
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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CJs_mum Studying with anxiety and depression
  • replies: 1

Hi guysm Firstly, THANK YOU BeyondBlue and thank you to everyone on here, to the mods and to those who work tirelessly for BB and its clients. I think this place is amazing. Hope BB is helping you today. Im reaching out because after coping for quite... View more

Hi guysm Firstly, THANK YOU BeyondBlue and thank you to everyone on here, to the mods and to those who work tirelessly for BB and its clients. I think this place is amazing. Hope BB is helping you today. Im reaching out because after coping for quite some time being a full time student trying desperately to pass a full-time Accounting course, Ive been told I probably wont pass and that there's just no point in returning next year. I've attempted one unit of this previously but had a mental breakdown after working full time, studying full time and trying to be a good daughter to abusive parents and a partner and a mother and sucking at it all, I collapsed. I was just trying to make a better life. My life has been a horrible nothing - messy, with no work to speak of, thousands of dollars I couldn't afford to spend down the drain in study and furniture/clothes shopping i regret, never to be seen again. That is all I have. I want to do better. I want to make it better. Now I'm being told "Accounting and Office work just isn't for you." I don't know what is. I feel lost. I feel like there's no point in trying to finish this course now, but i am so so so close to finishing IF i just put the effort in....that however, is triggering all kinds of anxiety and negative thougts within me (eg: "I'm not good enough, I'll never make it. I'm useless." "Dad was right.", "There's too much to do, agh!! Panic!"). Im just not sure where I should be going or what to do now if this isn't any good: what am I good for? What am I good at? All I know is that Im good at making lots of mistakes and making a mess of this thing called life. Just wanted to get that off my chest and see if anyone else feels this way sometimes...whated i guess to know that this is ok, I'll be ok and figure something out - just don't know what yet. Does anyone have any ideas on what they can chose to study or have as some sort of starting point for a career in this crazy, jobless economy? Good luck to you all. xxx

Kmart96 8 weeks sober and still feeling effects of withdrawal
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For about a year and a half I was a heavy pot user until about 8 weeks ago when I quit cold turkey. It’s caused so many problems for me since and my anxiety is the worst part of it. I’ve been put on a new medication which is definitely helping but I ... View more

For about a year and a half I was a heavy pot user until about 8 weeks ago when I quit cold turkey. It’s caused so many problems for me since and my anxiety is the worst part of it. I’ve been put on a new medication which is definitely helping but I still don’t feel 100% yet. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and something I can do to help wade the physical effects

Ladybug08 Trying to understand GAD
  • replies: 4

Hi Peoples I suffer from GAD! It has gotten really bad since ive fallen out with my parents and being used by them and its caused hurt,pain,discouragement, resentment. My symptoms are dizziness,lightheaded,nausea,heart papultation,sweaty,off balance,... View more

Hi Peoples I suffer from GAD! It has gotten really bad since ive fallen out with my parents and being used by them and its caused hurt,pain,discouragement, resentment. My symptoms are dizziness,lightheaded,nausea,heart papultation,sweaty,off balance,room feels like it spinning,fear of fainting I just want to find out what i can do to get these under control. Im seeing a counselor atm going through ACT. I do shift work which dosent help and eating habit is crap. I still go to work and pray that nothing will happend and it dosent. I get through my day and dont want to go back. I laugh and smile on the outside but inside im hiding. Thankyou

roogirl Anxiety & eyesight
  • replies: 6

Hello, I'm going through a particularly rough patch at the moment with my health anxiety. I suffer from dissociation from time to time also. I see a clinical psychologist and I'm about to start some hypnotherapy. Am wondering if anyone else on this s... View more

