
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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jodes76 new to anxiety
  • replies: 2

I have had depression for years, but over the last few months I have also had anxiety. it has come out of nowhere. I am currently on meds for both, but still feel down and anxious

I have had depression for years, but over the last few months I have also had anxiety. it has come out of nowhere. I am currently on meds for both, but still feel down and anxious

akitan I just don't know...
  • replies: 1

Hello, I am new to this thread and new to the thought that I may actually be suffering Anxiety, I'm not sure... I don't want to think I am because then I feel so selfish. My life is fine, I have a job with 40 hours a week, I have a boyfriend a house ... View more

Hello, I am new to this thread and new to the thought that I may actually be suffering Anxiety, I'm not sure... I don't want to think I am because then I feel so selfish. My life is fine, I have a job with 40 hours a week, I have a boyfriend a house together... but can't shake it this unsecure feeling, like everything needs to be improved. A few years ago I went to my doctor with heart problems, well what I thought was heart problems. When ever I played netball and I ever got upset or angry at my performance in a game I would start yawning constantly, which would then grow into short of breath, my heart would race, my chest would tighten and I would become dizzy. I went to my doctor, test after test all situated around me maybe having an undiagnosable heart problem. I got annoyed and never went back. I have now quit netball, but sometimes suffer this same feeling out of nowhere. A couple years later, I then started a job which required me to work everyday for a whole month. As I did, a headache swept over me and everyday since I have had a constant headache everyday, my jaw is stiff, my neck is always sore (especially a small lump on my neck, which has been checked out and said it's "normal") and my shoulders are always tense. Especially behind my eyes and jaw (which is when I got glasses) After more tests, the doctor said.. "It's stress you have to quit your job". Which I find absurd because then ILL HAVE MORE STRESS, so once again, I gave up on the doctor. I worry about money, all the time. I only ever keep a job for a year because I strive to find a job with better pay, better security, something "normal". I am constantly looking for more security and stability and it's frustrating. I want to be more, do more, earn more and I just feel like I'm never good enough. My boyfriend says I'm being silly because I always feel guilty I can't put more money, time and effort into our life together. but I just feel he is dissapointed. I have this same problem with my family. My dad recently lost his job and they were really struggling and I felt helpless! I just want to help everyone! I want to be able to support my boyfriend, support my parents, support my siblings, then I'll be happy. I have good days though, not everyday I feel like this. I do everyday have a headache but I feel good most days. usually these days come after I apply for a few jobs, do the dishes, save some money or just do something that makes me feel secure. I am not sure if I am just being over-reactive.. hormonal? I have thought about Yoga, Pilates... but I just don't have the time - or is that just an excuse? I just don't know. Can anyone help?

msleesah Life isnt supposed to be this hard is it?
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For me, daily life can be really hard. Simple things like running a household, cooking for my man, getting to work on time, getting to work at all some times, getting a good nights rest, making time to exercise if I have the energy for it, all this i... View more

For me, daily life can be really hard. Simple things like running a household, cooking for my man, getting to work on time, getting to work at all some times, getting a good nights rest, making time to exercise if I have the energy for it, all this is sometimes just too overwhelming for me.The pit in in stomach, the tightness in my throat, irritibility, nausea, tingles down my arm, pain in my chest, constant thoughts- life isnt supposed to be like this is it? I've been doing some soul searching the last few years- trying to unravel why I feel this way, what caused it, when it began and can I fix it??? Im a 28 year old woman. Ive been through alot in my short time already. From growing up in an abusive household, to having eating disorders in my teens, OCD in my teens, which I managed to talk myself out of, being used and abused by boys and then feeling more down for gaining a reputation, being it hurts me to type this-but technically raped more than once, then having a shit relationship from 19-25yrs old where allowed myself to be emotionally and mentally abused to the point I didnt recognise myself anymore, and am still healing alot of these wounds..... Did i forget to mention drug use from 19years, even until now sporatically-but i dont enjoy it. I dont want to stress over simple things anymore that dont matter. I dont want to have a panic attack and have no idea why, i dont want my heart to ache and have no idea why-yet think about it so much that I cant stop worrying about it and then it aches more...... I dont want to sleep separately to my partner, because im such a light sleeper he wakes me up rolling over..... I want to be free or myself.... Can anyone recognise themself in my story?

tara Not sure at all
  • replies: 3

Hi all, this is my first time into such a forum. I've suffered anxiety and depression for most of my life. It seems to come and go and changes the way it hits me each time. It's got me to a point where I don't know what's going on anymore. Right now ... View more

Hi all, this is my first time into such a forum. I've suffered anxiety and depression for most of my life. It seems to come and go and changes the way it hits me each time. It's got me to a point where I don't know what's going on anymore. Right now I feel I couldn't get any lower. I feel very much alone in my despair. I feel so frightened of myself and my thoughts and can't deal with anything right now. I'm taking medication and it doesn't seem to be helping at all. I can't stand this place I'm in, I stay home because I don't want to see anyone. Although I do walk everyday, sometimes 4 times a day just to keep negative thoughts at bay, though today I can't even do that! I am going back to my GP to see what can be done. I can't even pinpoint reasons for this, it's like those close to me want to know a cause and I am at a loss, instead I feel like I am pushing everyone away or just don't say anything because it's easier to lie but then the uncontrollable sadness makes lying impossible. I'm lost and don't know who I am anymore... how can anyone understand if I don't??

kaniva sleeplessness
  • replies: 4

Another sleeplessness night worrying about all the things I have done wrong and all the things I have to remember to do. I am new to BB and am not sure what to expect. I exist day to day hiding my anxiety from my family. I don’t have to hide it from ... View more

Another sleeplessness night worrying about all the things I have done wrong and all the things I have to remember to do. I am new to BB and am not sure what to expect. I exist day to day hiding my anxiety from my family. I don’t have to hide it from my friends because I don’t have any. I volunteer at a day respite centre 2 days a week and am trying to find a job in this industry. I manage to hide by doing the absolute necessary things and that’s all. I am lost and don’t know how to get out of the labyrinth of my mind.

