
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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ZiggOh My Severe Anxiety= Survival-Mode-Brain?
  • replies: 8

Hi all! I am new to Beyond Blue even though I have known about it for years and am finding it so helpful to read about your experiences and advice I was diagnosed with GAD in 2012 and since then (well I think I actually have had anxiety since I was a... View more

Hi all! I am new to Beyond Blue even though I have known about it for years and am finding it so helpful to read about your experiences and advice I was diagnosed with GAD in 2012 and since then (well I think I actually have had anxiety since I was a child but since 2012 things have been much worse), I have had a lot of issues with my mental health including a "mental breakdown" which was caused by me studying and not having any healthy coping mechanisms and also negative life events involving family. My breakdown consistent of panic attacks, insomnia (not sleeping at all), severe anxiety (that one psychiatrist labelled it as a psychotic episode but I was not having hallucinations or hearing things, just losing control of my thoughts and making no sense to people) and depression following this awful time. During this mental breakdown, I felt very isolated and did not have on-going psychological help as I have trouble sticking to things and avoiding things that are emotionally hard. I feel that now and in the past year or so, I have managed to sustain a job, friendships, a relationship (although very hard at times!), I have a pet and have a good living arrangement. So things are seeming good, and I am actually very happy for this. However, the problem is that I feel so anxious still, like my brain is in survival-mode. I cannot actually feel much happiness or pleasure from things. The only emotions I ever feel are anxious/over-arousal? and all I really focus on is my anxiety, my worrying thoughts and my neck and head tension. I was wondering if anyone feels the same way as I do? and also would like to hear from people who have felt this way and how you have gotten through it. Thanks everyone

Amiejai Meningioma and Anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hi there! I hope I’m in the right place, I feel like I need to tell my story... over the past 20 years (I’m 43), I have suffered in and off with anxiety, tried various medications, therapies etc and generally had what I would refer to as an unusual d... View more

Hi there! I hope I’m in the right place, I feel like I need to tell my story... over the past 20 years (I’m 43), I have suffered in and off with anxiety, tried various medications, therapies etc and generally had what I would refer to as an unusual disposition/feeling about living in my own body. I’ve managed to be a teacher that whole time, have a couple of kids and maintain what I suppose are ‘normal’ relationships. About 3 months ago, my anxiety stepped up a notch and I put myself back on medication which seemed to help things. Now this is where it gets interesting: last Monday, I was at school and had a seizure (thankfully not in front of a class and thankfully I don’t have any recollection of it). Fast forward to today (10 days later), I have had brain surgery to remove a tumour from my right frontal lobe and I am back at home recovering (remarkably well given I have a nice new headband of staples across my skull - not even a headache). I find myself here because since I’ve been home I have had this incredible sense of clarity that wasn’t there before, for years I feel like I e been living in this haze of confusion and nervousness. You’re probably thinking I’m on some pretty serious brain surgery recovery drugs but I’m not, not even Panadol. I do continue to take my medication in the morning but I am wondering if that’s something I might even be able to consider stopping. Who knows, I might be completely crazy but I can’t help wondering if something putting pressure on a particular area of the brain might even be the cause of an anxiety disorder. For now I’m going to choose to celebrate the fact that I’m here! Considering myself an interesting case study that’s for sure!

Concerned_local_Gov_worke Anxiety Costing me my job
  • replies: 3

My names daniel and im 28 years old i have two children and i work for local govronment Today I received a letter from my manager stating that my application for leave at the end of this month had been denied. I needed the time off work for a wedding... View more

My names daniel and im 28 years old i have two children and i work for local govronment Today I received a letter from my manager stating that my application for leave at the end of this month had been denied. I needed the time off work for a wedding i'm to attend and in this letter its stated that i could loose my job if i'm not at work. Since july ive had around 60% attendance, due to depression and anxiety. The way my workplace is centered around control and punishment left me unable to leave the house most mornings. I would be unable to steady my breathing my vision would get hazy or in my worst moments i would become incredibly defensive over the smallest things. Id shut myself down because i wanted to lash out. I even left my workplace after an altercation because i couldn't calm down. I saw a doctor who recommended me to seek help and I saw a physiologist regularly. Ive also been taking medication and i feel that ive returned after being so low. I have made it back into work these past two weeks. With no leave left I had to apply for an accrued RDO and to swap another later in the month, I arrived at work on my rdo and my manager told me to go home. I feel like i'm being punished for being sick, that i should of just stuck it out and sucked it up. My manager has stated that "operational need" is the reason why i was denied. But they are going to fire me if i don't show up. I'm completely loosing it, i'm the best man for the wedding and its an ultimatum that i cant win no matter what i do am i wrong in thinking this is a clever worded and covered up way to fire me for having a mental illness ? has anyone else been in a situation like this ? its like i should never have told anyone i wasn't ok Does anyone know who to talk to about these sorts of things im completely lost

