to this point. They were having convos I couldn't join in, I knew then for sure they had an intimate past. Being pissed off that he didn't have the decency to tell me about her was an understatement. I felt left out and let down for most of the night and to this day still feel the scars from it. When I was sober enough to leave that night, I took my things and left (yes there were a lot of alcohol involved too). He profusely apologised the next day, briefly told me about their past (it was just as intimate as I had thought) and said 'that ship had passed and I'm the one for him now'. Maybe it was my past, but I couldn't trust him anymore. No matter what he did, the trust had just broke down. So easy, just like that. I know, nothing 'bad' did happen and he wouldn't have done anything with her. He comes from a stable family and he has a good heart. It comes through in his conduct with everyone around him. But inside me, I feel I've been betrayed and my heart ripped out of me. Yeah, it is a bit excessive and my reaction to it is overblown. All my friends tell me this. But I can't stop this restlessness inside me. It tortures me every day and I have to consciously keep myself in check, for fear of another anxiety attack. Too many of those and I get suicidal and depressed. I've been there. That night's event took me there. I have managed to get back on my feet, and these days I'm only half as bad as then, and I've been seeing psychologists on and off. It's also a minor miracle that we are still together working through all of this. I try and pick fights, because I know he is scared to tell me about things that involve other girls (even though I find out anyway - thanks social media). And I feel like we perpetuate the dance of death over and over again. He is too scared to be honest with me, and I'm too on edge to take it easy on him. I just feel like no one can help me. My psychologist is treating me for trauma (but I don't think I have any). He thinks I need to confront my dad because it's all his fault (I can't make sense of that, I'm not ready in any case). I can't burden my friends with this because I know where I should be emotionally, but I'm not there. I also feel like my fuse is running shorter and shorter. He's busy work life means little time for us, and then he has all his social events to go to. I can see life contributing to this r'ship's demise. A normal r'ship (without all that trust bsh*t) is hard enough - two different people coming together is bound to have issues. But I just feel we have a r'ship and a half on our plates. And I know it's not fair on him, and I feel like I've sacrificed way too much of myself, I can't find passion in life but I haven't given up. Some days I wake up thinking it's pretty good. And some days like today, I wake up thinking I want to give it all up, why won't he get it, I just want him to be honest with me, why can't he do that? And each time I feel like I'm more numb to it, and I'm scared that one day I just won't have any feelings for him anymore and will just leave. Or he will leave me. So I'm really unsure how to get out of this one. And I feel tortured every day. My only solace is finding the good days, and holding onto the memories of them. And try not to blow up. It's so difficult, and it's a constant one step forward, two steps back. I hate myself for putting him through it all, and somedays I just want to leave it all just so I know he is peaceful without me. But he keeps coming back to me. And I just find it hard to live with myself at times for putting him through this too. The only good thing is, we both seem hardwired not to give up easily. I have no idea. I just wish I had more control over myself and to fix all this mess once and for all. Hey, thanks for reading. I know it was a long winded one.

Beetle I feel ok mentally. But now physical symptoms. Confused if they belong to underlying anxiety and depresssion or not.....
  • replies: 1

HI This post will be a bit all over the place. I just don't know what's wrong with me. I have been pretty well for half a year now. Got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression last year and started on meds. They kicked in nicely and I can functi... View more

HI This post will be a bit all over the place. I just don't know what's wrong with me. I have been pretty well for half a year now. Got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression last year and started on meds. They kicked in nicely and I can function fine at work and private, Now had nausea for a while and vomiting and belly ache. Just went to docs having some tests done.I don't think its the meds causing it since i feel they agree with me over the last month. Question is how can i be sure the symptoms i have are physical? Since i feel ok mentally does that mean the symptoms must me physical and there is something wrong with my tummy? Or can i feel ok mentally and anxiety and depression still produces symptoms even though i am on meds? Any idea anyone? Thanks for reading my 'all over the place post' Beetle

Dexter2748 How does diet effect anxiety/depression issues?
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I have a really bad diet at the moment. I rarely eat a full meal and when I do it's always take away or just toast at home, I also consume a large amount of soda each day. I suffer from depression and experience horrible anxiety attacks all day long ... View more

I have a really bad diet at the moment. I rarely eat a full meal and when I do it's always take away or just toast at home, I also consume a large amount of soda each day. I suffer from depression and experience horrible anxiety attacks all day long even though I have a good go and psychologist. would cutting out sugar make a big difference? Has anyone made a diet change like this and seen positive results? And if so how long did it take for you to start feeling a little better?

