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gucia6 Therapeutic surrender to treat anxiety
  • replies: 7

Dear all, Sorry if this is wrong place to ask, but today I came across term of 'therapeutic surrender' as a way to ... hmmm... live with/cope with/treat/accept (???) anxiety. To be honest I don't quite understand what it means. Lets say I am experien... View more

Dear all, Sorry if this is wrong place to ask, but today I came across term of 'therapeutic surrender' as a way to ... hmmm... live with/cope with/treat/accept (???) anxiety. To be honest I don't quite understand what it means. Lets say I am experiencing panic or anxiety attack, get dizzy and lightheaded, my chest hurts as if it was about to explode, I am nauseous, the small problem feels so overwhelming, that I just want to run away, drop it all, disappear, and I want to cry and it is chocking me, my mind goes blank, and all seems hopeless. Eventually I return to normal, I can think properly of reasons and solutions, make plan of action or think of ways of defense (especially if it is about confrontation with someone). But then what do I do, when I am 'out of control'? How this 'surrender' should come in play in such situation?

Libjane Has anyone tried non-standard anti-anxiety medications?
  • replies: 2

My father was proscribed a a medication used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and generalized anxiety disorder for pain. He gave me a few for some pain I was having and I found the effect on my anxiety to be a... View more

My father was proscribed a a medication used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and generalized anxiety disorder for pain. He gave me a few for some pain I was having and I found the effect on my anxiety to be amazing. But I see in Australia it is not used as an anti anxiety! Anyone had similar experiences?

thehiss Just diagnosed with ASD
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone Throughout my life I have battled chronic anxiety, depression and derealisation. I have always felt "different" from other people even when I was at school. From when I was a little child my mother had always questioned whether I was on t... View more

Hi everyone Throughout my life I have battled chronic anxiety, depression and derealisation. I have always felt "different" from other people even when I was at school. From when I was a little child my mother had always questioned whether I was on the Spectrum or not by judging my behavior. So I got tested for ASD when I was about 10 and the results came back negative. My mum argued at the time saying she thought the results were incorrect. As the years went by I started to show more and more signs of possibly being on the Spectrum to the stage that even my psychologists were starting to question the possibility. So at the beginning of the this year I got tested for ASD again (I'm now 27) and this time the scoring came back well and truly positive. In some ways it has been a huge relief because I now have an explanation as to why I have been so anxious and felt "different" all my life, however, at the same time ever since then I've been so worried that society won't "accept" me as a person anymore. I'm currently receiving certain supports through the government and I've heard people over the years who think that people with disabilities are just a huge burden on the system. I'm ever so grateful to be receiving these supports and I would love to be able to work someday. I know this is long winded but like I said I'm just so afraid that people will judge me for receiving such support and not accept me anymore. Thank you for taking the time to read this looong pointless thread, I just needed to let it out.

Harry_pem My friends struggling
  • replies: 2

So my friend has come to me and said he is constantly feeling neutral and struggles to feel anything else. It isn't necessarily a sadness but is just constantly kind of neutral. It doesn't seem like depression but I was wondering if anyone had any ad... View more

So my friend has come to me and said he is constantly feeling neutral and struggles to feel anything else. It isn't necessarily a sadness but is just constantly kind of neutral. It doesn't seem like depression but I was wondering if anyone had any advice on who he should see or how I could help him. Thanks

golden82 Confused - to stay or go?
  • replies: 10

Hi; I would appreciate some responses to help me clear my confusion and make a decision re a psychologist. I have experienced childhood abuse/trauma and this has continued and worsened in some ways in adulthood. It was my family and I knew no differe... View more

Hi; I would appreciate some responses to help me clear my confusion and make a decision re a psychologist. I have experienced childhood abuse/trauma and this has continued and worsened in some ways in adulthood. It was my family and I knew no different and so just thought that was my life. BUT the last 7-10 years I have had severe anorexia and anxiety, depression, insomnia. It is no life and very little functioning - especially when I look back 10 years ago to my high functioning, 'happy' self. I have only recently self-learned and connected that all these illnesses I have are due to the abuse/trauma of my 37 years..and I need some serious trauma therapy. I have been seeing a psychologist for 4 years - approx 1-2 monthly. I have not seen her since December last year - due to hospital stays and then COVID. I am due to see her this question to everyone is to please help me either stay with her or go to another?? I have been going for the 4 years and my mental health has seriously declined in this time. But then I think well that is my fault - I am not trying hard enough? But then I also have this niggling feeling that she is not trying enough to help me (maybe lazy??) So my brain is messed up flip flopping between the 2 and in limbo of what to do - and so much self doubt of what to do. I don't feel I get much out of the sessions. Every time she makes herself a cup of tea and sits sipping and scribbling notes on the iPad with occasionally looking up and often yawns (tries to hide it). She forgets some major things - including my anxiety/agitation at her pen scratching note taking - and asking her to be present and engaging. It is mainly me rambling about how my time has been since I saw her just a chat session. We do not do any strategies or techniques etc. I have asked about EMDR and things but we just have 'talk therapy'. She is kind and 'comfortable' as in I don't have to up and start again with someone new. She 'knows' me so I don't have to talk it all through again. But then maybe someone new will do the work with me or something to help unpack all this hurt and consequences it has on me in midlife. Does that sort of therapist even exist? Then it would be worth it - to have some outcomes and getting 'better'. What is the normal for psychology 50min sessions are all just a chat? Or do others do steps and make progress? 12mo ago I got 50/50 for the K10 and she never followed up - making me think all admin and not therapy? Thanks

incrediblytired ADHD and comorbid illnesses?
  • replies: 2

About a year and a half ago I was diagnosed and finally received treatment for bipolar type 2 which is great! Unfortunately, since settling into my medication (which I now suspect may need adjusting anyway) I've come to the realization that... this d... View more

