Supporting family and friends

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Carmela Are you supporting a depressed partner? My tips from 18 years of experience
  • replies: 41

This list has been compiled from experiences supporting my husband with depression. There is no one size fits all, so please take what you are comfortable with based on your circumstances and resources. 1. Reach out to family and/or friends to feel s... View more

This list has been compiled from experiences supporting my husband with depression. There is no one size fits all, so please take what you are comfortable with based on your circumstances and resources. 1. Reach out to family and/or friends to feel supported - this also covers support groups - online or face to face. Don't let stigma stop you from reaching out. 2. Relationship boundaries - identify what is acceptable and not. My general platform is that physical abuse is unacceptable as well as regular demeaning/berating comments. Communicate this openly so everyone understands. 3. Coping tools - this could be exercise, meditation, reading a book, meeting friends, etc. They are important for your mental health. 4. Knowledge is power - research to understand about depression. The more you know, the better care you can provide. 5. Remember your partner in the good times - this is their true selves, not the darkness. 6. Listen and show receptivity - without judgement or anger. If communicate becomes strained, the timeout can provide clarity. Encourage communication gently and try not to push. 7. Seek counselling - sharing your feelings can provide an opportunity to off load the heavy stuff and identify resilience and coping strategies. 8. Work as a team - don't let mental illness be in the driver's seat. Offer to go to the Dr's and support them. Understand medication and side effects. Be understanding that some days are harder than others. 9. Words are powerful - remember what you say cannot be taken back. 10. Carer Self-esteem and self-worth - if you compromise these for the sake of supporting your partner, you are likely to live with resentment towards your partner and the circumstances you find yourself in. 11. Don't forget the children - challenging circumstances at home can affect them mentally and emotionally. Speak about mental illness ( - has some great resources) and be a strong foundation toward maintaining normality in their daily activities. 12. Intimacy - there are many variables here, so from my experience - keep communication open and make couple time to connect. When my husband was depressed, daily hugs or holding hands wherever possible worked for us. Some carers I have spoken with said their partner would demand intimacy. My personal position is that intimacy is about love without demands or attachments relating to expectation. Demands only deplete the goodness in the connection and sharing a a loving experience. [Moderator's note: this thread is for sharing tips on what has worked for you in supported a loved one with a mental health condition. In order to help us keep this thread focused on solutions, please start a new thread if you are seeking support from the community around how to best support your loved one.]

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ecsc1985 Advice on how best to support my partner
  • replies: 3

Hi - I'm hoping I can obtain some advice as to how I can best be there / support my boyfriend. I have know through our relationship that he is battling with depression and anxiety. Recently he has completely withdrawn and where as we used to spend a ... View more

Hi - I'm hoping I can obtain some advice as to how I can best be there / support my boyfriend. I have know through our relationship that he is battling with depression and anxiety. Recently he has completely withdrawn and where as we used to spend a lot of time together - he is now withdrawing and spending more time to himself / at his. He doctor has prescribed him to new medication, and whilst I struggled to understand his needs (which turned into a bit of an argument), I'm wondering how best to be there for him during these dark times? I send him a message or call him once a day, just to say something nice. When we do talk he seems very dis-interested. Whilst I understand people have to be selfish, can I do any more to help him through / understand what he is dealing with? And what are the best ways other partners have looked after themselves during these times? Thank you in advance for your help.

millybay Does my son have symptoms of anxiety?
  • replies: 3

my son is 21 and a psychology student in second year and doing really wel plus he works part time but he has been following buddhist beliefs this past year which has worsened traits he has for constantly re-arranging how he plans things and being a c... View more

my son is 21 and a psychology student in second year and doing really wel plus he works part time but he has been following buddhist beliefs this past year which has worsened traits he has for constantly re-arranging how he plans things and being a control freak over himself and everyone else. Now with his buddhist reading he has done things like try to force the neighbours cows on our property to give them more feed. Refuse to let the dogs be kept in a race for 20 minutes a day while I feed the chickens. Says my cooking is too good and that food shouldn't be enjoyable. Tells his brother not to play video games, tells me I should keep away from the computer even though I have been practicing programming for 10 years. Tonight he pulled the plug on a phone call with a friend because he said her talk was negative and not good for me. He is always obsessing over what his daily routine should be.The list goes on. What can I do to help this a form of anxiety? He doesn't drink or smoke but he does occasionally smoke marijuana and he's even worse then.

