
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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CHNN Anxiety over past actions and trauma (Strong Content)
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone, I was very hesitant to post anything here because even the idea of discussing my problems is giving me anxiety. I have been suffering severe anxiety for several months (I have had anxiety and depression for most of my life) including anx... View more

Hi everyone, I was very hesitant to post anything here because even the idea of discussing my problems is giving me anxiety. I have been suffering severe anxiety for several months (I have had anxiety and depression for most of my life) including anxiety attacks and strong, intrusive thoughts. I was bullied for most of high school and in year 9 when I was pushed by one of these bullies I snapped and assaulted him with a weapon. Afterwards I was sent from the police station to mental health suicide watch for 3 days. I have been able to move on with my life more or less but my anxiety over the event has resurfaced recently. I was sentenced to probation and counselling but I could never reconcile the event or how I really feel about what happened. I wish I could of sworn at him or stood up for myself, anything other than attacking him. I have anxiety about thinking about how I SHOULD think about the incident. The event was mentioned in the local paper and a news article is still online. I have intrusive thoughts and compulsions about reading the article or otherwise searching for information about the event. I tell myself that I shouldnt feed my compulsion but another part tells me I should read it. Which gives me more anxiety. I have suffered with anxiety, depression, autism and suicide attempts my entire life. In a perfect world I would like to seek treatment, but I have had bad experiences with useless psychologist and medication that has given me side affects. I have no support network, my father is suffering bad PTSD and my mother has anxiety, I feel like telling them about my problems will only exacerbate theirs, and that's the last thing they need. Thank You for reading, I hope that any answers given in this page could also help others.

Sienna18 Debilitating health anxiety
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Does anyone else experience debilitating physical symptoms of anxiety? One night I ended up in the hospital due to constant heart palpitations and tachycardia. I had bloods and numerous ECGs done and was told it must just be anxiety since nothing cam... View more

Does anyone else experience debilitating physical symptoms of anxiety? One night I ended up in the hospital due to constant heart palpitations and tachycardia. I had bloods and numerous ECGs done and was told it must just be anxiety since nothing came back. But I can't shake the feeling that something is seriously wrong. I get intense palpitations where it feels like my heart stops and restarts over and over again. This sends me into a panic and my heart races, I feel sick, I tremble and just can't calm down. The fear of getting heart palpitations and the associated panic has meant that I literally can't focus on anything else besides how I'm feeling. I don't even like to go for a 10 minute walk because as soon as I feel my heart rate increasing, I freak out. I can't sleep, I can't study, I can't do anything. At night especially I get this really weird sensation in my stomach, that feels like its full of air/ churning like I'm hungry even though I'm not. It makes it feel like its difficult to breathe and it makes my heart beat more obvious. All I want to do is sleep and I can't even do that. I am seeing a psychologist and I have gone back to the Drs numerous times because I'm not convinced something isn't wrong. I'm getting more blood work, another ECG, and am going to see a cardiologist hopefully for peace of mind. This is controlling my life and I don't know how to go on.

KittyCat17 Pregnant and Anxiety through the roof
  • replies: 4

Hello all, I havent been on here for a couple of years now. I suffered quite bad GAD for around 2 years and thankfully through different techniques- seeing a psychologist and getting into healthier lifestyle patterns I managed to get pretty on top of... View more