Guest_3712 Petrifed of Failing- again
  • replies: 20

hey Guys, I don't even know how to start. All I know is I am on the verge of a major panic attack and writing is somehow keeping me from falling off the precipice. I should feel on top of the world- I haven't worked for 5 years after my termination f... View more

hey Guys, I don't even know how to start. All I know is I am on the verge of a major panic attack and writing is somehow keeping me from falling off the precipice. I should feel on top of the world- I haven't worked for 5 years after my termination following injury. Until now I haven't been fit enough mentally or physically. Anyway long story short I got a job finally this week after about 50 rejections. I am petrified. I have zero confidence and my self esteem is rock bottom. Due to all the operations then drug issues I look like crap- have put on all this weight and look heaps older than my years( which is also old - 52). I aced the interview because I used to be so good at my job I was able to relate to the criteria and expectations. I felt like I could do this again, but since the interview I have convinced myself I will fail. Even if I can somehow get it together mentally I am sure my body will betray me and physically I will not be able to do what is required. I will not recover if this does not work out .The hardest thing of these last 5 years has not been the physical pain, or the breakdowns and hospitalisations it has been the lack of purpose in my life. My reason for getting up in the morning. I was somebody. I was respected and top of my game at the time. I lost more than my job when I was terminated. This loss was the trigger that reignited past memories that started my slide into hell. All of my adult life I had worked hard to prove a point, make a name for myself , be the best I could be.( None of which I knew till I started my psych sessions.) I know this should help me not to go down that road again but so much of my depression and anxiety is fed by the fear of failure, of not being the best, not living up to this gigantic standard I have set myself - of others thinking bad of me.I am very insecure and constantly seek re-assurance from people. I have always put on a brave face and said I don't care what people think, but that's not true. It wounds me deeply if I am not perceived in a positive light. Even now I am thinking people reading this are thinking, "What an idiot, or "She's crazy" and I almost want to delete but I have had to cancel my psych appointment to start this job on Monday and that is really setting off my panic signals. I don't think I can last that long without talking to someone.

Simone1994 anxiety is destroying my relationship :'(
  • replies: 2

My boyfriend and I have been together for one year and three months. We have been through our fair share of ups and downs and we've always come out stronger. Hes been so supportive of my severe anxiety and depression. I over think every single detail... View more

My boyfriend and I have been together for one year and three months. We have been through our fair share of ups and downs and we've always come out stronger. Hes been so supportive of my severe anxiety and depression. I over think every single detail of our relationship and i constantly worry that were not right for each other and that were going to break up. He is the love of my life and i want to be wth him forever. But the other day we had an argument over something so stupid and i over reacted and walked out when i shouldnt have. When i left, in my head it was like we broke up but we didnt. It has been five days since it happened and ever since then i have felt weird. I love him so much but for some reason i cant feel it like i used to. I want things to go back to the way they were and i want to feel the same again. I feel like ive lost him and that i cant get it back. Im worried i have destroyed everything by being stupid and leaving when i shouldnt have. I regret it so much and have hated myself every day since. Please give me advice. I have no idea how to fix this or what to do. I desperately want to fix this. I do not want to leave him. I feel like i have let my anxiety and my head go too far and get in the way of how i really feel and i just want it to go back to normal. I am currently on anti depressants. Please help me

Just_Another_Girl I sought out help but...
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A while ago a friend of mine decided to take me to Headspace to see a shrink as I'm really not sure what it is that's wrong with me but it's become apparent that something is, in fact, wrong. I also had a second friend there to make sure I didn't run... View more