Bigtony Future/Career Anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hello, I'm 20 years old and I am currently unemployed, I dropped out of school in year 9 because of personal family reasons, I'm extremely stressed about my future work life, because I have had no qualifications I have only worked in jobs like labour... View more

Hello, I'm 20 years old and I am currently unemployed, I dropped out of school in year 9 because of personal family reasons, I'm extremely stressed about my future work life, because I have had no qualifications I have only worked in jobs like labouring for tradies ect, I want to pursue a good career and not do jobs I don't want to do for the rest of my life that give little wages, I want to pursue a good career and actually achieve something with my life but I'm not sure how to, I think I would have to go to university or something like that and I'm not sure how I would go about it since I didn't complete year 12.

HJ81 Did I have a panic attack?
  • replies: 10

Hello Im new here so very briefly I am a mum to 2 beautiful girls who are my everything. I also have a part time job that is exhausting but I love it. I’ve been with my husband for 17yrs and married for 12yrs. i was abused sexually by my dad growing ... View more

Hello Im new here so very briefly I am a mum to 2 beautiful girls who are my everything. I also have a part time job that is exhausting but I love it. I’ve been with my husband for 17yrs and married for 12yrs. i was abused sexually by my dad growing up which I never told anyone about until I was in my early 30’s and my husband cheated and I think I had a break down and told all. we moved away and haven’t had anything to do with my side of the family since. My mother however has been trying to contact me, and last year the police got a hold of me as my dad was being charged. I opted to stay out of it all as I fear talking about it will bring things up and make things worse for me. my in-laws have been very supportive and so have the friends I have told. For a few years now I have been getting these moment of lightheadedness and feel a little panicked by them. They can occur anytime day or night with no warning. blood test have confirmed possible hormone issues.. I’m not medicated but on natural herbs. Meds scare me. lately I’ve been having marriage issues and contemplating leaving, work is full on and I’m exhausted and not sleeping week. i do well at bottling things up and hiding things. People describe as happy go lucky and so friendly and chirpy. yesterday at work I felt jittery, next thing felt my heart pounding and was quite tachy, I went pale and felt like I was going to keep passing out... yucky yucky and scary feeling. Bloods and ECG came back fine. Got a referral for 24hr ecg halter and echocardiogram also need to see doctor for a referral to psychologist. Did I have a panic attack? It just came on out of the blue. i feel I’m starting to crumble and I’m so scared. thank you for your replies

Birdy3 GAD and Panic Attacks
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I’m Aidan and like most of you, I suffer from An Anxiety Disorder as well as Depression. The most prominent is anxiety as it’s the hardest that I’ve found to work on. For 6 years I have been on a roller coaster of symptoms, and I’ve seen... View more

Hi everyone, I’m Aidan and like most of you, I suffer from An Anxiety Disorder as well as Depression. The most prominent is anxiety as it’s the hardest that I’ve found to work on. For 6 years I have been on a roller coaster of symptoms, and I’ve seen multiple psychologists and had plenty of visits to the local GP for check ups due to how debilitating the symptoms can be. Once I’ve worked on symptoms and CBT, new symptoms begin. No triggers, just dizziness, nausea, chills, difficulty breathing and digestive system issues; all of which I’m told are symptoms of a panic attack. I understand that it takes time and I’m continuously working on myself. I occasionally cannot leave the house due to panic attacks when I’m outside, and even in bed. I’ve taken massive leaps, including the biggest yet of leaving my home of Darwin last year to live in NSW. In participating in this forum, I hope to communicate with others and hopefully gain a further understanding in Mental illnesses.

alwaysstressing Ruining my relationship 😢
  • replies: 1

I need help but I don’t know where to start. I don’t know if I’m just a horrible person or if I’m anxious. I question everything my partner does and if he doesn’t give me the type of answer I’m looking for I blow up. I don’t know how to control mysel... View more

I need help but I don’t know where to start. I don’t know if I’m just a horrible person or if I’m anxious. I question everything my partner does and if he doesn’t give me the type of answer I’m looking for I blow up. I don’t know how to control myself. He could be late home from work and I question it. He is about to leave me. I feel sick at the thought. Please help! Is this anxiety?

