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Random Spurts of Sadness?

Community Member

I wrote a while back talking about how I felt really down at times and this is kind of similar to that post but i's also different.

Sometimes when I'm really happy or just content with the way things are I suddenly feel sad? I'm not sure if sad would be the right word but it's like I suddenly don't feel happy or content anymore.

I could just be lounging around and doing anything such as watching a movie but then as soon as I begin to think about somethings or sometimes nothing at all I just suddenly feel like nothing in my life is right anymore. It's like from being motivated and carefree I suddenly become stressed about anything and everything and I begin to questions everything. And whilst I'm stressed I'm also upset with everything especially myself.

A while back I kept telling myself to put myself out there and actually go to youth and go to parties and things instead of making excuses as to why I couldn't go. However, after everyone of these social interactions I would feel really drained and upset I suppose so I've decided to not so much stop going out but rather not force myself to go out, because it felt as though by doing this I was doing more harm than good to myself and at this point in time it's not what I need. I'm not sure whether this choice should be classified as a good or bad decision.

I'm not sure why this is so if someone could or is able to give me a point in the right direction in terms of why this may be or who I should talk to about this I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing day 🙂

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello FullCreamMilk

Thankyou for being a part of the forum family!

I understand where you are coming from as I used to have the same feelings as well and it can be confusing and awful to have. I have learned the hard way that I had to make more of an effort and see my GP to have talk when felt this way. I wish I did it earlier....oops

Many many people have the roller coaster ride where our moods/feelings are concerned FCM. You are not alone at all. Even after many years of counseling I still go through the same roller coaster ride....Its just that I have had my GP's help to understand that its very common

However...if you find that the bad feelings are having an effect on your day to day life and well being it may be time to book a double appointment with a GP and have a good honest talk about how you are feeling...without holding back.

I was also the same when it came to socialising as I felt so drained when I got home and even the next day too

Can I ask if you have a GP that you can see? or have been diagnosed with anxiety?

As you know the forums are a rock solid place where you can post 🙂

I hope you can post back when its convenient for you

my kind thoughts


Hi Paul,

I've been diagnosed with Anxiety by a psychologist but I think a part of me still doesn't think that have anxiety due to not having much to stress about.

School, family life and friends may be stressful however, I feel as though I've got nothing to be anxious about but I still stress about it. I don't think that makes any sense but what I'm trying to say is that I stress about everything but ultimately when compared to other people I've got nothing to stress over. Hence why I still don't think I have anxiety.

I have a GP that I go to however, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable talking to her as I have this thing where I don't like opening up to people who I may see often or will see quite often.

Also, thank you for your response and hope things are going well for you 🙂

Hi FullCreamMilk,

To me, you have described mental health issues extremely well! They seem to come and go sometimes with no apparent reason at all, yet it still happens.

I understand that. I can be having lunch with a friend then feel totally overwhelmed for absolutely no reasonable reason other than my mental health issues have popped up to say hello!

If you feel uncomfortable talking to your Dr than write down what you want them to know. Many people do this I am sure. I do quite often. For my Dr and the psychologist I see.

Regarding if it is a good thing or not to push yourself to do things, that is a bit of a quandry. I have read it is positive and that it is not all that good as we force ourselves to do something, then feel lousy if that activity makes us feel lousy!

I guess the thing is to learn to accept that life is not always going to be happy, it may well be horrible at times, but that feeling does not have to last. Even "horrible" goes away in time.

I try to make the most of each day. It is not always easy, I understand that. In each situation try and find one good thing.

Another thing I have learnt is to not compare my issues to other people. If we have an issue, then we have an issue regardless of how big or small it is. If we can learnt o deal with these issues we can learn how to help ourselves the next time as well.

Cheers from Dools