I'll try to cut a long story short. Basically I've been having issues
with my menstrual cycle, with bleeding most days of a month. While
bleeding is happening I am very irritable, yelling, even swearing at
kids and husband. I don't seem to have any c...
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I'll try to cut a long story short. Basically I've been having issues
with my menstrual cycle, with bleeding most days of a month. While
bleeding is happening I am very irritable, yelling, even swearing at
kids and husband. I don't seem to have any control. I'm exhausted,
sleeping during the day and unable to cope with basic things like
cooking and cleaning. My attention and memory are so bad. I'm very
sensitive and can't handle criticisms. I also can't handle sensory
things very well like noises & movements around me (hard with a 2 and 5
year old!). My mood has been so low and I feel out of control and can't
see a way to help myself. My husband is having to take time off
constantly to help out as he's working from home during covid and it's
really affecting him as well. When bleeding has stopped I notice a
marked improvement. I am much more calm and much more tolerant. Still
depressed and anxious, but much less so and even happy. I'm really
unhappy with my current psychiatrist and my mood goes down every time I
talk to her. She's treating me with an SNRI and CBT. I really don't
think these work for me as I only seem to be getting worse. I tried to
explain this and ask if she thought my hormones could be playing a role.
She said maybe but didnt elaborate. She's only obsessed with the damage
I'm likely doing to my kids (100% agree with that), but did not offer
any new solutions. She suggested upping my dose of SNRI, which I don't
want to do, if anything I'd like to stop them and try something else. I
have plans to stay in a private mental health unit in the new year and
will hopefully get assigned a new psychiatrist as I don't feel like my
current one is helping. My question is, does anyone have similar
experiences with menstrual cycle/female hormones drastically
exacerbating depression and anxiety symptoms and if so have you found a
good treatment that works? Also, how did you convince your doctors to
take this seriously? To note, I'm currently awaiting a d&c procedure and
biopsy to check for endometrial hyperplasia and I'm having a Mirena
fitted. I'm very anxious about the Mirena as I've read some horror
stories about it making mood worse... that's a whole other story though!
Also I'm 43 and potentially the menstrual issues I'm having are the
beginning of perimenopause. Thanks for reading. This is my first post so
I apologise if I've not framed it correctly or misread the rules.