Hello, I'm going through a particularly rough patch at the moment with my health anxiety. I suffer from dissociation from time to time also. I see a clinical psychologist and I'm about to start some hypnotherapy. Am wondering if anyone else on this site ever has problems with their eyesight/glasses during these periods? I wear glasses all the time and they are driving me crazy. They are multifocals and I have been to my optometrist to have the prescription checked, had them adjusted a couple of times and nose pads changed. Everything seems to be fine from that end. I'm sure it is just me. Can anxiety affect your eyesight during an anxiety attack? Thanks for any responses or suggestions. Roogirl

auschic Emotional breakdowns
  • replies: 2

Ive had a few i guess you could call them emotional breakdowns and i feel terrible about them. They usually happen if i get into an arguement with my partner. I had one last night and ive had some time to think about what caused it. I know i was feel... View more

Ive had a few i guess you could call them emotional breakdowns and i feel terrible about them. They usually happen if i get into an arguement with my partner. I had one last night and ive had some time to think about what caused it. I know i was feeling misunderstood, desperately trying to get my partner to understand my side (he was perceiving me as something negative due to something i said but didnt mean) basically i was trying to defend myself and show him that i wasnt what he thought and what i said was wrong. He wasnt understsnding and pushed me away, said he didnt want to talk to me etc. i gave him space and felt really bad, i kept thinking about how i can say the wrong things at the wrong time and how i can mess things up so easily. I felt pretty shitty at this point. Anyway i went back in hopes i can convince him that i didnt mean what i said. Didnt work, he shut me down saying he doesnt want to talk. I felt rejected, stupid and somewhat angry because what i said wasnt even that bad it was just a simple wrong choice of words. In my mind im thinking why is he so upset over something so small? At this point im desperate for him to just understand what im saying (im not sure why i care so much) and he just keeps shutting me down and this causes a breakdown to happen. There were alot of tears, fast heart, hyperventilating etc. I think it was the fact that i just wanted to be heard and i kept getting rejected and pushed away even when i hadnt technically done anything wrong. This is what caused a breakdown. Not the first time this has happened (the breakdown) i feel stupid about it,and i think he thinks im a child who cant deal with her emotions which makes me feel even worse. I dont know why this bothers me so much. I just remember feeling so misunderstood and rejected and it hurt. Why does this happen to me and how can i stop?

yungtree Just read that OCD could be caused by dietary glutamate, MSG
  • replies: 8

hey guys this might be a helpful post as I just read an article posted by the NCBI. (This is part of the United States National Library of Medicine) So basically the case is saying that dietary glutamate could be contributing to the symptoms of obses... View more

hey guys this might be a helpful post as I just read an article posted by the NCBI. (This is part of the United States National Library of Medicine) So basically the case is saying that dietary glutamate could be contributing to the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. They did a random clinical trial on a 50 year old man who had been showing symptoms of OCD for 39 years. He was put on this dietary trial to test the effects of a low-glutamate diet on fibromyalgia/irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. After 1 month on the low-glutamate diet all of his symptoms remitted, including his OCD, which had previously been non-responsive to pharmacological treatment. They are suggesting biological plausibility for this observation. But future research is needed. The diet is a low-glutamate diet Im going to give this diet a try and see for myself if it works out. Cheers!

SadANDlonely35 Constantly worrying about future and feeling sad and lonely since break-up
  • replies: 1

I have been going through a difficult time recently with a lot of uncertainty, and being a bit of a control freak I haven't been coping with it very well. It seems like it's all hit me at once and I've been struggling with it and feeling lonely and s... View more

