
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Jackson1994 Getting help
  • replies: 3

These anxiety symptoms weigh me down everyday and make everything so hard and I need to get some help. If I tell my mum she might be able to support me more but how do I do that I'm so scared. Just thinking about is getting me worked up I have nobody... View more

These anxiety symptoms weigh me down everyday and make everything so hard and I need to get some help. If I tell my mum she might be able to support me more but how do I do that I'm so scared. Just thinking about is getting me worked up I have nobody else to talk to about this

feelingblue4832 Anxiety about family members passing away.
  • replies: 4

Hi all, Long time reader first time poster, i thought if i joined i could try help others while helping my self, my issue is Anxiety/possible depression. i'm 29 years old male who works for his family business as if the last 2 or so years before this... View more

Hi all, Long time reader first time poster, i thought if i joined i could try help others while helping my self, my issue is Anxiety/possible depression. i'm 29 years old male who works for his family business as if the last 2 or so years before this i was working for a big company, my Anxiety has always been present in my life in one form or another i find my self going a while without any issues and then Anxiety peeps in head up from under the sand to try derail me. i live a relativity happy life with a partner and good job satisfaction, im currently studying for my Cisco certifications becuases its what i enjoy and what im good at "computer stuff" now here is where my issues come into play im just about to turn 30 and i think in doing so my old Anxiety issues have come back in the form of my mind thinking about my parents passing away, they just turned 60 one is i think 63 or 64 now i know that they will pass away one day and i know that i will pass away one day but my mind keeps thinking about it and its driving my insane its making me break down crying, i find that when im busy at work i dont seem to feel it as much but at night when im alone or at home with just my thoughts it sneaks up on me and i lay in bed crying for a bit before i drag my self out of it using a thought journal or by reading self help type books, i have a GP appointment this week to try get into see a psychologist about my issue, my partner is supportive and so is my family my brother gave me a pep talk about it all but i still just keep worrying about if anything was to ever happen to them im very close to them all, i feel as if my mind if my greatest asset but my own worst enemy at times, i get so sad thinking about it happening and if i dont beat it i feel it will start effecting my current life worrying about the future. does anyone else worry about this type of thing or am i insane.

msh010 Guilty about intrusive thoughts
  • replies: 7

For about 6 years now i have always felt guilty thinking i can sacrifice someone with my mind. I would think things in my head "i would sacrificing someone for something to happen," then I would feel guilty about that. At the moment I thought in my h... View more

For about 6 years now i have always felt guilty thinking i can sacrifice someone with my mind. I would think things in my head "i would sacrificing someone for something to happen," then I would feel guilty about that. At the moment I thought in my head about 5 months ago "I would sacrifice someone for a team to win a match",that i was watching. The other team stuffed up their chance to win, and it was looking like the team I had the thought about was about to win as they just needed to convert a easy kick in nfl, which he would get almost every time. So i thought the opposite, "that i would sacrifice someone for the team to lose", to prove i dont have control. He missed the kick and they ended up not winning and now I feel guilty all the time cause of it, and spend all my time stressing and trying to prove to myself that I cant sacrifice someone with my mind. I think because he missed the kick, i have sacrificed someone(who wasn’t even relevant to the game). The guilt is there all the time and i don't know what do.

forumprofile Do you know yourself?
  • replies: 6

Hi, One of the things that I find really difficult is having a clear picture of who I am. I'm now 48 and I've always struggled with knowing myself and over the past 8 or so years my identity has been impacted more, especially by life events. Just whe... View more

Hi, One of the things that I find really difficult is having a clear picture of who I am. I'm now 48 and I've always struggled with knowing myself and over the past 8 or so years my identity has been impacted more, especially by life events. Just when I think I know something about myself I feel that others see me differently and it starts the questioning off again. My spouse doesn't give me any clues (or anything really) and I feel that I get quite mixed messages from people. Do you have a clear picture of who you are? Was it always this way ? How have you been able to find out who you are? Thanks for taking the time to read this

Mamaof2 Constant Tachcardia and Anxiety
  • replies: 11

Hello, New here I'm 21 and mother to two beautiful girls. I had a baby 6 weeks ago and contracted an infection I ended up back in hospital with. Since then I've suddenly started suffering with severe anxiety and constant tachycardia. I experience pan... View more

Hello, New here I'm 21 and mother to two beautiful girls. I had a baby 6 weeks ago and contracted an infection I ended up back in hospital with. Since then I've suddenly started suffering with severe anxiety and constant tachycardia. I experience panic attacks throughout the day and wake up with them throughout the night. I have been in and out of hospitals/doctors and they've found nothing wrong with me. I have been referred to a cardiologist but in the mean time I guess I just want to know how you get by every day (I'm in tears every two hours and barely sleep I'm so terrified) and if anyone else is suffering with a contantly tachy heart (110). I am so lost.

