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new member ?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there 

im unsure if I'd class myself as a 'new' member but I'm defiantly inexperienced.. I've visited the site a few times, I read quite a few threads, but I'm a little shy so quite often I don't post.

I'm a 23year old female with anxiety & depression. my psychologist believes I also have borderline personality disorder & is planning on testing me for this.

Despite being only young I have had my fair share of tough experiences & been in many harmful situations and relationships. 

I live alone & have been feeling really down because I get so lonely & just want kind, honest people to talk to & to offer me their advice. 

 i have never had a problem with making friends but because I've had such an unstable past I have so much trouble keeping friends. 

im a very generous, sweet natured person.

i work with kids and I love my job. 

I also love animals & being outdoors.

Anyone who has similar interests or experiences to myself I would love to hear from you please 🙂

 Thankyou xx

25 Replies 25

Hey dear louie!!

Do you mind me going by this name or would you prefer your full shown name? Anyways, I think it's great what you're doing with the youths, while your frustrations and fear are really understandable as well, so take a step back as you wish, and I think the volunteering idea is really great! Of course it's just to follow your heart and figuring out what would best suit you!

And I think it's great you're still speaking to the guy as well, I think it's a good idea, if it's a good friendship then yes it deserves to be kept and protected as you are doing so!

And it would be really truly great if they offered something like that in Melbourne, have you searched online? Maybe search on meetup as well? Anyways, just if by any chance you want to pop by this virtual cafe dear, we have a cafe called Friends Cafe under Young People, and I will be sure to give you a big welcome if you do decide to pop by! We can't offer you any real life friends there but what will be there waiting for you is a lot of support, love, kind words and virtual hugs!! I hope that will make you feel just a little less lonely, like it has made me 🙂

You are a beautiful gem loouuiiee I hope you keep being just the way you are, you are beautiful! Have a great night louie!! ❤️

With Love,

Grace xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

First of all: thank-you Grace!!

& Thankyou to everyone else also for all your kind words, understanding & support.

im grateful that I have found this site & a way to communicate with others who know just what to say to make me feel a little better in this crazy world 🙂


just an up-date: finally my workplace has realized my need to be moved to another environment during this stressful time of my life.

This is great! It is conditional though (if I don't impress them in the new environment I might get fired). but I'm still excited at the opportunity.

unfortunately for this change to come about some rather horrible things did occur.

it all happened today:

Ive been getting attacked frequently and today I just snapped; I swore in front of the child and other adults.

a HUGE no-no!!

Im pretty embarrassed about it & feel extremely guilty! The child is non-verbal but I pray that the child won't remember my words. Imagine if the first word they ever say is the rude one I yelled out!!!! I would never forgive myself 😞

after being sexually assaulted, and now being hit, punched, slapped and spat at every day at work I just don't know what to do ... I feel like I can't cope being physically or sexually hurt at work. I know the students don't mean it, they can't help it & that inside they are probably hurting a lot more & that the punch they gave to me is nothing compared to what they may be feeling. But after being hit a lot as a child I feel like I can't cope being repeatedly hit day after day at work.

This makes me feel even worse because I feel like my past is affecting my life and my ability to do a job. Like if I didn't have those experiences in the past I would have not opportunities now and in the future. It's just another feeling that sometimes life is just not fair!

I will speak to my psychologist about this, but in the meantime does anyone have any experience of anything like this and is willing to share any advice?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

ohh & Louie is fine ❤️

im not fussed LOL you can call me whatever you want 🙂

Hi Louie,

No advice sorry but a big hug for you if you'd like one.

I do think that a lot of people would struggle working in the environment you describe even without your history. It is commendable that you have such a big heart and have tried so hard to make it work.

I wish you much success in your new role. Prepare the best you can, listen and learn and I'm sure you'll do great xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


i defiantly need that hug; I've been off work all week because my wisdom teeth are coming through and they are infected! OUCH! 😞

I'm getting them removed on Saturday & I'm not looking forward to it one bit! LOL

hoping to be back to work soon & hoping that things will be nicer in this new environment.

im nervous but also excited to see this as a new opportunity and a new door opening. It really is a blessing because nothing could be worse than staying stuck & scared & confused in the environment I was working in before.

Fingers crossed things are improving 🙂

wish me luck! ❤️ xx

Hey Louie,

Ouch indeed. I had mine done too but I was a big sook and had them all done at once under a general anaesthetic. I also had an extra tooth up inside my gum that they took at the same time. I was very swollen for sometime afyer and I remember dribbling a lot on the first day so remenber some tissues orca handkerchief 🙂

I will cross fingers and toes for both the teeth and the job.

Take care lovely xx