
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Thejig Lifetime of anxiety
  • replies: 7

All my life I have suffered anxiety in silence. as a child in school I would try to hide in the back do that I wouldn't have to ever present or answer questions, I would complete my work very slowly so that the teacher would forgot to check my work a... View more

All my life I have suffered anxiety in silence. as a child in school I would try to hide in the back do that I wouldn't have to ever present or answer questions, I would complete my work very slowly so that the teacher would forgot to check my work and would move onto the next task. I made my parents pull me out of dancing before the end of year concerts because I convinced them I hates it but the truth is I couldn't be Infront of a crowd, I am nervous of being watched and analysed and making a mistake or not being accepted. throughout high school was similar to my experience of primary school I never participated in anything because I thought I was not good enough, I would make a mistake or make a fool of myself . i have finished uni and am now a registered nurse. Uni was also another time where people mistook my lack of involvement for being uninterested and having no initiative. In my work experince I was always too affraid to give reports, or to handle a set of my patients on my own because I think I don't have the ability abd I'm so scared of making mistakes. I have spent 18 months applying for jobs, scheduling interview times but I never attend the interview. I have applied for hundreds of jobs and probably had scheduled over 120 interviews. I attended the first interview 18 months ago and it was a horrible experience ever since then the time leading up to interview is filled with anxiety. I don't sleep, spend my time driving to the interview and talking myself out of it by the time I get to the interview I've worked myself up so bad I am too scared and anxious to go in. I am scared I can't answer the question, in scared I'll make a fool if myself and be embarrassed. I'm scared they won't like me. That is just one component of my anxiety. I also find it hard to talk to guys. I met a man that I really like 2 years ago we were both working in the same hospital. He kept wanting to meet up with me but I couldn't do it. I would cancel on him minutes before I was due to meet him. I was worried we wouldn't have anything to talk about, or that he would think I'm a bad kisser or he won't like me. It sends me into anxiety and I tell myself I physically can't do it. I cancelled on him about 8 times in 12 months. I eventually worked up the courage to meet him somehow, I still don't know how I did it! I just want to live a normal life where I am confident and I can go about my day like everyone else without worrying about everything

ExtremelyAnxious2015 Incessant fear of world events and impact on my children
  • replies: 11

Hi there, I am new to this forum so I apologise if this has already been covered by someone else. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter and am currently 5 months pregnant with my second. Over the years I have battled anxiety but right now I feel lik... View more

Hi there, I am new to this forum so I apologise if this has already been covered by someone else. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter and am currently 5 months pregnant with my second. Over the years I have battled anxiety but right now I feel like it is the worst it has ever been. It started with an innocent enough post on facebook about Nostradamus and his prophecies on WW3. I have never read about N before nor would I typically believe in 'seers' as such. But this lead me to think about current events, ISIL, Russian and US tensions, Israel & Palestine, global warming etc. To me, in my current irrational mind, WW3 isn't such a silly prospect at the moment. I am constantly worried about something bad happening to my daughter and my expectant child. I think of the most horrible scenarios. It causes me to break down at least 2-3 times a day. I know I cannot control world events and I know that I should only focus on those things that I can control. But with all the uncertainty in the world I don't feel as though my fears are unfounded. I am really scared for my children and not being able to protect them. I know pregnancy hormones and all that fun stuff, can cause anxiety and irrational thoughts but I don't ever remember it being this bad. It's effecting my work, my relationship, my life. I could really use some perspective and some help. I appreciate any advice. Thank you so much.

JimmyB Terrified of going overseas, but I'm married to a foreigner...
  • replies: 1

Hi, I'm 25 and have been married for less than a year, and my wife is Vietnamese. We love each other and have a fantastic relationship, I've never been happier in this respect (in fact I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would end up with suc... View more

