
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Miss_Anxiety Anxiety and Health Anxiety
  • replies: 25

Hi everyone, this is my first ever post here! Mental Health never crossed my mind until something happened to me 2 months ago. I’m a 25yearold Mother of one. Early February I suffered from an UNEXPECTED anxiety/panic attack. I didn’t know what was ha... View more

Hi everyone, this is my first ever post here! Mental Health never crossed my mind until something happened to me 2 months ago. I’m a 25yearold Mother of one. Early February I suffered from an UNEXPECTED anxiety/panic attack. I didn’t know what was happening and neither did my family so I ended up in the ER. Tests came back all clear but left me questioning “why did this Happen?”, How can this just happen out of no where?” “ what if i am really sick and they can’t seem to find it?” I have seen 10 doctors from 5 different Medical Centres, multiple blood tests, urine tests . Brain MRI, Spine MRI, Chest XRay, pelvic ultrasound, thyroid/neck ultrasound, stomach ultrasound. All clear. Found a 2cm cyst on ovary which I have had for a while. My biggest fear is cancer. My sisters husband past away last year from cancer and since then I guess it’s always been in the back of my mind. My panic attack was what triggered “health anxiety”. 2 Weeks ago I requested a blood test and urine just for a reassurance as that week I believed I had throat cancer. Results came back with high cortisol and inflammatory marker. Also pus in the urine. I ended up showing the results to another doctor who told me cortisol testing should be tested early morning . Did a retest and came back all normal. Except for my urine . Cloudy Urine, with pus and GROUP B STREP bacteria. The doctor keeps reassuring me it’s just a UTI. But I have not one single symptom of a UTI. I’ve finished my antibiotics and still cloudy urine. No smell just cloudy with white particles floating around. I’m so scared. I think the worst . I’m losing sleep. Has anyone had this before ? From February until now I have already self diagnosed myself with throat cancer, spine tumor, lung cancer, colon cancer, bowel cancer, thyroid cancer, now I’m thinking it’s ovarian cancer or bladder cancer. I have never been like this before . I’m having lower belly cramps/pressure and lower back pressure. Not sure if it’s just me overthinking. I even have dreams about it. I already see my psych. I no longer have attacks but constant worry, obsessive thoughts, fear.

goldilocks bus driver is obsessed with me
  • replies: 6

I catch the bus frequently and I do not see this driver as often as I used to (thank GOD). We connected through SnapChat and he promised not to send me pictures of his genitals. He did though, more than once. I am only using him to speak to him about... View more

I catch the bus frequently and I do not see this driver as often as I used to (thank GOD). We connected through SnapChat and he promised not to send me pictures of his genitals. He did though, more than once. I am only using him to speak to him about a colleague of his I had feelings for. He knows I have feelings for this colleague of his and he still doesnt understand this. Just tonight he sent me a picture of the house he previously lived in. He is 55 and I am 21, and he is married. He's admitted to me that he wants to have sex with me. He claims that he will treat me with respect, and that he would give me more love and respect than the colleague I am interested in. This may be true (as I know his colleague and I strongly believe he had NPD and he has cheated on so many women) but I want nothing to do with him. He is gross and unattractive and I keep telling him this but he doesnt understand. I keep deactivating my SnapChat account to get away from him but I keep going back to him to talk about his colleague to him. I get that this is toxic and if I had an actual social life I probably wouldnt be in this mess. He is delusional and believes we are friends. He lives in a fantasy. I feel like I am being groomed, when all I was doing was using him to speak to him about the colleague I was interested in (which is a whole other story.) I'm thinking of calling the police and calling the bus dept. I need some help.

Serry Anxiety Manifesting
  • replies: 3

Hi there, Long story short... I have been suffering with Anxiety for as long as I can remember.. Im 29 years old! Basically, Ive had the works so far.. Health Anxiety - Under Control Panic Attacks - Under Control OCD - Under Control GAD - Very much s... View more

Hi there, Long story short... I have been suffering with Anxiety for as long as I can remember.. Im 29 years old! Basically, Ive had the works so far.. Health Anxiety - Under Control Panic Attacks - Under Control OCD - Under Control GAD - Very much struggling, continuous Social Anxiety - Has recently decided to pop up in the last few months, seems to appear when I am around someone of 'Importance' eg. BOSS? It is really bothering me, as I feel like my social skills have always been my main highlight! Im at a bit of of loss as to why this has suddenly come on and how I can overcome it? I find it very bothersome that Anxiety can be one thing to start with.. only to Manifest into Multiples. When I thought I had overcome some pretty debilitating stuff.. another pops up! (Anxiety ) Thanks for listening or any helpful advise/Input 🥰

fred2018 The brain is funny
  • replies: 5

I don't if its anxiety or stress but I have to laugh at some of the ridiculous things I've done like booking appointments on the wrong day. In my experience anxiety causes sometimes to think too much or not enough and rush things hah I'm choosing to ... View more

I don't if its anxiety or stress but I have to laugh at some of the ridiculous things I've done like booking appointments on the wrong day. In my experience anxiety causes sometimes to think too much or not enough and rush things hah I'm choosing to genuinely laugh now at my anxiety and my mood problems and kinda disorganised brain, because I've been pretty annoyed at myself of late and that's probably not helpful is it ?

