
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Monswa My anxiety journey with physical symptoms
  • replies: 5

Hey all. How you going? Silly question, Guess if you are reading this, you also suffering from anxiety too haha. Nice to know I ain't alone. I was hit with terrible terrible anxiety a few years back. One night my breathing went all gdhdndkdm. Had no ... View more

Hey all. How you going? Silly question, Guess if you are reading this, you also suffering from anxiety too haha. Nice to know I ain't alone. I was hit with terrible terrible anxiety a few years back. One night my breathing went all gdhdndkdm. Had no idea why I could not breathe. Many visits to the GP, ER and specialist. 3 years of it. Trying and hoping again and again numerous tests etc etc etc etc etc haha. Only to realise I do indeed just have a massive anxiety disorder that keeps me believing there is something seriously wrong with me. Been in and out of hell. So long and many GP, ER visits and of course nothing came out of then leading to me being terrified that I am being horrifically discriminated by the healthcare system. That becomes part of my paranoia mental illness issue. So anxiety and paranoia and then also extreme depression. Yep, just about all the mental illnesses out there I have. Tick tick. Now just last week I began having heaps of heart palpitations. Again visited GPS, ER and etc. Again. Its anxiety which of course I didn't believe. Still trying to figure out if its anxiety or not exactly. Lucky I have internal tablets to help with them as the GP today would not give me even a simple script to stop those annoying boom booms in my chest. I would love to support and hear other peoples stories. Tell me your stories. Happy to chat to you all any time. Let's support each other to finally get this terrible mental disease under control and gain back our old happy lives. Luv ya alls. You are not alone. CheersMonswa

ash1976 Do not know If i have been exposed to HIV
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone hope someone could help. So, I am 26 Year old Male and recently I have engaged in outercourse, some of the activites were protected (with a condom), others were not. I do not know the HIV status of the Woman. I did not happen to notice if... View more

Hi everyone hope someone could help. So, I am 26 Year old Male and recently I have engaged in outercourse, some of the activites were protected (with a condom), others were not. I do not know the HIV status of the Woman. I did not happen to notice if there is any would on her hand and i am afraid what if there might be one, but self doubt is kicking in and I am imagining if she did , but half certain that she did not . I am just freaking OUT , please help and advise if I have a chance of getting HIV . or was there any risk behaviour that has happened for HIV to transmit.

Simoney Grinding teeth
  • replies: 3

I’ve started really grinding my teeth in the last few months and straining my jaw. I started on medication late last year but I’m not sure if it’s helping with my anxiety. Im not sure what to do about teeth grinding but it’s getting painful and I’m w... View more

I’ve started really grinding my teeth in the last few months and straining my jaw. I started on medication late last year but I’m not sure if it’s helping with my anxiety. Im not sure what to do about teeth grinding but it’s getting painful and I’m worried about damaging my teeth

Louj Swallowing Problems - Anxiety?
  • replies: 3

Hello all! I’m looking for some help and or suggestions maybe anyone who is going through the same issues as myself. I’ve always had anxiety but managed it well for many years. One day 3 weeks ago I just started to feel like I was choking on my food,... View more

Hello all! I’m looking for some help and or suggestions maybe anyone who is going through the same issues as myself. I’ve always had anxiety but managed it well for many years. One day 3 weeks ago I just started to feel like I was choking on my food, like it would catch in my throat. From there it’s just gotten worse - that anxiety loop where you fear it, become scared of the sensation - so it keeps going. It’s really scary and at the point where I am eating minimal daily and loosing weight rapidly. The doctor has put me on Lovan to help but it’s only day 3. I’ve had this before many years ago but cannot remember how I recovered. This time unfortunately feels worse & I’m struggling to cope. I’m not even getting hungry anymore as my stomach just have shrunk so much. I know it’s all phycological as I can drink water normally and sometimes food then BAM I get that choking feeling and back to square one.Hoping to share these feelings with others that may be dealing with this.Thanks in advance 🫶🏻

Billy105 Loud buzzing in my head
  • replies: 3

I've been experiencing bad anxiety lately due to the effects of an anti inflammatory steroid that I took for post covid symptoms. Since then I feel like the anxiety has steadily gotten worse and I've now developed Tinnitus from what I suspect is flui... View more

I've been experiencing bad anxiety lately due to the effects of an anti inflammatory steroid that I took for post covid symptoms. Since then I feel like the anxiety has steadily gotten worse and I've now developed Tinnitus from what I suspect is fluid in my ears. This has in turn increased my anxiety and it now have a loud buzzing/crickets noise in my head which I know is from the anxiety but it's also making my anxiety worse because I'm scared it won't go away. I'm off to the GP on Monday but in the meantime, how do reduce this? I'm so scared and my anxiety is now out of control and I feel like I'm spiralling out of control and in a vicious circle of being anxious about my anxiety. Hoping I'm not the only one experiencing this in my head.

