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Will time save you?

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion
Here at bb forum we regularly suggest ways to avoid suicide thoughts and planning. Things like- a change of environment which could be as basic as a walk around the back yard, a call to lifeline, talking to a friend and so on.

I suggest time might well be your greatest gift to yourself. How often have you said to yourself or a family member "I feel much better than yesterday"? How often have you been stressed and a partner offers you a drink and chat, then you feel better?

Time is a tool for delay, an often overlooked method of allowing your distressed mind a break from a traumatic period. Why is it not thought of.? My theory is that one is caught up in the moment, a feeling of entrapment, no escape other than taking one's life.

To get personal, I inadvertently gave myself some minutes of reflection prior to my planned act and that short period of time produced a memory of what my father told me 2 years prior "better to be the best part time dad than no father at all". He was referring to my marriage troubles and he already had one son suicide on him. I've always been convinced that up to recalling my father's comment, my thoughts and plans were rushed, desperate and lethal.

The topic is raw, it's also tragic. Being kind to yourself a phrase we use here often, can include some time to let your mind regroup, return to a more relaxed state...to be calm. Be aware that a desperate mind is a rash one, one whereby you are not rational, maybe not even thinking of loved ones and their future sorrow and grief.

Give yourself the gift of time....a free gift to you.

If time saves you then take the next step of saving yourself and seek help. It's worth the effort.

9 Replies 9

Community Member
Hi White Knight.

What a helpful post. Some great insight. I hope many others read your post too.

Community Member

Hey Tony, interesting thread, thanks for posting it.

I'm sorry to hear about your attempt, your Dad, and your Brother. I'm thinking of you, and my condolences.

So please excuse my stupidness, but what can we post in this thread, related to the topic?

Thankyou Blue Wren

Mb- for suicide prevention any productive ideas are welcome. We'll never know if a reader will benefit by reading posts such as this.

It's all about education of avoidance.

Thankyou for your question. Just your interest is amazing.


Gotcha, thanks Tony.

I would like to work on some stuff like a Safety Plan (I guess that's the same or similar thing), but I don't know how to do them and what they involve. I don't act, I just have SI and SH thoughts, but I attempted to SH once or twice but didn't succeed. My parents, GP and Psychiatrist know that, yes.

Hi mb

When you come up with s safety plan post it on this forum

I meant I don't know what a safety plan is and how to make one Tony

Though i have no intention of doing so, sometimes the SI thoughts are so powerful, Part of my safety plan is to call lifeline and talk it through. When i have the SI thoughts they scare me very much, and i start thinking things over. Should that happen for me again, its straight on to lifeline on 131114.


Thanks for that Not Batman

Mb, in a sense a safety plan is a tool that you use when the thoughts begin, not later.

It isn't easy thinking practical when you're emotional. It's like reporting yourself which is odd.

I've never had a safety plan either. As nb said, lifeline and the bb line 1300224636 at the bottom of this page will do.


Still not sure how to make one and whatnot, I guess it doesn't matter.

Thanks anyway Tony.

Not_Batman - I talk to helplines sometimes too, but most of the time I get told to leave even before I speak to someone. So I haven't used any for a while.