Hi, I'm 25 and have been married for less than a year, and my wife is Vietnamese. We love each other and have a fantastic relationship, I've never been happier in this respect (in fact I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would end up with such an amazing girl). I've never left Australia however, she has been here for 4 years at uni and that's how I met her. We leave in 2 days to go to Vietnam to meet her family and spend 2 weeks there during the Chinese NY period. The trip has me stressed to the eyeballs, the anxiety is so bad i'm extremely agitated and jumpy, I have this sense of impending doom (like I'm due to go to prison tomorrow) and I kind of feel like my life is coming to an end. I'm not in any way afraid of flying, I used to be in the Air Force! I've simply never had any interest in travel and since I've had to travel to so much of Australia so often for my jobs I've always pictured airports and suitcases as just a hassle. Travel is chaos and I just can't understand why anyone would seek it out and pay good money for it unless it's totally unavoidable or work related. In addition to this I will be meeting my parents-in-law for the first time.. and we don't share a language. My wife speaks fluent English of course and will be there to translate, but I honestly don't now how I'll in anyway meaningfully communicate with them or how they'll possibly get to know me. It's not like you have a casual conversation through a translator. I'll be living in their house for 2 whole weeks, and there will be a day when they will have 20+ relatives visiting for the holiday, I doubt I'll be able to speak to many of them. I guess the main thing is I'm highly unlikely to have any idea what they really think of me. I've also just started a small business this year, and leaving my store in the hands of a friend of 14 days while I'm away is an extremely stressful thought. I've never been so anxious about something, getting married was way less intimidating than this. Practicing engine failures in a helicopter is less intimidating than this. My main worry at this point is that I won't cope well with having no comfort zone, I'll go quiet, get depressed, more and more agitated, and after a day or 2 I'll be really unpleasant to be around. I don't want to spoil my wife's first trip home in a year or have my new family think I'm horrible to be around. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

HelenM FEAR - any advice please?
  • replies: 20

For many years I have been dealing with depression and anxiety. The first bout 13 years ago was traumatic. For the third time in 6 months an overwhelming fear of going back there has come to me, despite my depression being very mild. This time it's m... View more

For many years I have been dealing with depression and anxiety. The first bout 13 years ago was traumatic. For the third time in 6 months an overwhelming fear of going back there has come to me, despite my depression being very mild. This time it's much worse owing to a return of a particular symptom. I am having major problems with my sleep. Not sleeping I can cope with but I'm having highly distressing symptoms of anxiety - palpitations and a lurching of my stomach (really horrible) as I'm dropping off, and so waking me up. Eventually, back then, I found I didn't want to sleep because of the symptoms. The high alert my mind is on stops sleeping tablets working.I have been working on my breathing. I keep reminding myself that I was very ill then and although this is happening it is only one part of that episode. My fear seems to override these things. All those years ago the problem went as soon as I began to respond to anti depressants. So I have to live with this. Two very good friends assure me that the fear that sneaked in for no reason will go again as I continue to get on with my life, which I can manage even with very poor sleep. I don't think I've levelled out with my sleeping problem yet and I wonder if that is making my fear worse.I go to see my gp on Tues. This is 99% association is it not? In Scotland it's dark and wet. It was the same time then that these symptoms were worst. I wonder if it would be just as bad if it were Summer. Perhaps everyone has their own demons in their illness and I guess we're all different. This is one of mine. I don't think there are any answers on this but if anyone could advise me as a way I could see this without getting so scared I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Helen

Nelly88 Anxiety is pushing my partner away
  • replies: 4

Hi there, okay here goes, I am in a wonderful relationship, now engaged to my fiancé, he love and supports me and my daughter. I couldn't have asked for a more caring man. My issues of past a certain past relationship have made me completely undatabl... View more

Hi there, okay here goes, I am in a wonderful relationship, now engaged to my fiancé, he love and supports me and my daughter. I couldn't have asked for a more caring man. My issues of past a certain past relationship have made me completely undatable until I met DF. That it was all going well until I moved my whole life to a new town. Where I don't know anyone. But I did it because I love him very much. Okay so I guess right now my issue is I don't trust him, well I do deep down bit my anxiety likes to play scenarios of him cheating in my head, i get obsessed and go through his phone constantly, check his clothes his car, my anxiety consumes me and I go on a frenzy that I can not control or stop, until we have a fight and he calls me crazy. At first I never had any issues or worries but now they are taking control, these frenzies need to stop, they get me worked up and I feel sickened at how far I go to prove my own imagination. Sorry mite be a bit long, but i have no one to talk to.

