Does anybody know where a person can go to get real help for the
problems that make them depressed, suicidal, ect.? (i.e. not just
"talking about feelings", but real resolutions to the problems). The
mental health system, as far as I can assertain, i...
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Does anybody know where a person can go to get real help for the
problems that make them depressed, suicidal, ect.? (i.e. not just
"talking about feelings", but real resolutions to the problems). The
mental health system, as far as I can assertain, is just a spectator
industry. They'll "listen" to you whine, they may even medicate you, but
they won't fix the problem(s). As I understand it, they even have a
"golden rule of therapy" which formally forbids them from actually
helping their patients. In recent years, I've been somewhat optimistic
about the rising usage of the super-ambiguous terms "psychosocial
disability" and "psychosocial support" from the government and other big
organizations. Early indications were that it was going to fill this
massive void for people who need actual help with their problems. But
tonight, having just read a much clearer definition of "psychosocial
disability", it seems that this support system is only open to people
who have a preexisting mental illness. So, where does that leave
non-disabled, non-mentally ill people who desparately need help with
their problems? I shudder to think this, but it's starting to seem like,
even after all the government inquiries we've had over these recent
years, there is still no actual help available for regular, non-mentally
ill, non-disabled people who really need it; and worse yet, it seems as
if there aren't even any foreseeable plans to create this sort of
assistance on a nationwide scale.