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physical anxiety symptoms

Community Member

I was diagnosed a year ago with GAD ocd and panic disorder,  all severe.  

I am on medication to help with these conditions which has definitely helped with the GAD symptoms like agoraphobia,  paranoia etc. 

But I still get thephysical symptoms. For the last week I have had bouts of nausea,  constant dizziness/vertigo, headaches etc. I thought I was pregnant but that's been ruled out. I feel uneasy, lethargic, weak and tired. So then my health anxiety kicks in. I have had my ears checked?  Nothing. pregnancy test negative. My BP was low day before yesterday but was ok when it was checked again yesterday. Becausee my meds have helped with my symptoms I have sort of forgotten how it felt when I was really bad and health anxiety takes over.  Ive googled brain tumors, everything. 

Does anyone else have extreme dizziness for days on end, eyes sore, poor concentration and occasional nausea ? 

Thank u x 

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi staystrongsoldieron,

Welcome to the forums. Those physical symptoms sound full on and uncomfortable. While physical symptoms can be a part of anxiety, it would be best to have a full and frank discussion with your GP about them.  It sounds like you may have been in touch already to have the tests you describe, but it would be good to have a discussion in the context of the anxiety disorders you're being treated for.

Have you ever been given a referral to a psychologist to help work through your anxiety symptoms?  

There is more information about the wide range of different treatments for anxiety disorders in this beyondblue resource, A Guide To What Works For Anxiety Disorders.