
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Autumn_ What’s it like to live a normal life?
  • replies: 13

Hi Everyone, I’m having a down day and I was hoping to hear some positive stories to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I was diagnosed with major depression a few years ago and have been doing counselling since. Recently, I have realised... View more

Hi Everyone, I’m having a down day and I was hoping to hear some positive stories to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I was diagnosed with major depression a few years ago and have been doing counselling since. Recently, I have realised I have social anxiety and how much of a profound affect on my life. I know it sounds crazy to only realise this as an adult, however, I feel like it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish between shyness and social anxiety. As a result of my anxiety, I find it difficult to socialise and make friends. I’ve been lonely for a very long time and crave intimate relationships. The few friends I do attract, seem to enjoy me because I’m a good listener. However, when I’m done (or even up) they seem to be nowhere to be found. I think this also translates to my romantic relationships. Men have been interested in me, however, they only seem to enjoy being cared for while not really giving much in return. As a result, I end up in relationships where I do everything (cooking, cleaning - being the sole income earner) for far too long. My therapist and I have talked about redirecting my caring nature to myself. I sometime think that would equate to leaving the relationships which are draining me. But it is very difficult to turn my back on the few social interactions I have. So, basically I wanted to put some feelers out there to get perspective on whether the types of relationship I’m experiencing are normal. Do you have friends that you feel actually care for you? Partners that do the same? Does anyone have social anxiety and went on to have successful relationships? Thanks a bunch. Have a good night

Niki9 Social anxiety and stress rash?
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone, Lately i've been feeling a crippling sense of what I think could be social anxiety or some branch of it. For example, the other day I went back to the gym as it reopened after being closed due to COVID. I know most of the staff there and... View more

Hi everyone, Lately i've been feeling a crippling sense of what I think could be social anxiety or some branch of it. For example, the other day I went back to the gym as it reopened after being closed due to COVID. I know most of the staff there and I'm an avid gym goer, so the gym environment has always been a comfortable space for me. However, I was somewhat feeling a little nervous - maybe excited nerves? Anyway, as I got there, the gym owner and club manager were there as they usually are, and there's something about them that subconsciously makes me feel a little awkward or intimidated, however usually I never let it get to me and i'm friendly enough to carry conversation well. They greeted me and then had to take my temperature due to the new COVID regulations, and my temperature was over 37 degrees! They said they couldn't let me in until I cooled down a bit, so I stood there for a while as they chatted to me (I was already uncomfortable/embarrassed at this stage). After about 5 minutes, they took my temperature again and I was even hotter than before! I felt so embarrassed and awkward, and sat there and waited another 10 minutes on my own. I couldn't understand why I was getting so heated when talking to them, when usually I don't have trouble talking to people. The next day I was at the apple store, and the security guard pulled out a thermometer to take my temperature before I entered (which I wasn't expecting), and my heart skipped a beat and started pounding faster. It triggered the memory I had had the day before about the thermometer. A few days later, when I decided I would train again at the gym, I felt anxious all morning about it. I didn't want to see those workers again, let alone have my temperature taken again. As I approached reception, I felt jittery and nervous, but luckily my temperature was under 37 degrees this time. However, the the gym owner made a comment about how it had decreased from last time (which made me feel embarrassed) and he then started talking to me about my training - I could feel myself burning up as we chatted. When I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror after our chat I noticed bright red blotches on my neck! I usually get these temporary blotches when anxiety hits my body hard. What is happening to me?? I love my gym but now I get an anxious feeling about it due to this stupid experience Can anyone relate/give tips? Much appreciated

Slippers Am I to blame? ( I have nagging anxiety)
  • replies: 17

Last week my 90-year-old mother fell over onto her buttocks. She her hand was bleeding a little bit and she was winded but otherwise unhurt. I was upstairs at the time; I heard the crash and came racing down to see what had happened. I have three sis... View more