Steph Anxiety/depression stemming from parenting...or lack of
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The other day I had a lightbulb moment and thought I would write in my journal about my life, starting from when I was a baby. I thought of doing this because I wanted to see where my anxiety and depression stemmed from....all I can say is wow....I d... View more

The other day I had a lightbulb moment and thought I would write in my journal about my life, starting from when I was a baby. I thought of doing this because I wanted to see where my anxiety and depression stemmed from....all I can say is wow....I didn't realise how angry I was until I started writing!!! I haven't finished writing yet, I only got up to 6th grade. I realised I hold a lot of anger and resentment towards all of my parents (inc. step parents) for their lack of parenting, rejection, selfishness and instability. I know you get to a point where you need to take responsibility for yourself, but what I want to know is how you move on from the anger and resentment. In no way can I talk to my parents about it, they are not people you can just sit down and have a civilised conversation with. I believe my parents failed me and my siblings in so many ways. My mother and step-father turned us against our father, allowed very very 'untrustworthy' adults into our lives, kicked us out on our own when we were young, when they met new 'partners' they would just up and leave, told especially me that I was going to fail in life and that I wasn't very bright....the list goes on and on and on. Is there anyone out there who experienced this? What did you do to move on from it (if you have)? I would appreciate any input, because I dont want to bring children into the world if I am just going to repeat what my parents did. I feel so jealous when I see people who have amazing parents who do anything for them....I have never ever had that. While it has made me a stronger person for it and independant, it has also caused a great deal of anxiety and depression. I will get back to writing my memoirs in the hopes at least I can address the issues...but any advice would be welcome Thanks for reading!

bdr health anxiety
  • replies: 2

Does anyone else have this problem? it's driving me crazy cause i'm living with a lot of fear. I hope someone can help or know someone who can help me.

Does anyone else have this problem? it's driving me crazy cause i'm living with a lot of fear. I hope someone can help or know someone who can help me.

Scotty2013 That Impending doom just lingers
  • replies: 4

Hi BBr's Anyone ever had that feeling of impending doom?, what next?, what is around the corner now that will happen (bad) of course. Id say for a good 5yrs now I've felt that, for various reasons, something always or i interpret to be negative will ... View more

Hi BBr's Anyone ever had that feeling of impending doom?, what next?, what is around the corner now that will happen (bad) of course. Id say for a good 5yrs now I've felt that, for various reasons, something always or i interpret to be negative will happen. Will i get something bad in the Mail?, Will i get bad news?, will this news be something i can recover from?. Will it be so bad that it taints me for another 5yrs..sorry if its a bit cryptic its just the best way i know how to explain it thanks TC

jim Not dealing very well..
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ok so i have been suffering with anxiety for the past 7 or 8 years i have been abale to pull myself out of it every time i go through this only this time its different i am on anti anxiety meds and there just not working i have been back to see my do... View more

ok so i have been suffering with anxiety for the past 7 or 8 years i have been abale to pull myself out of it every time i go through this only this time its different i am on anti anxiety meds and there just not working i have been back to see my doctor about this but he just says give it time! i have started a new job and my anxiety is killing me to the point where i want to call in sick everyday but i push myself to go cause i need this job i really am not coping at the moment and i am lost i dont know how to get past this i am seeing a shrink and they give me breathing excersizes witch arnt working any more if anyone could offer some advice on how to handle my anxiety a little bit better that would be great... thanks

Marley I'm so tired of living like this
  • replies: 3

I'm totally fed up living like a prisoner in my own mind. I can't control my feelings or thoughts no matter how hard I try. I take sleeping tablets sometimes and even then I have the weirdest dreams and wake up tired. surely there has to be something... View more

I'm totally fed up living like a prisoner in my own mind. I can't control my feelings or thoughts no matter how hard I try. I take sleeping tablets sometimes and even then I have the weirdest dreams and wake up tired. surely there has to be something to control these thoughts and feeli ha of depression and anxiety. My life just feels like a misery. I feel like I live from day to day with I joy. I feel like I shouldn't have far kids, they drive me insane with their issues and not wanting to do school work. I feel like every damn thing I do is a friggin battle. Why the heck can't things just go smoothly, why can't my kids just do stuff instead of being awkward with homework school etc. i wonder do I just stress too much???? I wish I could just be a laid back oh well who cares, whatever will happen, you just deal with it? Any suggestions? i feel like I have no one to talk to. I feel like am complaining all the time and other parents don't seem to whinge about their kids like I want to. I'm sick of trying so hard to he a good mother, it doesn't seem to work. I just want to be me again and I don't know where me went....