
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Sun-b Chest Pain and indigestion
  • replies: 6

Hi all, I have panic disorder along with health anxiety and IBS for quite sometime now.It has gotten worse over the last 2 years due to some difficulties. i have been getting constant chest pain/tightness along with indigestion issues similar to acid... View more

Hi all, I have panic disorder along with health anxiety and IBS for quite sometime now.It has gotten worse over the last 2 years due to some difficulties. i have been getting constant chest pain/tightness along with indigestion issues similar to acid reflux minus heart burn feeling. i have been to the dr’s and had a ecg.It all checked out fine and they put back down to my anxiety and gord. I don’t believe that gord is the cause of my issue rather that the anxiety is causing the symptoms, however, often I wonder if it can be something more. I know that chest pain is quite common with anxiety but I’m wondering if anyone is facing the symptoms that I am facing? Tightness in the chest like trapped air in the chest and stomach area. Almost like air is going to cause me not to breathe which evening sends me to the restroom.The only thing that kind of gives me relief is massaging the area with pressure and sometimes a visit to the toilet. Any help or any suggestions on what have worked for others would be much appreciated. thanks.

jim4372 Feel lost and empty
  • replies: 7

Hi Im very new to this, Not sure where to start but I cant seem to find who I am and how to become happy. I struggle really hard to talk about anything to anyone including mates and my girlfriend, and I'm not comfortable talking to family or a profes... View more

Hi Im very new to this, Not sure where to start but I cant seem to find who I am and how to become happy. I struggle really hard to talk about anything to anyone including mates and my girlfriend, and I'm not comfortable talking to family or a professional. I shut out emotion because its the only way I know how to deal with stuff. I know lots of people care about me but I cant figure out how to care for myself and like me for who I am. I frequently get anxiety that Im just a joke to people and my girlfriend is cheating on me or something, Im not sure why because I know its stupid to think. I can still laugh and go out and have fun with mates but as soon as Im alone or it gets late i feel completely empty and like nothing can fix it. I have no idea what to do in life or where I am going, I feel very useless and unsuccessful in everything I do.

Randlo Need support, I feel doomed.
  • replies: 3

Hi all. It's 5am, my mind is racing and I'm in pain (literally) so here I am rambling on bb. I haven't had much sleep in weeks. Had painful boils for a week, and now multiple toothaches. All that amid worries of covid19, unemployment, and poor health... View more

Hi all. It's 5am, my mind is racing and I'm in pain (literally) so here I am rambling on bb. I haven't had much sleep in weeks. Had painful boils for a week, and now multiple toothaches. All that amid worries of covid19, unemployment, and poor health. Lost my job in March due to covid19. My wife now works 3 times a week, and will probably lose her job as well. I can no longer afford Psychiatry so I no longer medicate, now depression, anxiety, and bad memories are feeding on my psyche. I can't afford dental care either so I'm taking pain killers by the hour everyday. The lack of sleep is making me sickly. I don't see any hope that my life will ever be alleviated from this state. Worst of all is I have no friends to support me. Family and friends(aquaintances) couldn't care less.

Rosco2020 Bloating, loose bowel pain in stomach
  • replies: 3

My symptoms started mid April during the Coronavirus. I was coping well in the beginning of the virus, cooking different foods every day and cleaning etc then all of a sudden, I thought is this all there is to do? Then I got diarrhea on and off for a... View more

My symptoms started mid April during the Coronavirus. I was coping well in the beginning of the virus, cooking different foods every day and cleaning etc then all of a sudden, I thought is this all there is to do? Then I got diarrhea on and off for a few weeks, then bloating, pain in my groin area, every time I breath in, then stabbing pains like electric shocks all over my body and I mean everywhere. The latest symptom is gagging and going off my food. I don’t want to talk to my daughter or my sister or anyone for that matter. I don’t answer my phone and then they phone my husband and tell him I am not answering my phone. Drives me nuts. I just started to get my bowels back into order and then after talking to them, I had very lose bowels after talking to them. I am always fearful of what they are going to say to me. When people are well and normal they just seem to me to prattle on, to difficult to listen too. I know they are good intentioned. I wish I could cry or scream it might make me feel better. I really don’t want to do anything and I just want to stay in bed or watch tv. I think one of the problems is that we are moving into a new house we have built and I do not want to participate, because every time we move I finish up hurting myself or falling over or knocking myself. I am not young but I am usually a very vital person. I used to do 3 exercise classes a week and with the Covid19 that stopped, it used to keep me sane. Now I am only packing stuff up and moving light things into the house. I must say I have never been suicidal, I don’t drink coffee or tea, only Digest or camomile with honey. I only have the occasional sherry but at the moment, I am not drinking. I use Kombucha, water and kefir. I am getting about 6 hours sleep at night, so although it is not 8 hours, it is adequate. I know this will pass but at the moment I do not want to get up. The pain and stress in my stomach is less when I am laying down. I know I am going to have to face the day sooner or later. I have seen my GP and he suggested I see a psychologist but I said I would rather see a psychiatrist. That will not happen. I will see him again next week and get a referral to see psychologist, although I don’t believe they can help me. Psychiatrist get to the bottom of the problem. I believe writing this has made me feel that I have a voice to say how I am feeling without negative feedback. Thank you!

