
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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_bookworm_ Overwhelmed
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I don’t know if this will help but I feel like I need to get this off my chest.. I am in my 20s and I feel overwhelmed and anxious all the time, I don’t know what to do. I have talked to a professional a couple of years ago after a panic... View more

Hi everyone, I don’t know if this will help but I feel like I need to get this off my chest.. I am in my 20s and I feel overwhelmed and anxious all the time, I don’t know what to do. I have talked to a professional a couple of years ago after a panic attack (never had one before) but her advice was not helpful and it’s just getting worse. I have been feeling ill lately, I’ve seen my GP about it and she did a heap of test that came back ‘unremarkable’. It’s been 2 or 3 months and she is out of tests to run on me so I keep feeling sick. I am wondering if it is my anxiety that’s causing the issues and if it is I feel like there is no hope of getting better. On top of that I feel undervalued and not challenged at work but I am too worried to talk to my manager. I struggle falling asleep every night and wake up a lot too. I have chronic headaches that have been more like migraines lately. I feel tired and unmotivated and things that I used to like don’t seem enjoyable anymore. I thought about going to my GP to get a mental health care plan but I am so worried about the cost involved with all of that and also don’t believe it would help anyway. I get too emotional most of the time and feel like I’m either really happy or really sad. I don’t like to leave my house alone so I never do anything when my fiancé is at work, I don’t have any friends and I don’t talk to my family as much as I should but I have nothing to talk about so I don’t want to bother them. I don’t know what to do and I feel like I’m venting too much.

TimO Aniexty
  • replies: 7

Hi, 8 yrs ago I had anxiety like I have now, I have some stress in my life with family issues and house moving plus work pressures but my main problem is when I go to bed I’m scared I won’t sleep because I’m so anxious of not sleep and tossand turn a... View more

Hi, 8 yrs ago I had anxiety like I have now, I have some stress in my life with family issues and house moving plus work pressures but my main problem is when I go to bed I’m scared I won’t sleep because I’m so anxious of not sleep and tossand turn all nite, today I went to GP and start some meds tonite and will be starting a mental health plan this Wednesday, was just wanting to hear from others for support and any advice you can share, thks

Guest_60524517 I have a problem with lieing to the ones closes to me about the most smallest of things I'm hurting
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I keep lieing about the most dumbest things and I'm at point now we're the one person I've hurt alot with my lies doesn't trust me anymore what do I do

I keep lieing about the most dumbest things and I'm at point now we're the one person I've hurt alot with my lies doesn't trust me anymore what do I do

Ukrose Anxiety everyday
  • replies: 4

I have been suffering anxiety and panic attacks for many years, but in the last 6 months things are just unbearable. I wake everyday with crippling anxiety, my mornings are virtually a right off. I'm seeking help but feel so alone

I have been suffering anxiety and panic attacks for many years, but in the last 6 months things are just unbearable. I wake everyday with crippling anxiety, my mornings are virtually a right off. I'm seeking help but feel so alone

LostSoul Feeling Lost and Overwhelmed
  • replies: 2

Hi EveryoneI have suffered from anxiety and depression since I was a kid, I am now in my mid 30's and I just find myself feeling more lost and overwhelmed, as each day passes, by everything and everyone.Nothing seems to get easier, only harder!My mot... View more

Hi EveryoneI have suffered from anxiety and depression since I was a kid, I am now in my mid 30's and I just find myself feeling more lost and overwhelmed, as each day passes, by everything and everyone.Nothing seems to get easier, only harder!My mother is a narcissist, my partner of 10 years is possibly bi-polar (I say possibly because I was told he was diagnosed before I met him but went off his medication because he didn't think he needed it) and I dare not bring it up with him, and I work with someone on a daily basis who is a worker like me but seems to think it is their duty to micro manage me because they can't cope unless everything is the way they want (ocd!)I constantly feel like I am fighting a losing battle with everything, feeling like I am standing there just digging the biggest hole underneath myself and soon it's going to be too big for me to get out of. I feel as though I'm constantly being watched and scrutinized, as though I'm not allowed to have a voice, or if I make a choice, it's wrong. Is there anyone else out there who has similar issues? or who feels like this? How do you cope / get through each day?Best wishesLost Soul

Ukrose I'm back again, with my horrible anxiety friend
  • replies: 1

Hello everyone, I can't believe it's been 6 years since I last posted here! In that time we have all been through a pandemic which challenged us all, and I have lost my my beautiful brother to cancer. My anxiety/ panic attacks settled down for awhile... View more

Hello everyone, I can't believe it's been 6 years since I last posted here! In that time we have all been through a pandemic which challenged us all, and I have lost my my beautiful brother to cancer. My anxiety/ panic attacks settled down for awhile and I actually felt like I got my life back. But, here we go again and this time I cannot cope, its relentless, not so much panic ( which is a blessing) but anxiety each and everyday! I hate the morning's, I wake after only managing 4 hours of sleep with anxiety, racing heart, palpitations, shakes, sick to the stomach and there really is no reason why. I miss my brother terribly, we spoke everyday and as he was a sufferer too he got me, now he is gone I have a loving family but I just want to wake up and be happy with what the day will bring. Im seeing my doctor regularly and a psychologist and come away from the appointments feeling positive but then another day starts and so does the anxiety. My doctor has changed my medication to a new one and it's only been 7 days on, I know they take time to work and I'm probably expecting a miracle. But this time around I can't see light at the end if the end of the tunnel. I have a 21 year old son who is suffering terribly with OCD and other issues, he misses his uncle badly too. Im trying to stay strong for him, but feel I'm falling apart.

