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How come I am not getting the same help as everyone else

Community Member

SO, I am in a pickle.

I went to a GP {not my normal one cause she is on maturnity leave :(( } and asked for a mental health plan sometime last term.

At the start of talking to the GP she was kind of rude and I just didn't feel comfortable in general.

She gave me 2 weeks off school; which in the short term was helpful as i was finally able to calm down but in the longterm was very stressful because i had to complete a months worth of assessment in 1.5 weeks.

She also referred me to Headspace. I'm not sure if any of you have been to Headspace before but I personally REALLY didn't like it. The lady I had just baby'd me and all she talked with me about was anxiety stuff even though i am not diagnosed with it and there is so much more going on than just a bit of anxiety. but yeah i felt super duper uncomfortable and I was unable to give her proper responses and even had to write down my feelings to give to her. I think this is because it's a place meant for younger people - and they say that people up to 21 or somthing can go there but i truly doubt it.

I ended up going a few times and told my mum i am not going there.

All she said was "Are you going to end up as bad as you were last time". I think this is partly my fault because i am BRILLIANT at hiding an emotions from my family members. But yeah, point is, I have been worse since last time, it just hasn't been as physically clear.

and i said, I AM NOT GOING THERE BECAUSE I HATE IT. note: i didn't yell this i just wanted to make it bold because that is how strongly i felt about this.

Anywho, I STILL have not been diagnosed with anything which is extremelyyyyy frustrating because if i knew what was going on inside of my head I might be able to understand it a bit more.


I have talked to my bf about what he did with his diagnosis process and he just saw his gp, went through a few tests and then got a diagnosis.

One of my mates also mentioned today that he is going to a mental health place to get tests done for mental health conditions and stuff.

like SORRY WHAT, why am i not doing this?!!!

Also, both of my parents have had troubles with mental health so don't you think they would be able to find me some better help.

ughhhhh, help meeeeee, i need some help with what to do and where to go


Holly 😕

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Holly, I'm sorry that this new GP has not been able to give you the support like your doctor who is away on maternity leave would have done, especially knowing your past history.

To have to do a complete a months worth of assessment in 1.5 weeks only brings back the pressure you were trying to get help for, and with the person at Headspace not suiting the reason why you contacted them, doesn't mean that another person maybe helpful, but understand it's not quite as easy to do this.

If you can click on 'Get Support' and scroll down until you see 'Find a professional' which may direct you to a compassionate GP who will assist you in every way along this terrible journey.

You may decide to visit one of 'your mates' doctors but we want you to keep trying, this won't go away by itself.

Please let us know, we do really care for you.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Holly,

Thank you for your post and I totally hear you. I have been in similar experiences before - difficult GP's, unhelpful therapists and feeling a bit lost about what's next.

I do agree with Geoff in that one doesn't represent them all at Headspace - your therapist probably thought she was being helpful and often people don't know about anxiety or can identify their feelings so that might be why she did that to you. It is 10000% a-okay if you want to give her some feedback and/or request someone else.

Of course- all of that said - you can absolutely go back to your GP and request another referral that's not to Headspace.

If you want to see one specifically (like the same one your mate is seeing) you can grab their details to request a referral to that person. You can also do that with any psychologist - so if you see a clinic that seems like a good fit you can do the same there.

Hope this helps. This does happen to so many people and it just takes a little bit of pushing.