Last week my 90-year-old mother fell over onto her buttocks. She her hand was bleeding a little bit and she was winded but otherwise unhurt. I was upstairs at the time; I heard the crash and came racing down to see what had happened. I have three sisters and I did not think Mums fall warranted a call to them to say what had happened. A few days later one of my sisters calls Mum to ask her how she was. When she found out she texted me saying “she was disappointed that I hadn’t called her to let her know what had happened, and that I only think of myself”. I tried to call my sister but she would not accept my call. I then texted her and asked her to call when she had a chance and she responded by saying why should she. I wanted a chance to explain my reasons why not to call, I did not think it was a big deal Mum was not badly hurt I texted her back saying “at the end of the day Mum was okay” she responded with “yes and at the end of the day that I do not think anything of my 3 sisters” I did not react or respond to that. Though later on I did burst into tears on what had happened, delayed shock I guess or the nasty words texted to me. I really do not want to call my sister only again so she can have another go at me. I did try her and call but she would not accept my call. Right or wrong, I think I did the right for everyone. However, I would like to know what everyone else thinks. I have had a rocky relationship that was on the mend, it took this one thing and my sister was bringing up things in the past that are not a part of this

KK7 Health anxiety
  • replies: 2

Good morning everyone soo ive been on medication for 3 weeks now to help with my anxiety, it’s starting to help, I’ve noticed my anxiety is health related now. I’m still struggling with my body and how It hurts. I’ve had a sinus infection that has be... View more

Good morning everyone soo ive been on medication for 3 weeks now to help with my anxiety, it’s starting to help, I’ve noticed my anxiety is health related now. I’m still struggling with my body and how It hurts. I’ve had a sinus infection that has been going on for 4 months now and I’m patiently waiting to see ENT. My eyes are still straining constantly I’m not sure if this is anxiety or what but my eyes are still straining to see,I’m still trying to fix my shoulder it has a pinched nerve on the left side, physio is helping with that but it takes time. I’m struggling to keep up with my house work cause I’m scared moving the wrong way will set something off and make my body hurt. How does everyone else cope with health anxiety ? Just looking for some advice please. thank you heaps!

Mumofnah Tiredness from anxiety
  • replies: 7

Hello all, Im just interested to see if anybody else is suffering from being tired most days from anxiety. I feel it mostly in the early afternoon and can barely stay awake and I don’t have a overly busy lifestyle. I just want energy.... any suggesti... View more

Hello all, Im just interested to see if anybody else is suffering from being tired most days from anxiety. I feel it mostly in the early afternoon and can barely stay awake and I don’t have a overly busy lifestyle. I just want energy.... any suggestions?

Nadia_E Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Suffering anxiety 2 years and has become a phobia I can’t go anywhere I’m scared and don’t know how to cope

Suffering anxiety 2 years and has become a phobia I can’t go anywhere I’m scared and don’t know how to cope

Goldenrod Disassociated Life
  • replies: 5

Hi. I'm a single male in my early 40s, and I feel like I've been using escaspism my whole life to create a false reality for myself, at the detriment of gaining any real world social skills. This week, I had a breakdown once I realised how impossible... View more