tippy mother with adult daughter with depression- I'm feeling helpless- HELP
  • replies: 3

hi I'm a mum whose daughter has recently been diagnosed with depression. Over the last few weeks she has had amed change and I see she is starting to disconnect and just not her usual self. I'm worried and feeling helpless? Anyone have any suggestion... View more

hi I'm a mum whose daughter has recently been diagnosed with depression. Over the last few weeks she has had amed change and I see she is starting to disconnect and just not her usual self. I'm worried and feeling helpless? Anyone have any suggestions on how I can help. I'm new to this. Iplan to head over to her in the morning but what's the best thing I can do to help her I'm feeling so much stress tonight I've been up and worrying all night

awb001 GF is depressed and has completely shut me out.
  • replies: 2

So my girlfriend and I have been dating for three months now. Everything has been great leading up to a week ago. She was really good at communicating with me how she was feeling and where we were at in our relationship. But, as of a week ago she has... View more

So my girlfriend and I have been dating for three months now. Everything has been great leading up to a week ago. She was really good at communicating with me how she was feeling and where we were at in our relationship. But, as of a week ago she has started to push me away. She hardly ever talks to me at all. She told me that she's going through a lot of stuff right now and is going through counseling and is on an anti-depressant medication but she needed to go through this for things to be better in the future. I was completely understanding and told her I'd be there for her every step of the way, through anything. She let me know how helpful I was being in being supportive and said she really appreciated it. Fast forward to two days ago. She said she wanted to hangout the next day because she really misses me. I told her that sounded great and we planned on doing so. The next day comes around and I never hear from her at all. I call and text her, but there's absolutely no response. The same goes for today. At first I was worried that she may have hurt herself or something, but I saw that she had been talking to other people via social media that whole time. I'm just extremely confused and I don't know what to do. Can someone help me out here? I really need some insight.

MarniT Who do I talk to?
  • replies: 4

So today I'm really struggling - my husband was diagnosed with depression about 6 months ago and since then things have been slowly getting better but today I feel like it's all about to come crashing down again. He's exhibiting a lot of the same sym... View more

So today I'm really struggling - my husband was diagnosed with depression about 6 months ago and since then things have been slowly getting better but today I feel like it's all about to come crashing down again. He's exhibiting a lot of the same symptoms as last time - sleeping a lot, complaining that he's tired and although I'm trying to be supportive I'm very emotional about it all and feel a bit fed up, we have two small children and I feel like I'm in it on my own. I don't know who to talk to as we live in a very small town where people spread whatever you say and I just don't know where I can get support. I hate telling him how I feel cause he then gets upset and defensive...I'm sure this too will pass but I just don't know who to talk to. There are help lines for those suffering depression but who do the supporters speak to?

CCP5 Lost
  • replies: 2

Hello All, I hope that some of you can help me out with advice. I have been in the most amazing relationship until just recently. My partner suffers from depression, panic attacks and OCD. He explained to me early on in the relationship he had OCD an... View more

Hello All, I hope that some of you can help me out with advice. I have been in the most amazing relationship until just recently. My partner suffers from depression, panic attacks and OCD. He explained to me early on in the relationship he had OCD and was on meds however his family and friends don't know about it. I researched OCD like nothing else just so I could try to understand what he was going through, as time went on he started to relax and the hand washing, door checking etc started to get less and less along with the strength of meds. Until something triggered him and he went down in a heap about 8 weeks ago, that was the day he wanted to end our relationship. I was in complete shock as anyone would be as it came out of nowhere. I reassured him I wasn't giving up on him or our relationship and I would give him space. I did that, it hurt like nothing else to watch a loved one go through what he was going through. We started seeing each other for dinners or walks a couple of times a week. That was until a couple of days ago he told me he felt nothing and couldn't do a relationship. He promised me that it wasn't me but he just couldn't do it anymore. My question to you all is, do I sit back and wait until he contacts me or do I call him in a couple of days just to see how he is? I love him like nothing else in the world and its heart breaking to watch him go through this as none of his family or friends knows what he is going through. The only people that know are his therapist and me.

hannaxo Living with depression and a parent with BiPolar
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone, My father has been living with manic depression since I can remember. He attempted to take his own life during my childhood but I was never exposed to these events, as he would go "away for work". It has recently been discovered that my ... View more

