
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Gabstar77 Anxiety, university, work and independance
  • replies: 3

I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope with work, university and living alone. How do other people cope with anxiety and depression? I am finding that mustering the motivation to do anything is hard. My job is so draining and I don't earn eno... View more

I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope with work, university and living alone. How do other people cope with anxiety and depression? I am finding that mustering the motivation to do anything is hard. My job is so draining and I don't earn enough money. University lacks support. Sometimes I can't even look after myself.

Turbine25 Overwhelmed with my own mental health and supporting alcoholic spouse
  • replies: 5

Hi, I’m new. I can’t sleep again which is a recurring thing for me these days. I am suffering depression caused by a huge build up of external and personal issues. I’ve had lots of change this last year. Moving away from family, quit my job, new town... View more

Hi, I’m new. I can’t sleep again which is a recurring thing for me these days. I am suffering depression caused by a huge build up of external and personal issues. I’ve had lots of change this last year. Moving away from family, quit my job, new town, remote, health issues, two young kids and an alcoholic spouse that has just relapsed on top of all the added stress covid has caused. I’m a health care worker in admin but still was incredibly stressed and working more then usual. Oh and we moved house and my child has had to change schools for the 3rd time and is only in Preprimary. I feel like I am juggling so many balls right now, I know I’m not coping. I’m not sleeping, not eating but then binge eating almost making myself sick, anxious and unmotivated. my spouse will not seek help, I’ve tried to encourage him to contact his counsellor, I’ve enlisted the help of close friends to check in because communication has broken down between us. I am at breaking point with no family support where we live now, only a few friends but not people I trust yet. I feel like the trust we have as a couple is broken because he was hiding the drinking from me again and making huge life altering decisions without me. I know he is sick and I don’t want to walk away but there is only so much I can take and I have to also think about our children and the damage his behaviour might cause them. I am trying to convince him we need couples counselling but he isn’t interested and I feel like he has just given up and doesn’t want me at all anymore. I feel like I offer him no value or purpose being here because the only thing I’m good for is sex and keeping the house clean, we don’t talk anymore, he confides in other people who don’t know about the drinking and they drink together. I find intimacy hard because I have physical pain from health conditions and I have zero drive now because I am so depressed. I know I am not perfect, I know I can stubborn and moody but I am honest with myself and how I am feeling, I don’t feel great right now but I’d tell him that I get no support at all. I’m am so overwhelmed I feel like I’m drowning and I don’t even have my spouse/best friend right now. I feel more isolated then ever, I’ve made steps and seen my GP, have a referral for a psychiatrist and started medication. I just feel so hopeless, adrift and unstable in my personal life.

Kbchib I hate myself
  • replies: 3

Hello, I am 28 years old, married to an unimaginably wonderful man, mother to absolute perfection - twice. I work part time at a job I enjoy, have amazing in-laws and live in a beautiful home in a small town filled with kind and welcoming people. At ... View more

Hello, I am 28 years old, married to an unimaginably wonderful man, mother to absolute perfection - twice. I work part time at a job I enjoy, have amazing in-laws and live in a beautiful home in a small town filled with kind and welcoming people. At surface level my life is perfect. However despite all of this, I hold a deep sadness inside. Oftentimes it never shows but when it does it can range anywhere from being down momentarily to prolonged melancholy, and seems uncontrollable. I don't know when or why or how badly it will occur. I have never spoken to a professional, but I believe multiple traumas from my childhood and adolescence have manifested into a deep-seated hatred for myself. I have absolutely no self-esteem. I am extremely introverted and suffer greatly from social anxiety; so much so that since moving interstate 2.5 years ago I have not made even 1 friend. My husband and his family are very well known in this town, so I have consistently met new, lovely people, but I cannot bring myself to attend social gatherings or attempt to make friends. I constantly make excuses to stay home. Just tonight I cancelled plans to celebrate our wedding anniversary, because I was too scared to go out in public and be seen. I am terrified that people won't like me. More than this fear though, I am terrified that I will project my insecurities onto my children and cause damage to them in some way, and I am terrified that my issues will ruin my marriage or hurt my husband. I hate being this way but I truly dont know how to change. I am open to any and all suggestions you may have. Thank you for reading.