Hi. I'm a single male in my early 40s, and I feel like I've been using escaspism my whole life to create a false reality for myself, at the detriment of gaining any real world social skills. This week, I had a breakdown once I realised how impossible it all was. I've used daydreams as a means of escape ever since I was a kid, imagining I was having conversations and adventures starting with fictional characters, then celebrities. Lately, though, I'd started becoming obsessed with online content creators that I liked, and imagined that I was close friends with many of them. Of course, since they can now have actual conversations with us, it feels like a more "real" connection than ever. I understand why I've done this - my real life has been mostly unfulfilling work, little real social interaction, and a lack of any professional skills. I kept telling myself that I would eventually pick up the slack and apply muself, but there always seemed to be some kind of reason not to. I realised this week that there is absolutely no way of having any real connection with these people, at least not in the way I had built up in my mind, and it has DEVASTATED me. I now can't even THINK of watching any of their stuff any more! What's worse, is that while I was still struggling to come up with a way of reaching out to them, I tried to do something creative online, but as soon as I tried, my mind said "What are you doing? You can't join in now! It's too late! Give up!" And as soon as that thought popped into my mind, I instantly lost all joy in EVERYTHING creative that I used to love, like movies, games, books, music... and of course, online videos are WAY OUT. I feel like I've wasted the majority of my life on an imaginary one. I feel foolish, selfish, creepy and more isolated than ever. My sleep cycle has gone out the window. I'm suffering anxiety attacks, and can't focus on anything longer than 5 minutes. I have no real plans for the future now, apart from seeing a doctor next week; I'm hoping to get a referral to a professional. I'm so scared that I'm going to spend the rest of my life in some sort of mental care facility, as this feels like my ENTIRE LIFE has been built on lies I told myself. And my mind keeps tricking me, circling back to these obsessions with fake people without me even realising it, because I've become so used to this trick that I don't think I can make it stop... What do I do now?!?

LuckyFrog Hoping this is the right section - Self Worth lacking - Toxic Cycle - Stuck
  • replies: 8

Hi everyone, Not really sure if this falls under anxiety. I've been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety for a few years now. Seems I had the feelings long before reaching out to a doctor. In the past 3 years, I was seeking help and felt I had slowly got ... View more

Hi everyone, Not really sure if this falls under anxiety. I've been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety for a few years now. Seems I had the feelings long before reaching out to a doctor. In the past 3 years, I was seeking help and felt I had slowly got better, but now I'm falling back again and it feels worse than before. My PTSD/upbringing has conditioned my brain into thinking that no matter what I do, I have to second guess myself and my brain goes into overdrive and will process every possible scenario in the most pessimistic way. I realised I lack self-worth/love and don't know where to begin this healing process. For 29 years I've been reinforced the fact that I'm not worthy or whatever I do isn't enough. It has affected my career, social life and personal relationships. I always avoid applying for jobs because I don't meet those expectations and requirements, it's like I have told myself I've failed before even trying. This affects my lack of income and deters me away from spending time socially. More importantly, I realised with every relationship I get into, I always push the other person away indirectly. Due to my neediness/sensitivity and low self-esteem. I noticed I tend to get jealous easily and ask or say stupid things to get a reaction so I can validate maybe I would be worth something to someone. I don't want to be this way, it's not fair on the other person and it does my head in. It's such a toxic behaviour and I can't stand putting myself into a situation where I can feel worse or make someone else feel bad. These issues lead me to break down randomly and random extremely negative thoughts. For the past few months, I have this empty feeling in my chest - where I feel like I'm surrounded by darkness and the feeling of being heartbroken - but is consistently there and does not go away. I often break down on my drives out of nowhere and cry a lot. I tried searching online for a long time for an answer but can't seem to find anything related to how I feel our this issue of toxic behaviour cycling around and not stopping. I need help, but don't know where to start. Has anyone felt this way? Understand this situation? I don't want to be toxic the person who's toxic in a relationship. Anyone know how I can help or where to start without it costing me an arm and a leg? I'm desperate as it feels like everyday I'm falling further and further.

_hoggers What is the point of life and third person living
  • replies: 3

I'm not suicidal but i don't understand what the point of life is. I have been having more regular and significant intrusive thoughts lately, all along the lines of what life is about, what the point of trying is, things like that. I have also been e... View more

I'm not suicidal but i don't understand what the point of life is. I have been having more regular and significant intrusive thoughts lately, all along the lines of what life is about, what the point of trying is, things like that. I have also been experiencing feeling like im watching myself throughout the day, almost as if its from a third person view. I feel like i dont know what im saying, why im saying it, or even that im actually the person experiencing whats happening to me? How do i deal with this?