
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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CMF Terrified of losing teeth and extreme dental anxiety
  • replies: 32

I went to the dentist last November after not having been for many, many, many years. I have straight, white teeth so thought I didn't need to go however notices tartar build up and a slightly wobbly front tooth so the panic made me go. I had x rays ... View more

I went to the dentist last November after not having been for many, many, many years. I have straight, white teeth so thought I didn't need to go however notices tartar build up and a slightly wobbly front tooth so the panic made me go. I had x rays & full check up. I was told that my teeth are actually quite good, good colour and I have no bone loss however have gum recession from over brushing and a build up of plaque under the gums. I had a clean done and was to go back after a few weeks for another clean which I did not as xmas approached a things got a bit busy. I went back for another apt as a tooth was bothering me and saw a different dentist as my apt got mixed up. i told him my gum recession freaks me out, he assured me by changing how im brushing and by flossing it can be controlled and he has seen 10 times worse, not to worry. I felt he was very thorough in his explanations and decided to see him again when a tooth was bothering me. Upon examination he told I have gum disease which the first one didn't tell me. I was shocked. I had the choice of going to a periodontist who can perform a procedure to clean under the gums (this freaked me out) or have 3 monthly cleans a the dentist surgery to try and improve. if no improvement or it gets worse I will need a periodontist. i opted for he 3 monthly appts. I had the 1st clean a month ago. the hygienist was very happy he was able o get right under the gums and told me he could see no tooth movement and flossing has probably stabalised it. I told him of my anxiety over losing teeth, he told me I would not lose any in this lifetime! Last week my son had 4 wisdom teeth out, this caused some anxiety in me and my front top gums started to sting. I thought I flossed too hard. there is no redness, bleeding or swelling,they look fine. it is one area and I'm freaking out, thinking it is bacteria/plaque eating away at my teeth. it does stop sometimes ie when I eat or chew gum. out for dinner last night I had a panic that I wold need the periodontist procedure even though the dentist was happy a month ago. after having dinner it eased up and i relaxed as i spoke about it. I know someone who had painful stinging lips for months due to stress. I'm thinking of going back to dentist this week but don't want unnecessary things done. all this is giving me anxiety and panic. Its making me sick. I'm scared to go back and I'm scared to do nothing. cmf

Beaser Not talking about my anxiety around friends when you want to open up.
  • replies: 14

Hi and best wishes. When im around friends everything seems better . I forget and relax and dont tend to be honest about how tough im doing things. When im home alone things really hit me and i get distraught again and i wish i had of opened up about... View more

Hi and best wishes. When im around friends everything seems better . I forget and relax and dont tend to be honest about how tough im doing things. When im home alone things really hit me and i get distraught again and i wish i had of opened up about just how hard im finding things .. Ive made a decision to be honest with people but i dont because im feeling ok at the time. I was wondering do other people have similar experiences. Brett

Balvason2 First time in ages...
  • replies: 2

Hi All, Firstly, couldn't remember what email address I signed up with last time so had to start this shiney new account. This is the first time in ages that I have felt like this. But I recognise it. Tight twisted stomach. Thinking everyone is talki... View more

Hi All, Firstly, couldn't remember what email address I signed up with last time so had to start this shiney new account. This is the first time in ages that I have felt like this. But I recognise it. Tight twisted stomach. Thinking everyone is talking about you behind your back. Feeling like I'm stuffing up the smallest things... Support at home is ok for a bit, but even though I'm supposed to allow her ages to get over stuff I have to snap too. I hate this. I'm a Project Manager for a company that works in Defence space. It can be a little stressful but I have taken so many steps to ensure it wouldn't be like last time. But now it's starting to manifest its ugly self in different ways. I'm starting to forget so much. Work things, family things. I even forgot to walk down and pick up my 7 year old son today. And with everyone in the house by 5pm I have the shortest fuse. Has anyone had success either talking to a professional? I've never tried. Friends, wish I had even one of those. Sorry for blurting, I don't even know what's going on or understand... Thanks C

Aussie96 How are you overcoming your Anxiety?
  • replies: 4

I am talking to my therapist about my anxiety. She is really helping me escape from my world of anxiety. If you need to talk there are many therapists and counselors even websites just remember you are not alone.

