
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Eagle Ray Facing challenging health issues
  • replies: 13

I wasn’t sure where to put this post. Will just mention that for anyone with health anxiety it might be stressful, just so you are aware if you would prefer not to read it. As I’ve written elsewhere in the Trauma/PTSD section I’ve been diagnosed with... View more

I wasn’t sure where to put this post. Will just mention that for anyone with health anxiety it might be stressful, just so you are aware if you would prefer not to read it. As I’ve written elsewhere in the Trauma/PTSD section I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune liver disease. The specialist gave me fairly depressing info at the start, that I had about 10-12 years before I’d need a liver transplant to stay alive. Through my own research and a helpful support organisation I’ve learned this is not necessarily true, and many go on to live a fairly normal lifespan. So I felt like I was coping ok with it and there was hope. But over the last year or so I’ve experienced increasing periods of quite severe shortness of breath. Heart tests last year showed mitral valve regurgitation. Pulmonary hypertension (affecting the lungs) has an association with both the liver disease and mitral valve dysfunction. I’m going to contact my GP for possible further testing as the symptoms are now worse than last year. But my reason for posting is if it is pulmonary hypertension the prognosis is not great. It’s described as a universally fatal disease and without treatment death can be in 2-3 years. I know I shouldn’t get ahead of myself and I know the initial info I was given on the liver disease was not entirely accurate, so if I do find out I’ve got pulmonary hypertension it’s not necessarily the end for me. But I just felt the need to post as I live alone and deal with all these things on my own. I have to advocate for myself with medical professionals but it feels such a lonely battle at times. I don’t tell much to friends or relatives as I don’t like to worry them or bring bad thoughts. But I’ve had the strong feeling in the last year and a half I’m facing my own mortality. I guess I just feel alone with it. Is anyone else dealing with similar issues and what strategies have helped you manage any health anxiety? I have a trauma history with a lot of very stressful experiences throughout my life and sometimes I feel like my body’s had enough and is packing it in.

M1ssjess89 I have convinced myself I have MS or a neurological disorder.
  • replies: 11

I feel absolutely ridiculous. This will be my third post. Since March I've had really weird symptoms and with the weird symptoms my anxiety has shot through the roof. Atleast 50% of the time I feel my body is in panic mode. I have a nervous/tight tum... View more

I feel absolutely ridiculous. This will be my third post. Since March I've had really weird symptoms and with the weird symptoms my anxiety has shot through the roof. Atleast 50% of the time I feel my body is in panic mode. I have a nervous/tight tummy, my chest is right so I find it hard to breath properly. I've been getting pins and needles or just rubbery feelings. It's never in a whole leg or a whole arm, it's just parts of it. So it'll be like a part of my hamstring, or a part of my calf muscle, or a couple toes. I also get random itches or skin crawling. I get skin crawling over my stomach. I have this sick feeling to my stomach something is so very wrong My doctor has given me a referral to see a neurologist in 2 weeks. I'm now so worried he will find something. My doctor thinks it's just my anxiety, but he'd rather give me the assurance. Do you think this is anixety? I cannot stop thinking and I'm so focused on every little physical symptom I'm feeling. I'm so scared. And I'm trying so hard to help myself. I keep busy, I lift weights and go for walks/runs. I eat well, sleep as well as I can. I do try breathing but I find it difficult. Mindfulness is something I absolutely avoid as I focus on the tingling. Right now I have tingling in my shoulder blades.

blues23 How do you deal with the monster in your head ?
  • replies: 9

As above im really struggling today , I did call up beyond blue , how do you deal with the destructive things in your head that tell you to do destructive things in order to cope with your anxiety? How do you cope ? I’m finding harder and harder ever... View more

As above im really struggling today , I did call up beyond blue , how do you deal with the destructive things in your head that tell you to do destructive things in order to cope with your anxiety? How do you cope ? I’m finding harder and harder every day to cope and be happy ( or at least pretend to be happy ) I have to have some sort of normal face in order so people can’t see how bad I actually am feeling

Gemmm9 New member with anxiety struggling at corporate job
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, I’m new here. I have battled with anxiety for what feels like the most of my life. I am 25 years old. I’ve been feeling VERY down lately and I think I may be experiencing depression. Out of the 7 days of the week, I would say I’m miserab... View more

Hi everyone, I’m new here. I have battled with anxiety for what feels like the most of my life. I am 25 years old. I’ve been feeling VERY down lately and I think I may be experiencing depression. Out of the 7 days of the week, I would say I’m miserable 6 days. I regularly exercise and eat a very healthy diet. I have a good support network of friends and family. My issue comes down to my own brain. I can’t switch off and worry about everything and anything. I had a really bad experience when I was 17 years old and my parents took me to see a psychologist. The psychologist immediately put me on medication. I was on anxiety medication for two years but I felt spaced out constantly and not myself at all. I was so airy fairy... My family and friends noticed that I was a completely different person. I was numb. i decided to get off the medication on my own and stop taking it ( would not recommend, I had terrible withdrawals and ended up in hospital) from then I always struggled with my anxiety. currently- I am in a corporate government job that is a highly stressful . I am struggling to communicate with colleagues. I feel I can’t make eye contact with anyone and whenever I need to present to a group, I am crippled with anxiety for days and cannot sleep properly. I am finding that I now struggle to remember words and I struggle to put sentences together. I wake up at least 8 times per night. I have lost all my confidence and I constantly worry people are thinking how dumb I am ( I understand this is irrational but that’s how I feel). I cry nearly every day after work. I have panic attacks on a weekly basis. I’m at the point where I have decided I need to quit my job and do something that is less stressful. some questions I’m hoping you all can help out with... 1) is there anyone on here who has left a corporate job due to anxiety and how did you feel in a less demanding job? Did you then find something else to ‘worry’ about or did it help you find peace? 2) has anyone had good experience with anxiety medication and would it be worthwhile me trying it again.. are all anxiety medication the same? Or could I find my ‘fit’? 3) any other thoughts/ comments would be appreciated Gemmm