Hello all, I havent been on here for a couple of years now. I suffered quite bad GAD for around 2 years and thankfully through different techniques- seeing a psychologist and getting into healthier lifestyle patterns I managed to get pretty on top of it for the last couple of years. However, I recently found out I am pregnant and my anxiety has come back in FULL FORCE. This was a planned pregnancy but it happened a lot quicker than I thought it would. I am very grateful we have had no issues but I just cant believe how bad my anxiety has spiked since finding out. I have Emetophobia (fear of vomit) and I always knew there would be the chance of morning sickness but in my naïve self thought "ah I will deal with it when it comes". Now I am pregnant its an ALL consuming thought day in day out. I am halfway through 6 weeks - which is meant to be the week morning sickness starts and, although I havent really felt nauseous, I cannot stop thinking about it. I have also been really tired, which I know is a normal symptom, but again can't help this making me feel anxious as well! I am constantly on edge, my body is shaking every time I try to relax and my thoughts are all consuming. I keep googling numerous things online, which I know is bad, and that also has made things worse. I have been breaking down the last few nights thinking things like "maybe I shouldn't of done this" or "I am not ready for this but I can't get out of it now". This is all to do with control and its made me realize the way I dealt with my anxiety a couple of years ago was probably a form of taking control of my life and now its come back to bite me as I feel totally out of control now and its reared its ugly head again. I just wondered if anyone else had these feelings during pregnancy and what you did to overcome them? I keep thinking oh hopefully this will pass when I get into the second trimester, but thats not for another 6 weeks and I do not know how I will cope day in day out when I can barely function and its only been a week! At work its the worst because no one knows and I just dont want to talk to anyone. Then on the weekend I just want to hide away at home and not leave the house but I also know this isnt healthy

Zoley Does anyone else have Intuitive thoughts that seem to take over everything?
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, this is my first post on here. Ive been struggling with anxiety for about 8 months. It had gotten to the point where it was affecting every part of my life, I couldn’t control my brain and it felt like anxiety was controlling my life. I ... View more

Hi everyone, this is my first post on here. Ive been struggling with anxiety for about 8 months. It had gotten to the point where it was affecting every part of my life, I couldn’t control my brain and it felt like anxiety was controlling my life. I needed help so I started therapy about 6 months ago and started taking medication around 3 months ago. I’m still struggling and lately it’s most days I feel like anxiety is winning, not me. ive tried all the breathing techniques, I’ve even tried yoga and am currently trying to be motor physically active because I really used to enjoy that. does anyone have any tips to help control anxiety? Any help would be appreciated. I guess it helps to know that I’m not alone

Guest_245 Thoughts on Corona Pandemic VS Social Anxiety
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My Pandemic VS Social Anxiety Opinion I will be honest that during the corona virus pandemic it has really shown me that isolating at home hasn't bothered me because before this, I have always been a home body and I have made no effort before this pa... View more

My Pandemic VS Social Anxiety Opinion I will be honest that during the corona virus pandemic it has really shown me that isolating at home hasn't bothered me because before this, I have always been a home body and I have made no effort before this pandemic to socialise with people for my own lifestyle due to, what I now believe is because of social anxiety, and the mask wearing has been surprisingly comfortable to talk with as it disguises any embarrassment or awkwardness I would feel. Now, this just means that when restrictions ease again I feel I have alot of work ahead of me to try and open myself up to social opportunities with others. By this I mean to hopefully be willing to chat about peoples days and get to know them on a more personal life basis. What do you guys think on the mask wearing and isolation restrictions in 2020?

Soraya_A GAD/Chronophobia
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Hi, I'm a healthy 18 year old female isolated at home 24/7 who is currently experiencing severe anxiety and fear about the future and passing of time. It started 4 months ago, i don't know what triggered it. All i think about is the time and negative... View more

Hi, I'm a healthy 18 year old female isolated at home 24/7 who is currently experiencing severe anxiety and fear about the future and passing of time. It started 4 months ago, i don't know what triggered it. All i think about is the time and negative outcomes for the future. It's taking over my life I feel completely drained. Would like to hear similar experiences and any advice given to overcome this phobia of time.

quince Eating woes
  • replies: 38

Hey everyone, Just wondering if anyone has some ideas or suggestions to help me out. I'm a 30 year old woman, currently staying with my parents while I'm stuck here during the pandemic. Since the start of the year I've fallen back into old eating dis... View more

