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DefiantPanda Picking a psychologist
  • replies: 4

This has probably been spoken about here before, but the pressure I feel when trying to choose a psychologist is overwhelming. I only get six medicare rebated sessions and I am just worried that I won't gel with the one I pick. When those six session... View more

This has probably been spoken about here before, but the pressure I feel when trying to choose a psychologist is overwhelming. I only get six medicare rebated sessions and I am just worried that I won't gel with the one I pick. When those six sessions are up that may very well be it for me for some time. I've been stuck on this for a few weeks now - I have the mental health plan I just can't seem to settle on a therapist.

Cumulus Why I've learnt the hard way it pays to ask questions and not put your complete trust in EXPERTs
  • replies: 2

I have had to struggle through a range of mental health issues at different ages, and seen many Experts. A GP I saw in the height of crisis, for STD tests after a string of risky sexual behaviour. When I expressed my fears of my sanity and bad choice... View more

I have had to struggle through a range of mental health issues at different ages, and seen many Experts. A GP I saw in the height of crisis, for STD tests after a string of risky sexual behaviour. When I expressed my fears of my sanity and bad choices, he would lecture me about Buddhism and taking the high road. I put a lot of trust into this GP for three years - so didn’t twig I needed to get another GP, until I found myself in a very dangerous situation with a male. I had a mental breakdown and I rang a crisis team. I attempted again to get help with a new GP. I advised her I was isolated in a male dominate boarding house; she said after knowing me five minutes she thought I had Borderline Personality Disorder which she said was untreatable. This pushed me over the edge. When I researched it I was horrified how much hate this diagnosis attracts. I went downhill very quickly and found myself having to leave State - I could not process her diagnosis or wait the 6 months for the hospital appt as my housing so dangerous so I left the State to look for safer housing. Trying again in 2013, I saw a pshycologist who helped but could not diagnose me after seeing me a year. Only two weeks ago my current GP put me on a medication, that made me deteriorate very quickly. I researched the medication and it said NOT to take it if there is a history of bi polar or hymophelia (which she had been treating me for)– which is my medical reports. The GP took me off it. I’ve been referred to a Male psychiatrist at the Hospital - I googled him and he is a drug and alchole addiction specialist – I don’t drink, do drugs and my last fitness test I am physically 39 though I am 45 years old. I rang the intake desk to find out the rationale behind this choice. The young woman told me to go back to my GP. I pushed back gently, and said I just wanted to find out why he was chosen - she told she didn’t know anything about the psychiatrists practicing – and for me to google him. I said I had googled him which is why I was ringing. She wasn’t interested in answering my questions so I asked her politely to talk to her Manager. so glad I pushed backed – the Manager explained that it was an initial consultation to ascertain the best person to treat me. It is never too late to take control – you do need to be the CEO of you mental health treatment, and I'm also very grateful to this site, and Adults Surviving Child Abuse for giving me information I need for my specific situation.

mcgloomy1759 anti depressants and brain fog
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone! I just wanted to ask a question and to see if anybody else has the same thing. I have been on anti depressant/ anxiety medication for the past ten years and over time by brain is becoming more and more foggy. It feels like I am becoming... View more

Hey everyone! I just wanted to ask a question and to see if anybody else has the same thing. I have been on anti depressant/ anxiety medication for the past ten years and over time by brain is becoming more and more foggy. It feels like I am becoming stupid and I'm struggling to remember and think of things. It's really quiet scary, I'm 28. Could it be from the medication? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

JLM Help! Not sure what to try
  • replies: 2

Hi Everyone,I have been battling depression for the last couple of years but only really got diagnosed maybe a year ago. I have been taking an antidepressant for about a year now and my depression and anxiety was ok for a little while but still up an... View more

Hi Everyone,I have been battling depression for the last couple of years but only really got diagnosed maybe a year ago. I have been taking an antidepressant for about a year now and my depression and anxiety was ok for a little while but still up and down, the last week I have been coping very well with things and my husband suggest that maybe I need to go to a clinic for a few days to get help just to try something different. Has anyone been to a clinic or hospital for help with this? How has it worked for you? I am seeing my GP tonight to discuss changing meds but this is starting to really effect my personal and work life now.

