
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

grassbees Social Anxiety Disorder- what employment options do I have?
  • replies: 4

Any job where I deal with other people causes me irrational anxiety that grows and ultimately leads me to mental breakdown (unless I quit or get myself fired, which are my escape strategies). I'll need to re-enter the workforce eventually but can't t... View more

Any job where I deal with other people causes me irrational anxiety that grows and ultimately leads me to mental breakdown (unless I quit or get myself fired, which are my escape strategies). I'll need to re-enter the workforce eventually but can't think of any jobs suitable for a person with my condition. I'm undergoing CBT and will eventually go on medication to help. But even so, has anyone got any ideas on what are the best and worst jobs for people with my condition?

jonjr My fight for life
  • replies: 8

Its been a while since i last posted and to my own surprise im still here. For those that do not know my journey. I suffer with high lv anxiety, dissociative disorder, hi lv panic attacks, depression and a brain that feels like pea soup at times. Wel... View more

Its been a while since i last posted and to my own surprise im still here. For those that do not know my journey. I suffer with high lv anxiety, dissociative disorder, hi lv panic attacks, depression and a brain that feels like pea soup at times. Well since my last post i have been in and out of hospital and been through intensive therapy and what seems like a million doctors and therapy groups. My life is never easy BUT im proud that im still here.... im happy that the help i needed was there. I will probably never get my life back to 100% but i accept that now . Do i feel like im different? Absolutely.... do i feel like im worth it? I wish i could tell you i do, i wish i could tell you all that its easy and you will be 100% in no time. For me even just to be here is a win win. I guess im just trying to say be happy with where you are and learn to accept your life as meaningful. I dont have the answers to fix anyone or even begin to...... none of us do..... but i have learned that if we try to understand we are different and we do have a say in are own world then at least we are part of that 100% and that counts. Xxx

Willa287 Health anxiety is ruling my life
  • replies: 5

I have struggled with severe health anxiety for a number of years now. I was at one point diagnosed with panic disorder, but the full fledged panic attacks have mostly stopped now and it's more just obsessive worrying. my anxiety revolves around thin... View more

I have struggled with severe health anxiety for a number of years now. I was at one point diagnosed with panic disorder, but the full fledged panic attacks have mostly stopped now and it's more just obsessive worrying. my anxiety revolves around thinking I'm dying of some hideous disease. Currently I'm 30 weeks pregnant and it's just at an all time high. Current things I'm dying of: breast cancer, skin cancer, and Parkinson's Disease. Today it's mostly the Parkinson's. See, I've developed a shake and weakness in my right hand. Logic and most professionals would tell me I've likely just developed some pregnancy Carpal tunnel. But no, my brain is convinced I have this horrible disease. If it's not that, it's that I have breast cancer because my nipple is hurting (again, pregnant.) Last week the skin on my arm was giving me grief, and it was in the general area I also have a mole, so of course I had skin cancer. I went to the doctor and was given the all clear, so that seems to have abated for now. It's never ending. I am torturing myself. I want to run to the doctor all the time because I want reassurance, but then I don't want to go because I'm afraid of what they'll tell me. I also know I sound, for lack of a better word, crazy. I just want to see who out there can sympathise. After the baby comes I'll be looking into professional help.

eth93 OCD(Anxiety) - physical pain
  • replies: 7

Hi All! I had a HUGE post written out about this, but couldn't go through with it.. So I'll keep it short and somewhat sweet. Has anyone experienced physical pain and or sensations on a constant basis, caused by there OCD? In my case. Pain then follo... View more

Hi All! I had a HUGE post written out about this, but couldn't go through with it.. So I'll keep it short and somewhat sweet. Has anyone experienced physical pain and or sensations on a constant basis, caused by there OCD? In my case. Pain then followed by obsessions about dying. I say pain quite loosely as sometimes I'm really not sure if I'm even experiencing pain or just everyday sensations. Both my GP and psychologist are agreeing that it is my OCD. However you know what OCD is like, and well here I am asking this.. Ethan

SC1 Work place anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hi I am new to this forum. I want to share my story: I started a new job 6 weeks ago, I quickly found myself overwhelmed, stressed and struggling. There is a lot of support in the role, and many other new employees started with me however I quickly b... View more

Hi I am new to this forum. I want to share my story: I started a new job 6 weeks ago, I quickly found myself overwhelmed, stressed and struggling. There is a lot of support in the role, and many other new employees started with me however I quickly became nervous and overwhelmed. I have to admit the role is challenging and we were told it wasn't going to be easy. I could not stomach breakfast and physically couldn't eat lunch, only eating a piece of fruit during the day. I had this constant sick feeling inside. During work hours I would count down the minutes to my breaks, lunch and finally the end of the day. My mind felt constantly clouded and I was struggling to process information, constantly feeling nervous and uncomfortable. I worked very hard to keep on top of everything, learning as much as I could but felt I wasn't my normal self. Every evening after work I would count down the hours, worried about going to sleep as a new day would begin. I have lost close to 6kg in weight from stress and not eating properly, and have constantly felt low in energy and motivation. I had to take sick leave for a couple of days as I wasn't coping mentally and felt completely drained. This only created more nerves for when I returned to work. In the first weeks, I quit in my mind x10 per day, getting ready to tell my manager was leaving. I decided to speak up and told her how I was feeling. I received amazing support, I thought the stress would subside, but it just escalated as the weeks went by. The role was a dream job and an opportunity to propel myself into an amazing career. Everyone around me was telling me to stick at it, push through, and never give up. I was questioning my strength, feeling guilt for wanting to give it away, and felt weak. My girlfriend was very supportive, but had to deal with my stress daily, it was affecting our after work time together. People say you have to push through hard times to reap the rewards of success, I kept pushing myself to stay. Others say you must be happy and I realised my mental health and physical health was suffering. I was having thoughts of the train crashing on the way to work, without caring about what happened. It was then I realised what anxiety was, never understanding it even though my girlfriend has experienced it. I resigned today, and have decided to go to the doctor to clear my mind so I can start fresh. I thought I would share my story to see if anyone else feels the same.

