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Anxiety & eyesight

Community Member


I'm going through a particularly rough patch at the moment with my health anxiety. I suffer from dissociation from time to time also. I see a clinical psychologist and I'm about to start some hypnotherapy. Am wondering if anyone else on this site ever has problems with their eyesight/glasses during these periods? I wear glasses all the time and they are driving me crazy. They are multifocals and I have been to my optometrist to have the prescription checked, had them adjusted a couple of times and nose pads changed. Everything seems to be fine from that end. I'm sure it is just me. Can anxiety affect your eyesight during an anxiety attack?

Thanks for any responses or suggestions.


6 Replies 6

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Roogirl

What a great question!!

I too wear multifocal glasses. They help me see magnificently - most of the time. There are times when they drive me crazy. They don't fit properly, sometimes my long distance plays up and at times my reading distance plays up. And I've just bought a new pair of glasses, after having my latest eye test.

I too get PTSD, anxiety and depression. I'm not sure I can relate the two together. There maybe research in the world that's been done about this.

I'm more inclined to think - it is the nose piece that's wrong for my nose shape, my glasses are greasy and dirty, I've been - reading in poor light, doing too much computer work, too many games on my iphone. To try and get my eyes back in focus, I take my glasses off then sit and look long distances. In some ways I put all these different scenarios down to why my eyes are playing up at times.

The other thing is - not all optometrists give the best service. I've had a few less than perfect sets of glasses in the past. These have been rectified by better ones. I try to ask others who wear glasses around me, who they go to.

Does this help you Roogirl?

I'm sure others out there will have their own experiences, with different ideas about what's going on for them.

Kind regards


Community Member

Hi PamelaR,

Thanks for all your suggestions etc. Still not sure what's going on with the glasses. My therapist tends to think it's my anxiety playing a part and when this settles so will my problems with the glasses.

It is a strange one though, as I've never experienced so many problems with my glasses before.

Cheers & thanks


Hello Roogirl

Thanks for posting with us on the forums 🙂 I understand what you are going through Roogirl

Sometimes with health anxiety our glasses can seem like they are 'pulling' on our eyes and when we are sensitized they can feel like we are straining with our eyesight.

Can I ask how long you have had your glasses for?

my kind thoughts


Community Member

H Paul,

Thanks for reaffirming how I feel with my glasses. I've had these multifocals for the past 12 months. Have worn glasses for years now, but this is the first time I feel they and my anxiety are interacting (if that makes sense). I suffer when highly stressed and anxious with feeling light headed and this time my glasses just feel 'off'. I've had prescription checked, readjustments performed a couple of times also. My therapist has stated that once I get my anxiety under control, my glasses will feel okay again. I do see a clinical psychologist and have just started seeing a hypnotherapist. Hopefully, she can help calm me down when I panic. Yes, I do all the breathing, grounding and mindfulness stuff, but of course with health anxiety I always think the light head is a sign of a brain tumour. It's a vicious cycle isn't it?

Thanks and warm wishes


Hi Glenda

Thank you so much for taking the time and posting back!

You are spot on where anxiety and eyesight is concerned. I have multi focal glasses too and when my anxiety 'fires up' my glasses seem to 'pull' on my brain....(I hope that made some sense!)

I have had panic disorder for circa 35 years (in recovery....thats another story) and when we are over sensitized our nervous system does let us know.....including vision/glasses. Usually the digestive system is the most sympathetic to anxiety yet the adrenaline we are releasing can also have a direct effect on our vision too

You have an excellent therapist Glenda who mentioned " My therapist has stated that once I get my anxiety under control, my glasses will feel okay again"

Panic attacks are scary yet they are still only feelings.....even though they are awful to have of course!

You are so proactive with your health and having your doc and therapist engaged to help you too! Good1

Yes anxiety can be a roller coaster ride for sure...Any questions/comments are more than welcome as there are many super gentle people that can be here for you too!

The forums are a Safe and Non Judgmental place for you to post! (me too!)

Your well being and privacy are paramount to Beyond Blue and the forums Glenda

I hope you can post back when its convenient for you 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hi there Paul,

Thought I would touch base. Have been away to visit family members in the country for a few days and just arrived back. It was lovely though the weather was pretty ordinary most of the time. Now of course I'm home, and not feeling so great. Miss the company. I live alone these days and when my anxiety is in full bloom, I find it all a bit hard. Strange I feel this way as I've never been lonely before, but now I'm retired it's a new life to try and get used too. I'm busy most of the time, volunteering, walking group etc. But, at the end of the day, it's just me. Will take some time to adjust.

My glasses are feeling a little better, but still drive me crazy at times. I'll persevere.

Wanted to ask you Paul, with your anxiety, do you suffer from depersonalisation? I have it during these periods of anxiety although not as bad as when I first started to have anxiety attacks. I find it very challenging and ground myself etc. My greatest fear is that it will not leave. I know that's irrational and when I'm myself again it does go, but that's my fear kicking in. I find my brain arguing with itself, which is crazy. One side is telling me I'm fine, the other side is saying no you're not!!! In the end I'm saying, 'just leave me alone'. Crazy huh?

Anyway Paul, I hope you are well and your anxiety is well under control. Would love to hear from you again when/if you have further advise.

Warm wishes