Yelah90 Something nice for other people.
  • replies: 2

So I had alot of sunflower seeds i thought it would be a great idea to packet a few seeds And deliver them around my community. I had about 100 packets with a little note On each. Which took me all afternoon to do. I got the courage to deliver them. ... View more

So I had alot of sunflower seeds i thought it would be a great idea to packet a few seeds And deliver them around my community. I had about 100 packets with a little note On each. Which took me all afternoon to do. I got the courage to deliver them. I only could deliver 10-15 Due to my mind and my anxiety. Telling me I'm going to get in Trouble, or people will get mad at me for not delivering to their house with no junk mail on the mail box. And just other bad thoughts. So now I've about 85-90 packets left over and I'm scared to do anymore. At one point I was going to ring my.mum to pick me up cause my thoughts were bad. And over bearing.

caityyyxx weird sensations?
  • replies: 4

Hello, I have suffered from anxiety/depression for years. I was diagnosed when I was 12 and am now 23. I have been on medication for about 4 years now. My anxiety is really up and down. Sometimes I’m really good, other times I’m really down. lately, ... View more

Hello, I have suffered from anxiety/depression for years. I was diagnosed when I was 12 and am now 23. I have been on medication for about 4 years now. My anxiety is really up and down. Sometimes I’m really good, other times I’m really down. lately, my anxiety has gotten bad. i have been having weird sensations and I always experience different things. I always put it down to anxiety because it goes away when I’m not thinking about it. but lately I’ve felt quite nauseous often, sometimes experience depersonalisation, dizziness and the most recent one is my legs feel really weak. It’s hard to explain, but they just don’t feel normal. Like sometimes If I’m walking I feel really sluggish/slow and sometimes feel like my legs are going to give up. It stops me from wanting to do much. does anyone else experience this? So I’m not alone. im going to get a full blood test soon, to check that I’m not deficient in anything either. But it just becomes debilitating and I’m struggling to put all my effort into work lately. In terms of other health conditions, I’ve only got PCOS that I know of and I saw a Neurosurgeon this year and don’t have any neurological issues that they could find. last year I did go through a lot of trauma with DV, but it’s been a year so I’m not sure why my anxiety has gotten so bad lately like this. someone please help

Cath21 Is this anxiety??
  • replies: 2

I could be exhausted and trying to sleep or after a walk, I notice my heart is pounding but I Don't think too much of it (I do have underlying ectopic beats and arrythmias) Then I'd get a sudden intense horrible feeling come over me and my heart rate... View more

I could be exhausted and trying to sleep or after a walk, I notice my heart is pounding but I Don't think too much of it (I do have underlying ectopic beats and arrythmias) Then I'd get a sudden intense horrible feeling come over me and my heart rate shoots up Very fast, sometimes to 120 or even 180. My breathing gets heavy and fast But im just lying there wanting the feeling to end, it's a horrible intense feeling in the chest I have delt with anxiety, hyperventilating ppl many times. Im not hyperventilating. The breathing increases secondary to the heart rate and horrible feeling that comes over me. I'm not an anxious person at all. But I've delt with this problem myself for years thinking its just a heart Arrhythmia happening. But no doctors know what it is. I'm thinking maybe it's some underlying anxiety?? Anyone experience the same? I feel like I'm the only person that gets this.

VG_ How to get help
  • replies: 2

Hi folks I’ve written in before and found the advice extremely useful so I thought I’d ask for more if you wouldn’t mind sharing your wisdom! I’m having anxiety at work in a high pressure new role (eg freezing up in meetings and struggling to present... View more

Hi folks I’ve written in before and found the advice extremely useful so I thought I’d ask for more if you wouldn’t mind sharing your wisdom! I’m having anxiety at work in a high pressure new role (eg freezing up in meetings and struggling to present properly, anxiety leading up to meetings, trouble sleeping at night worrying about meetings!). Overall my performance is good, but its like I’m my own worst enemy and in key moments I struggle to express myself confidently! Previously I haven’t felt this way - only slight nerves. I’ve tried lots of self help type techniques including those kindly recommended here, but it’s still really affecting me (ironically I was super depressed to learn I got promoted to this as a permanent role). Do you think this is the kind of thing medication could help with? If so, would I go to a GP or psychologist or psychiatrist? I hope you’re all coping OK during this time - I would really appreciate any pointers you may have. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this

tired_magpie managing fatigue?
  • replies: 4

hello everybody! i've been living with anxiety for a few years now and have yet to find a way to manage the kind of bone-deep fatigue it brings with it. i've done my best to keep to a consistent sleep schedule and commit to exercising as i can, but n... View more

hello everybody! i've been living with anxiety for a few years now and have yet to find a way to manage the kind of bone-deep fatigue it brings with it. i've done my best to keep to a consistent sleep schedule and commit to exercising as i can, but nothing seems to make a dent! does anyone have any tips outside what i've found on the second (2) page of google? thanks ☺️