Red_1986 Support Groups - Ipswich or Brisbane
  • replies: 6

Hi Everyone, I've recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and am keen to meet people who are going through the same emotions. Does anybody know of any support groups in the Ipswich or Brisbane areas? I've tried Google but haven't had any ... View more

Hi Everyone, I've recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and am keen to meet people who are going through the same emotions. Does anybody know of any support groups in the Ipswich or Brisbane areas? I've tried Google but haven't had any luck. Thank you :).

fat_and_depressed ECT, and other alternative treatments for depression.
  • replies: 1

Hi. I have been on 6 different medications, had 4 years of therapy and been hospitalised around 7 times for my depression, none of which have made any improvements. I am highly considering talking to my psychiatrist on Tuesday about alternative treat... View more

Hi. I have been on 6 different medications, had 4 years of therapy and been hospitalised around 7 times for my depression, none of which have made any improvements. I am highly considering talking to my psychiatrist on Tuesday about alternative treatments, like ECT, to help my depression. My question is to those suffering depression, especially those with the treatment resistant strain. Have you received ECT and if so, what is your opinion on it? Also, are there any other forms if treatment you have undergone that don't include medication or therapy? what was it and was it useful? Thank you x

MOC1 Medication Dilemma
  • replies: 3

I'm the mum of an almost 18yo guy who has depression and anxiety. His first bout with anxiety was as a 13/14yo for approx 8 months. He saw a psychologist for this time and it really helped. He appeared to travel along OK until approx November last ye... View more

I'm the mum of an almost 18yo guy who has depression and anxiety. His first bout with anxiety was as a 13/14yo for approx 8 months. He saw a psychologist for this time and it really helped. He appeared to travel along OK until approx November last year when things went down hill. This was about the time that he started his Year 12 HSC (term 4). He is now midway through and really struggling. He is back seeing his psychologist weekly. He was on one SSRIs medication for approx 5 months which caused horrible nausea and headaches and at the time didn't appear to greatly lift his mood but now on reflection it may have. He has now tried another SSRIs for just less then 4 weeks (thankfully no headaches and nausea), with the last 2 weeks being dreadful with moods - he said that one of those weeks was the worst that he has experienced over the last year. His doctor has suggested either increasing his current medication dose (double as he is currently on a low dose) or changing to a new medication completely (either a SNRIs or SSNRI). He seems to have picked up a little last night and today but it is also the weekend and no stress from school. We are in a quandary because he has trial exams coming up in approx 5 weeks and he does not want to make it harder for himself with medication changeover etc if it may not be necessary. He has said that he wants to stay at school and get his HSC if he can although we have given him many options so that he does not feel pressured. At the moment he struggles with focus / concentration (not sure whether this is the depression or his current medication). The dilemma is does he stick with his current medication and increase the dose or does he change to a new medication which also potentially increases energy levels as well as mood - always a little hit and miss with AD . Any thoughts from those of you who may have experienced a similar dilemma would be great. Thanks for reading.

MOC1 Medication Dilemma
  • replies: 2

I'm the mum of an almost 18yo guy who has depression and anxiety. His first bout with anxiety was as a 13/14yo for approx 8 months. He saw a psychologist for this time and it really helped. He appeared to travel along OK until approx November last ye... View more

