
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

xhomeostasisx What’s your story? About my life and anxiety.
  • replies: 1

Hey everyone, 21, female here. I’m not suicidal, but my motivation for life drops by the day for the most part. The dates roll by, but I feel like I’m at a standstill; I can’t escape my mind. Endlessly anxious over catastrophic scenarios constructed ... View more

Hey everyone, 21, female here. I’m not suicidal, but my motivation for life drops by the day for the most part. The dates roll by, but I feel like I’m at a standstill; I can’t escape my mind. Endlessly anxious over catastrophic scenarios constructed in my imagination. I feel hideous and hopeless, and I’m afraid to get help. Feeling trapped inside my body. I used to cope with drugs but I’ve quit for a few weeks now. I used my imagination to cope as a child, considering I was so isolated, due to my auditory processing disorder, along with growing up with an autistic sister and absent, unpredictable, emotionally immature father. I’ve somewhat lived my life on autopilot. I never really felt as if I fit in. I was too odd, I was excluded and people gossiped about how weird I am. Nowadays it’s a lot better though. I’ve had narcissistic abuse too, as of late, though it’s been several months since I’ve cut contact. Done with her entitled, insecure self and her stupid, jealous, violent boyfriend. Since the I’ve put weight on, my legs make me self conscious and I have acne scars from picking my face. I used to get big scabs one my face from picking so much.

iseeaguitarandachair no friends, no connection
  • replies: 6

hi everyone, i have been really down lately mainly because i have no where to be or do outside of home and i don't leave my house anymore. its been many years that i have had social anxiety, anxiety and pocd. i don't have any friends and thats really... View more

hi everyone, i have been really down lately mainly because i have no where to be or do outside of home and i don't leave my house anymore. its been many years that i have had social anxiety, anxiety and pocd. i don't have any friends and thats really diffulct. i was hoping to find friends who are going through similar issues as me so that we can talk about whats going on and there is no judgment. if anyone feels the same way and would like to try and connect please hit me up

A_Fish Anxiety Medication
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Does anyone else feel like they are wasting the health systems time by going back and forth to psychiatrists, psychologists, GPs and other medical professionals, only for them to placate you about your anxiety? I shake most hours of the day and have ... View more

Does anyone else feel like they are wasting the health systems time by going back and forth to psychiatrists, psychologists, GPs and other medical professionals, only for them to placate you about your anxiety? I shake most hours of the day and have frequent panic attacks. Meanwhile, I keep switching between meds because nobody seems to really understand anxiety. I take medication rarely for emergency relief, only because I don't want to develop a benzo addiction. But meanwhile, doctors are more concerned about me developing a benzo addition than the fact I am destroying my liver to relieve anxiety by drinking alcohol. To me this sounds so stupid. I am lost and not sure what to do or where to go from here.

Manda007_ Can’t cope with deployed spouse
  • replies: 2

I am really struggling to cope whole my spouse is deployed. Everyone keeps telling me that things will get easier, but they just keep harder and harder. All I can think about is how unhappy I am that he chose a job over me. I feel anonded by my spous... View more

I am really struggling to cope whole my spouse is deployed. Everyone keeps telling me that things will get easier, but they just keep harder and harder. All I can think about is how unhappy I am that he chose a job over me. I feel anonded by my spouse. i just keep crying over everything and I feel constantly sad. I can’t focus at work and I can’t sleep. i was recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I told my partner but they don’t appear to care because they can’t help me cause he is there end quote. I just don’t want to be sad anymore. Many tips on how to get out of my own head would be appreciated. Thanks

Orange_Lily Anxiety is getting unmanageable. Work is unbearable and wan to leave but afraid.
  • replies: 2

Hello everyone. I have been a member here for almost a year but have always been afraid to post. I've had anxiety at varying levels for a long time but these last few months it has become unbearable. I made what I thought would be a positive change 3... View more

Hello everyone. I have been a member here for almost a year but have always been afraid to post. I've had anxiety at varying levels for a long time but these last few months it has become unbearable. I made what I thought would be a positive change 3 months ago and changed jobs. Problem is I hate it. I sit for hours before works stressing about what the day will be like and crying. When I'm there I feel stupid because I'm not picking it up quickly which is unlike me. It's a completely new area of work. I can't get my views and worries across to my manager effectively because I just cry. When i get home I can't sleep and at the weekends I just spend the whole time dreading Monday. I have enough sick leave accrued to take some time off and I have a very supportive Dr however I feel like I would just be letting everyone down as the business is approaching its busiest time of year. I just want to go to work, hand in my notice. I've also had my share off family issues over the last few years. One of my children has lost a few friends and another has had health issues. I just feel like I'm always the strong one. Always there for everyone. But now my head is so busy I can't get a clear thought. I feel as though it could explode at any second. My cheast pounds and it's hard to keep my hands still. Even as I type this I wonder if I'm making any sense. In social siuations I often feel unliked and isolated, same in my new job however I don't know if this is how it is or my mind playing tricks on me. I can't seem to make sense of anything. One of my children had a birthday this week and they just looked so sad and I think that was the breaking point to this post. I wonder if my constant crying, overall sadness and stressfullness is having an effect on them. It's as if they have lost their joy. My heart is broken. I have an appointment to see my GP on Monday. I had one last Monday too and didn't go. I just want to have some time off, hand my notice in but I'm so afraid of what my employers will think and afraid go tell them. I wouldn't even know how to approach the subject. I only accepted the job 3 months ago ... no idea where to go from here.