Humpty Anxiety
  • replies: 8

I work in retail have done for 40 years but all of a sudden im finding when im at work i get bad anxiety and i freak out then i have to go home and now im too scared to go back to work

I work in retail have done for 40 years but all of a sudden im finding when im at work i get bad anxiety and i freak out then i have to go home and now im too scared to go back to work

Humpty Anxiety
  • replies: 5

Please give me any tips on how to control anxiety i actually call it the dragon

Please give me any tips on how to control anxiety i actually call it the dragon

Frustrated mumma Throat anxiety
  • replies: 5

Hi guys When I get anxious or am starting to have a panic attack I start thinking im either going to swallow my tongue or choke or my throat is going to close up. I honestly have no idea why I have these intrusive thoughts and I have no trauma etc to... View more

Hi guys When I get anxious or am starting to have a panic attack I start thinking im either going to swallow my tongue or choke or my throat is going to close up. I honestly have no idea why I have these intrusive thoughts and I have no trauma etc towards that area. Any advice on how to not let it affect me in my throat, tongue etc? I'm so over it

Janeie Work relations
  • replies: 4

I’ve been feeling really crap lately.For weeks. Work has been really stressful and crazy. I’ve been almost a breaking point. Constant anxiety.I like my boss, we get on well. But she is a micromanager and a procrastinator.Recently she overheard me tal... View more

I’ve been feeling really crap lately.For weeks. Work has been really stressful and crazy. I’ve been almost a breaking point. Constant anxiety.I like my boss, we get on well. But she is a micromanager and a procrastinator.Recently she overheard me talking about her to her boss. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed. The work environment is toxic. Everyone talks about everyone.I hate myself for behaving that way. My self esteem is so low. My stress so high,it is almost as though I was feeling so bad I set out to create a reason.I just want to curl in a ball and hide forever.

cacti Can't socialize for my own good
  • replies: 6

Greetings guys!I have been experiencing social difficulties for as long as my family and I can remember, which has been worsening by the year since adolescence. I've never had a net improvement even when I am motivated to try. I'm 16 and likely going... View more

Greetings guys!I have been experiencing social difficulties for as long as my family and I can remember, which has been worsening by the year since adolescence. I've never had a net improvement even when I am motivated to try. I'm 16 and likely going to attend university away from home in one year or so but I still can't hold the most basic conversation with peers and strangers. I struggle to buy groceries and order food in a restaurant despite planning what to say before hand -- the words either turn into gibberish or just disappear from my head completely because of how preoccupied I am by the fear of not expressing everything right. I have no close friends, because as others say and I quote, I look difficult to approach. But I make sure I'm as polite as possible all the time and can't figure out what is unpleasant about me. Because of this I am always the least informed in school. It worries me that I might not be able to live very well on my own since I can't interact with the outside world and will have no one to lend me help when needed. I'm so lost on this.

Doris1 My Anxiety Story
  • replies: 1

Hi to anyone who actually reads this, So I think I'm writing this not to actually get help or advice (although i would still love it) i think I'm just kinda writing to get it all off my chest. With my anxiety, I go through what I like to call "episod... View more

Hi to anyone who actually reads this, So I think I'm writing this not to actually get help or advice (although i would still love it) i think I'm just kinda writing to get it all off my chest. With my anxiety, I go through what I like to call "episodes". These so-called episodes started in my first year at high school- year 7. The first couple of episodes started with me really intensely worrying about one certain thing. I remember the first episode was me worrying about Suicide, like really worrying myself sick. I would cry every night to my mum and dad scared of this certain thing, worried i might do it or something. Which is silly anxiety, is what I call it. But eventually, as i kept on living and thinking of other things and just doing life again, I'd forget about it and then look back and think " Yep that was a silly thing to think about". And then I would have another episode, this time i worried about being a lesbian. Silly i know that now, because there would be nothing wrong if i was a lesbian, in fact i think i might be attracted to women and of course that doesn't worry me at all now. I had a couple more silly anxiety episodes after that, about two every year i guess, but they would only last up to a month max. Some that i remember where ending my life, being a lesbian, having cancer (that was a reoccurring one), identity crisis... i just never felt like myself during the silly anxiety episodes. I always remember every single time i was in an episode it would always end up with me crying my eyes sore on my bedroom floor and sobbing to myself, "Why cant i just feel normal" every. single. time. But they where never debilitating worries, it never stopped me from going to school or having fun with friends or worrying about anything else other than that specific thing. THEN, i don't think i will ever forget this episode, it is something like i have never experienced, they only way I can describe it is this- You are in a test and you getting that flighty panicky feeling when you forget the answers and you searching trying to find it but you start to panic your head gets light and you feel the walls start closing in. This feeling is how i felt everyday for just over 3 months, there was never any break. I felt like i didn't sleep the entire time. It was the scariest time of my life, scared that i was gonna be in this panic mode for the rest of my life. (continues to next post)