Linda06 How to live and accept life with situational anxiety
  • replies: 2

I recently learnt to accept and sit with my anxiety recently instead of always fighting it. I suffer from situational anxiety of which due to the recent conditions of 2020 - my anxiety has had a field day with it. Even though I get professional help,... View more

I recently learnt to accept and sit with my anxiety recently instead of always fighting it. I suffer from situational anxiety of which due to the recent conditions of 2020 - my anxiety has had a field day with it. Even though I get professional help, meditate etc my friends said that they are worried for me because I am always anxious which has now got me in a head spin because I had finally accepted myself with anxiety and had decided to sit with it instead of always fighting it. But with my friends and peers always judging me in that way I am now finding it hard to accept my anxietyy, just be me, know i am not always going to be perfect and have kind of gone backwards. Has anyone else experienced this? What are some tips for going forward and accepting a life full of situational anxiety. Also getting nervous at the thought of always dealing with these painful anxiety events. Cheers

kettlebell Constant feel of sadness
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Hi all, I am new to this forum. I guess I really want to share my feelings. Lately for the past 2 weeks I have been feeling sad all the time without any exact reason. I was so easily irritated yesterday by little things and ended up burst out crying ... View more

Hi all, I am new to this forum. I guess I really want to share my feelings. Lately for the past 2 weeks I have been feeling sad all the time without any exact reason. I was so easily irritated yesterday by little things and ended up burst out crying and couldn't calm myself down. I used to love reading a good novel and watching TV shows for leisure but recently I cannot sit still to read through the chapter or raise interest in watching the show I like. And I find cooking or even getting into shower has became an effort. It is like suddenly there is no purpose in things I do and I don't want to anything because I know I am not good at it. There are a lot of big things on my list like going on an overseas travel, moving house, planning a baby and changing my career, but I am so lost and tired and worried about not able to succeed. Especially with COVID, things have changed drastically and might not return to normal in short period of time. And I always feel like I am running out of time. I have been having bad headaches especially after work and I can sometimes feel my heart pounding very hard and pain in my chest. On some nights I lie on my bed feeling tired but I couldn't fall asleep for hours. I worked for retail but ever since this pandemic I was allocated to a completely different role by my company. I am grateful that I did not lose my job but at the same time I do not enjoy what I am doing and I am not good at it at all. Lately I feel dreadful having to work but I still have to make a living so I cannot just leave my job. I am also worried that my negative attitude will impact other team members and they will blame me or hate me for it. I have been working from home for the past 2 months. Occasional I would go out to buy groceries or a walk in the neighborhood. Still, being stuck in the house every single hour is suffocating and I am always anxious about the next day. It feels like nothing is working in my life. My provider is not able to fix my NBN for 3 weeks now. My rangehood and stovetop are having issues. My partner thinks I am always upset or angry cause of my facial expression. Customers have been yelling and swearing at me. Last Tuesday I found shattered glass bottle pieces all over my driveway. I am not angry but very sad and hopeless and tired. I don't know what to do or how to cheer myself up anymore. It took me a lot of courage to write this post to be honest, if you have any negative feedback for me please don't reply at all. Thank you

Trx91 New
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Hey, my name's Rob I am 28.. I don't know if I'm posting in the right place but I just really need help. I just am constantly feeling like I'm so worthless and everything I do is wrong. I'm such a waste of space and I don't know what to do. I have do... View more

Hey, my name's Rob I am 28.. I don't know if I'm posting in the right place but I just really need help. I just am constantly feeling like I'm so worthless and everything I do is wrong. I'm such a waste of space and I don't know what to do. I have done the things everyone tells me to do I am visiting doctors and psychiatrists and taking medication but I feel like it isn't helping and I don't know what to do anymore. It seems like when I talk to my family they care for the first few minutes and then they just expect me to be over it. I don't really have many friends to speak to and I'm just really really really struggling. I am not depressed specifically but I am really sad and scared all the time and I don't know what to do I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I just don't know what to do.. I'm so scared and in pain all the time.

