
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Sooze000 Anxiety of disclosure statements
  • replies: 3

I'm just throwing this up here because more and more lately, I'm finding that all the mental health sites, apps...well basically everything, have very scary disclosures protecting themselves. Not scary in general probably but for someone who experien... View more

I'm just throwing this up here because more and more lately, I'm finding that all the mental health sites, apps...well basically everything, have very scary disclosures protecting themselves. Not scary in general probably but for someone who experiences anxiety on a plethora of's a nightmare. Even meditation, EFT and natural therapies all have statements like"don't do this if you are emotionally frail or suffer mental health disorders without professional help. It's a bit of a nightmare for me now as you really begin to question every thing positive you try and do to help yourself even. I never see others with this problem

Morgz20 Relationship anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hi, I am new. Just asking if anyone knows of any good strategies to stop/control/manage negative irrational thoughts involving what your partner might do to hurt you? When I get these thoughts they feel out of control. They start off with just one li... View more

Hi, I am new. Just asking if anyone knows of any good strategies to stop/control/manage negative irrational thoughts involving what your partner might do to hurt you? When I get these thoughts they feel out of control. They start off with just one little thought, which I think my rational brain can handle. It goes away for a little while, then out of the blue, it will come speeding into my brain not holding back. Until my rational brain loses the fight and I break down in tears. I do talk to my partner about these thoughts, and they reassure my rational brain. I feel better... until the next one comes. So, talking to my partner is only a quick fix, I need a solution to manage these thoughts on my own. Thanks for your time

TheDuke Physical anxiety symptoms
  • replies: 36

Hi all as I have posted elsewhere I am going through a bit of hell starting my meds with extra anxiety. 4 days in and told to go at least 2 weeks. its really hard. At times it seems impossible. At least during the day I can walk etc. but most nights ... View more

Hi all as I have posted elsewhere I am going through a bit of hell starting my meds with extra anxiety. 4 days in and told to go at least 2 weeks. its really hard. At times it seems impossible. At least during the day I can walk etc. but most nights I wake at 4 am. I immediately get that awful anxious feeling through my chest. it cold dark and i don’t know what to do. I am so frustrated I just want to cry.

ozziebear Is this anxiety or is it ocd
  • replies: 4

I recently purchased a book I feel that everyday I need to read a whole chapter and can't settle unless I read it Problem is because I have the obsession I am not understanding what the book says as I am concentrating more on getting the task done. T... View more

I recently purchased a book I feel that everyday I need to read a whole chapter and can't settle unless I read it Problem is because I have the obsession I am not understanding what the book says as I am concentrating more on getting the task done. This is driving me insane is it ocd or anxiety? How do I just read it when I want to read it instead of it being a daily chore

ETamar Health Anxiety issues :/
  • replies: 4

Hi, im new to the website and have been feeling like making a post would be helpful to try find some advice or something like that? hopefully it’s not too much to ramble a bit, I’m a bit anxious to share this because I feel it sounds very crazy but i... View more

Hi, im new to the website and have been feeling like making a post would be helpful to try find some advice or something like that? hopefully it’s not too much to ramble a bit, I’m a bit anxious to share this because I feel it sounds very crazy but ive been dealing with health anxiety ever since I left school last year, and it’s been getting worse and worse. I’ve been having anxiety and panic attacks over getting diseases that would lead to me dying, and it’s gotten to a point where I keep thinking if I see anything related to any of the diseases, that it’s a “sign”, or I refuse to do anything incase “karma” comes in and makes me get this disease or something like that. I don’t even want to mention the diseases by name incase I jinx myself. i’ve only been recommended relaxation techniques and haven’t had any medications yet and I’m beginning to feel like antidepressants might be the only way to calm myself down. Do any of you guys have health anxiety like this or any advice? Anything would be really helpful, thank you so much for your time

FullCreamMilk Random Spurts of Sadness?
  • replies: 3

I wrote a while back talking about how I felt really down at times and this is kind of similar to that post but i's also different. Sometimes when I'm really happy or just content with the way things are I suddenly feel sad? I'm not sure if sad would... View more

I wrote a while back talking about how I felt really down at times and this is kind of similar to that post but i's also different. Sometimes when I'm really happy or just content with the way things are I suddenly feel sad? I'm not sure if sad would be the right word but it's like I suddenly don't feel happy or content anymore. I could just be lounging around and doing anything such as watching a movie but then as soon as I begin to think about somethings or sometimes nothing at all I just suddenly feel like nothing in my life is right anymore. It's like from being motivated and carefree I suddenly become stressed about anything and everything and I begin to questions everything. And whilst I'm stressed I'm also upset with everything especially myself. A while back I kept telling myself to put myself out there and actually go to youth and go to parties and things instead of making excuses as to why I couldn't go. However, after everyone of these social interactions I would feel really drained and upset I suppose so I've decided to not so much stop going out but rather not force myself to go out, because it felt as though by doing this I was doing more harm than good to myself and at this point in time it's not what I need. I'm not sure whether this choice should be classified as a good or bad decision. I'm not sure why this is so if someone could or is able to give me a point in the right direction in terms of why this may be or who I should talk to about this I'd really appreciate it. Thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing day

Teagsy1993 Social Anxiety - How can I make friends?
  • replies: 4

I moved to the other end of the country (almost 3 months ago) and even though I have family here I am starting to feel lonely. I haven't made friends as quickly as I wanted/ expected to and it's starting to bring me down. As I have social anxiety, I ... View more

I moved to the other end of the country (almost 3 months ago) and even though I have family here I am starting to feel lonely. I haven't made friends as quickly as I wanted/ expected to and it's starting to bring me down. As I have social anxiety, I find it hard to meet new people and put myself out there. Also having depression makes me not want to leave the house. Apart from coming to work on a daily basis and having to communicate with people, I don't socialise. How can I start meeting new people and building relationships, as well as feeling comfortable at getting out of my comfort zone?

