Suicidal thoughts and self-harm

This space discusses suicide and self-harm. Consider limiting the time you spend here. To use the section safely, read the pinned discussion.


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Sophie_M Do you have a safety plan?
  • replies: 97

Safety planning involves creating a structured plan – ideally with support from your health professional or someone you trust – that you work through when you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, feelings, distress or crisis. Your safety plan starts wi... View more

Safety planning involves creating a structured plan – ideally with support from your health professional or someone you trust – that you work through when you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, feelings, distress or crisis. Your safety plan starts with things you can do by yourself, such as thinking about your reasons to live and distracting yourself with enjoyable activities. It then moves on to coping strategies and people you can contact for support – your friends, family and health professionals. The safety planning model was developed in the US by suicide prevention experts Barbara Stanley and Gregory Brown. It has been used extensively by US veterans’ health organisations, hospital emergency departments and high schools, and there is strong evidence that it works. Many health professionals in Australia also use some form of safety planning to support clients experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings, or after a suicide attempt. beyondblue has an app you can use to create a safety plan, called BeyondNow. The BeyondNow app takes the principles of safety planning and makes it even easier to use – so rather than carrying around a piece of paper, you’ve got it on your phone at all times. It’s free to download from the Apple Store or Google Play. If you don’t have a smartphone or would prefer to use your desktop or laptop, BeyondNow is also available to use on our website. Do you have a safety plan? Do you have questions around how you might create one, or fill out some of the sections? This thread is for discussing ideas around creating a safety plan, and sharing tips about what has been most useful about this process for you. Below are two videos featuring Peter and Nic, who have both used safety plans successfully. Peter Nic

Sophie_M PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: posting in this section
  • replies: 0

Life gets pretty hard sometimes and many people in this online community have had times where they have thought about hurting themselves or ending their life. This can be a stressful and at times overwhelming experience, and this section is here to h... View more

Life gets pretty hard sometimes and many people in this online community have had times where they have thought about hurting themselves or ending their life. This can be a stressful and at times overwhelming experience, and this section is here to help members who have had these experiences. This is a place to share where you are at, seek ideas for help and know that you are not alone. We are here to create a safe environment for everyone. Please do not provide any details about any plans/ideas that you may have had to hurt yourself, and importantly, help us to understand if you are safe by letting us know in the post. Making comments that let us know that you are having thoughts, but are safe, helps us to know that your conversation can continue without interruption, and that we do not need to put any further follow up for you in place. This section will not be for everyone.It shows posts from people who are distressed, offers public replies to these posts, and encourages people to come back and share how they got past that difficult point in time - what worked, what didn’t and how they now approach these difficult thoughts. It is important to think about what you want from the forums, what information you need and what threads will be helpful to your situation, rather than reading everything that is posted. For some people this section might be difficult to read – if it is not helping how you feel, then please consider moving to another section. This section, like the rest of our forums, is closely monitored and all posts are reviewed by moderators before publication. Moderators will also ensure that anyone needing follow up will be provided with information about how to access further support. ​This section remains a discussion forum focused on helping each other through the dark times, it is not a crisis support service. Any posts that do not abide by the community rules will not be published. Unlike other areas of the forum, threads in this section will be closed after a period of one month of inactivity. If you are in crisis or need immediate help, assistance is not available via these forums. Please call Suicide Call Back 1300 659 467, Lifeline 13 11 14 or contact emergency services on 000.