A while ago a friend of mine decided to take me to Headspace to see a shrink as I'm really not sure what it is that's wrong with me but it's become apparent that something is, in fact, wrong. I also had a second friend there to make sure I didn't run away. This was only to make the appointment. In the past I had a terrible experience with quite possibly the worst shrink in Australia. So I was incredibly anxious about seeking help again. After I managed to get through the paperwork to make the appointment my hands were already shaking so the receptionist gave me some information with an email so that I could contact the staff to fee more comfortable about going. I emailed them and received a reply which, upon reading, put my nerves at ease for a while. Never-the-less as my appointment date grows nearer I've become more and more worried to the point where I considered simply not going. However the fact that I had a group of three people accompanying me would make that pretty tricky. My main point is, two out of my three have just bailed and the third isn't sure if she'll make it on the day, meaning I'm free to skip my appointment and no one could stop me. But at the same time, my friend who originally convinced me to go took the time out to try to get me to help myself and even thought it makes me cringe to think about, I feel like I'm obligated to go even I know I couldn't so much as step into the building on my own. I just don't know what to do. So somebody, anybody, please if you have any advice or ideas of what I should do to help the situation it could really help me. My appointment is only a few days from now and there's almost nothing stopping me from cancelling or not showing up. I need help. I just really don't want it.

Laura7 Anxiety help.
  • replies: 2

I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 3 years now that I'm sure of and have yet to do anything to help myself except take a few B Complex vitamins and hope it will go away - it never has. I've talked to many people online who tell me to 'talk t... View more

I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 3 years now that I'm sure of and have yet to do anything to help myself except take a few B Complex vitamins and hope it will go away - it never has. I've talked to many people online who tell me to 'talk to someone', but everytime I've tried they have shut me down. I'm classified as a 'teenager' and I'll get through it. But I can't do this anymore. I need help but I live in a small town, I can't afford psychiatrist help, and I don't know how to approach people for help at all.

jo77 anxiety feeling lonely
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Hi all, I have never been involved or opened up like this before but I'm hoping getting it out will help. I have suffered with anxiety since i was a child ( about 30 years). When i was 17 my life became unbearable and i went to see a psychologist who... View more

Hi all, I have never been involved or opened up like this before but I'm hoping getting it out will help. I have suffered with anxiety since i was a child ( about 30 years). When i was 17 my life became unbearable and i went to see a psychologist who diagnosed me with socialphobia, agoraphobia and panic disorder. It controls every part of my life, although i gained prettyi good control of it in the past, i feel like I'm losing my grip. Fearing that my children will become like me and that my husband doesnt really like to talk about it, i have become an expert on hiding it. But the anxiety gets too much and the panic attacks are getting worse again. I haven't worked in almost two years and the panic attacks leave me exhausted all the time. My biggest fear is that I'm a burden on my children and my husband but the alternative (to leave) is more than i can bear. i cant stand the lonliness and I'm scared that depression will be added to my list. Wow I needed to get that out there. Thanks bb

stormydaze_02 I ask myself, how did i arrive here?
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, My name is Jenny. I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. 6 months ago I would have laughed at anybody who predicted I may end up with this. I've always been the strong person and have never really spoken about my fee... View more

Hi everyone, My name is Jenny. I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. 6 months ago I would have laughed at anybody who predicted I may end up with this. I've always been the strong person and have never really spoken about my feelings to anybody - just shrugged off everything in the past and pretty much put anything negative out of my mind. I'm lucky in that I have found an understanding GP and I am seeing a psychologist. I'm not coping at work at all (fairly new job with quite a bit of responsibility) and now that I look back at it - I haven't really been coping for quite some time, but I've had some wonderful people to work with and they've kept me afloat. Not that I'm a bludger by any means, but I've had some good support. Now I'm in a job where I'm it and I am feeling overwhelmed and questioning my skills. I was becoming anxious every Sunday and crying every Sunday night in anticipation of going to work on Monday. I really didn't think much of it at the time. However, then it became almost every night, and thought of work just completely invaded my social life (which was decreasing at a rapid rate!). I haven't been sleeping much. The only nights I sleep more than an hour is when I take medication which I don't like doing, but I need to function as I am in no financial position to take time off work. I've always been a bit of a loner, but have had a fair few friends. Last year, my circle of friends also was split, resulting in a lack of support from friend also. My family are all interstate, so I think I've been lonely too. I have always been such a happy go lucky, positive person, but now I find that it's hard to find anything to look forward to or even to crack a smile - I'm working on it, and working on trying to have time to myself and not thinking/worrying about work 24/7 Anyway, I don't want to sound too much of a pain. I work a lot, but I hope to read many of your stories and I hope that we can help each other and learn from each others' experiences.

