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ReeBecca nausea and headaches
  • replies: 2

Hi, just wondering if anyone else feels sick taking antidepressants? I have been on them for years and while I know that I am a much happier person while on them and have accepted the fact that I need them.. I feel sick every day. I start out in the ... View more

Hi, just wondering if anyone else feels sick taking antidepressants? I have been on them for years and while I know that I am a much happier person while on them and have accepted the fact that I need them.. I feel sick every day. I start out in the morning feeling well and ready for the day but then I will take my antidepressant and start to feel worse and worse as the day progresses...and by the end of the day I just feel so nauseous and have a really bad headache that I can't even handle someone talking to me because the noise just hurts and irritates my head. It's horrible...I am a happier person but then I am feeling awful because of the side affects. I'm not sure what to do because each time I have tried to week off them I just go downhill and need to go back on them.

anotherPeter New medications kicking in
  • replies: 4

I think my new medication is starting to kick in. I feel numb and confused. The panic levels have dropped although still there to a point but the paranoia remains. Is this normal? I am currently sleeping 10 to 14 hours a day when I usually get by wit... View more

I think my new medication is starting to kick in. I feel numb and confused. The panic levels have dropped although still there to a point but the paranoia remains. Is this normal? I am currently sleeping 10 to 14 hours a day when I usually get by with 6 hours a day. Is this also something normal? I haven't really been told what to expect from the meds so don't know if this is good or not, all I know is my head is completely fuzzy and I am having trouble remembering things and finding things (even the things that I remember that I am looking for).

Dear_Alex I need advice and I am getting frustrated.
  • replies: 4

Hi, I am getting increasingly frustrated with my GP and Psychologist and after the other posts in the forums I am not sure that I am getting the right help but I don't know where else to go for help. I am primarily concerned about the following: With... View more

Hi, I am getting increasingly frustrated with my GP and Psychologist and after the other posts in the forums I am not sure that I am getting the right help but I don't know where else to go for help. I am primarily concerned about the following: With my Psychologist:- I don't feel like I can tell her everything I am thinking and feeling; I don't feel like she knows a lot about Anxiety; She hasn't discussed with me any kind of treatment plan for my Anxiety, even after 6 sessions with her; her main advice for me is to read books about anxiety. With my GP:- I feel like she can't be bothered with me. She keeps telling me there is nothing else she can do for me (I now have issues taking medication, even Panadol, after a bad reaction to the first antidepressant she prescribed); after having a panic attack and not eating for over a week I went to see her and while I was crying in her room she proceeded to tell me that I was alone in the world, that no one can help me, that my parents were too supportive and that's why I am suffering like this now and that I wanted to feel this way; she has done no medical tests to rule out other causes for my symptoms and keeps telling me that my chest pain etc. is from my anxiety. This is making me feel frustrated and like I will never feel like I did before. Most of the advice I read says go talk to your GP or see a Psychologist so I don't know what else to do. Surely if I feel like this they aren't really helping me, but when I have raised these concerns with others they keep asking if it is just part of the anxiety and that I don't open up to people easily. Any advice on what I should do would be appreciated. Thanks, Dear Alex.

Miss-Anne-Throwpy Support in Melbourne?
  • replies: 16

Does anyone know psychologists who bulk bill? I don't have a healthcare card. I don't have any money either. GP was so horrible to me today. I've called and emailed and googled so many places. I don't think there is anyone in this entire state who wi... View more

Does anyone know psychologists who bulk bill? I don't have a healthcare card. I don't have any money either. GP was so horrible to me today. I've called and emailed and googled so many places. I don't think there is anyone in this entire state who will actually help me. I don't usually ask for help. Guess I now realise that's just as well.

Billy66 REMD - anyone tried it
  • replies: 1

Hi all has anyone tried this rapid eye movement depolarisation treatment for PTSD? My GP and several mental health nurses have thought it might be beneficial for me. I was also told that DBT might be good for my bipolar as well but no one in my town ... View more

Hi all has anyone tried this rapid eye movement depolarisation treatment for PTSD? My GP and several mental health nurses have thought it might be beneficial for me. I was also told that DBT might be good for my bipolar as well but no one in my town offers this. any suggestions would be appreciated Billy66

luciban Does shift work affect recovery?
  • replies: 3

I have been on a low dose SNRI for about 4 months and had to have a dose increase two weeks ago for a relapse in my symptoms after a four day stint of night duty. This worked very well and I have felt fantastic for two weeks (my normal happy self) un... View more

I have been on a low dose SNRI for about 4 months and had to have a dose increase two weeks ago for a relapse in my symptoms after a four day stint of night duty. This worked very well and I have felt fantastic for two weeks (my normal happy self) until last week when I had to do night duty again for only two nights. My doctor is very supportive and suggests a low dose medication to help me sleep during the day while on nights. Most days this works. I have still had two relapses of symptoms since starting the medication both times while on night duty. My doctor is very concerned that I have been in to see her two to three times since starting the SNRI 4 months ago for relapses in my symptoms. She is suggesting that maybe this medication is not the one for me and I may have to change, but I am very reluctant to do this as in recent years prior to this episode I have been on this same medication for long periods, done shift work with no relapse of symptoms. She is suggesting that this time it is not working and I may have to see a psychiatrist. I am seeing a very good psychologist and use many relaxation, techniques, exercise etc. which do not seem to work well when I am seriously struggling to get through the day as I have recently. I understand my Dr is concerned that I have had three up and downs since starting the medications. I have only been taking the higher dose for two weeks and think I have to let it work for a couple of weeks more to see if it works. She is agreeable to this but no more than two more weeks she thinks. I am really scared that she will send me to a Psychiatrist to see if she is "missing something" in my diagnosis. I know my illness very well, I have had it for years and managed it very well. Just this time I am not responding as well to this medication. I have told her I want to keep going and have night duty again in 4 weeks, to see how I go. It is a requirement of my job that I do shift work and I love my job. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Casualfriday Is Hospitalisation Necessary?
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone! This is my first ever post (yay!) so bear with me Just for some context: I have been battling with anxiety and depression for several years now. I graduated last year so i'm still living at home and a few months ago, I naively thought it... View more