I have been going through a difficult time recently with a lot of uncertainty, and being a bit of a control freak I haven't been coping with it very well. It seems like it's all hit me at once and I've been struggling with it and feeling lonely and sad. I am 35 and worry that I will never find someone, but at the same time I have unrealistic expectations and refuse to settle for anything less than amazing. I know that I have to change and lower my expectations since no-one (myself included) is perfect, but the thought of it gives me terrible anxiety. I just feel like I'd rather be single than in a relationship that isn't fulfilling in every way. I am obsessed with travelling as I feel like that's the only thing I have to look forward to, I always plan my holidays in advance so I can daydream and look forward to them - it's what keeps me excited, motivated and happy. I have been looking for a new housemate but have not had luck in finding anyone I'd be happy to live with as yet. I am hoping that just having someone living with me will make me feel less lonely. My circumstances • Five months ago I resigned from a job to travel for 2 months • I was unemployed for 2 months and during this time I started dating someone AND my housemate of 9 months moved out shortly after. • The day before I started the new job, the guy I was seeing broke up with me - this gave me serious physical anxiety even though I knew from the start that the relationship wouldn't last as there were a lot of deal breakers I straight away. As I was unsure about him from the start I didn't show much interest and as a result he ended things for which I'm actually very grateful for. However, it hurt like hell regardless of the fact that I didn't think we were a match and knew it wasn't going to last. The reason I chose not to end it is because it felt good to be in regular contact with someone who adored me and was very affectionate. I was selfish • It took me 2 months to land a new job and start working. The job I landed is only a short term contract and ends at the end of the year, meaning that I've been applying for jobs and will need to go through application rejections and the interview process all over again. • The day before I started the new job, the guy I was seeing broke up with me - this gave me serious physical anxiety of chest tightening etc. This lasted for 2 weeks before it went away. However, the irrational worrying about the future kicked in and has been with me ever since.

Pallavi Anxiety after recent illness and overall anxious personality
  • replies: 4

I was diagnosed with viral gastro in October and i went through hell before a diagnosis was possible had 3 emergency department visits and 4 weeks of sickness and tremendous pain and discomfort. AFter my diagnosis i was put on medicines and i recover... View more

I was diagnosed with viral gastro in October and i went through hell before a diagnosis was possible had 3 emergency department visits and 4 weeks of sickness and tremendous pain and discomfort. AFter my diagnosis i was put on medicines and i recovered well..Howevre i found myself being very anxious and fearing that I shouldn’t fall sick again and just as fate would have it on wed i had another attack ofgastro could be because of lactose is what doctors feel and i was back in emergency for a night. Being there my anxiety and feeling overwhelmed only increased and they suggested i go for counselling. As it is i worry for smallest of things and this episode has engulfed me and i fear i m passing anxiety to my son as well. I keep checking on him since I don’t want him to fall sick or that i am the cause of it and it must drive him crazy. Even when i was healthy i worry about my mom and dad who don’t live here and are overseas and i keep looking them up. I fear loosing them , my friend lost her mom and i was so anxious for days. I have an appointment with GP who will assses me for a mental health plan and i hope i can cope with this. Does anyone here take any antidepressants and do they have any side effects? Counselling and medicines i hope can fix me and my life and i can learn to cope with life.

Sezza_H feeling faint and sick...anxiety?
  • replies: 5

Hello, I only just discovered this online forum and this is my first ever post. Recently, I have started to feel VERY sick and faint whenever I am in certain situations (e.g. social situations). When these symptoms began to appear, I became worried t... View more

Hello, I only just discovered this online forum and this is my first ever post. Recently, I have started to feel VERY sick and faint whenever I am in certain situations (e.g. social situations). When these symptoms began to appear, I became worried that there could in fact be something physically wrong with me, but the strange thing is they never appear when I am just chilling at home. They seem to appear when I am in social situations or when I am about to meet up with someone. I have always felt this but it has gotten worse to the point that I am now content on staying home. I sometimes feel I bring it on somehow…or I make it worse by then thinking about it….I just don’t know and am very confused. Does what I have described above sound like anxiety? Can anxiety really manifest itself into these physical symptoms?

koakes1 social anxiety and job interviews
  • replies: 4

Hi there, I've recently been diagnosed with social anxiety, which is triggered by occasions where I have to talk about myself, such as dates or job interviews. I actually have a job interview this week, so am quite conscious of it - does anyone have ... View more

Hi there, I've recently been diagnosed with social anxiety, which is triggered by occasions where I have to talk about myself, such as dates or job interviews. I actually have a job interview this week, so am quite conscious of it - does anyone have any advice for calming the anxious voices in my head and keeping focused during the interview? I'm practising mindful breathing and I think that helps a bit, but anything else people can recommend?