Bella84 Chest pains
  • replies: 10

9 months ago I had my first panic attack. It started with a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. I went to the doctors and they said it's anxiety. 2 months later I went back as I was still getting pains and dull aches in my chest. They done blood te... View more

9 months ago I had my first panic attack. It started with a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. I went to the doctors and they said it's anxiety. 2 months later I went back as I was still getting pains and dull aches in my chest. They done blood tests and I had an ECG. They are came back normal and the doctor still said it's just anxiety. Since then I keep going back to the doctors as I still get pains. They still say it's anxiety. I feel like they just don't care and what if it's not anxiety??the pains come and go and seem to go when I am busy and not thinking about them. Does anyone else get chest pains nearly on a daily basis? Please help.

cakeboss Anxiety attacks Panick attacks.
  • replies: 4

Hi is there anyone else who suffers from terrible anxiety panick attacks bought on by any stressful life situations.I have a great G.P and Counciler and loved ones supporting me.I have been given a relaxation cd and when the anxiety attack comes on ,... View more

Hi is there anyone else who suffers from terrible anxiety panick attacks bought on by any stressful life situations.I have a great G.P and Counciler and loved ones supporting me.I have been given a relaxation cd and when the anxiety attack comes on ,i listen to the cd.I try to distract myself when im having a anxiety attack and working hard on not going to far ahead of myself of things that may not have happened yet .Is there anyone else who can relate to this.

Assaad Fear of dying young
  • replies: 2

Hey guys I've had a fear of death since I was about 7 I would get panic attacks once every few years about what it I died the past 3 months have been a night mare for me I keep thinking what if I die, then we have our sub category's like what if I di... View more

Hey guys I've had a fear of death since I was about 7 I would get panic attacks once every few years about what it I died the past 3 months have been a night mare for me I keep thinking what if I die, then we have our sub category's like what if I die young, what if I die before I achieve my goals, what if I die before I have children, what if I die before my children grow up, what if I never see my grandchildren. The list goes on and on I currently have an amazing girlfriend that's helped me threw my anxiety and always been there for me and I want to get engaged to her soon and my thoughts keep say what if you die before you can get married to her. I wake up with anxiety and panic attacks it does come and go but 70% of the time I have anxiety during the day I am a religious Christian and I tell myself god has a plan for me and i truly believe that but my animistic will fade for a day or two then come back does anyone else experience anxiety like this? And if so how do you control it because my thoughts don't stop just recently I thought of quoting my job because I said to myself what if I die soon I don't want to work for no reason I'll rather relax help would be much appreciated thanks guys

Jackson1994 Getting help
  • replies: 3

These anxiety symptoms weigh me down everyday and make everything so hard and I need to get some help. If I tell my mum she might be able to support me more but how do I do that I'm so scared. Just thinking about is getting me worked up I have nobody... View more

These anxiety symptoms weigh me down everyday and make everything so hard and I need to get some help. If I tell my mum she might be able to support me more but how do I do that I'm so scared. Just thinking about is getting me worked up I have nobody else to talk to about this

feelingblue4832 Anxiety about family members passing away.
  • replies: 4

Hi all, Long time reader first time poster, i thought if i joined i could try help others while helping my self, my issue is Anxiety/possible depression. i'm 29 years old male who works for his family business as if the last 2 or so years before this... View more

Hi all, Long time reader first time poster, i thought if i joined i could try help others while helping my self, my issue is Anxiety/possible depression. i'm 29 years old male who works for his family business as if the last 2 or so years before this i was working for a big company, my Anxiety has always been present in my life in one form or another i find my self going a while without any issues and then Anxiety peeps in head up from under the sand to try derail me. i live a relativity happy life with a partner and good job satisfaction, im currently studying for my Cisco certifications becuases its what i enjoy and what im good at "computer stuff" now here is where my issues come into play im just about to turn 30 and i think in doing so my old Anxiety issues have come back in the form of my mind thinking about my parents passing away, they just turned 60 one is i think 63 or 64 now i know that they will pass away one day and i know that i will pass away one day but my mind keeps thinking about it and its driving my insane its making me break down crying, i find that when im busy at work i dont seem to feel it as much but at night when im alone or at home with just my thoughts it sneaks up on me and i lay in bed crying for a bit before i drag my self out of it using a thought journal or by reading self help type books, i have a GP appointment this week to try get into see a psychologist about my issue, my partner is supportive and so is my family my brother gave me a pep talk about it all but i still just keep worrying about if anything was to ever happen to them im very close to them all, i feel as if my mind if my greatest asset but my own worst enemy at times, i get so sad thinking about it happening and if i dont beat it i feel it will start effecting my current life worrying about the future. does anyone else worry about this type of thing or am i insane.