pinkflower95 Overwhelmed ... studying after a while and dealing with life ...aaahhhhh!!!!
  • replies: 5

My therapist has recommended I undertake study in a course that more suits 'me' in order to help me find what I enjoy, find my 'dream job'' (if that even exists?!) and 'make me come alive' ... in hopes to also bring me out of a depressive state and h... View more

My therapist has recommended I undertake study in a course that more suits 'me' in order to help me find what I enjoy, find my 'dream job'' (if that even exists?!) and 'make me come alive' ... in hopes to also bring me out of a depressive state and hopefully my quarter life crisis. The course I have chosen and enrolled into is a Diploma of Design (which gives me the option to study subjects in Graphic Design, Fashion, Interior and Game Design) my passion (I think) is Graphic, Fashion and maybe Interior, however I am one of those indecisive people and can never seem to pick something and I like to have variety (even in my job too), so hence why this course appealed to me. The things I am struggling with is self doubt, pessimism, lack of confidence and feeling like I am wasting my time with studying this course as it is in industry that doesn't have a lot of stability, which is something I have always wanted so hence why I chose another path when finishing school. I know my parents have steered me away from this area as 'where would that lead??', ''whats wrong with where you work now?'' ''why can't you just be happy so that way people can see that you are happy in life and approach you to date'', ''change your attitude'', ''be grateful'' ,''pray about it - what does God say?'' etc. I am feeling overwhelmed as I haven't studied since 2017 and also a brief attempt at uni which I pulled out of early on due to, well similar reasons and finding it too hard (Diploma of Business. I work in Admin & Customer Service for the past 10+ years), so this time I feel more pressure to make this work and I want to push through my mindset issues and see if this might lead somewhere. I have fallen rusty on time management skills in the last few years also and can't even keep my room clean like I used to, get up early enough to style my hair and put on makeup. This is due to my bad habit of being on my phone too much, I could achieve so much if I wasn't on my damn phone!! however I also use it to set reminders, timers,etc to help me stay organised too it is a double edged sword.I also find myself getting distracted easily and am not a fan of reading, I never was in school either. When I read and I lose focus and forget what I was reading, my eyes dry up and/ or I fall asleep, so that is another worry I have as well. Trying to stay disciplined and positive to persevere through it all! My course to due to start in a month and its online and I am getting increasingly overwhelmed and feel like I want to tap out, but I don't know how to push through. Breathing techniques I haven't found to be helpful, they seem to make my thoughts louder and I feel like it is all too much. Almost like I need to get everything right before I can proceed to the next task. I find myself asking what is wrong with me? Why can't I do even a simple task??

Beaser Anxiety over job application .Feeling like im trapped.
  • replies: 3

Hi and thank you for reading..I have been a long time sufferer of anxiety and depression. I have written before so i hope im not overdoing things. I recently applied for a position as a ward assistant at a hospital where im currently volunteering a f... View more

Hi and thank you for reading..I have been a long time sufferer of anxiety and depression. I have written before so i hope im not overdoing things. I recently applied for a position as a ward assistant at a hospital where im currently volunteering a few hours a week. I had an interview online last week and have yet to hear anything. The whole process is maxing out my anxiety issues to the point that im not sure if i could even handle the position even on a one or two day basis that i mentioned in my interview. I have been honest and mentioned my problems on my application. It just makes me so scared about where im heading .. Im 58 and worked since i was 16 and im just tired this anxiety . I wonder if anyone has had similar feelings or any thoughts. Best wishes to everyone Brett.

Bee Breakup, Anxiety and Interstate Move
  • replies: 1

About six weeks ago my partner of five years (on/ off again) decided to separate for good. We were both very upset (lots of crying/expression of love ) . I feel incredibly sad, unable to stop crying these last few weeks. I recently got a job offer (d... View more

About six weeks ago my partner of five years (on/ off again) decided to separate for good. We were both very upset (lots of crying/expression of love ) . I feel incredibly sad, unable to stop crying these last few weeks. I recently got a job offer (dream job) in another state. My ex and I were potentially planning on moving to this state together. I accepted the job, but am feeling so overwhelmed as I am moving away from family into a new state/city where I have never been and do not know anyone. Not to mention it's a move that really finalises/closes the door on my relationship with my ex. The past couple of weeks, I have felt such acute anxiety (especially at night). I know a certain level of anxiety is normal as moving somewhere new, away from your family is the 'unknown'. But this feels so amplified by the loss of the presence of my ex in my life. I feel utterly lost. Staying feels unbearable as there are so many memories here and I fear sliding into a stagnant state. And moving is terrifying as I know I will feel isolated and lonely for a bit of time. Has anyone ever moved interstate after a breakup? What helped you cope with feelings of loss, anxiety, loneliness? Thanks for reading. Xx

jacky78 workplace harrassment / bullying maybe??
  • replies: 11

Hey legend need some trusty advise please, I have a work colleague that continuously make comment about my career prospect saying im underpaid why I'm working so hard. This stress me out, I like my job and don't care with the pay. He also doubt the i... View more

Hey legend need some trusty advise please, I have a work colleague that continuously make comment about my career prospect saying im underpaid why I'm working so hard. This stress me out, I like my job and don't care with the pay. He also doubt the importance the role of my job, he's a higher up and I'm a technician. He does all the calling and I did all the background and paperwork. Does this mean my job is of lower importance than his. His communication often highlight this as the case Do you guys consider this bullying or harrasment as its impacting my daily life as I'm stressed due to this Any advise would be appreciated Thanks