About a year and a half ago I was diagnosed and finally received treatment for bipolar type 2 which is great! Unfortunately, since settling into my medication (which I now suspect may need adjusting anyway) I've come to the realization that... this did not solve all my problems the way I thought it would. In fact, now that my worse bipolar symptoms are manageable, things I hadn't realized how bad I was struggling with before have been highlighted. Things like attention and focus and other things, that when I looked into it, seem like it could be ADHD. Both my brother and my nephew have it, so it already runs in my family, and reading through some explanations and testimonies it feels like getting smacked in the face with the other half of my problems I didn't realize WERE problems. I was too focused on my bipolar issues to be concerned about everything else. Does anybody else have experience with comorbid illnesses like this? What's your experience when floating the idea to your psych or doctors? I have not seen my psychiatrist in so long that when I called her old offices I was told she no longer works there and she's started her on private practice (she's the only psych in our whole town). Not to mention, she is... not a very friendly, supportive doctor and I'm anxious to bring up these questions with her if I'm likely to just be brushed off.

mocha delight Therapies
  • replies: 13

Hi was wondering if anyone’s tried some natural/alternative therapies on top of help of medication and professional help that has helped with depression & anxiety. I’ve done some research and exercise seems to be one option but I know that if I exerc... View more

Hi was wondering if anyone’s tried some natural/alternative therapies on top of help of medication and professional help that has helped with depression & anxiety. I’ve done some research and exercise seems to be one option but I know that if I exercise for 3 days in a row for example my mind for some reason which I don’t know why goes to a not so good place. So what does everyone else do? And does it work? Open to dry some things to help with the depression and anxiety since no professionals like psychologists ect ect ect would be accepting new patients right now.

Holvee How come I am not getting the same help as everyone else
  • replies: 2

SO, I am in a pickle. I went to a GP {not my normal one cause she is on maturnity leave :(( } and asked for a mental health plan sometime last term. At the start of talking to the GP she was kind of rude and I just didn't feel comfortable in general.... View more

SO, I am in a pickle. I went to a GP {not my normal one cause she is on maturnity leave :(( } and asked for a mental health plan sometime last term. At the start of talking to the GP she was kind of rude and I just didn't feel comfortable in general. She gave me 2 weeks off school; which in the short term was helpful as i was finally able to calm down but in the longterm was very stressful because i had to complete a months worth of assessment in 1.5 weeks. She also referred me to Headspace. I'm not sure if any of you have been to Headspace before but I personally REALLY didn't like it. The lady I had just baby'd me and all she talked with me about was anxiety stuff even though i am not diagnosed with it and there is so much more going on than just a bit of anxiety. but yeah i felt super duper uncomfortable and I was unable to give her proper responses and even had to write down my feelings to give to her. I think this is because it's a place meant for younger people - and they say that people up to 21 or somthing can go there but i truly doubt it. I ended up going a few times and told my mum i am not going there. All she said was "Are you going to end up as bad as you were last time". I think this is partly my fault because i am BRILLIANT at hiding an emotions from my family members. But yeah, point is, I have been worse since last time, it just hasn't been as physically clear. and i said, I AM NOT GOING THERE BECAUSE I HATE IT. note: i didn't yell this i just wanted to make it bold because that is how strongly i felt about this. Anywho, I STILL have not been diagnosed with anything which is extremelyyyyy frustrating because if i knew what was going on inside of my head I might be able to understand it a bit more. ALL I WANT IS TO SEE AN ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGIST SO I CAN GET DIAGNOSED AND START WORKING ON GETTING BETTER!! I have talked to my bf about what he did with his diagnosis process and he just saw his gp, went through a few tests and then got a diagnosis. One of my mates also mentioned today that he is going to a mental health place to get tests done for mental health conditions and stuff. like SORRY WHAT, why am i not doing this?!!! Also, both of my parents have had troubles with mental health so don't you think they would be able to find me some better help. ughhhhh, help meeeeee, i need some help with what to do and where to go Thanks, Holly

john8403 Tried drug and now not ok
  • replies: 4

Hi all, recently I tried a drug hoping it would help my longstanding anxiety and auto immune illness. I tried ONCE. My experience was awful. I had what's referred to as a "bad trip". Lots of panic, fear, terror, trembling and chills. It's now been 8 ... View more

Hi all, recently I tried a drug hoping it would help my longstanding anxiety and auto immune illness. I tried ONCE. My experience was awful. I had what's referred to as a "bad trip". Lots of panic, fear, terror, trembling and chills. It's now been 8 weeks and I am still panicky. My heart constantly pounds and I get panic attacks (at night) for no known reason. I don't know what's wrong with me. Tried it ONCE and now life is highly uncomfortable. Don't know how to live like this. Any suggestions much appreciated. Thank you