Pounce panc attack or psychotic episode?
  • replies: 4

I had an episode a month or two ago. I couldn't bring myself to mention it to anyone till this week, but it's been weighing on my mind. I've had lots of thoughts of suicide and self harm previously, which sometimes have become compulsions, but this w... View more

I had an episode a month or two ago. I couldn't bring myself to mention it to anyone till this week, but it's been weighing on my mind. I've had lots of thoughts of suicide and self harm previously, which sometimes have become compulsions, but this was different. I can't remember what happened, but it was something that triggered an extreme anxiety episode. I felt like one hand wanted to hurt myself, but I physically held it with the other hand to stop it from doing anything. Very frightening. I ran away. I thought I was losing my grip on reality. Can panic attacks be like this? I worry that I'm having psychotic episodes sometimesbeyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

Sammy1723 Need help or suggestions please
  • replies: 1

Hi I have very bad irritable bowel syndrome which is causing me to feel very anxious and depressed. I've tried so many things. I think I need to see a psychiatrist that specialises in this. Can anyone recommend a good one please?

Hi I have very bad irritable bowel syndrome which is causing me to feel very anxious and depressed. I've tried so many things. I think I need to see a psychiatrist that specialises in this. Can anyone recommend a good one please?

AJ1954 Confused and Anxious
  • replies: 6

Hi, First time blogger.. I'm 60 and until 2 months ago was walking and jogging regularly, sleeping and dreaming well every night. No problems and only went to the Doctor once a year for checkup.. Then suddenly had heart palpitations for the first tim... View more

Hi, First time blogger.. I'm 60 and until 2 months ago was walking and jogging regularly, sleeping and dreaming well every night. No problems and only went to the Doctor once a year for checkup.. Then suddenly had heart palpitations for the first time whilst returning from an 8klm power walk. This was a major worry. Had all the tests and heart good, had some iron deficiency. Did not do much except stopped all exertion and it settled down for a few weeks.. Then out of the blue it started again.. Spoke to a local Naturopath and pharmacist who said possible magnesium and electrolyte issues. Naturopath took care of those issues. All good for a while then suddenly waking cold with butterfly's and mildly shaking hands.. Now seems anxiety has set in Especially in the AM. All of the above has me both confused and now very anxious.. Any thoughts greatly appreciated. AJ1954

NameUserID Should I seek help or just go with it
  • replies: 2

For many years now; each and every day on my way to work I start to sweat and my heart starts going 100 miles an hour and i think about all the things that can possibly go wrong in the day and even keep going over everything thats happened on previou... View more

For many years now; each and every day on my way to work I start to sweat and my heart starts going 100 miles an hour and i think about all the things that can possibly go wrong in the day and even keep going over everything thats happened on previous days. i also keep thinking about what the repercussions of each interaction could be. always i think the worst case scenario. This stays until after an hour or so of work and it get busy and then i just work hard. but after work i think back on everything and the same thing, i worry about if i did everything 100% perfect and if not what could go wrong for me, will i get fired?! for years i thought i just hated my job, which i did, but then i went traveling for aprx. 2 years around the world. each place i went i was worried. I was scared we wouldnt do thing right according to culture, i worried about everything we did during out sightseeing trips and what other people thought about my actions. each night i would analyze every interaction in my head and think the worst. i do this when at work as well. 2.5 weeks ago i started a new job which is awesome and right up my avenue (so no longer in an industry i hate and actually doing something i approve of and love: READING/Selling Books!) but im still having the before work sweats, nerves, worries, heart races and after work i still go over everything in my mind and make up bad things that MAY happen. the other day on the way to work my girlfriend said i should seek help (once again) an this time though beyondblue had a radio add which i listened to and thought the same thing. so. here i am. asking for advice. although now that i type it all out it actually does sound like i may have a problem. i would like some advice still, please.

Hj1981 What is wrong with me?
  • replies: 3

To make a long story short over 12mths ago I found out my husband was cheating. I than had a break down and told him about the sexual abuse I got from my dad when I was young. I had never told anyone about it. Since then a few other people now know, ... View more

To make a long story short over 12mths ago I found out my husband was cheating. I than had a break down and told him about the sexual abuse I got from my dad when I was young. I had never told anyone about it. Since then a few other people now know, I have told my family and have moved away as they don't support me. Not long after coming out and telling my husband I started having these feelings of "lightheadedness/dizziness, weak in the legs and some times slightly tachycardic, when out in public and of course I started feeling like I was going to feint. It doesn't happen all the time, but happens often enough. Today it happened when I went to the shops with my 2 young daughters (6&4) and my hubby. It is actually really scary. I have had blood tests, all clear, blood pressure has been slightly low, mri of head all clear. It is getting to the point that I am worried that I might die during one of these events and leave my daughters without a mum. What is wrong with me?