TheTimeOfMyNeed Introducing myself...
  • replies: 4

Hi all. Just thought I'd introduce myself around here. Mine is mostly a tale of depression and anxiety, primarily social anxiety. It began around age 14, though I had no understanding of it then. I only realise it looking back now. Academically I was... View more

Hi all. Just thought I'd introduce myself around here. Mine is mostly a tale of depression and anxiety, primarily social anxiety. It began around age 14, though I had no understanding of it then. I only realise it looking back now. Academically I was quite ok through school up til year 10, though, quite privately, I was emotionally a mess, and I always found socialising inexplicably difficult while everyone else seemed to get along fine. What I can remember most about my teens are distinct feelings of complete emptiness and meaninglessness, sadness, loneliness, and little desire to get out bed. This really took a toll in the HSC years. Given that I was struggling to find a decent answer to any sense of meaning in my very existence, I was not able to find any meaning in applying myself in study. So my results were poor. Thankfully I scraped into uni nevertheless, presumably because there was so little interest in the maths degree that I applied for. That gave me something to do, and I managed to push through to end up with degrees in maths and computer science. Personally, however, my issues only deepened. Without the imposed sociality of the school playground, I withdrew even further, with my social anxiety, and depression, ever deepening. Through those years I was essentially a loner. The freak who sat at the back of the lecture theatre and never said a word to anyone. It was only at around the end of this period of study that I began to learn more about depression and anxiety disorders, and so I can now look back with a greater understanding of what was occurring than what I had at the time. I had just kept trying to push through it, as everything I was experiencing was normality to me, I knew no different. I had begun to see a psychiatrist/counsellor (which took me a little over a year to find the courage to do so), who eventually put me on an anti-depressant after counselling type therapy proved ineffective. I ended up deciding that I needed time off to recover and try to get well, even though I had just received a scholarship to begin a masters degree. The feelings of mental strain that I was experiencing were so intense it was beginning to feel like a physical sensation in my brain, beyond even an all-consuming emotion. It felt like it was killing me, so I just stopped everything. I could no longer keep going on like this. But I had finally come to see the truth about myself. I was in a deep depression with severe anxiety. A few years down the track and I'm just about to turn 30. I'm essentially unemployed and still living at home. Thankfully the combination of medication and rest over the last 5 years or so has resulted ultimately in a significant reduction of symptoms, though it has certainly taken some time. I've also more recently invested much time in reading several helpful books, and applying the lessons learnt, which has also been helpful. I am now at a stage where I would like to get back into life, as it were, which I have been doing a little of late, but progress is slow. I still find that I seem to have mental blockages when it comes to exposing myself to new social situations that make it difficult still. Particularly, I think I would be better able to progress if I could speak more so about my struggles. Thankfully I have 1 good friend that I am able to share with, but there are others I would also like to tell. Yet I am finding it impenetrably difficult. That is mainly why I decided to share here. Things can only be overcome one step at a time, and perhaps sharing with the relative anonymity of this forum may make it easier to share face to face. If anyone has any advice to share for someone in my situation, that would certainly be appreciated. I am considering volunteer work as a start, but am finding it difficult to begin. It's easy to think about intellectually, but the prospect of actually doing it only causes fear. It might help if I could do it with one of the few people I know, but for that to happen I really need to tell the people I know. And, finally, please be kind...