I'm the mum of an almost 18yo guy who has depression and anxiety. His first bout with anxiety was as a 13/14yo for approx 8 months. He saw a psychologist for this time and it really helped. He appeared to travel along OK until approx November last year when things went down hill. This was about the time that he started his Year 12 HSC (term 4). He is now midway through and really struggling. He is back seeing his psychologist weekly. He was on one SSRIs medication for approx 5 months which caused horrible nausea and headaches and at the time didn't appear to greatly lift his mood but now on reflection it may have. He has now tried another SSRIs for just less then 4 weeks (thankfully no headaches and nausea), with the last 2 weeks being dreadful with moods - he said that one of those weeks was the worst that he has experienced over the last year. His doctor has suggested either increasing his current medication dose (double as he is currently on a low dose) or changing to a new medication completely (either a SNRIs or SSNRI). He seems to have picked up a little last night and today but it is also the weekend and no stress from school. We are in a quandary because he has trial exams coming up in approx 5 weeks and he does not want to make it harder for himself with medication changeover etc if it may not be necessary. He has said that he wants to stay at school and get his HSC if he can although we have given him many options so that he does not feel pressured. At the moment he struggles with focus / concentration (not sure whether this is the depression or his current medication). The dilemma is does he stick with his current medication and increase the dose or does he change to a new medication which also potentially increases energy levels as well as mood - always a little hit and miss with AD . Any thoughts from those of you who may have experienced a similar dilemma would be great. Thanks for reading.

Runner_Matt Please help with what counselling has worked for you
  • replies: 8

I am new here and am putting off getting help for my depression and anxiety. As a child I suffered severe physical abuse and it was not until August last year that I realised that what I feel everyday is not 'normal'. I have seen my doctor and am cur... View more

I am new here and am putting off getting help for my depression and anxiety. As a child I suffered severe physical abuse and it was not until August last year that I realised that what I feel everyday is not 'normal'. I have seen my doctor and am currently taking medication each day. Medication has helped me get through the days without feeling terriable and it seems to be giving me some of my life back.Still I suffer from anxiety in situations where I have conflict with older males that resenbale my father. At these times I feel so angry and have real troubles expressing myself. Often I verbaly lash out at the other person when they do not deserve it and feel terriable afterwards. I also then get anxious about what happened for the next week and cannot stop thinking about what happened. It totaly consumes me and is an awful feeling.Sometimes I feel like I just want to breath and let all the tension go but it remains.Whilst the medication has helped I was wondering wether phsycalogical counselling is worthwhile. I appreciate everyones circumstances are different and would really value any thoughts, experiances or learnings that you can share that will help me make a decision of what to do next.I just want to live a day without feeling like this.

Toots78 Should I go on Meds?
  • replies: 4

This is my first post here or any other forum related to Anxiety so it's all very new to me. I've always been aware of my anxious nature but have managed to get through life ok until recently. Not long after getting married I suddenly experienced a f... View more

This is my first post here or any other forum related to Anxiety so it's all very new to me. I've always been aware of my anxious nature but have managed to get through life ok until recently. Not long after getting married I suddenly experienced a full blown panic attack one night which just came out of the blue. I dealt with the best i could the next few days but felt constantly unsettled and disconnected.I went to my local GP who knows my history of being anxious at nature and she referred me to a psychologist for further assessment and treatment. In the mean time she gave me a script for some medication to get me through when needed until I could see the psychologist.So far I have had 6 sessions with my psych and also have enrolled in a group Mindfulness course also run by the same psychologist. I was doing ok with the education with breathing techniques and also being educated on my negative thought process and why i distort things in thinking the worst and catastrophizing everything.The problem now is I imagine bad things in everyday things such as driving the car i.e the car will break down or I will be in a crash. Taking the train to work, what if I have a panic attack on it? What is my pets or family get sick, how will I cope? I'm now feeling some depression creeping in and am starting to feel like this is all to much for me to handle.To add the it all my husband and I are starting to try for a family and I know that with my heightened anxiety levels lack of being able to function on days that it will may affect me falling pregnant or even being able to carry a healthy child.I've had not wanted to try meds and have wanted to deal with it all naturally and through therapy etc but I am starting consider whether it's all becoming a bit too much for me and maybe meds might be the better option for me right now to get me in to a better place. I"m starting to take a few days off work here and there as my anxiety starts to become worse. Something that I feel frustrated with.Hoping someone be able to give me some guidance with meds and whether they have been on them whilst trying for a baby and also through pregnancy. Thanks