Hi everyone! This is my first ever post (yay!) so bear with me Just for some context: I have been battling with anxiety and depression for several years now. I graduated last year so i'm still living at home and a few months ago, I naively thought it would be a great idea to go off all of my medication cold turkey because I thought I was cured. -_- I know I need to go back on my meds (my parents found out i stopped taking them) and I've been seeing my wonderful psychologist regularly since then. I've been told by all my doctors that I need to be monitored closely when I start up my meds again, but the thing Is I'm not convinced that my parents can do this. My reasoning is because I have a sibling with severe mental illness that they are already monitoring most of the time and one of my parents has Bi Polar. I know that sometimes people go to hospital while they undergo medication changes and I was thinking maybe I should do this, but nobody thinks this is necessary. I believe this is because I'm quite articulate and that often comes across as if I'm in control of my emotions and actions (which actually couldn't be further from the truth). I'm scared that If I suggest it i'll be accused of "seeking attention" or something like that. My question for you guys is whether hospitalisation has been an avenue you have ever explored and whether or not I should investigate it further given my circumstances. Much love, Casualfriday x

Miss-Anne-Throwpy It's like a ceremonial dance
  • replies: 1

This coping thing, it is like a dance sometimes and not the graceful, choreographed, art type of dance. I'm talking free form at its Something. The plan of attach to get well is mostly just words; spoken and written. The script is there... View more

This coping thing, it is like a dance sometimes and not the graceful, choreographed, art type of dance. I'm talking free form at its Something. The plan of attach to get well is mostly just words; spoken and written. The script is there, but the actors are not playing their parts. Except for me and I'm kind've improvising to stay on top... Well, not on top. Can't be on top if I'm actually rock bottom... but top of the bottom... or at least; looking up. I'm looking, trying to push things to also be looking up in the reality sense. But the treatment, the plan, the things that were supposed to happen, aren't. If I did that, they would do this and then that would happen and I'd have to do some other stuff and the hey presto and chain reaction would begin...knock those dominoes down... Theory. I'm now maneuvering as best I can, dodging and distracting the bad stuff, and shifting my energy around trying to keep my balance. Ha! I ran out of medication today. Can't afford new til next week. Out of favours... well, I could ask, but would like to hold on to that last ounce of dignity. The system sucks and bites and I'm suitably unimpressed. Oops, time to start the record again.

This_is_me_ Coming off antidepressants
  • replies: 5

I'm 24, someone who should be happy and full of energy, instead I'm laying in bed feeling sorry for myself crying and sleeping all day! I'm coming off antidepressants and the withdrawals are horrible! Is there anyone in the same boat at the moment co... View more

I'm 24, someone who should be happy and full of energy, instead I'm laying in bed feeling sorry for myself crying and sleeping all day! I'm coming off antidepressants and the withdrawals are horrible! Is there anyone in the same boat at the moment coming off theirs?? It would be nice to chat to someone that understands or has been through it!

Currer When does a therapist become untherapeutic?
  • replies: 8

I've been seeing a psychologist for a couple of years for anxiety/depression. Last year she said I had a lot of Asperger's symptoms (autism spectrum disorder). I looked it up and I was a text book case. She referred me to a specialist for a diagnosis... View more

I've been seeing a psychologist for a couple of years for anxiety/depression. Last year she said I had a lot of Asperger's symptoms (autism spectrum disorder). I looked it up and I was a text book case. She referred me to a specialist for a diagnosis and I was formally diagnosed with ASD.I have continued to my psychologist monthly, but she is now focused on "fixing" my perceptions. She sees my anxiety, depression and confusion over my relationships with people as 100% my misperception. This includes my increasing distress over her increasingly dismissive attitude towards me. I have always been "difficult" in that I get angry when I get hurt, but before the ASD diagnosis she was empathetic, supportive and intuitive, which was extremely helpful to me. I continue to be depressed and suicidal, but her response is now mechanical, like a robot, straight out of the CBT textbook. My main anxiety with all people is that I can never do the right thing. Whatever I do and say I end up with people getting angry with me. This is now happening with my psychologist. We were talking about that today and she asked me today if I trusted her. I told her the truth: "no". She got angry and asked why I had bothered to keep coming back if I didn't trust her. I replied with the truth: "I keep hoping things will go back to the way they were and I keep wanting to give you another chance". This made things worse.I am beginning to think that despite my best efforts to reconnect, she is unable to see me as the "normal but depressed" person I was, and now sees me as someone who does not have anxiety or depression (I still do) and only needs feedback about how inaccurate my perceptions are. She sees me as being critical of her, which is not my intent. However, not saying things in the "right" way has always been my problem. Prior to my ASD diagnosis she intuitively grasped the feelings and intent of what I said. Now she argues about details and seems to be deliberately ignoring my hurt and distress (although she states that this is my misperception, too).I've tried to re-connect with her, but can't. Is it time to get a new psychologist? It is very hard for me to trust and the loss of this sole source of support will be huge, but is it hopeless after a year of trying to reconnect? I now hate CBT, so how do I find a new therapist who does not use CBT? The thought of CBT makes my skin crawl.beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.