All discussions

Confused_mind Help me
  • replies: 4

I am so lost with my mind, what is funny is my biggest fears in life is death and loosing reality but this year has really been tough on me. I have lost my child, been forced into retirement in my work field due to covid 19 haven’t been paid from wor... View more

I am so lost with my mind, what is funny is my biggest fears in life is death and loosing reality but this year has really been tough on me. I have lost my child, been forced into retirement in my work field due to covid 19 haven’t been paid from work for almost 4months and on top of that was stuck overseas since March (now back thank god) what I am worried about is that I am always thinking about death even though I am scared of it. I keep having weird thoughts about suicide E.G when I see a knife my mind goes 100miles and hr thinking about what if I died from that knife and I go into an panic attack over it and start freaking out why am I thinking about this. Is this suicide thoughts ? Is it just my anxiety I suffer from going into hyper drive. I don’t want to die but I think about it and freaks me out. I just want to be normal and think right again. I cried today for the first time in ages which makes me feel good but I just want to be the old me

yggdrasil Too much pain
  • replies: 20

Hi just a heads up first that I am safe and in control so no need to worry there. I just wanted to post here because things are really bad for me right now. I have attempted suicide twice over the last 10 years, with both attemps resulting in psych h... View more

Hi just a heads up first that I am safe and in control so no need to worry there. I just wanted to post here because things are really bad for me right now. I have attempted suicide twice over the last 10 years, with both attemps resulting in psych hospital stays. Over the last six months my life has fallen apart again and I'm just finding the pain unbearable. I lost my former step father to suicide last week, and am worried about my half siblings. I've also had a recent breakup and problems with my PhD. I've been able to cope better with the challenges of the last year better than in the past, in that I haven't attempted suicide and do not want to, but the pain has just been so relentless that I often wish I could end my life just to escape it. I just had a chat with my psych and now feel past the worst of it that made me start typing this post a few hours ago, but the pain remains. I'm going skating now as I find that usually helps a bit. I just have to find the strength to stand up and get out of the car. Thanks for reading and I hope you're all managing ok yourselves.

JustChaos Dont know what to do
  • replies: 3

I dont even know where to start so this may get real confusing... Im a middle aged male, 3 beautiful children to two ex partners. My most recent separation has really been a kick in the nuts, I left due to emotional abuse that has stuck with me and c... View more

I dont even know where to start so this may get real confusing... Im a middle aged male, 3 beautiful children to two ex partners. My most recent separation has really been a kick in the nuts, I left due to emotional abuse that has stuck with me and changed me. Im heavily introverted and struggle to make my own decisions now after being controlled for 8 years by someone else, my emotions are wildly out of wack where i find myself getting overly aggressive over minor inconveniences in life. At the same time I cant help but notice that no matter how hard i try nothing seems to go to plan. For the past week ive convinced myself that ending my life would be the best option, But then I see the smile on my childrens faces and it brings me to tears just thinking of leaving them. Im so torn between making a firm decision that im ready to leave but then imagining them when they realise theyll never see me again...I feel so selfish. I have delt with depression quite bad in the past, ive tried 4 different medications without success and one of the medications actually led to an attempt. I havent been back to the doctors at all, I dont want to keep trying multiple medications I just want to level my emotions out and control myself, control my life again... I feel so helpless, Even while writing this i feel its just a waste of time and that ive forgotten what i even wanted to get off my chest...

24yearoldgirl Hello
  • replies: 4

I haven’t posted online in a while, does anyone know of a mental illness that can effect facial abnormality? my temples are really pressed in, the right side of my mouth has dropped a little, I get headaches and overall weakness in my legs and arms..... View more

I haven’t posted online in a while, does anyone know of a mental illness that can effect facial abnormality? my temples are really pressed in, the right side of my mouth has dropped a little, I get headaches and overall weakness in my legs and arms.. been to hospital no help, sometimes I take a photo of myself, and I look kind of weird, I don’t look like my healthy normal self I went for a walk today and felt really great, then I got home and had suicidal thoughts again.. Started crying and got a really heavy ball feeling inside my head.. also found out from doctor, that I’m low in iron, on a supplement now.. can iron deficiency cause these problems? wouldn’t hurt myself, but I do pick the acne on my arms a lot. also if I’m doing really well on a project, I’ll delete it out of impulse, and then regret deleting it.

probablynotworthit New here, not sure why
  • replies: 7

Hello all, First of all i'm not really sure why i am writing this, i think at this point is more for me so i can actually try & make sense of my thoughts and why i feel and think like i do. I am male 43 y.o. I think it would be fair to say I had a ro... View more