Miacruiser Panic attacks
  • replies: 5

Hi, I’m new to all of this but I need advice and support a couple of months ago I started having panic attacks (which I didn’t know what they were) until my dr diagnosed me and he has put me on medication starting on low dose I’ve only been on them f... View more

Hi, I’m new to all of this but I need advice and support a couple of months ago I started having panic attacks (which I didn’t know what they were) until my dr diagnosed me and he has put me on medication starting on low dose I’ve only been on them for 1 week but I haven’t been out of the house as I’m scared to have a panic attack, does anyone have suggestions what I can do to get back into normal activities?

Kimmih01 Relapsed & worse anxiety
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When does it end? About 8 weeks ago I was in my gym after work. A minute into my treadmill walk I got a strange “fluttery” sensation in my chest. I panicked. Once stopping the treadmill my fingertips began to go numb, breathing seemed difficult and I... View more

When does it end? About 8 weeks ago I was in my gym after work. A minute into my treadmill walk I got a strange “fluttery” sensation in my chest. I panicked. Once stopping the treadmill my fingertips began to go numb, breathing seemed difficult and I became very dizzy. I ended up at emergency getting tests done (blood tests, chest X-rays, ECGS) all coming back fine/negative. My symptoms haven’t stopped. I’m upto 8 doctors visit in 7 weeks. All of them running tests and finding nothing. My chest is still tight and painful. Breathing seems so much more difficult than it used to. My vision is always blurry & I am struggling to focus or concentrate. As soon as I get chest pains I begin to think the worse and get dizzy and feel as if I’m suddenly the only person around and get scared and worried. I now have a sinus/ear infection caused by all the stress and it’s mixinf with my symptoms making me believe even more there’s something wrong with me. Still they find nothing. Is this anxiety? Deep down I guess I know it is. But would like to know if anyone else has felt things like this for so long? My doctor sent me away with antidepressants today & said he is sure they will help. I haven’t started them yet as I’ve been off medication for 4 years and going back on them is giving me anxiety. Help & other peoples similar experiences? Does it get better? Did medication help? What else? Feelonf so lost and helpless.

dee_675 Bad anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone,I’m new to this page. I suffer from really bad anxiety and I just can’t seem to control it at the moment. i feel really hot all the time and very anxious and scared wish this feeling would go away. Feel like I’m loosing it.has anyone else... View more

Hi everyone,I’m new to this page. I suffer from really bad anxiety and I just can’t seem to control it at the moment. i feel really hot all the time and very anxious and scared wish this feeling would go away. Feel like I’m loosing it.has anyone else ever felt like this.

Sezza_H Anxiety is taking over
  • replies: 5

I have struggled with ongoing anxiety for a while now but these last couple of weeks have been the worst. I can’t do anything now without the symptoms (feeling very faint, nauseous, chills and what I would describe as some sort of hot flushes) of my ... View more

I have struggled with ongoing anxiety for a while now but these last couple of weeks have been the worst. I can’t do anything now without the symptoms (feeling very faint, nauseous, chills and what I would describe as some sort of hot flushes) of my anxiety completely taking over. In these moments, I get so caught up in these symptoms that I struggle to be “present” or in the moment. I feel this way whenever I am out or whenever someone comes over and it is horrible. Tomorrow, I have to go to a big family event and I am absolutely dreading it because I know how I am going to feel, and I know I won’t be able to enjoy being out nor will I be able to properly socialise. I just wish that these feelings would stop so I can move on with my life. I guess I’m really writing just to get it all out. I was also wondering if anyone can relate to this? And does anyone have ways in which they cope with or manage their anxiety symptoms that they find useful? Thanks

A sad boy I have been in anxiety and crying for 2 weeks....What should I do???
  • replies: 5

I am a student who studying in Melbourne. The recent 2 weeks are my most terrible weeks when I came to Melbourne and today is also my dark day. My favourite blogger always was attacked recently, and today he was shouted at something like his trueness... View more

I am a student who studying in Melbourne. The recent 2 weeks are my most terrible weeks when I came to Melbourne and today is also my dark day. My favourite blogger always was attacked recently, and today he was shouted at something like his trueness of the grade of the university and whether he is talking with one brand. Although he explained everything, it nearly can not work well. I can not stand with it because he is my favourite blogger. No one can compare it with his true and interesting styles. I really care for him because he is the best blogger I have met. And recently he was just attacked like this. Because of him and this thing, I never have a good day for two weeks. I can not eat too much and I am not interested in my hoodies as usual. There is nearly no one day when I do not cry in the recent two weeks. Although I am trying my best to work with the counselor in my college, I still have the negative emotion. I am afraid that if the blogger is blocked, I may not have hope in the social media and the life....because the similar thing happened on my another favourite blogger and he was blocked for one year, which is a giant hit for me... I have ever thought of quitting the social media for him or even suicide, but I thought that it is not more worth while than live, so I did not do them. However I am anxious and always think that life has no hope. I am not dare to talk about this thing to my families and I have few friends here. What should I do for it...?