GingerMegs Not Happy Anymore
  • replies: 15

Hi everyone I am drained and don't have much energy, I believe I am getting mental and emotionally abused and my partner is trying use my son against me, so she can keep me in the house I'm always doing everything in the house and making sure that th... View more

Hi everyone I am drained and don't have much energy, I believe I am getting mental and emotionally abused and my partner is trying use my son against me, so she can keep me in the house I'm always doing everything in the house and making sure that the kids a clean dressed and ready to go to bed all that but it's still not good enough and my step daughter is a piece of work I tell her about her daughter how rude and disrespectful she is towards me then she just disregards it like it's nothing, I told her yesterday I wanted to leave because of her not treating me well then she brings up my past and says you're mother was a drug addict which she was, when I was 18 I never seen her ever again she uses everything against me even my little son saying I hurt him which I didn't 2 years ago I was holding him in my arm and she pulled him out of my hands and he was screaming and she wants to blame that on me, I'm lost and don't know what to do and I don't think anyone is going to believe me that I have been mentally abused a bloke as far as society is concerned that doesn't happen to males and women get abused.

DanieleM Fear of swallowing food. Even soup sometimes
  • replies: 8

I have been having this issue forever a year now. I feel the trigger was an important life event. I recognise it to be anxiety but I am seriously struggling. Even eating soup I have to chew and keep moving food in my mouth and make it smaller and sma... View more

I have been having this issue forever a year now. I feel the trigger was an important life event. I recognise it to be anxiety but I am seriously struggling. Even eating soup I have to chew and keep moving food in my mouth and make it smaller and smaller. Sometimes, it takes me 30 minutes to finish a small meal. I am really tired of it. I feel like not going out and meet people.

TheWayfarer Anxiety and Swallowing Difficulities
  • replies: 41

Hey everyone, My mental health really went off the rails at the end of last year where I had a massive choking incident. I was lying down eating chocolate (it was the holidays, but I learned now not to do that ever again) and a few seconds later I fe... View more

Hey everyone, My mental health really went off the rails at the end of last year where I had a massive choking incident. I was lying down eating chocolate (it was the holidays, but I learned now not to do that ever again) and a few seconds later I felt like I was suffocating.Then I had another choking incident only a week later - and after that... everything changed. I couldn't eat or drink anything. The sight of food and drink alone would send shivers down my spine and I'd internally panic even contemplating on trying to consume it - getting flashbacks and visualising that I'd end up choking like I did in the past. I went to my GP and he prescribed be reflux medication, thinking it wasn't a big issue (it had hurt when I did manage to swallow something) and it was only meant to be used as a precaution to hopefully ensure I didn't get any severe oesophageal issues in the future with my repetitive vomitting). But try as I did, the thought of swallowing anything made me incredibly nervous. It got so bad, it came to some weeks where i didn't have anything but water. My body ached, my head felt dizzy and my life just turned out for the worst. I couldn't work, I couldn't leave the house and I couldn't see anyone apart from medical professionals. Everytime I swallowed it'd be painful and I'd be paralysed by my anxiety for hours before even contemplating on having anything to eat or drink. Fast forward to now, I did all the tests (barium swallows, gastroscopies, had a tube down my nose to check my throat just to make sure nothing physical is obstructing) and then after that got my diagnosis for health anxiety. I've been tested so much - I've lost 30kg, in a constant state of fatigue and I missed a lifetime opportunity to go on holidays with my friend crippled by the fact that I can't even swallow without thinking I'm going to choke or aspirate food/liquids (have food or liquid go down the lungs). My parents- who I live with work so hard and they are quite old and sick... I feel like I've been a burden to because I haven't been able to work and financially help out. We rent, but any point our tenants might raise the prices due and we could end up being homeless. I get chest pains, struggle to breathe and I'm constantly at medical appointments, psychologist or at the ED, scared my health is deteriorating - and I get a feeling they are all getting sick of me at this point because I haven't been improving and coming back with more and more concerns. Thanks for listening.