Hello all, First of all i'm not really sure why i am writing this, i think at this point is more for me so i can actually try & make sense of my thoughts and why i feel and think like i do. I am male 43 y.o. I think it would be fair to say I had a rough childhood, ever since i can remember my father was physically, verbally, mentally & emotionally abusive. I was always told that i wasn't good enough & nothing i ever did was good enough. So i guess that is where all this started. So after struggling through my 20's with my issues, maybe that's a stretch, apart from being shy i think i had a fairly normal 20's, but there was always something there always something that held me back from getting married, having kids etc. I think it was because i didn't want to be a terrible husband and terrible father like i experienced and i would always end relationships when it seemed like i could get engaged or have kids. So, at 32 i met the most amazing woman who treated me like i had never been treated before, made me feel like the most important person in the world. A woman who listened to all problems and offered to help me find solutions and we did, i was happy. I should mention that she already had 3 children from a previous marriage & didn't want more, which for me was fine because didn't want to have children because of the environment i was bought up in. So all was good for a few years and then one weekend after the kids had gone back to their fathers she got a phone call from him, apparently one of the girls had said i touched her inappropriately, I will say that i am innocent and the thought is abhorrent to me. To say i was devastated and shocked would be an understatement. I remember for a month i didn't speak a word to her, i guess i blamed her for bringing the kids into my house. So long story short, police were involved, statements made, and there was no evidence but i had an AVO put on me. So after all that blew over and we were still together (per my request, i never had any further contact with her children) & life continues on im in therapy & on anti-depressants. Fast forward to 18 months ago and we break up & i am alone & lonely, with no friends, no-one to talk to & i basically go to work come home sit on the lounge & cry & when i've had enough of that i go to bed and cry until i fall asleep & repeat. I want to end it but i don't have the courage to do it, i dont even lock my doors anymore i lay in bed wishing someone would break in and kill me.

JStevens Left worse after asking for help
  • replies: 8

Asking for help when broken and distressed all people want to do is call the cops on you. It’s suggested many places talk to someone like doctor etc yet all that you get is when you try and talk and say how your feeling they just want to call cops on... View more

Asking for help when broken and distressed all people want to do is call the cops on you. It’s suggested many places talk to someone like doctor etc yet all that you get is when you try and talk and say how your feeling they just want to call cops on you and drag you to a mental ward. It leaves you not being able to trust anyone and more distressed an led distraught than when you started. Just because you struggle with immense pain and you feel like you can’t take anymore saying even that has cops and ambos called on. Your just pushed from one post to the next like your a burden and problem that your crazy even accused of being dangerous yet all you have done is cry and be so frightened that you end up being so distressed you can hardly breathe. I’m not a violent or cruel person at all. Asking for help has put me feeling so much worse because of how I have been treated from reaching out. It has made me feel more like the glass is about to break. I don’t understand the constant mixed messages or just because you show emotions and get to a point where you are struggling with those emotions your treated like a no hope deranged person. Yet all you have ever been is kind, thoughtful loving and caring person. i have never gone onto anything like this before so not sure if this is right or any good but it is my last try. I’ve tried everything else even psychologist who just ended up breaching my privacy and confidentiality without my permission. So I can’t trust anyone now that could link to my identity because I’m too frightened I wish asking for help hadn’t cause me to feel worse. Had I been the only one with such bad luck

Soulofthoughtz safety plan for pet
  • replies: 14

I was first diagnosed with bipolar and depression then changed to bpd I struggle with s idealisations. I would like to put a plan in place for my little mate(dog,puppy). He is such a wonderful companion and my biggest fear is if I fall to far into th... View more

I was first diagnosed with bipolar and depression then changed to bpd I struggle with s idealisations. I would like to put a plan in place for my little mate(dog,puppy). He is such a wonderful companion and my biggest fear is if I fall to far into the dark that he will end up in the pound and face a similar fate. I had considered looking to rehome him in the present but he is my little buddy and I would find it hard to let him go. What steps can I take to make sure my boy will always have a home.

