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What’s your story? About my life and anxiety.

Community Member

Hey everyone, 21, female here.

I’m not suicidal, but my motivation for life drops by the day for the most part. The dates roll by, but I feel like I’m at a standstill; I can’t escape my mind. Endlessly anxious over catastrophic scenarios constructed in my imagination. I feel hideous and hopeless, and I’m afraid to get help. Feeling trapped inside my body. I used to cope with drugs but I’ve quit for a few weeks now.

I used my imagination to cope as a child, considering I was so isolated, due to my auditory processing disorder, along with growing up with an autistic sister and absent, unpredictable, emotionally immature father. I’ve somewhat lived my life on autopilot. I never really felt as if I fit in. I was too odd, I was excluded and people gossiped about how weird I am. Nowadays it’s a lot better though.

I’ve had narcissistic abuse too, as of late, though it’s been several months since I’ve cut contact. Done with her entitled, insecure self and her stupid, jealous, violent boyfriend. Since the I’ve put weight on, my legs make me self conscious and I have acne scars from picking my face. I used to get big scabs one my face from picking so much.

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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear xhomeostasisx,

I am glad you have reached out here for some support. Living with anxiety and feeling trapped with no motivation can be exhausting and isolating.

I can relate to your feelings of anxiety over catastrophic scenarios you've concocted inside your mind. I do that as well. It is so tiring because then you're on high-speed all the time for some big disaster that in actuality is not going to occur.

It makes sense that you have used your imagination as a coping mechanism to escape your real life, you've been through a lot.

It sounds like a healthy move that you've stopped contact with the narcissistic person you mentioned. Relationships such as those can do great damage over time, and recovery from it can be really challenging.

I'm sorry you feel so trapped in your body, and not feeling good about yourself. I tend to feel pretty gross about myself when i stop exercising regularly. I am trying to motivate myself to get back into my routines of exercise, I like to go to the beach for walks as I enjoy the sand in my toes and the sounds of the waves and the salty breeze in my face. What sorts of things do you like to do, that could boost your motivation a little bit?

It's good that you are here. I hope you feel welcome.