Kawooster Anxiety and Nicotine
  • replies: 7

Hi everyone! I’m a smoker (Yes, I know. I really need to quit) I have been smoking for about 12 years. Starting in late high school. recently, I would say in the last few months. Smoking has started to give me, what I assume are, panic attacks. I can... View more

Hi everyone! I’m a smoker (Yes, I know. I really need to quit) I have been smoking for about 12 years. Starting in late high school. recently, I would say in the last few months. Smoking has started to give me, what I assume are, panic attacks. I can’t explain it. It’s especially prominent with my first cigarette in the morning. My heart starts racing, feels like it skips a beat, very fast, etc. I generally have to stop halfway through, sit down and do breathing exercises for it to stop. It’s strange because it doesn’t happen every morning or every time I smoke, only a few times a week. this morning was one of the worst so far. Sparked my first morning smoke and about halfway through, I felt a strange feeling wash over my body, my heart started racing and feeling like it was fluttering and about to jump out of my chest. I also had a sense of impending doom and like I had to escape, even though I was in my apartment, which is my safe space. It scared the crap out of me, took me about 5 minutes to relax and lower my heart rate. I’ve never experienced something like that before. I’m scared to smoke now (Which may actually be a good thing) my question is: Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I know smoking is over all horrible and we shouldn’t do it, but I don’t understand why it’s started triggering these weird sensations in me as of lately, it scares me and makes me think I have some serious heart problem. Oh, also, I’m 27 for anyone wondering and have struggled with GAD and OCD for the past 10 years. 4 months ago I visited a doctor, who did a heart test with an ECG, and blood tests, which all came back fine. my heart just feels off in general lately. Skipped beats and palpitations out of nowhere. I did recently move to Japan from Australia, could this also be a contributing factor? Please help some answers and opinions would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much!

CMF Terrified of losing teeth and extreme dental anxiety
  • replies: 32

I went to the dentist last November after not having been for many, many, many years. I have straight, white teeth so thought I didn't need to go however notices tartar build up and a slightly wobbly front tooth so the panic made me go. I had x rays ... View more

I went to the dentist last November after not having been for many, many, many years. I have straight, white teeth so thought I didn't need to go however notices tartar build up and a slightly wobbly front tooth so the panic made me go. I had x rays & full check up. I was told that my teeth are actually quite good, good colour and I have no bone loss however have gum recession from over brushing and a build up of plaque under the gums. I had a clean done and was to go back after a few weeks for another clean which I did not as xmas approached a things got a bit busy. I went back for another apt as a tooth was bothering me and saw a different dentist as my apt got mixed up. i told him my gum recession freaks me out, he assured me by changing how im brushing and by flossing it can be controlled and he has seen 10 times worse, not to worry. I felt he was very thorough in his explanations and decided to see him again when a tooth was bothering me. Upon examination he told I have gum disease which the first one didn't tell me. I was shocked. I had the choice of going to a periodontist who can perform a procedure to clean under the gums (this freaked me out) or have 3 monthly cleans a the dentist surgery to try and improve. if no improvement or it gets worse I will need a periodontist. i opted for he 3 monthly appts. I had the 1st clean a month ago. the hygienist was very happy he was able o get right under the gums and told me he could see no tooth movement and flossing has probably stabalised it. I told him of my anxiety over losing teeth, he told me I would not lose any in this lifetime! Last week my son had 4 wisdom teeth out, this caused some anxiety in me and my front top gums started to sting. I thought I flossed too hard. there is no redness, bleeding or swelling,they look fine. it is one area and I'm freaking out, thinking it is bacteria/plaque eating away at my teeth. it does stop sometimes ie when I eat or chew gum. out for dinner last night I had a panic that I wold need the periodontist procedure even though the dentist was happy a month ago. after having dinner it eased up and i relaxed as i spoke about it. I know someone who had painful stinging lips for months due to stress. I'm thinking of going back to dentist this week but don't want unnecessary things done. all this is giving me anxiety and panic. Its making me sick. I'm scared to go back and I'm scared to do nothing. cmf