pl515p1 The Fine Line
  • replies: 6

Yesterday I stupidly went into my father's room for the first time since I found him, I thought I was...but it was too overwhelming for me. And last night was possibly the deepest, crushing pain I have ever felt, for the first time I wanted it to go ... View more

Yesterday I stupidly went into my father's room for the first time since I found him, I thought I was...but it was too overwhelming for me. And last night was possibly the deepest, crushing pain I have ever felt, for the first time I wanted it to go away so much, I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. I told my counsellor today what I thought about, and also what I had written down during the night, as I seemingly had tied up loose ends and thanked people in a letter I wrote, presumably to sort out my affairs in preparation of something. She was immediately concerned, and asked me if this was a cry for help and if she should call an ambulance. This is where I am confused, I myself do not know why I have penned a 5 page letter like this, I wrote it in the midst of excruciating pain and grief, I did not want to be here anymore at that time because the pain was too much, but I don't want to die either. I don't think not wanting to be here is the same as actively wanting my life to end, if my life was threatened or in danger I would fight for my life, I know dad would never give up, and he would not want me to give up, I was thinking how dad would react if he found me, if he found me that way it would destroy him. I can see him trying to wake me up and falling apart crying, as I was when I found him, I don't want to hurt dad, I Dad went through far too much for me to throw it all away. I think telling her and showing her my letter actually means I want to fight to stay, fight through the pain. I have never in my life felt this way, I could have threw it all away in that moment, a scary feeling I hope I never feel again. My GP offered me sleeping aid today, I declined, I think that was wise. Is this normal for trauma and grief? I have never lost someone so close before, my thoughts and emotions are out of control, I can be ok one moment, and then some smell or sound sparks my synapses, and sends my senses into freefall, I cry so hard my nose flows like a tap, I breathe so rapidly I feel as if I am about to pass out. I have tried to breathe slowly and close my eyes, time can seem to stand still whenever it feels malicious, mocking you with each second.

Random_Nickname My wife is threatening self harm, and I am part of the reason why
  • replies: 2

My wife of 7 years suffers from depression and anxiety. She has attempted self-harm on a number of occasions. I have had to physically prevent her from self harming. She has a lot of stress in her life. She has a stressful job with a heavy workload a... View more

My wife of 7 years suffers from depression and anxiety. She has attempted self-harm on a number of occasions. I have had to physically prevent her from self harming. She has a lot of stress in her life. She has a stressful job with a heavy workload and bosses who don't seem to understand just how stressed she is. She has ongoing problems with her family. She has ongoing health issues, including having lost 2 babies over the past 5 years. We also have problems of our own, and I will be completely honest about them. We married in 2013 despite having already had fights. In 2011, early in our relationship, I went on a holiday to Europe I already had booked without her, and I was unfaithful while I was over there. (I am not proud if this at all, and yes I am aware of how wrong that was.) She knows about this and it often still does cause problems. I have also witheld my true feelings at times causing her to feel placated, like she can't make me happy, despite my insistence to the contrary. And I can be absent minded at times too, which doesn't help either. She was diagnosed with depression and anxiety a few years ago, and has had some counselling, which often ended up becoming more about the issues with her family than her actual anxiety. As I said, there have been times when I have had to physically restrain her from self harming. This evening a small spat over what to have for dinner turned into a full blown fight ending in her saying she wants to leave me so she can plan to end her life. Now, I freely acknowledge that my own stupid actions in the past have played a role in her feeling this way, and I accept responsibility for that. I try to lighten her stress by helping her out wherever possible. We have had similar fights before. I try to talk to her about it but she is determined to believe life is not worth living. Anything I offer to show she has something to live for she will counter. Besides more counselling (we don't have much money despite us both working full time, so I don't know how to make that happen) I am lost. Despite having been a less than perfect husband I care for her, I really do, and wish I knew what more I can do to help her. She seems ok for now, but doesn't want to talk to me at the moment, so I am keeping a respectful distance but being ready to intervene if I need to.