I am talking to my therapist about my anxiety. She is really helping me escape from my world of anxiety. If you need to talk there are many therapists and counselors even websites just remember you are not alone.

Panic90 My new colleague is triggering my anxiety
  • replies: 5

Background: I have anxiety and PTSD mainly as a result of my previous job. I started a new role in an office job about 12 months ago and it's been going great. About three months ago, a new person started in my team. Her behaviour triggers my anxiety... View more

Background: I have anxiety and PTSD mainly as a result of my previous job. I started a new role in an office job about 12 months ago and it's been going great. About three months ago, a new person started in my team. Her behaviour triggers my anxiety and PTSD quite badly. She talks a mile a minute, all day and in a loud voice. It leaves my head spinning and I often have to go and sit in the bathroom for some quiet. She will also suddenly exclaim something loudly which frightens me. She constantly walks up behind me and just starts talking which also frightens me. She talks endlessly about how worried we should all be about losing our jobs, how XYZ boss seems angry at you etc etc. Very doom and gloom which also sends me into a spiral worrying. How can I deal with this person? I'm not at all assertive. I've made a few albeit weak attempts to have her stop talking to/at me constantly but nothing gets through. I feel like I'm spending more and more time sitting in the bathroom hiding from her than working.

jessepinkmanfan my class is starting to bully me and it won't change
  • replies: 3

so i'm in the middle of my high school years and i've been at my current school since the start of 2022 since i left my old school for a similar reason. i'm a quite loud, open person who overshares and usually people aren't big fans of that, which i ... View more

so i'm in the middle of my high school years and i've been at my current school since the start of 2022 since i left my old school for a similar reason. i'm a quite loud, open person who overshares and usually people aren't big fans of that, which i can understand, so i try to work on my voice level and stuff. well, my class liked me for a bit, but then since the start of term 3 people have just started to be mean and snappy to me. i haven't even done anything.... and half my class had gone against me and talked about me and my mental health behind my back. they say i use it for an "excuse" for everything (i have a GAD and am always in a really low mood/have suicidal thoughts). they also make fun of my loud/people pleasing habits and at that point i have tried to change how i act to my class. it's really not fair. i don't like feeling like i have to walk on eggshells just to make OTHER PEOPLE not be mean to me. i can't just "stand up for myself" or "ignore it" like everyone tells me to because it doesn't work that way. that won't automatically erase the problem. at least for me it won't. before everyone asks i've told teachers, counsellors, and my parents and the school says they'll "deal with it" (this happened a week ago and they have not "dealt with it") and my parents say i need to ignore it and stand up for myself since they're not going to move me again. i know it sounds really petty but i'm hypersensitive so this is why it made me mad, i wrote a happy birthday thing on the whiteboard for my favourite celebrities since the class did that a lot and so did i, and someone genuinely yelled across the room really rudely and told me to rub it off cause "nobody cares". nobody in this class except like 5 people talk to me anymore. i feel like i'm only there in class to be judged by everyone else. i don't like feeling like me always feeling like i don't want to go on is unnatural and i should "fix it". my next psychology appointment is this afternoon but i feel like i should let everything out on here because i really want to cry and just never go to school again because of this. i hate my school so much.

Thesunwillcomeup Personal Embrassment/Worry - What If
  • replies: 3

I have struggled on and off with Anxiety since I was a teenager. I've had professional help, medication etc.. to control and place mechanisms in place to better understand and deal with larger and smaller attacks I have. I continue too struggle with ... View more