Goingmad Anxiety and bp
  • replies: 2

Hello fellow members have any of you ever thought that all this anxiety is damaging your heart and your life will be shortened because of this illness or have you asked your GP about it I'm sure it's not doing our heart any good which makes me feel e... View more

Hello fellow members have any of you ever thought that all this anxiety is damaging your heart and your life will be shortened because of this illness or have you asked your GP about it I'm sure it's not doing our heart any good which makes me feel even more anxious

Vegangirl91 Physical symptoms of anxiety - "drunkenness" feeling
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone Recently been feeling anxious in general all the time. Had one panic attack at night. I've had the symptoms of nausea, tingling, head jolts, palpitations, dry mouth, loss of appetite etc but just wondering if anyone has ever had a feeling... View more

Hi everyone Recently been feeling anxious in general all the time. Had one panic attack at night. I've had the symptoms of nausea, tingling, head jolts, palpitations, dry mouth, loss of appetite etc but just wondering if anyone has ever had a feeling of like loss of mental focus and sharpness? I am usually very sharp, and on the ball - organised, motivated and thinking 100%. But my mental mind has recently felt like spaced out or drunk. But I am able to do everything else fine. Can anyone relate? Did it go away? Please help x

Samyol The Best Treatment For Emetophobia
  • replies: 2

G'day, my name's Samuel, I'm 18 and I suffer from GAD, depression, a phobia of vomiting and panic attacks that are a direct result of said phobia. I remember almost anytime I've experienced either myself or another person vomiting, I wouldn't go as f... View more

G'day, my name's Samuel, I'm 18 and I suffer from GAD, depression, a phobia of vomiting and panic attacks that are a direct result of said phobia. I remember almost anytime I've experienced either myself or another person vomiting, I wouldn't go as far as saying that it has traumatised me, but these are events I cannot forget as they terrify me. I've dealt with emetophobia since my early teens and whilst my anxiety and depression are being treated, this intense fear of vomiting is causing the most damage to me emotionally. I don't go one day without my stomach acting up and instantly throwing me into fear of vomiting which in turn begins to make me feel even more sick; such as globus sensation kicking in and my stomach beginning to "drop" in a sense. I feel as though, if I can destroy this phobia at it's core; my general lifestyle will improve dramatically. I'll be able to eat and drink in public or at anothers house without the fear of food poisoning. I'll be able to maintain a proper job and be reliable as I won't be scared of feeling sick. I just would really like to know what is generally my best course of action, perhaps anyone with experience could put in a word or two, thank you!

Fawkes1 OCD and Unusual Physical Symptoms
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NOTE: This post deals with sexual obsessions/compulsions. I should also say that I am a male between the ages of 25-35. Hi there, I have had severe OCD for over 15 years. I have received ongoing treatment for the past 7 years in the form of medicatio... View more

NOTE: This post deals with sexual obsessions/compulsions. I should also say that I am a male between the ages of 25-35. Hi there, I have had severe OCD for over 15 years. I have received ongoing treatment for the past 7 years in the form of medication, CBT, and ERP. My obsessions involve anything that feels slightly wrong/incorrect/imperfect: unlucky numbers, touching something in the "wrong" way, checking, coincidences, surprises, repetitive body movements and tics, unwanted thoughts, contamination, etc. Anything that reinforces a lack of control or certainty. Because my triggers are so wide-ranging, they can occur any time, anywhere, and without the slightest warning. As such, I am racked with constant and extreme anxiety and fear. You will all be familiar with how distressing this feels. My main OCD fear is around masturbation, and a fear of being "caught in the act". This fear has crippled me for well over a decade, and it pretty much rules my life. The "unusual physical symptoms" to which the title of this thread refer are the sensations I get in my body from the aforementioned triggers, which cause me to use masturbation as a compulsion, as it is the only thing that relieves those sensations. So what are those sensations? Well, as an example, a couple of nights ago I clenched my bottom in the "wrong" way. Immediately, my genitals started burning, and my bottom tightened. This is what happens when I get triggered. I have always referred to it as "the burning feeling", but it is really a mix of burning and arousal. It is absolute agony. It feels as if my genitals have been lit on fire. At its worst, it affects my ability to walk. The only way to get rid of the feeling is through masturbation (although that itself has to go "right", which is a whole other story). I have no physical problem. The burning feeling is purely an expression of anxiety, and its relationship to masturbation is magical thinking. My treatment therefore involves resisting the urge to masturbate. The cruelty of my OCD is that masturbation is my biggest fear, but also the only thing that relieves my absolutely crippling physical symptoms. I would estimate that I probably spend about half of my time in physical discomfort, much of it extreme. The other half is spent in fear. Has anyone else had similar experiences? It is such a difficult thing to talk about, but I am really at my wits' end. Any help would be hugely appreciated, and please feel free to ask any questions.