Hi everyone, My father has been living with manic depression since I can remember. He attempted to take his own life during my childhood but I was never exposed to these events, as he would go "away for work". It has recently been discovered that my dad was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder many years ago however stopped taking any forms of medication a few years ago during the happy times of his second marriage. A few weeks ago, whilst going through his second divorce (the first to my mother when i was 8), my dad attempted suicide. It was a planned attempt which resulted in hospitalisation and after being released, daily visits from the cat team (who have been amazing). I have been dealing with personal depression for over 5 years (I am now 25) and have been seeking professional help on and off. This is unknown to my father, as I never wanted to burden him with my problems. Due to his divorce, he has been living with me for the last few weeks. It has been the hardest few weeks of my life. Waking up not knowing what he will be feeling that day, listening to his threats of suicide and his unstable emotions have been too much for me to handle. I have recently approached him explaining how I am not coping very well and that we will need to find him other accommodation. I know this is very selfish of me, but I have been getting very scary thoughts that I havent had for years come back to me, as well as an ongoing stomach sickness, headache and absolute lack of sleep or any concentration. Does anyone who has a parent with bi polar or depression have any advice? I have been trying to put a brave face on for him, but I can feel myself cracking very shortly. thank you for listening to my story, I feel very alone at the moment and it's very calming to type on here

BMCCJB9013 New to this
  • replies: 5

I have just recently joined beyond blue as I feel my family and friends can't really relate to me. My boyfriend of 6 years, has struggled on and off with depression through out our relationship-- although he has never admitted to this, sought help or... View more

I have just recently joined beyond blue as I feel my family and friends can't really relate to me. My boyfriend of 6 years, has struggled on and off with depression through out our relationship-- although he has never admitted to this, sought help or taken any medication (despite my pleas with him to try) We have recently has a baby girl- which is hard enough on it's own and we moved back home with his dad, who also struggles with depression and drinking. It's very hard everyday as I feel like I try to care for my baby, my partner and can't find the time or patience with my father In law. My boyfriend went out on the weekend (I have known he has not been I a great place) and as usual when he is feeling low, can't seem to stop drinking, however this time he added drugs to the mix and ended up, betraying my trust. We have Spoken since the incident and he has finally acknowledged he isn't the person he wants to be and he is not sure what happens when he does these things, he just feels low and thinks drinking etc will make him feel better (which I'm Sure it does for the night) I feel like I'm Stuck between a rock and a hard place and torn as to what I should do. On the one hand I want to support him and ensure he gets the help he needs but on the other hand it is always me who suffers and has to get hurt as result of him not dealing with his issues. I know I love him and I'll do anything to help Him with his inner demons but I just was wondering how people think I should go about being there for him. Thank you

Kate_R I want to help him but I don't know what else to do
  • replies: 2

So I was with my ex for almost 7 years. Earlier this year, we decided to break it off after realising that we were growing apart as we were growing up and finishing our studies. We decided to remain friends as we still wanted to be in each others liv... View more

So I was with my ex for almost 7 years. Earlier this year, we decided to break it off after realising that we were growing apart as we were growing up and finishing our studies. We decided to remain friends as we still wanted to be in each others lives. Over the past six months, my ex's depression and anxiety is becoming close to severe. He has become agitated and doing things that he knows will upset me. He very rarely loses his temper or snaps at me but it is becoming more apparent in the last few months. We fight every time we see each other and were both unhappy. I don't know what else I can do but Im being pushed to the edge and I'm on the verge of leaving this friendship. But if I do, Ill be leaving him alone with his depression. I'm not sure if I'm the reason in the first place and if leaving will help or if things will become worse. He does see a professional, who said his anxiety could be caused by the change in his life of us not being together. I want to help, but he isn't the same person anymore and I don't know if I can stay around anymore. I feel horrible for that but I have tried to be supportive and maybe my leaving will be the shock he needs to get better. So, should I stay or do I go?

pinkcordial Branching out to meet people
  • replies: 6

How does one with depression make new contacts in the community? Meaningful contacts with the view to becoming good friends? I need to know how to help my mum who has been depressed for most of my life (maybe even since before I was born). I am 39 on... View more

How does one with depression make new contacts in the community? Meaningful contacts with the view to becoming good friends? I need to know how to help my mum who has been depressed for most of my life (maybe even since before I was born). I am 39 on my next birthday. She is very reluctant to go out and do anything about meeting new people but really doesn't like being alone and isolated. I imagine there's got to be ways to meet new people at her age. Courses? Support groups? But where do you find them?