I have struggled on and off with Anxiety since I was a teenager. I've had professional help, medication etc.. to control and place mechanisms in place to better understand and deal with larger and smaller attacks I have. I continue too struggle with controlling and dealing with the "what if" the comes from both decisions and actions I take. I understand and accept this is a normal reaction and a healthy reaction ( emotion realisation is important ), but when irrational "what if" starts pushing through the rational, I continue to struggle. Two nights ago, I made a silly personally decision. I was alone and bored in a city away from my home, and decided to go to adult entertainment club. I have zero confidence and self belief, so I'm an easy target for the pushy ladies. When pressured I said yes to a dance. But before it happened, as I when to pay I decided to just walk out without telling her. Straight my "what if" kicked in. Will she look me up and socially embrassment me, will she ring my employer (stupid me, no confidence, used my real name and occupation) etc.. Then later, my "what if" when into overdrive. The owners of the club are underworld figures, will they use the cameras to face match me, find me etc... Now I never got a dance etc.. so I didn't owe or steal anything, but I did say yes, then walked out instead. Please can anyone provide me with a rational argument/though pattern to this anxiety. I accept the stupidity is on me, and I put myself in a vulnerable situation (I guess I was testing myself), but I hate that still with all the help/support, my brain will always revert to the negative irrational conclusion of worry. Help and support Is much appreciate

Diane100 Workout anxiety
  • replies: 4

I had a personal trainer quite a while ago. I saw him two times a week because of a beauty paegent. When the paegent finished, I still kept training with him for my health. Although he was a nice guy, he made some comments that made me feel uncomfort... View more

I had a personal trainer quite a while ago. I saw him two times a week because of a beauty paegent. When the paegent finished, I still kept training with him for my health. Although he was a nice guy, he made some comments that made me feel uncomfortable or topics of conversation. Even as far as poking me which I do not feel comfortable about. With that reason in mind as well as the fact that it was expensive and I had gotten the hang of it, I quit the personal trainer. The problem is I have severe anxiety attending the gym while he is there. I’m fine when I’m on my own but since it is a small gym, I feel very awkward because I quit him. I’m a people pleaser and I get extreme anxiety thinking he’s judging my routine and I get very conscious about what I’m doing. I can’t handle the awkwardness that I quit him but it’s the only nearby gym and the other gym is either too expensive or it has other people I know in my personal life attending there. It gives me anxiety because I worry people are laughing at me either because I don’t know what I’m doing or that my body isn’t good enough to be going to the gym. I don’t know how to overcome this fear.

Max15 Always looking forward
  • replies: 5

Not sure if I should be on this forum. I'm always looking forward and never satisfied with now. It has affected my previous marriage and is now affecting my new relationship. I have nothing to be sad about, I have a great relationship (as I did previ... View more

Not sure if I should be on this forum. I'm always looking forward and never satisfied with now. It has affected my previous marriage and is now affecting my new relationship. I have nothing to be sad about, I have a great relationship (as I did previously) I have a beautiful house, good job but can't get my head to be satisfied. I never feel good enough. Not sure what to do or if I really need to do anything except ignore.

EllyJoy work anxiety
  • replies: 2

I have always struggled with Anxiety and Jobs. I have been working since 2014. In that time I have moved workplaces 6 times. (2 hairdressing jobs and 4 childcare jobs) Currently I feel like I am carrying around a big rock in my chest, caused by my fe... View more

I have always struggled with Anxiety and Jobs. I have been working since 2014. In that time I have moved workplaces 6 times. (2 hairdressing jobs and 4 childcare jobs) Currently I feel like I am carrying around a big rock in my chest, caused by my feelings towards work. I also feel that I have experienced some workplace bullying recently. I have recently been so uncomfortable at work that I couldn't eat any meals until night-time, and even then not much. It's affected my sleep and my wellbeing.I have reduced my work hours. I work in Early Education and always put on my best front for the children, being kind, friendly and caring. But i feel so burnt out doing this work and being uncomfortable at work because of poor relationship with my boss is making me feel awful. I also feel guilty because I feel I shouldn't be working children if I feel this way.I volunteered 6 months of this year doing Administration with an aged care charity which was very refreshing. It was a calm and quiet environment, and much easier on my body. Every time it comes to making a real change, taking a new industry job or moving on I just get paralysed by fear of change. So I end up getting burnt out, taking a new childcare job, hoping for better. But it never works out. I'm also just afraid that the problem is me and that I'll never find a job where I am happy. I have lots of hobbies that I love, so my job doesn't need to be the end all and be all. What really want to do is just quit. I want to rest in bed for a week. Go back to volunteering, work causally and try out some different industries. If have read this, thank you. I feel so lost.