Yenny Anxiety, please help me. Alone and sad.
  • replies: 1

Hello everyone, thanks for reading. I've been feeling very bad since two months ago, since I found that my partner with whom I live together for more than 3 months was still cheating on me on social media, talking and practicing sexting with other gi... View more

Hello everyone, thanks for reading. I've been feeling very bad since two months ago, since I found that my partner with whom I live together for more than 3 months was still cheating on me on social media, talking and practicing sexting with other girls on snapchat and others. Since this happened, my encouragement of being with him has changed. In the past I decided to trust in him many times and He always kept doing it. He hurted me a lot and although he says he has changed since a few weeks ago, I really do not believe him. We have a had a good relationship, amazing but unfortunately I’m just now seeing what kind of person is him, what is his other face also because he have told me lots of things of his past, situation that I didn’t like and makes me wonder what I’m doing. He a good man but unfortunately I have my doubts about him and some resentment. On the other hand I am an international student, and all the money I earn working as a cleaner, goes to pay for my school which is very expensive and to pay debts, my parents have helped me by sending me some money now and when I finished paying my school I will send them back the money, but the truth I live stressed by this topic too. I have felt lonely, I cry all the time, I feel unhappy, I feel that I am not the same as before, I do not laugh like before, because I am usually a very happy person. Apart from everything I get sick a lot even though I eat well, and the doctor tells me it's stress. I have tried to change this situation and I know that I have to change my way of being and feeling but sometimes I am not capable. I live thinking about the future and even more because with my partner we have plans for me to stay here in Australia as a resident and for us to continue with our home but the truth is that I feel insecure about that, I am very afraid of being betrayed again. The truth is many things that overwhelm me. Is there someone who wants to give me advice?

jaynedoe Health anxiety
  • replies: 7

I am one of the unfortunate people that suffers from health anxiety. I was always an anxious person, and suffered depression as a teenager( I am 63) . I think the health anxiety really started when my daughter died from leukaemia in 1989, but I had o... View more

I am one of the unfortunate people that suffers from health anxiety. I was always an anxious person, and suffered depression as a teenager( I am 63) . I think the health anxiety really started when my daughter died from leukaemia in 1989, but I had other children to look after so I had to cope. It all got worse as I got older. This year I had a bowel resection due to diverticulitis, had a bag for three months, and had it all reversed. I am well condidering, had a few hiccups along the way, low iron etc. But this has been a nightmare for me, hospitals etc. I just keep thinking there is something else wrong with me, ( it's my heart at the moment) because to me it seems fast. The GP listened to my heart the other day and took my pulse and thought all was fine. I had 3 ekg's , you have one before each surgery etc, they were all fine. I hate these intrusive thoughts, not believing the doctors, I guess all of us anxious people have the same problem. I sometimes wake up and think I don't know if I can go through another day feeling like this. But I don't have suicidal thoughts, I just feel life is dismal at the moment. Has anyone been able to overcome this? I would love to hear from you.

Gallifreyan Physical anxiety symptoms
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, I think this is only my second ever time posting here but I’m really struggling. My issue at the moment is that although things are incredibly stressful in my life right now I’m not worried by it, as in I’m not stressing about work or th... View more

Hi everyone, I think this is only my second ever time posting here but I’m really struggling. My issue at the moment is that although things are incredibly stressful in my life right now I’m not worried by it, as in I’m not stressing about work or thinking about things going wrong. BUT I have all the symptoms of when I’m at my worst. I’m nauseous and shaky, having panic attacks out of the blue and when I wake up it’s instant physical symptoms, instant tension and nausea and teeth chattering. It’s driving me insane. The only thing I can put it down to is this: when I was 19 my Mum died of cancer and when I was 29 my Dad died of cancer, and I was his primary caregiver for three years. I’m now 34 and have been dealing with extreme health anxiety since my Dad died. This week my best friend’s Dad died of cancer, she also lost her Mum as a teenager. I’ve had no trouble being there for her so far, I expected it to bring up some stuff but right now this is about her, not me. I’m honestly not thinking about what happened to me, I’m not dwelling or stressed or anything, but it’s the only thing I can think that could have triggered this! My point being, is it possible to have intense physical anxiety symptoms without thinking anxious thoughts? If I had something I was particularly worried about it would be easier to understand, can it be past trauma affecting me without me thinking it is?! I feel like I’m losing it here!