Moonstruck Can I ring BBlue to talk my way thru a panic attack?
  • replies: 11

Is it OK to ring the Beyond Blue helpline to talk to a counsellor when in the middle of a panic attack? There is no one else I can ring when in this position as it would be pretty scary for an untrained friend, family etc to hear me during one! Would... View more

Is it OK to ring the Beyond Blue helpline to talk to a counsellor when in the middle of a panic attack? There is no one else I can ring when in this position as it would be pretty scary for an untrained friend, family etc to hear me during one! Would I be wasting BB's phone time if I ring them? Is there a time limit I can speak for? I have my phone off the hook today checking each hour to see if any messages, then taking it off again. I can't think straight. I have so much to do. I am shaking and beginning to lose it.

Aak Anxiety makes me feel awkward in job interviews
  • replies: 5

Hi guys. I had a job interview last week and it didn't go so well.. due to my anxiety kicking in and making me feel awkward and stumble on my words the whole interview. I even lost my vocabulary because the anxiety is so intense and my mind is just s... View more

Hi guys. I had a job interview last week and it didn't go so well.. due to my anxiety kicking in and making me feel awkward and stumble on my words the whole interview. I even lost my vocabulary because the anxiety is so intense and my mind is just so full. Then I go home and ask my self why I've got to suffer from anxiety and thinking of how different like would be if I wasn't diagnosed.. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?

Peace_Seeker Anxiety symptoms and diet
  • replies: 18

Has anyone who has or is predisposed to anxiety noticed an increase in symptoms when they have gone from eating meat to being vego or vegan? I became vego about four months ago and my most recent spiral into PTSD and panic attacks started 5 weeks ago... View more

Has anyone who has or is predisposed to anxiety noticed an increase in symptoms when they have gone from eating meat to being vego or vegan? I became vego about four months ago and my most recent spiral into PTSD and panic attacks started 5 weeks ago. My therapist thinks there might be a connection. I can't find any studies online that support the theory however logically the scientific theory is sound. Before this downward turn I was doing fantastically (and have a great bunch tools) and there has been no obvious trigger for this so I'm playing with this theory a bit. I'd love to hear other people's experience with going vego. Thanks

Matt3 Do what you love!
  • replies: 2

Two years ago I woke in the night thinking I was having a heart attack. I was rushed to hospital and thought I was going to die. I was sent home and told to find a cardiologist. This really freaked me out. I started to get short of breath and shakey.... View more

Two years ago I woke in the night thinking I was having a heart attack. I was rushed to hospital and thought I was going to die. I was sent home and told to find a cardiologist. This really freaked me out. I started to get short of breath and shakey. I eventually saw a GP who diagnosed me with PTSD and severe panic disorder. I'd never had anxiety and was fit and healthy. WHY ME? 6 months went by without me being able to function properly and subsequently I ended up being housebound. My world was upside down. I'd lost my job, quit playing basketball and couldn't even take my kids to the park. It was totally debilitating and I felt scared and ashamed. Then one day the strangest thing happened. It was a Thursday afternoon in January 2016 and I was at home still struggling with my breathing and trembling, despite being on new medication. I opened up my inbox on my phone and saw a story in my local newspaper about a historic Redwood forest in Warburton. The photos were magical and it was luring me to go and photograph it. I picked up my camera, jumped in my car and set off on my first photography mission since having my breakdown. Now I didn't used to believe in spirits, ghosts, the afterlife or anything like that, but on that day in the forest I can only describe the feeling as ethereal. It was like the ancient trees were talking to me and telling me that everything would be okay. I sat and meditated for the first time ever. I must of been there, sitting in this forest for hours. When I left, something had shifted. It was like my burdens had been lifted. I started to feel better. So much so that a week later I set off on a photography road trip. It was like I finally understood that the material things in life don't bring you happiness. You must do what YOU LOVE. I continue to heal every day. Little frustrations no longer bother me. I'm on a journey to spread love and light through my photography and my experiences. No matter how dark the world can seem, always remember that LOVE is the answer. I'm here if anyone ever needs guidance or a friend.

jellybelly12 anxiety that needs help straight away
  • replies: 2

I have anxiety and its getting worse. I don't know how to control it. I also have depression, I need some advice on how to get through both of these. it got to a point I couldn't breath and had to sit down and get everything to work normal again View more

I have anxiety and its getting worse. I don't know how to control it. I also have depression, I need some advice on how to get through both of these. it got to a point I couldn't breath and had to sit down and get everything to work normal again