BWilkP Stress and Anxiety overload
  • replies: 2

Hi i'm new to this but i'm at a point in life where i don't know what to do or how to make things better. It's Mainly to do with my job i feel like i'm drowning and it doesn't matter how much people offer to help it just keeps piling on top. I have a... View more

Hi i'm new to this but i'm at a point in life where i don't know what to do or how to make things better. It's Mainly to do with my job i feel like i'm drowning and it doesn't matter how much people offer to help it just keeps piling on top. I have a full time job and a couple years ago i absorbed most of another persons job and was already at peak workload now my boss has gone away for a 7 week trip and i am taking on some of his job too. I work in accounts and it's EOFY with a double maxed out work load and a heap of other issues coming up. I have so much stress and anxiety built up i can't remember the last time my hands didn't shake i'm hysterically crying everyday most days i just want to crawl up in a ball and sleep forever. It's hard to talk to people about it because my life is going so great on the outside, I just got married to an amazing man and we have a house that i'm looking at renovating soon we are going a heap of holidays this year including Hawaii and we are wanting to start a family soon. What could i possibly be sad about.. right??? I wish it was simple as just looking for another job, but because we want to do a reno i can't change jobs before we get a loan and to pay the loan i can't risk not getting paid enough. And to start a family i need to be with an employer for at least a year to get looked after when it comes to paid parental leave, as above we need to have the money to pay the loan. I am stuck between a rock an a hard place I don't want to let down my Husband but i feel like i may already be doing that by being a bit distant, shut in and unhappy. I heard in a group talk once someone say, "You've got to want to be happy" and I so badly do, I'm here because most importantly i don't want to let myself down. If anyone has any suggestions or opinions of what i could do i'd love to hear them

Snickers24 Anxiety and depression
  • replies: 1

Hi I'd like to get some advice about how you manage anxiety. Mine is out of control. I am now confined to the house. I can't go to the supermarket to get groceries . I can't drive my car properly or go long distances. I can't do anything. This is cau... View more

Hi I'd like to get some advice about how you manage anxiety. Mine is out of control. I am now confined to the house. I can't go to the supermarket to get groceries . I can't drive my car properly or go long distances. I can't do anything. This is causing depression. I'm already on an anti psychotic for schizophrenia. I don't know what to do.

louxz Job Provider Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi all, I've been struggling with chronic GAD & MDD for around 8yrs & have been on Centrelink payments for around 2 yrs. Looking for work whilst seeing a psychologist was generally pretty easy sailing at first. My job provider was understanding & mor... View more

Hi all, I've been struggling with chronic GAD & MDD for around 8yrs & have been on Centrelink payments for around 2 yrs. Looking for work whilst seeing a psychologist was generally pretty easy sailing at first. My job provider was understanding & more than happy to help me. I didn't need therapy anymore & was coping. But then at the start of this year he left the office & I was placed with a different provider who worked there. At first she seemed to like me & wanted to help. I gained a certificate 3 in floristry last year & she was excited to start trying to place me in a florist. It seemed I'd found employment with a local florist but after 6 months of back & forth between them about the wage subsidy, the job fell through. During these 6 months my provider constantly promised a 2 week paid trial with the florist, saying that they'd call me about it when it was confirmed. This never happened & each fortnight I was pulled up & down in mood as a result. After an appointment where the florist wasn't even mentioned, I ended up contacting the florist myself & found out that she wasn't able to afford me & was upset that my job provider hadn't told me. My job provider actually ended up telling me 2 weeks after I'd found out from the florist. Now I must note that after speaking to her & understanding her situation, I'm on good terms with the florist & have done some voluntary work experience with her since. All this leads up to now, where my job provider seems to dislike me. After the florist job fell through she gave me a long, belittling lecture about how I have been on the dole for 2 years & how I needed to do better, this despite completing my course, taking steps to improve my mental health (aka a barrier to employment) & completely disregarding the fact that they had dragged me along for 6 months trying to sort out that florist job for me. Now when I see her each fortnight she seems to look down on me, making me feel small & useless, despite all I have done. I want to make it clear that I do want a job & I am looking for work diligently but she disregards my efforts & talks to me like I'm a lazy "dole bludger". My appointments are now plagued with a crippling anxiety & I have had a drop in mood which has lead me back to therapy. I'm having anxiety attacks again (after a long while without them). I find it difficult to go back to my provider & am now struggling with motivation to find work. Is there anything I can do to help this situation?