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struggling with mental health
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Dear Ramdom~
I'd like to give you a warm welcome here to the Forum, a friendly place with gentle people who have been though hard times so have some idea of what you are trying to cope with.
Your parents are of course a big thing in your life, but so big they need to be pleased wiht you all the time -or so you believe. This means when you do something they might not like it causes you to have bad reactions.
It took a fair bit of courage to tell your mum you self-harmed, and while it's true her presence has held you back from starting again, as you say yourself your thoughts are always about it.
Strong thoughts also about your body image and how you would like to change.
These problems you face are huge ones, and I think you are expecting too much of yourself to think you can handle them wihtout assistance - which I guess is why you came here really.
OK anxiety, panic attacks, self harm and eating problems need a specialist who knows what needs doing -in cooperation with yourself. The way to get that is normally to start with an extended consultation with a GP, and then be referred on for therapy and maybe medication.
Anxiety can be brought under control, my anxiety condition basically ruled my life, but now is so much less I can live easily with it and have a life I enjoy. No more panic attacks, hardly any harmful thoughts. This came about due ot therapy, medication and the support of my family which is why I suggest it for you.
It may be difficult to organize the visit to the GP, I guess it might be a question of how much your parents can understand - I would expect they would try hard for you.
If you want to start off just by yourself and work up from there I'd suggest two places you can contact in private
The Kids Help Line is open 24/7 and lets you use text or voice, whichever you prefer. They can be a real comfort, are knowledgeable and realistic, they do not judge anyone but instead understand the problems young people have.
You sound a lovely person facing hard times, you are well worth the effort to make you feel so much better.
The other is the Butterfly foundation, open 8am to midnight every day with phone, chat or email. They are very familiar with eating disorders - that's their reason for being there - and can be a big help, again friendly and realistic.
Frankly when I was at my worst I simply could not believe the improvment I've made. However iti s true -and as I was a mess I'm sure you can have a much better life too.
I really would like to hear how you get on - provided of course you feel like saying
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Dear Random~
I"ve replied to this post as part of my reply in your original thread
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Are you ok? I am always here to listen if you need me to. I don't care how old or what gender or what race, i want to know if you're ok. and please don't tell me that staying out of the way would be the best, cus i've been told that all my life
I used to be happy, but now it's like i'm in azkaban with dementors sucking out every happy feeling in my body, like i'm never going to feel happy again.
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i’ll be okay. thank you for reaching out and checking on me. it means a lot. i hope your okay aswell!
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thank you so much for taking time to write all of that for me. i have tried therapy and counseling and i found that it didn’t really work for me, which i think is why im still struggling. do you know of anything else i could do?
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Dear Ramdom~
Well, OK, at this stage counceling and therapy have not made much difference. At first I found the same thing and naturally started to think firstly it was my fault and secondly that there was no way to make things better.
Changes in the medical people I went to was the answer -at least they made a great deal of difference. Counseling did nothing for me and the medication I was trialed on was all side-effects and no benefit.
However when a therapist I met actually clicked wiht me and understood my problems (and did not expect miracles) then things improved. Changes of medication eventually led to one htat suited, so now I'm good.
To be fair it did not happen overnight, however I do beleive h=it was as much hte relationship I developed with the doctor that made all the difference. I could tell the truth, not minimize things and it was just calmly accepted. We even joked.
I had a buddy system where I could ring them anytime if I felt I was abut to be overwhelmed and the urge to give way was abut ot take hold (it worked two ways, I was htere for them too). This made a world of difference.
I guess I'm trying ot answer your question by saying no matter how bad you feel, of if you self harm, even so you are in charge, and if the current medical personnel and treatment does not meet your needs then you may need to change them. I'd suggest talking this over with your GP and see what alternatives are available. Ir's no good either persevering with something that does no good, or the opposite - giving up.
It may be the buddy system is the best start, have a chat with the Kids Help Line.
There will be something that helps, just keep on trying.
I would like to know how you get on, it is very difficult to change things.
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thank you for all your help. i’ll look into it. the only thing that worry’s me is the money.
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Dear Random~
Finances are indeed a worry, and it may take some investigating to see if there is a GP that bulk-bills in your area . Thanks to a new MyMedicare scheme some medical centers may bulk-bill (ask at the medical center or GP clinic.)
If you are offered a Medicare Mental Health plan please also be aware that mental health professionals may not normally bulk-bill, so even though a portion of their charge is paid by Medicare, you are responsible for any 'gap' for each visit.
It is very difficult to get GP or metal health treatment at an affordable rate. Any prescription medication is on top of that of course. Even wiht a Centercare benefit card it is hard.
I'm lucky my GP bulk-bills