Hails_89 Zombie
  • replies: 4

Hey guys, shout out out to everyone posting their worries and going through a shit time at the moment. In the past week I’ve slept a total of 10 hours.... I lay awake most nights focusing on my breathing which feels really shallow then when I’m so ti... View more

Hey guys, shout out out to everyone posting their worries and going through a shit time at the moment. In the past week I’ve slept a total of 10 hours.... I lay awake most nights focusing on my breathing which feels really shallow then when I’m so tired I want to sleep I wake myself up gasping for air!! I’ve had major changes in my life and routine the last three months so it absolutely makes sense to me that I’ve relapsed back into anxiety! It is so exhausting trying to find the right help I’ve tried sleeping tests, I go to a GP, I’ve seen physiotherapists, I’ve seen psychologists, I’ve had ecg’s and heart monitors on me numerous times and everyone tells you something different. I’m feeling discouraged, I haven’t felt like this since the GP first told me it sounds like anxiety I had been so good I almost forgot I ever had it.

HappyWanderer Lost
  • replies: 5

Hi. I don't really know how to start... I live every day pretty normal in front of everyone, but inside things feel... difficult. I don't know why. I think maybe at least some of it is anxiety, but I'm not really sure if that's an accurate explanatio... View more

Hi. I don't really know how to start... I live every day pretty normal in front of everyone, but inside things feel... difficult. I don't know why. I think maybe at least some of it is anxiety, but I'm not really sure if that's an accurate explanation. I wonder about speaking to someone, but I don't know what I would tell them. I'm getting tired of feeling 'not right' so often & wonder if there is a way to feel better. I'm kind of worried if there was a 'way', what that process might look like too...

Wyte_witch Work anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hello all . I have experienced a lot of anxiety over the last 14 years. I have been bullied in the past which has caused varieing levels of anxiety. I work as a receptionist at a medical centre. Had a realy bad day recently. Where all kinds of things... View more

Hello all . I have experienced a lot of anxiety over the last 14 years. I have been bullied in the past which has caused varieing levels of anxiety. I work as a receptionist at a medical centre. Had a realy bad day recently. Where all kinds of things that dont usually happen went wrong.and caused me to get high levels of anxiety and make more mistakes. Just to name a few things. The carpet got wet as the roof was leaking.the fax machine did t was very busy and I was the only receptionistlooki g after four doctors who where all annoyed because the nurse didn't come in. It all ended in one of the drs shouting at me and flinging a clip board onto the desk in front of me. I got reported to my manager by this dr as with e erything that was happening mistakes get made.My manager cant understant why I get in such a state over thease things. I dontthi k she understands anxiety. I am unsuprisingly. Thinki g of looking for another job. But just the thought of that gives me anxiety. Any kind words and encouragement would be much appreciated.many thanks. Whyte Whitch

Annony01 Career change anxiety
  • replies: 4

I've been spending some time at home raising a family. I have recognised that I don't have any desire to return to what I am qualified in. However I don't know what else to do! I have social anxiety and feel this is a big barrier to the type of roles... View more

I've been spending some time at home raising a family. I have recognised that I don't have any desire to return to what I am qualified in. However I don't know what else to do! I have social anxiety and feel this is a big barrier to the type of roles that I would like to do. Ie I could never be a teacher, or in a role where I need to be strong, assertive and outspoken. It's just not in my nature Id like to study something but don't know what. Has anyone undertaken a full career change in their 30s? How did you cope with the anxiety?

Anxiety_sucks Helpppp
  • replies: 3

Hello I’m new here please does anyone have some advice.My anxiety has been through the roof these last couple of days and I’m struggling to control it please does anyone have any tips on how I can control it I have tried meditation and a few other th... View more

Hello I’m new here please does anyone have some advice.My anxiety has been through the roof these last couple of days and I’m struggling to control it please does anyone have any tips on how I can control it I have tried meditation and a few other things I have currently been put on medication but tonight’s tablet hasn’t worked normally if I don’t get it under control it turns in to a full panic attack

ellamareeee feeling not real
  • replies: 7

hi. i’m struggling bad. i look at myself and i feel like that’s not me. i think to myself ‘i’m ella’ and i cant physically comprehend it. i look at my hands or my legs or anything and think that’s me and it freaks me out. it’s scary and new and i fee... View more

hi. i’m struggling bad. i look at myself and i feel like that’s not me. i think to myself ‘i’m ella’ and i cant physically comprehend it. i look at my hands or my legs or anything and think that’s me and it freaks me out. it’s scary and new and i feel like i can’t live like this anymore. please tell me im not alone and has anyone else gotten through this? what can i do?