Hey everyone, Just wondering if anyone has some ideas or suggestions to help me out. I'm a 30 year old woman, currently staying with my parents while I'm stuck here during the pandemic. Since the start of the year I've fallen back into old eating disorder patterns. I've been well for the past 8 years, though admittedly the past 2 years have been up and down with restricting. I'm on a mental health care plan for depression, and have been working through things a bit with my psychologist, however a couple of weeks ago we decided it was best to get my GP involved as things haven't been improving. I saw my GP, and he wanted me to make a commitment to stop purging (such a shitty behaviour that I hate), and to make a partial disclosure about the issues I have with eating, so that I don't have to 'put on a show' in front of my parents that I am eating normally. So basically, I am seeing my GP again on Friday, and I have managed to achieve neither of these things I committed to. I am worried about what he will say/do next, and also just feeling really physically exhausted and tired of everything. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to talk to family about eating issues without feeling like you're a massive disappointment to them? Or just general words or reassurance? x quince

NicoleWatts New here and wanting some help/advice
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Hello. Im 26 and ive been having anxiety/derpession/adandoment issues for a few years now. Its hurting my relationship. I feel like im always letting my hisband And children down on a constant basis. Some days ill let the housework go And the house w... View more

Hello. Im 26 and ive been having anxiety/derpession/adandoment issues for a few years now. Its hurting my relationship. I feel like im always letting my hisband And children down on a constant basis. Some days ill let the housework go And the house will be messy. I loose my cool and get aggitated easily. I dont like being touched. I just need help or even need to talk to someone. Please

Andy999 Insomnia caused by anxiety.
  • replies: 4

Hey I’ll try make this brief. ive suffered from an anxiety disorder for some years now, and for a large period of that time I suffered from some insomnia too. some nights were better then others, some were terrible, but it was always there. I tried a... View more

Hey I’ll try make this brief. ive suffered from an anxiety disorder for some years now, and for a large period of that time I suffered from some insomnia too. some nights were better then others, some were terrible, but it was always there. I tried all sorts of techniques, some could be helpful. I know for a fact the only thing keeping me up was my anxiety about being able to fall asleep. It was rarely other general anxiety keeping me up. I found what worked best for me was just resting and telling myself “rest and better then nothing “ I’d feel calmer about the situation and fall asleep eventually. anyway I noticed it had been quite a while since I had these problems. After years of it bringing me down everyday I noticed I don’t even think about getting to sleep anymore. I’d gotten past this issue in my life. just realising this though sparked my anxiety, the anxious thought of “Could it start happening again” it kept eating at me all day. I tried to push it away tell myself it’s an unhelpful thought but there is where I lose the battle. It was already to late and it happened. It kept me up all lastnight I don’t know if I slept at all, and all night and now this morning all these worried thoughts come at me “will this be a thing again” “what if I can’t sleep anymore I won’t be able to go to work” even just looking at anything now my anxiety will find a way to relate anything to the ‘fact’ that I can’t sleep anymore. I just feel so powerless to the anxiety sometimes. I’m not in control, I see the problem but I’m struggling to take that control back. I am currently seeing a psych and that helped with understanding a lot but I’ve clearly got work to do. Just hoping people maybe had an input or some advice? thanks!

R_A Self confidence
  • replies: 8

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Recently I have been noticing that I have been finding it harder to control my worried thoughts. I catastrophiser about the future. Since about April or so I have always been worrying about ... View more

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Recently I have been noticing that I have been finding it harder to control my worried thoughts. I catastrophiser about the future. Since about April or so I have always been worrying about not being able to get a job after I graduate from uni and that all my peers are way better than me. I know that this is irrational and that I am probably at the same standard as my peers but I can't stop thinking about it. I have planned for the future if I don't get a job and constantly think about where I am going to live if I cannot afford to rent or buy a house. I also wonder whether my brothers would take me in if I ended up living on the street. I also stress that my friends do not actually like me and that they only invite me places because they do not know how to get rid of me. Can anyone give me some advice please if they have been in a similar situation? Thanks!